Transmigrated into a Pregnant Mother of a Villain
Transmigrated into a Pregnant Mother of a Villain Chapter 12

The main customer, Tan Yue, is the wealthy man who donated the teaching building to Dongyang Elementary School.

Tan Yue first explained his purpose, which, as expected, was because Principal Qiu had given him a basket of vegetables grown by Xu Han’s family.

He fell in love with these legendary rural green foods and came back on a Saturday to buy more after getting the address from Principal Qiu.

Rich people are like this; they get tired of luxurious foods and start to return to nature, even traveling thousands of miles to places like this just to buy some vegetables to eat.

Someone like Xu Han, who lacks ambition, wouldn’t even bother to pick up a bear’s paw if it were a thousand miles away in the mountains.

When Tan Yue met the vegetable grower, he was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped, even though he had seen a lot in his life.

The grower turned out to be a young woman who looked about 25 years old, and she was quite beautiful, with a natural radiance that surpassed that of TV stars.

Tan Yue couldn’t help but admire how the beautiful landscape nurtured such a lovely person.

Xu Han felt that Tan Yue’s name sounded familiar, likely a character from a book she had read, but she couldn’t recall exactly who he was.

Tan Yue seemed to be around the same age as Gu Yanqing but had a completely different demeanor.

Gu Yanqing was cool and aloof, while Tan Yue was warm and gentle, with a refined appearance and a gentlemanly manner.

Interacting with Gu Yanqing could make people feel wary, but being with Tan Yue made one feel genuinely comfortable.

Due to Tan Yue’s polite and gentle manner, Xu Han had a good impression of him and received him warmly.

“Mr. Tan, have some tea,” Xu Han said, pouring him a cup.

“Thank you,” Tan Yue took a sip of the freshly brewed green tea, its clear and elegant aroma filling his mouth.

He closed his eyes slightly and said, “Good tea.”

“I’m glad you like it, Mr. Tan.”

“Did you make this tea yourself?”

“No, I bought it from a factory in town. It’s spring tea, but they don’t sell it now. You’ll have to wait until spring. If you like it, I’ll give you a box later.”

Tan Yue smiled and nodded, “Thank you.”

At this time, Grandma Qiao had taken Koukou to visit relatives, so Xu Han didn’t have to look after the child.

She smiled and said, “Mr. Tan, please sit for a while. I’ll go to the field and pick the vegetables for you.”

Tan Yue calmly replied, “No rush. I’ll finish this tea and go with you.”

Xu Han glanced outside, “It just rained, your shoes might get dirty.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Seeing that Tan Yue didn’t mind, Xu Han didn’t say anything more.

After all, her vegetable garden was always open for visitors.

She sat down and chatted with him for a while.

When Tan Yue finally finished his tea, they went to the vegetable garden together.

“Miss Qiao, you have so many vegetables growing here. It must be hard to sell them all in this area, right?”

As Tan Yue toured Xu Han’s garden, he saw that all the fruits and vegetables in the two gardens were ripe and would soon rot if not harvested.

Thinking of their deliciousness, he felt it was a great pity.

Xu Han sighed and said, “I didn’t expect them to grow so well. I guess I’ll have to make pickles or dry some vegetables.”

Little Kouko’s Spiritual urine had caused the vegetables to grow rapidly, filling the garden with lush greenery.

She had given a lot to her neighbors in the village and supplied the school as much as she could, but there were still plenty left.

Moreover, winter was the best season for growing vegetables in the countryside, and everyone in the village had their own gardens full of vegetables, making it even harder for her to sell hers.

Villagers liked to make pickles or dry vegetables when they had more than they could eat.

Pickles were fine and could be tasty, but Xu Han really didn’t like dried vegetables, as no matter how she cooked them, they always had a dried taste.

Tan Yue smiled warmly and said, “Actually, Miss Qiao, you don’t have to limit yourself to selling within the village. These vegetables would be more suitable for people outside.”

Xu Han knew that selling to outsiders would be more profitable, but being deep in the mountains, the transportation costs would be high, and the vegetables might spoil before they even arrived.

