Seducing the Prince, She is Full of Evil After Rebirth
Seducing the Prince, She is Full of Evil After Rebirth Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Gambling Debts Block the Street

With a loud bang, the door of the Drunken Spring Pavilion was kicked open.

“Who dares?! Which bastard kicked down my door?” The madam, hands on her hips, stormed out with an imposing attitude after receiving word from a servant.

“It’s this princess. What, can’t I knock it down?”

In front of the Drunken Spring Pavilion stood an ornate carriage, flanked by dozens of guards. They were tall, dignified, and serious, dressed in white robes with round collars and black belts, each carrying a sword, hands resting on the hilts.

Li Ning’an descended from the carriage, her innate nobility exuding from her every movement, intimidating those around her.

Though the madam had never seen Princess Ning’an in person, she had certainly heard enough stories about her.

With the young master Yan Ziqi inside, it could only be Princess Ning’an showing up here. No one else would dare.

“My apologies! I didn’t recognize such an esteemed guest. What brings Your Highness here?” The madam didn’t dare ask for a single coin, terrified that the pavilion might be smashed by Princess Ning’an.

She smiled obsequiously, not daring to get too close for fear of offending the princess.

With a quick glance, she signaled to her servant to hurry and fetch the young master.

When gods fight, mere mortals suffer.

Li Ning’an had deliberately borrowed a small squad of imperial guards for the sole purpose of intimidating the madam, which worked perfectly.

Inside, Yan Ziqi was enjoying himself, about to take a sip of wine, when the door was suddenly flung open.

“My lord, my heavens! Princess Ning’an is here. You should come out right away!”

The servant didn’t bother worrying about ruining Yan Ziqi’s mood, given that the terrifying woman outside posed a far greater threat.

Yan Ziqi froze for a moment, wine spilling down his chin.

Ling’er hurriedly took the cup from him. “Oh, my lord, why are you so startled? Here, wipe it off.” She took out a perfumed handkerchief and attempted to clean him up, but Yan Ziqi pushed her away.

Ling’er had never been treated like this by Yan Ziqi before. She figured that no matter how intimidating Princess Ning’an might be, she wouldn’t actually barge into such a disreputable place to catch him.

But Yan Ziqi, hearing Princess Ning’an’s name, didn’t care one bit for her feelings.

In an instant, tears welled up in Ling’er’s eyes. “My lord~” she whimpered in a soft, delicate voice, which only irritated Yan Ziqi further.

How could that compare to Li Ning’an’s voice, which always sent a tingle down his spine?

“Everyone out. She’s not to be messed with,” Yan Ziqi ordered as he straightened his clothes.

When the servant entered, Cold Frost had already stopped playing her lute. Without a word, she retreated the moment she heard Yan Ziqi’s command.

Ling’er tried to cling to him, but Shuang’er pulled her away. “Don’t stir up trouble.”

Ignoring the women, Yan Ziqi descended the stairs to the main hall, where he saw Li Ning’an standing at the entrance.

“This is no place for you to be,” Yan Ziqi said as he approached her, his face full of displeasure.

But even facing his ‘tormentor,’ Yan Ziqi dared not say too much. He treated the women here with care, but this was no place for a princess.

Li Ning’an always liked to show her approachable side, so she shot him a glare. “You can come here, but I can’t? It’s not like this is some den of tigers and dragons. Don’t men call these places their ‘land of tenderness?’”

She craned her neck, trying to catch a glimpse of Cold Frost but didn’t see her. Next time, she thought, she’d come in disguise to see for herself.

Yan Ziqi climbed onto the carriage first and then helped Li Ning’an up. Hongxiu sat at the front of the carriage.

Once they were out of sight, the madam clutched her chest, feeling her heart race.

“What a perfect match! Such a handsome couple, so natural together.”

Inside Princess Ning’an’s carriage, there was plenty of space, but Hongxiu remained outside, allowing the princess and Yan Ziqi to be alone.

She preferred Yan Ziqi over Fu Minglang. Despite the constant bickering, the two clearly cared for each other.

Especially after the Duke of Xiang and his wife passed away, the princess had been deeply worried about Yan Ziqi’s grief, secretly shedding tears for him.

Always teasing and provoking Yan Ziqi… sometimes bringing him joy, but more often than not, making him angry.

Eventually, the two of them began to bicker every time they met.

Yan Ziqi’s temperament wasn’t always so withdrawn—he was actually quite admirable. But the princess had fallen for Fu Minglang and threw herself entirely into pursuing him.

Meanwhile, Yan Ziqi drifted through a sea of women, becoming a notorious playboy.

