Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 62.1

“Elder, can you see if this item is useful?”

The Fifth Elder of Celestial Bureau was slightly surprised but, being experienced in handling significant matters, he took the small crystal bottle containing the red liquid.

From the outside, the red liquid in the bottle resembled blood…

But why would someone give him blood?

Instinctively, the Fifth Elder wanted to open the bottle, but Qin Ruqing smiled and cautioned, “Be careful, Elder, this substance is highly attractive to Demon beasts.”

Highly attractive to Demon beasts…

The Fifth Elder’s eyes flickered.

He raised his hand and cast a barrier to isolate the area before opening the bottle.

As soon as he opened it, a divine fragrance, as refreshing as lotus flowers, filled the air, calming his senses.

The Fifth Elder, puzzled, asked, “What is this?”

Qin Ruqing calmly replied, “It’s a special medicinal blood formulated by the Qin family.”

She looked a bit embarrassed and continued, “To be honest, the recent agitation of those two Golden Core stage mythical beasts running towards the outskirts is partly related to my Qin family.”

Her words startled the others.

The Fifth Elder was surprised.

He had suspected this situation earlier, but he didn’t expect this girl to admit it so openly.

Wasn’t she afraid of punishment for deceiving the Celestial Bureau?

Qin Deming and Qin Dexin, on the other hand, were surprised that Qin Ruqing claimed her own blood was Secret Medicine and openly admitted the Qin family’s actions.

The two Qin family members exchanged a glance but did nothing.

Regardless, Qin Ruqing was known for being smart.

She must have her reasons for doing this.

The Fifth Elder said, “How is it related?”

As expected, Qin Ruqing explained, “Elder must know that our ancestor was injured by a Frost Flame Beast during a beast tide and was poisoned by its fire toxin. The antidote needed is the Ice and Fire Dual Grass.”

Qin Ruqing sighed, “But that Ice and Fire Dual Grass is guarded by the Cold Flame Beast, and the Qin family lacks the strength to take it by force, so we had to use some tricks. This bottle of medicinal blood was specially formulated by our clan’s alchemists. It is highly attractive to mythical beasts and also has some healing properties.”

“The Qin family feels guilty for deceiving the Elder and offers this medicinal blood, hoping it can help in capturing the Demon beasts. As for the punishment, the Qin family is willing to accept any decision.”


The Fifth Elder turned the crystal bottle in his hand, smiling inwardly.

This girl had carefully chosen her words to avoid punishment.

Thinking this, he said sternly, “The Qin family collecting the herb to heal their ancestor is perfectly reasonable.

Those two Demon beasts fighting and trying to escape the forest was not the Qin family’s fault.

Moreover, the Qin family reported the forest disturbance promptly, preventing a major disaster.

Therefore, the Qin family is not only blameless but commendable.”

Hearing this, Qin Deming roughly understood his daughter’s intentions.

The next part was just formalities, better handled by an elder like him.

Qin Deming quickly shook his head, “Elder, the Qin family reporting the forest disturbance was our duty.

Providing medicinal blood and assisting the Celestial Bureau in capturing the Demon beasts is also our responsibility. We do not deserve such praise.”

And so, the conversation continued with mutual compliments, and the Qin family’s minor mistake was forgiven.

The issue was smoothly glossed over.

Qin Ruqing quietly stepped back and exchanged a glance with her third aunt, both smiling.

The Qin family originally had a solid reason for inviting the Celestial Bureau , and he had to come.

However, despite the sound reasoning, the Qin family did somewhat take advantage of the Fifth Elder, making him clean up their mess.

The Fifth Elder might not blame them, but he would certainly remember this incident.

Qin Ruqing had already discussed with the Ancestor how to compensate or curry favor with the Fifth Elder.

Unexpectedly, a bigger issue arose: a crack had appeared in the barrier between the human realm and the beast realm, allowing many Demon beasts to flood through!

This situation could become a massive issue, and the Elders of Celestial Bureau must have been frantic, trying to find a way to cover it up.

The fact that the Qin family noticed it first and reported the initial forest disturbance gave them a unique position.

