Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 56.2

The Ancestor’s spiritual awareness effortlessly penetrated the protective barrier, observing the movements inside the secret chamber.

Qin Deming’s entire being was already enveloped in a cocoon of spiritual energy.

Wrapped in it…

The Ancestor’s expression turned serious as he raised his hand and cast a boundary outside the protective barrier.

Then he turned towards the crowd. “Silence! Leave!”

The Ancestor’s voice was supremely authoritative, tinged with a hint of spiritual pressure.

Instantly, everyone felt as though their throats had been gripped, unable to utter a word, and they dispersed.

Once they had gone, the Ancestor descended and approached Luo Xian.

She bowed respectfully, and the Ancestor nodded in acknowledgment.

His first words, however, were directed at Qin Ruqing, “Where is Qingqing?”

Luo Xian hesitated briefly, then gestured towards the chamber.

The Ancestor walked inside and upon seeing Qin Ruqing, immediately asked, “Girl, how did your father suddenly manage to build his foundation?”

Qin Ruqing, unsurprised to see the Ancestor, chuckled and used the same explanation, “I found a Small BreakingPill.”

The corner of the Ancestor’s mouth twitched.

A Small Breaking Pill, and she found it?

“Really found it?” the Ancestor asked.

Qin Ruqing folded her hands behind her back, nodded, smiled faintly, and nodded again more emphatically.

The Ancestor sighed helplessly, glared at her, but didn’t press further.

Despite this, a hint of joy couldn’t help but show on her face. “Your father’s luck is indeed remarkable. Although there’s a chance the Small Breaking Pill can be used as a Foundation-building pill, the probability is so low it’s usually disregarded. I didn’t expect your father to trigger it.”

With the Ancestor’s insight, he could clearly see that Qin Deming had overcome the most difficult hurdle, and the time ahead would be about solidifying his foundation.

In other words, Qin Deming had successfully built most of his foundation becoming a Foundation Establishment Stage.

Qin Ruqing suppressed a smile and said no more.

But she couldn’t deny, Qin Ruqing estimated, that today was probably the luckiest day for her father since he became Clan Leader.

The rest of the time had been mostly unlucky.

Looking at it this way, he used his luck twice in the most crucial moments.

It’s hard to say if he’s lucky or unlucky.

Or perhaps, his misfortunes are actually accumulating luck.

When the luck accumulates enough, he suddenly hits a jackpot, gains a huge advantage, and then continues with misfortunes?

Thinking about it this way doesn’t seem too bad…

However, Qin Ruqing shivered at the thought of her own misfortunes, like stepping on dog poop when leaving the house.

Ha, she dismissed that thought coldly.

This miraculous constitution thing must be something her dear father had to deal with himself.

She could still occasionally benefit from it after washing her hands a few times.

At the very least, she could rely on a safety net.

Even noobs knew not to participate in activities without a safety net.

Qin Ruqing refocused her thoughts and leaned closer to the Patriarch. “Heh heh, Ancestor, why did you come out of seclusion?”

The Ancestor glanced at her. “With such a big commotion from your father building his foundation, could I not come out?”

To be honest, she had been somewhat startled at first, thinking the Zhang family might have come for revenge and was ready to break into the Qin family’s net.

But upon arriving, she found out it was Qin Deming building his foundation.

Qin Ruqing smiled and, seeing the situation in the secret chamber stabilize, guided the Ancestor to sit down. “Ancestor, how’s your recovery going? Is the bottleneck still unbreakable?”

At the mention of this, the Ancestor furrowed her brow. “I’m still missing one medicine; the fire poison remains unresolved. Without curing this poison, I’ll forever be stuck in foundation establishment stage and unable to form a core.”

Qin Ruqing nodded, poured a cup of spirit milk tea for the Ancestor, and tentatively suggested, “In that case, Ancestor, why don’t we go to the Southern Jungle again?”

“You mean to retrieve…” The Patriarch immediately frowned. “Absolutely not! The risks of getting Ice-Fire Dual Grass is Unimaginable”

“Beside the Ice-Fire Dual Grass, there’s a Golden Core stage demonic beast guarding it, something our Qin family currently cannot contend with.”

Qin Ruqing shook her head. “Ancestor, I’m not suggesting we retrieve it, but rather go and observe quietly to assess the situation of that herb without startling the snake.”

“Consider this: you’re restricted by the fire poison and unable to form a core. Without forming a core, you stand no chance against that Golden Core Stage demonic beast. It’s a complete deadlock. Are we really going to sit back and wait for death?”

“Wouldn’t it be better to go and check? It’s been many years since our last expedition to the Southern Jungle. Who knows if the herb is still there? What if the Golden Core stage demonic beast couldn’t resist and ate the herb? Or what if it moved away from guarding the herb?”

Ancestor Wenxuan was speechless.

Honestly, what Qin Ruqing suggested was something she had never considered.

Yet upon closer thought, she had to admit she made sense.

Furthermore, Qin Ruqing continued, “Once my father builds his foundation, we will have three foundation establishment in our family. I’m not suggesting we directly retrieve the herb, but just assess the situation around it, which poses minimal risk. If we ever decide to retrieve it, we would need a well-planned and thorough strategy. It wouldn’t be a rash decision.”

After pondering for a while, the Ancestor sighed, “Let’s wait until your father emerges.”

However, after spending so much time by the Ancestor’s side, Qin Ruqing could easily read her intentions.

She knew she had persuaded her.