“I’m planning to take some to the market in town and see how they sell.”

Tan Yue shook his head. “That’s too troublesome. There’s actually a shortcut.”

A shortcut?

Xu Han’s eyes lit up.

She picked a big, plump tomato and eagerly handed it to Tan Yue, looking at him with a hopeful expression.

Tan Yue couldn’t help but laugh as he took the tomato from her.

He then generously shared his advice.

“I noticed that there’s a farmhouse restaurant in your town that seems to be doing well. You could supply your vegetables to them.

They can cook your vegetables for their guests. When the guests find that the vegetables taste much better than what they usually eat in the city, they’ll want to buy some.

You can persuade the restaurant owner to sell both cooked and raw vegetables, allowing him to earn an easy profit from the difference. Isn’t that a way to sell to outsiders?”

Xu Han realized she hadn’t thought of this idea.

“Moreover, if you have the funds, you could open your own restaurant in town. I see that your town has been developing its tourism industry in recent years, and the ‘Moon Temple,’ which is said to be quite effective, is being renovated. Once it’s done, many single people seeking love will come, and that’s a huge business opportunity.”

Xu Han brushed her hair back and said, “That’s a bit too ambitious for me at this stage.”

“No, no, no. To succeed, you must dare to think big and act boldly,” Tan Yue, now in full entrepreneur mode, spoke passionately. “If I were you, I wouldn’t just open a restaurant; I’d create a brand. For example, dehydrated vegetable snacks are very popular now. Your vegetables are delicious and organic, so you could build a strong reputation and grow it into a personal brand, right?”

Xu Han had never considered these ideas. She lacked business acumen and was hesitant to think big.

She preferred to take things one step at a time, ensuring each step was stable.

But Tan Yue was different. As a businessman, he had a far-reaching vision.

Even with just a garden of vegetables, he could see vast opportunities.

And he presented his ideas convincingly…

Xu Han found herself getting excited by Tan Yue’s words.

Could she really make a fortune and reach the peak of her life through this?

“I’m just not very good at doing business,” Xu Han admitted honestly.

She felt that she had ideas but lacked vision and couldn’t think that far ahead.

“No one is born knowing how to do business. Miss Qiao, you’re smart and talented, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to learn,” Tan Yue took out a business card, flashing a perfect smile. “If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.”

“Oh, okay.” Xu Han took the card with both hands and glanced at the elegant card that read “Chairman of Shangfu Group.”

Shangfu Group…

It sounded familiar, but Xu Han couldn’t recall where she had heard of it.

“Is there a problem?” Tan Yue asked, seeing her stare at the card.

“No,” Xu Han felt she had been rude. She put away the card and said, “Thank you.”

“No need to thank me, Miss Qiao.”

Tan Yue had driven himself, and he loaded his car with a full trunk of vegetables.

The back seat was also filled, indicating he intended to share them with others.

Before leaving, Tan Yue gave Xu Han a meaningful look and said, “Miss Qiao, I look forward to our next meeting.”

Xu Han waved at him, “Take care, Mr. Tan.”

After Tan Yue left, Xu Han happily counted the stack of cash in her hands, then swiftly caught the yellow weasel, nicknamed “Huang Daxian,” that was darting past her.

Huang Daxian looked displeased as Xu Han held it in her arms and gave it a good petting. “You seem to be quite lucky. How about helping me fulfill my second wish?”

Ever since Huang Daxian had been upgraded from a wild animal to a pet, Xu Han had discovered a new hobby—petting Huang Daxian.

Despite being a wild weasel, Huang Daxian had incredibly soft fur, making it feel like a fluffy ball, satisfying her desire to pet any furry animal.

Huang Daxian rolled its eyes as Xu Han rubbed it, and finally, in retaliation, it let out a foul-smelling fart.

A weasel’s fart was notoriously unpleasant, almost toxic.

One of the reasons Xu Han’s uncle and his friends fled that night was because they were overwhelmed by Huang Daxian’s stench.

Xu Han was left questioning her life as the smell hit her.

Huang Daxian, having offended the household head, was punished with a day’s worth of food taken away.