Originally, Qin Ruqing was worried about how to appease the Fifth Elder to avoid any lingering resentment.

But now, with this new development, it was like someone had handed her a pillow when she was dozing off!

Qin Ruqing couldn’t possibly let this opportunity slip by.

She seized the chance to offer the Director a discreet solution: “Our Qin family will quietly help you cover this up and won’t report it, so could you overlook the matter of us using you to clean up our mess?”

This effectively tied the Fifth Elder to their cause.

Qin Ruqing figured that after resolving this issue, the Fifth Elder might even reward them.

Qin Ruqing’s plan was so transparent that even her third aunt could sense it.

While it was uncomfortable to be on the receiving end of Qin Ruqing’s cunning plan, seeing it used on outsiders felt oddly satisfying!

Over the next period, the Qin family, the Fifth Elder, and the record officer who arrived later worked together to clean up the aftermath.

Ancestor Wenxuan also “arrived,” although she had never left.

After securing the herb, she intentionally waited an extra day before appearing, claiming she had come to help upon hearing the news.

The medicinal blood provided by Qin Ruqing proved extremely useful.

The two Elders from the Celestial Bureau were astonished by its incredible attraction to mythical beasts.

The Qin family’s Ancestor, Ancestor Wenxuan, suggested heating the medicinal blood to enhance its effect, which worked incredibly well.

The scent became so strong that nearly half of the forest’s Demon beasts were drawn to it, creating a terrifying scene.

Even the powerful Peak Golden Core Stage Fifth Elder , wielding a mysterious artifact, struggled to maintain control.

Despite the danger, Fifth Elder valiantly managed to capture the demon beasts in a golden bowl and sealed them back in the crack.

Later, the Fifth Elfer and his subordinate young man worked on temporarily sealing the crack.

However, completely fixing the crack was beyond even the Fifth Elder’s ability.

Rumor had it that the matter had been reported to the Fifth Elder’s Celestial Family, and a Nascent Soul cultivator would be dispatched to address the issue.

If the crack is too large and difficult to repair, it will need to be reported even higher up.

Qin Ruqing internally complained about the inefficiency, but then realized it might be the same everywhere.

At least the crack was temporarily sealed.

Later, the young man record officer visited Qin Ruqing, not for any trouble, but because of the medicinal blood.

The Celestial Bureau found the Qin family’s medicinal blood very useful and wanted to place a bulk order.

They even suggested buying the formula if the Qin family was willing.

Qin Ruqing was stunned.

Bulk purchase of medicinal blood? That would be like buying my life in bulk!

That small bottle of “medicinal blood” was specially concocted for capturing Demon beasts and preventing accidents.

It was already diluted, and Qin Ruqing worried about potential issues if the blood got out.

She had added many rare ingredients to complicate its composition so that even the Fifth Elder of Celestial Bureau couldn’t identify the original contents.

It was called “medicinal blood” for a reason.

Qin Ruqing never lies.

She had thought of using the medicinal blood to help the Director and gain his favor, but bulk purchasing?

Qin Ruqing shook her head vigorously and refused outright: “Not for sale.”

I can find a hundred ways to please the Celestial Bureau without risking my own life.

The Young man was surprised by her firm refusal, as few would reject the Celestial Bureau’s face.

Many would even offer it as a gift to the Celestial Bureau.

Qin Ruqing’s expression was complicated, and her tone was sorrowful, “Elder, the Qin family truly can’t sell it! The formula is complex and involves ancestral alchemy techniques. Although the Qin family is small, we haven’t fallen to the point of selling our ancestral recipes.”

The Young man was skeptical.

Ancestral recipes?

They knew the Qin family’s history well.

Even if it were the prominent Qin family of Yingzhou, they wouldn’t be so desperate as to refuse selling recipes.

But it was clear the Qin family didn’t want to sell.

The young man decided to let it go. The Celestial Bureau didn’t lack good things.

Once the Demon beasts were captured, the Qin family’s role was over.

The responsibility of repairing the crack fell to the Celestial Bureau .

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