She smiled knowingly and said no more.

On the third day, the commotion inside the secret chamber completely subsided.

The stone door opened, and Qin Deming walked out, looking bewildered.

In other words, he had successfully built his foundation. and become Foundation Establishment Stage.

“How did I build my foundation… I really built it!”

My daughter’s saying “choose the day rather than waiting for the day” really worked!

He managed to trigger the one in a million chance, and the entire process of building the foundation went smoothly without a hitch.

Qin Deming felt a surreal sense of disbelief.

Qin Ruqing stood at the doorway, hands behind her back, smiling. “Dad, congratulations! You’ve built your foundation! and become Foundation Establishment Stage!”

From now on, you are the rightful Clan Leader of the Qin family, and no one will dare to ridicule you anymore.

Qin Deming was almost moved to tears by this “congratulations, Dad.”

He adjusted his emotions and sighed, “Daughter, thanks to listening to you that day, I started breaking through the foundation barrier with all my might.

I had a strange premonition that if I missed that day, not only would I have been unable to build my foundation, but even advancing to a higher realm might have become difficult.”

Qin Ruqing suppressed a smile.

Of course, once in every ten years (or more), right after a stroke of luck, one would definitely hit a streak of bad luck.

But now wasn’t the time for idle talk.

She walked over and hugged her dear father’s arm.

Qin Ruqing spoke seriously, “Dad, there are people waiting for you outside. Remember, when you go out later and people ask how you built your foundation, just say you suddenly had a feeling, a strong feeling that today was the day for successful breakthrough to Foundation Establishment. You couldn’t resist trying it out and miraculously succeeded.”

After hearing his daughter’s instructions, Qin Deming thought the reason was even more unbelievable than finding the Small Breaking Pill.

Feeling the urge to build a foundation just came like that, and he couldn’t resist it.

Qin Deming said, “If I really say that, those people won’t believe it and will they be mad at me?” asked, sounding worried.

That was just asking for trouble.

Qin Ruqing’s eyes sparkled with pride. “Now that you’ve built your foundation and become Foundation Establishment Stage and become the Clan Leader of the Qin family, who would dare to lay a hand on you? You can say whatever reason you like. Can they even question you?”

Qin Deming sighed.

She was right.

Now that he had built his foundation, he could hold his head high.

Who would dare to criticize him?

While the main branch had long been dominant, no one in the Qin family dared to provoke them anymore.

But Qin Deming himself, despite being the Clan Leader, often felt insecure due to his lower cultivation level.

But now that he become Foundation Establishment Stage, what else was there to worry about?

Qin Deming’s expression suddenly turned serious.

He straightened his posture as the Clan Leader.

Adjusting his sleeves and folding his hands behind his back, he said to Qin Ruqing, “Wait here for a moment, my dear. I’ll be right back.”

With that, he confidently strode out.

Qin Ruqing couldn’t help but chuckle to herself. “Dad, seeing you acting all dignified as the Clan Leader is making me want to laugh!”

Outside, people had been waiting eagerly for quite some time.

When they saw Qin Deming, they quickly sensed his aura and their faces lit up with surprise and joy.

“Clan Leader, you’ve built your foundation!”

“Congratulations, Clan Leader, on becoming Foundation Establishment Stage!”

“Congratulations, Clan Leader, hehe!”

After receiving congratulations from everyone, An Elder finally asked, “Clan Leader, how did you manage to build your foundation so quietly all of a sudden?”

Remembering his daughter’s advice, Qin Deming stroked his beard thoughtfully.

Then, he put on an expression that seemed to mix surprise with happiness and a hint of confusion.

“Actually, I’m not entirely sure how it happened… I finished my morning cultivation routine as usual and was in the middle of discussing matters shortly afterward. Suddenly, I had this strong feeling that today was the day I could successfully build my foundation.”

As he spoke, Qin Deming’s expression of confusion deepened.

He wasn’t entirely faking it.

The past few days had been truly perplexing.

His own confusion inadvertently puzzled those around him as well.

Qin Deming said, “The feeling became stronger and stronger, almost overwhelming. I thought, as a cultivator, maybe this was a divine revelation from heaven. So, I decided to try it out, and unexpectedly, it worked.”

Others were confused, ‘Are you joking? Cultivation success doesn’t happen by accident.’

‘And when does heaven give revelations based on whether you cultivate or not? Is heaven that idle? And why didn’t we get any revelation?’

Some thought Qin Deming was making excuses, maybe hiding some treasure.

But surprisingly, some believed him and asked curiously, “Clan Leader, was there anything special on the day you got this revelation? We want to learn from it.”

Qin Deming sighed emotionally, “Well, if you call it special, that day before leaving home… I found a spirit stone.”

“I’ve never seen money on the ground in my entire life. Finding a spirit stone suddenly made me deeply emotional!”

The crowd was speechless.

Suddenly, someone pushed through the crowd and nervously said, “Clan Leader, I’m Qin San from the 48th alchemy hall. A few days ago, you found the spirit stone in the corridor… It was actually mine. Could you please return it?”

Initially, as an alchemy hall steward, he didn’t bother retrieving the lost spirit stone.

But now, feeling sentimental about it, he wanted it back.

Qin Deming was surprised, “It’s just a spirit stone. Are you really asking for it?”

“Clan Leader, I also lost…”

“Wow, turns out I also lost a spirit stone, Clan Leader!”

Qin Deming fell silent, unsure how to respond.


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