Madam, She Has A Tender Heart
Madam, She Has A Tender Heart Chapter 45: Don’t Take It Seriously

Lu Shengcai said in a hoarse voice: “Do you think so low about your dad? I don’t even want my own grandchildren? Don’t worry, as long as Dad has something to eat, they will have something to eat as well.”

“That’s good, you’d better do what you say.”

Lu Shengcai was a little angry: “You little bastard, you don’t believe what your own dad said!”

Lu Bocheng avoided his gaze: “Huh. Also, tell Wu Shi not to interfere with my grandparents’ land and house. I have given them to my wife and have transferred them to her. If she is not with us in the future, let her take them away as her dowry.”


“Also, don’t interfere with what she wants to do in the future. If she doesn’t want to live at home anymore and wants to live outside, you are not allowed to stop her. Just treat it as a separation.”

“What are you talking about? How can a young wife live alone outside? Our family has not split up.”

Lu Bocheng raised his head and said, “Then you can think of it as a split up! Otherwise, you can split up the family before I leave. I’m afraid your wife Wu won’t agree! Once the family is split up, if there is another conscription, your son who hopes to change his family status may have to go to the battlefield like me to risk his life. Splitting up the family is better for my wife to live alone. I don’t think Wu Shi is willing to let her live alone.”

Lu Shengcai was blocked by his words and had to agree.

The father and son fell silent again.

Lu Shengcai looked at this son who was already much taller than him, thinking about how he was born, how he grew up little by little in the cradle, and how he was now, and then he was angry with him every day…

He was about to leave and might never see him again, and he suddenly felt a little sad.

Thinking of the fifty taels of silver he had just given him, he didn’t know if the fifty taels of silver were enough for him. He said, “How about I go get you another fifty taels?”

Lu Bocheng looked at him deeply, then looked away: “Keep it. Don’t be stupid and give it all to heartless people. When you are old and lying in bed unable to move, no one will take care of you. When you have no money to make a living, no one will respond to you even if you call for help.”

“You kid, you think so badly of your brothers.”

“Humph, I’m afraid that no one will take care of you when you are old, and you will think of your eldest son who doesn’t know how to live when you lie in bed.”

Lu Shengcai wanted to say something to him, but when he looked up, he saw his eyes were red, so he quickly looked away and said in a muffled voice: “Dad knows what’s going on.”

Just as he was about to say something else, he opened his mouth and saw Lu Bocheng turn around and leave, waving at him as he walked: “It’s okay to know what’s going on. Go to bed early when you are old.”

This kid. He hadn’t finished speaking yet.

A person must take good care of himself and not rush forward stupidly, no matter what, you must come back alive, even if you are lame or have broken arms, and Dad won’t laugh at you.

Lü Shengcai sat in the study room for half the night, then turned back to his room.

Seeing that Wu Shi was still awake, he did not say much, took off his clothes, and climbed onto the bed to sleep.

Wu Shi stood up and made way for him, asking him, “Did you give him money? How much did you give?”

Lü Shengcai got on the bed and lay down facing inwards, pulling up the quilt, and said in a muffled voice, “I already gave him money a few days ago, give him more! Our money doesn’t just grow on trees.”

Seeing that the father and son had been talking in the study room for so long, Wu Shi was nervous, and when she heard that Lü Shengcai did not give Lü Bocheng money, she raised the corner of her mouth. She also got on the bed.

“You work so hard outside. Tomorrow I will tell the children to be frugal. Only when you manage the household do you know how expensive firewood and rice are. Bozu also said today that there will be a poetry gathering in the county in a few days and he needs money. I said it’s not easy for you to make money, so I asked him to turn it down.”

“Yeah. But you should not stop the child from making progress. If he thinks it is useful, let him go. The family can’t be without money for his studies.”

“My dear, you are right.” Wu Shi’s mouth corners rose, she agreed, turned around, and hugged Lu Shengcai.

On the other side, Lu Bocheng walked around the yard alone, calmed down, and then went into the room.

