Because I am a Fairy
Because I am a Fairy | Chapter 6: SHSM

Just as Lu Manman and Qiao Xingye were at odds, Judy walked over to join in the commotion, her women’s team uniform outlining her slender and graceful figure.

She stood a full head taller than Lu Manman, exuding an imposing presence.

Judy glanced at the X Team members nearby and chuckled, “W, so it’s true what they say online. You’ve willingly fallen into joining X, huh?”

Lu Manman neither admitted nor denied it, especially with the team captain present. Acknowledging it would truly be shameless.

Qiao Xingye said, “Manman, I hope you’ll reconsider joining X.”

After all, Lu Manman had been his girlfriend for a year and a fellow teammate. Despite their conflicts, their bond still held.

“I don’t need to consider anything,” Lu Manman replied.

Judy raised an eyebrow at Lu Manman. “Since you’ve reached the point of no return joining a team like X, how about I talk to Danny? You could join Queen as a substitute player.”


Lu Manman’s hands couldn’t help but tremble.

The Smiling Goddess W actually ended up as a substitute for Queen. The nerve of her to say that!

Even Yuan Xiu couldn’t stand it anymore. He whispered to Ah Heng, “This woman, so arrogant.”

Ah Heng explained, “Judy, the former forward of the Lion Tigers team, is strong in close combat and has shown outstanding performance in matches in recent years. After W retired, she was poached by Queen.”

Yuan Xiu raised an eyebrow, realizing it was a case of taking advantage of someone else’s position. No wonder she acted so self-righteously.

Lu Manman clenched her lips tightly, “I will never come to your Queen team as a substitute.”

Judy sneered, “Do you have any other choice?”

Lu Manman bit her lip, looking down in silence.

Suddenly, Yuan Xiu spoke up loudly, “Of course, she has a choice.”

Ah Heng exclaimed excitedly, “Wow, the captain can’t hold back anymore.”

Ren Xiang added, “Heroic rescue, so cool!”

Yuan Xiu looked at Lu Manman, “I’ve thought about it, maybe W can come to our X Team as a substitute.”

Everyone was stunned!

Ren Xiang exclaimed, “This is a critical hit of 3000! The captain is too much.”

Ah Heng remarked, “After all, in the finals, W shot him in the head. With the captain’s vengeful nature, how can he not retaliate?”

Lu Manman gripped her pants tightly, glaring at Yuan Xiu.

He calmly said to her, “In China, there’s a saying called ‘Sleeping on brushwood and tasting gall.'”

Lu Manman asked through gritted teeth, “What does it mean?”

“It means that where there’s a will, there’s a way. To achieve success, one must be willing to make sacrifices and face challenges. Just like how the Chu eventually conquered the Qin after burning their boats at the Baiqi Pass; hard work will never go unrewarded. ‘Sleeping on brushwood and tasting gall’ signifies the determination to achieve one’s goals, even if it means facing great hardships,” Yuan Xiu explained.

Yuan Xiu told Lu Manman, “In China, high school seniors your age would all be familiar with this saying.”

Lu Manman shook her head, “I don’t understand, but it sounds rhythmic and pleasant.”

Yuan Xiu explained to her, “It’s like seeking revenge after ten years, as a gentleman. It implies the possibility of a comeback even after facing setbacks.”

Lu Manman responded, “I know that, my Dad Louis told me about it, ‘Rebirth after a setback.'”

Yuan Xiu nodded, “Same idea.”

They were speaking Chinese now, and although Lu Manman stuttered a bit, she didn’t make any mistakes. However, Judy and Qiao Xingye couldn’t understand a word.Yuan Xiu said, “Your leg injury hasn’t healed yet. If you come to our X Team as a substitute, there may be a chance for a comeback in the future. At least it’s better than staying at Queen and being pushed around every day.”

Ah Heng: What the heck, being ridden by someone!

Ren Xiang: He meant being bullied, right?

Ah Heng: …

Ren Xiang, holding his head: “Why do I feel like the captain is discussing this matter with the Goddess W very seriously! If W’s fans find out about the substitute thing, they might bulldoze our X base with tanks!”

Lu Manman lowered her head, pondered for a while, and a faint smile crept up at the corner of her mouth. “You’re different from them. They mock me, but you sincerely invited me, so thank you!”

She bowed solemnly to Yuan Xiu.

“But, I can’t accept,” she said earnestly, looking up at Yuan Xiu. “Perhaps it’s still out of reluctance. I carry a heavy burden on my shoulders, bearing the expectations of my fans. They wouldn’t accept W being a substitute for any team, so I have to decline your kind offer.”

Yuan Xiu smiled, “As expected. But let’s not say farewell so definitively. Maybe we can look forward to the day when your mind changes.”

Lu Manman replied, “That day won’t come.”

Yuan Xiu said, “People change.”

Lu Manman smiled faintly, “But W won’t. And in the upcoming match, I’ll blow up your head once again.”

Yuan Xiu chuckled.

At that moment, the entrance signal interrupted the conversation, and the team members boarded several vehicles, gradually entering the park.

The real-life “Battle Royale” game is similar to the early real-life CS competitions, but the rules follow those of the game “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds,” with a hundred-player battle. Throughout the match, players continuously eliminate each other, and only one or one team remains standing within a five-meter radius for the final showdown to claim victory.

Players need to gather weapons, ammunition, food, water, and medical supplies during the game.