Now, it seemed like the princess had finally let go of her feelings for Fu Minglang.

If she could get Yan Ziqi back on the right path, the two of them could return to how they once were—a perfect match.

While Hongxiu was thinking this, inside the carriage, Li Ning’an was pulling at Yan Ziqi’s ear.

“I’ve already told Father to send you to be a mere foot soldier. What are you doing idling around in the capital all day?”

Though the emperor hadn’t agreed, that didn’t stop Li Ning’an from using it as leverage.

Yan Ziqi’s ears turned redder and redder as the pain increased, but he didn’t dare resist.

“If I really became your secret lover, it must be because my ancestors did something terrible and sent me to ruin you.”

His mouth never rested, and Li Ning’an almost wanted to kick him all the way to the border.

“You should know that the Iron Cavalry was founded by your ancestors and has been loyal to the Xiang family for generations. Are you really going to hand it over to the Tong family without a fight? If they send the Iron Cavalry to their deaths, won’t you feel any remorse?”

At this moment, Yan Ziqi had no idea that General Tong was willing to sacrifice the soldiers of the Iron Cavalry to achieve his goals.

Even Li Ning’an wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t lived through it herself.

“General Tong once served under my father. He’s been guarding the border for years, faithfully performing his duties.”

Yan Ziqi reached out with both hands, trying to save his ears, his face clearly showing disbelief.

Li Ning’an let go, knowing she couldn’t explain the absurd reality of her past life.

Just as she was about to speak, the carriage suddenly came to a halt.

“What’s going on?” Li Ning’an asked.

Hongxiu responded, “Princess, the road ahead is blocked. I’ve sent someone to check.”

The moment the carriage stopped, Hongxiu had instructed the imperial guards to investigate.

When they returned with the report, Hongxiu told the princess, “An old man had to mortgage his land for a debt, and now they’re trying to take his daughter away as well.”

Hongxiu, always calm and composed, delivered her report in a measured tone. If Xing’e had been there, she would’ve been furious.

She might have even jumped out to help.

After all, it wasn’t right to take someone’s daughter as payment.

“The old man is pleading with the creditor, and the two sides have started pulling at each other. A crowd has gathered to watch, and that’s what’s blocking the road.”

“Do we know who’s involved?” Li Ning’an didn’t really want to get involved in such trivial matters, but while she was a bit headstrong, she wasn’t unreasonable.

Whipping people to clear a path wasn’t her style.

Hongxiu hesitated for a moment before replying, “It’s the second young master of the Fu family.”

Fu Mingqi, huh?

Li Ning’an lifted the curtain of the carriage. Before she could step out, the crowd had already noticed the situation on her side.

Fu Mingqi was gripping the young girl’s arm while kicking the old man who was kneeling and begging beside him.

“Your son owes me five hundred taels. Selling your land isn’t enough to repay it. I’ll take her as collateral.”

Fu Mingqi, relying on his connection to his powerful older cousin, who was adored by Princess Ning’an, had gotten into the business of loan sharking.

Even if he wanted to bully the old man and take his daughter, no one would dare stop him.

After all, his older cousin was the person closest to Princess Ning’an’s heart.

Fu Mingqi pulled the girl into his arms as she struggled desperately, but she wasn’t strong enough to break free.

The old man collapsed onto the ground, crawling toward Fu Mingqi, pleading, “My son is a gambler. Cut off his hand if you want, but please, don’t take my daughter.”

It had been agreed that selling the land would clear the debt, so why were they now taking his daughter? The old man had chased after them from home, all the way to the street.

The passersby gathered around to watch the commotion, forming a crowd.

Seeing that it was Second Young Master Fu, many advised the old man to give up.

Otherwise, they said, he’d lose everything.

They whispered about bodies being dumped in the wilderness, left for the wolves to eat.

“Do you think Princess Ning’an will really protect Second Young Master Fu?”

“Why wouldn’t she? Last time, he broke a scholar’s leg, and all the princess did was throw some silver at the situation.”

“Second Young Master Fu didn’t even spend a day in jail or take a single scolding.”

“That poor old man is in for it.”

“Hey, isn’t that Princess Ning’an’s carriage? She’s heading this way.”


Hola! ^^ I'm ShangWiz, sorry for not being active so much because of my schoolworks I have to balance my schoolworks and updating you all Creating content is my passion, and your support makes all the difference. If you enjoy my work and want to see more, please consider donating on my Ko-fi. Every contribution helps me continue doing what I love and brings more awesome updates your way. Thank you so much for your support! 😊

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