Seeing Su Qingyu busy in the room, he felt warm in his heart.

“Why aren’t you asleep yet?”

“I’m packing your luggage.”

Lu Bocheng walked over and took a look: “Hasn’t everything been packed? Just travel light. I’d feel bad if I brought so much and it was taken away by others.”

Su Qingyu rolled her eyes at him: “It’s just some medicine, clothes, shoes, and socks, how much can it be? Where are the things you need to fight?”

Lu Bocheng dragged out a bundle to show her.

Su Qingyu saw a black and inconspicuous soft whip, a gray soft armor, and a dagger in it.

Seeing Su Qingyu’s calm eyes, Lu Bocheng said: “Don’t look at them as inconspicuous. This soft armor is made of python skin. Ordinary swords and guns cannot pierce it, and ordinary fire cannot burn it. It is a really good thing, just like this dagger that can cut hair. They are all given to me by my master for self-defense. Look at this soft whip, it can be used as a belt and a weapon, you see…”

Su Qingying then saw that he inadvertently triggered a mechanism, causing the soft whip to unfurl with sharp spikes all over it! It was powerful—if it struck someone, it could tear through flesh and skin!

Su Qingyu praised it, moved closer to touch it, and was impressed by the craftsmanship of the craftsmen of this era.

“Did that Zhang Dachui make it?” 

Lu Bocheng nodded: “If you have something to make in the future, go to him, his craftsmanship is very good. But don’t tell anyone, the master said he doesn’t want people to know.”

Su Qingyu nodded. 

This soft whip was worn on the waist, and most people won’t notice it. Wearing soft armor on the body, no one would snatch it away. The inconspicuous dagger should not be snatched away by others. Su Qingyu was relieved immediately.  Turning back to tell him what she prepared.  “Wear this inner garment. I have sewed silver bills on the corners and wrapped them with oilcloth. You can open them and use them when you need them. They are all small amounts. In case you can’t find a place to exchange them, I also sewed a few gold beans inside. If it gets dirty, just take off the outer coat and wash it. Just dry the inner garment in the sun.” 


“I have prepared several pairs of shoes. They are all thick-soled and have many layers. They are durable. I have thickened the elbows and other joints of this outer garment to make it wear-resistant. Don’t think it’s stuffy. Such thick cloth is wear-resistant and durable… I made several silk inner garments for you. You can change them and wear them even if you have soft armor…” 


Su Qingyu was about to say something else when she was hugged tightly by that guy.  She paused and wanted to push him away, but he hugged her tightly. Seeing that he was in a low mood, Su Qingyu let him do what he wanted. 

Lu Bocheng buried his head in her shoulder blade and said in a muffled voice: “Woman, you can’t stay away from home just because I’m not here, okay? You have to wait for me at home, I will definitely come back. If I find out that you are having an affair, I will never let you go even if I become a ghost!” 

Su Qingmei pinched his waist hard when she heard it: “I’m talking about you. You are having an affair outside.” 

“I can’t even save my life, were can have an affair.” 

Su Qingmei ignored him and let him hold her. 

After a while, she heard him say in a muffled voice: “If, I mean if, if I can’t come back, you should remarry. Don’t stay alone in the Lu family and look at Wu Shi’s face. She won’t treat you well.” 


Seeing that she agreed, Lu Bocheng raised his head and looked at her steadily: “Do you really want to remarry?” 

“Didn’t you ask me to remarry?” 

“I was just talking casually, and you took it seriously?” 

“I took it seriously.” 

“You stinky woman!” 

(End of this chapter)

T/N What a cute banter!!

Chaitali Das[Translator]

Hi, A mom of two sons who is obsessed with Cnovels, Kdrama and cooking. And now my interest also includes making the MTL's of the novels I read more legible, use AI to generate image for my chapters and of course will love to hear from fellow booklovers. I unlock one chapter each from my two novels that have paid chapters. If I don't unlock one in a week, the consecutive week will have two.

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