In this jungle real-life competition, actual injuries do not occur. Colored powder pellets mark hits, and being hit four times results in elimination.

Judy and Qiao Xingye entered the jungle in the same vehicle, while Lu Manman rode with the X Team in another car.

As they boarded the vehicle, Judy provocatively gestured a shooting motion towards Lu Manman from a distance.

Quite provocative.

Lu Manman smiled slightly, ignoring the gesture.

The vehicle had an open backseat, with several team members from different teams sitting in the rear. Lu Manman sat beside Yuan Xiu.

The seating was in a row, accommodating many people, making it quite crowded.

Lu Manman sat close to Yuan Xiu, with their thighs almost touching.

Though separated by the thin fabric of their pants, she could feel the warmth radiating from his body.

For some reason, Lu Manman felt a bit uneasy, sensing a lack of composure.

Certainly, it was because the competition was about to begin. Appropriate nervousness and a bit of excitement would help her perform better in the moment.

Instinctively, she shifted slightly to the side.

The African-American guy sitting next to Lu Manman said, “Hey, you’re encroaching on my space.”

Lu Manman apologized, “Sorry.”

A few minutes later, the African-American guy moved to another seat, but soon a big, white guy came over and occupied all the space in one go.

The big white guy occupied all the space with his big frame, squeezing Lu Manman next to Yuan Xiu even closer.

Ah, why did it suddenly feel so hot?

Ah Heng sat directly opposite, adjusting his miniature camera. This camera was connected wirelessly to the live streaming platform, allowing the audience to watch the competition in real time.

Ah Heng said, “It seems like my light isn’t working.”

Ren Xiang took the miniature camera from him, “Let me take a look, where’s the switch?”

“Here, the light isn’t on, could it be broken?”

“It shouldn’t be.”

Lu Manman adjusted her collar, feeling really hot. She subtly shifted away, using just a bit of her buttocks to keep herself on the edge of her seat, trying to create more distance between herself and Yuan Xiu.

This guy’s body is really hot, like a heater.

Yuan Xiu said, “It’s a bit hot today.”

Lu Manman cleared her throat lightly, “Yes, it is.”

Yuan Xiu glanced at her and said softly, “You smell good.”

Lu Manman was puzzled, “What smells good?”

Yuan Xiu replied, “You.”

Lu Manman widened her eyes, her face flushing red.

Ah Heng gestured with his eyes towards Yuan Xiu and Lu Manman across from them, saying to Ren Xiang, “Why do I feel like Captain Yuan is flirting with the girl?”

Ren Xiang said, “Anyway, within two meters of Captain Yuan, any woman will feel blush and flutter.”

Ah Heng joked, “Come on, she’s the ‘Smiling Goddess.’ You’re making her sound like a love-struck fool.”

Ren Xiang, calmly adjusting the camera equipment, said, “No joke, fans call Captain Yuan the ‘Heartthrob Machine,’ and there’s a reason for that.”

While they chatted, Lu Manman had already stood up, looking around and considering getting off here.

Yuan Xiu looked up at her, “Not going to the city center?”

“I’m alone, better suited for running in the woods, getting some outdoor action,” Lu Manman struggled with her words a bit, then called out to the driver, “Sir, please stop here.”

As the car stopped, there was a sudden jolt, causing Lu Manman to lose her balance and stumble backward. Quick as lightning, Yuan Xiu pulled her forcefully towards him, causing Lu Manman to kneel forward involuntarily.

At that moment, the light on Ah Heng’s miniature camera finally came on across from them.

In front of their computers, the first image domestic fans saw was Yuan Xiu sitting in his seat, while the Smiling Goddess W knelt straight before him, her face deeply buried in his crotch.

With one sitting and the other kneeling, their positions were oddly suggestive.

The first barrage of comments silently flew across the screen.


Countless question marks flooded the screen, amidst which one comment stood out:

【Eating chicken?】

Immediately following, a chorus of celebration erupted.

【Congratulations from the people of Guangdong】

【Congratulations from the people of Shanxi】

【Congratulations from Xinhua News Agency】

【Congratulations from the New Western Culinary School】

【Congratulations from the People’s Hospital Prostate Specialist】

Across from them, Ren Xiang held the camera probe, lifting his head in astonishment at Lu Manman kneeling before their captain mouthing, ” Oh my god…”

Ah Heng was utterly dumfounded, as everyone else in the car.

Lu Manman still hadn’t realized what had happened. Instinctively, she took a deep breath.

Yes, a breath.

Yuan Xiu: …

Then she exclaimed with a sob, “So hard!”

The ground was indeed hard, her knees were in pain, and she must have scraped them badly.

Ren Xiang glanced at the recording equipment beside Ah Heng.

Yes, the switched…. was indeed turned on.

Live streaming platform barrage:

【So hard….】



【Mom asked why I’m kneeling on the keyboard.】

【Dad asked why I’m crying.】

【Computer passed out, rebooting……】

【My male god lost his innocence, now I just want to die.】

【My goddess has fallen from grace, I need to go eat some chicken to calm down.】

【What did the chicken do wrong for you to treat it like this? qaq!】

Yuan Xiu closed his eyes, unable to bear witnessing the tragic scene before him.

When Yuan Xiu lifted Lu Manman up like picking up a little chick, she still hadn’t fully grasped what was happening.

The entire car looked as shocked as if they had eaten a bad batch of Oreos, with faces turning pale and horrified.

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