Huang Daxian: Feeling wronged

Tan Yue’s words greatly inspired Xu Han.

However, she didn’t get carried away with the idea of opening her own farmhouse restaurant immediately, as it seemed too ambitious and uncertain.

Instead, she decided to start with Tan Yue’s first suggestion and visit the owner of the existing farmhouse restaurant to propose supplying them with her vegetables.

The farmhouse restaurant didn’t actually consume a large amount of vegetables, probably less than the school, but if they started selling her vegetables to tourists, the demand could be unpredictable.

It might bring her thousands in income each month, considering both the school and the restaurant.

Xu Han was instantly filled with motivation.

As usual, she picked a bag of vegetables and went to town to find the farmhouse restaurant owner.

The owner, a plump woman, interrupted Xu Han before she could finish speaking, “We don’t need any vegetables here. Take them away, I don’t have time to argue with you.”

“Boss, my vegetables taste much better than others’. You can try some first if you don’t believe me.”

Saying this, Xu Han handed her a cucumber, but the owner pushed it back. “Even if they taste good, I don’t need them. Ask the people running hotels or snack shops if they want any. Don’t waste my time.”

Xu Han didn’t expect this outcome.

She thought for a moment and said, “Then take this bag of vegetables as a gift. I’m too tired to carry it back.”

The owner’s eyes gleamed greedily at the fresh and beautiful vegetables. “If you’re giving them away, I won’t pay for them.”

Xu Han smiled. “Of course, it’s a gift. But here’s my number. If you find you need more after trying them, feel free to contact me.”

The owner, feeling somewhat obliged, reluctantly took the vegetables.

Xu Han didn’t linger and left directly.

After leaving the farmhouse restaurant, she went to the town’s agricultural station to pick up a package.

Tan Yue had mentioned dehydrated vegetable snacks, which Xu Han had never tried.

She immediately went online to buy a few boxes to taste, then researched the process and tools for making them.

She discovered that the best drying machines cost nearly 40,000 yuan…

The cost was beyond Xu Han’s imagination.

She decided to taste them first and then try making them the traditional way to see if they were really delicious.

She didn’t want to invest hastily without being prepared, as it would be futile without a sales pathway.

By the time she got home, it was already dark.

Recently, Koukou had become very clingy.

Having not seen his mother all day, he was ecstatic when he saw Xu Han, waving his arms and legs, asking to be picked up.

When Xu Han went to wash her hands instead of picking him up immediately, he started crying anxiously.

“Why are you so clingy, hmm?” Xu Han picked him up, and the little guy happily snuggled into her arms, clearly craving milk.

With no one else at home, Xu Han unbuttoned her shirt to nurse him.

Seeing Koukou eagerly start drinking, Xu Han lightly flicked his soft forehead. “You say you miss mommy, but it’s really the milk you want.”

Koukou paid no attention to her teasing and continued nursing contentedly.

“He truly missed you. He was staring at the door all afternoon,” Grandma Qiao said with a smile, shaking her head. “In the evening, he looked so pitiful. I asked him if he missed his mommy, and he even ‘ah-ah’-ed a couple of times.”

Koukou was almost six months old and could understand a few simple words like “let’s go out,” “want a hug,” but he probably didn’t quite grasp the concept of “missing mommy” yet.

Nonetheless, Xu Han was delighted to hear this.

She imagined the little guy eagerly watching the door, waiting for her to come home, and her heart melted.

She decided not to dwell on whether he missed her or the milk and bent down to kiss his cheek.

Koukou, filled with excitement, let out an “ah” and reached out with his little hands to grab her face.

Xu Han understood what he wanted and lowered her face.

Kouko happily held her face and left her cheek covered in milk-flavored drool.

Xu Han laughed.

Little children at this stage were so good at mimicking.

“I need to go to the city soon, and it looks like I’ll have to take this little troublemaker with me.”

Grandma Qiao was surprised. “Why do you need to go to the city?”

“The rent for my apartment in City X is expiring. Since I won’t be living there anymore, I might as well cancel the lease and pack up the useful things to send them over here,” Xu Han explained.

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