Seducing the Prince, She is Full of Evil After Rebirth
Seducing the Prince, She is Full of Evil After Rebirth Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Secret Report on the Capture of Northern Yue

“G-gongzi, what kind of restaurant are you looking to buy?”

Xing’e had been accompanying the princess for five or six streets now, but they still hadn’t found a restaurant that satisfied her.

After leaving the palace, Li Ning’an first went to her other residence and asked Nie Rou about it. Upon learning they hadn’t found a suitable one yet, she decided to go out shopping herself.

She thought it would be a simple task but soon realized it was not so easy.

“Of course, it must be profitable, bustling with people, located in a prime area, and have a grand appearance.”

As the Princess Ning’an, if her restaurant were too shabby, anyone who recognized it later would mock her.

Especially her fourth sister.

She definitely couldn’t afford a business that would lose money.

No amount of silver could withstand wasteful spending.

Information comes from people.

If she set up shop in a graveyard, who would she gather intelligence from—ghosts?

Unfortunately, there were no places like the one she wanted for sale.

Since she couldn’t just take one by force, she had no choice but to wear out her legs walking, hoping to stumble upon good luck.

Before they knew it, master and servant had wandered into Songhe Street, lined with shops on both sides and bustling with activity.

On the eastern side stood a three-story restaurant with a “For Sale” sign hanging up.

In the end, she had bumped into Fu Minglang again.

Li Ning’an walked inside and saw a servant-like figure dozing off behind the counter. She tapped the counter to wake him.

“Who’s there?”

Startled, the servant opened his eyes and saw a slightly tanned, well-dressed young gentleman standing in front of him.

His master had tried several different businesses but failed in all of them.

In the end, he decided to return home and inherit the family fortune, which would last two lifetimes.

He had dismissed the restaurant staff, leaving the servant behind to wait for a buyer.

The “For Sale” sign had just been hung up today—could it really be sold this quickly?

The servant grinned with delight, “Are you here to buy the restaurant?”

Li Ning’an nodded, and after hearing the price, she paid quickly and without hesitation.

The restaurant had three floors. Upon entering the first-floor lobby, there were a dozen or so tables and chairs.

There was also the counter, with the kitchen and storeroom in the back, along with a three-room residence, each with its own door.

The rooms were used as the bookkeeping office, a small lounge, and quarters for the staff. The right-side room was a dormitory with enough space for twelve people.

The restroom was next to the bookkeeping office, adjacent to the staff quarters, with a side door leading outside.

Inside, there was a garden with flowing water and rock formations, and a quaint bamboo pavilion that had been the former owner’s residence.

The second floor, by the windows, had seven or eight tables and chairs, while the rest of the space was divided into private rooms by embroidered screens featuring plum blossoms, orchids, bamboo, and chrysanthemums.

On the third floor, white walls were built around twelve private rooms. Each had wind chimes hanging in it, and if there was no sound, the staff were not allowed to enter.

It was the perfect place to have secret conversations without being overheard.

But if one looked closely, they’d notice that compared to the second floor, there were additional small compartments—ideal for eavesdropping.

The previous owner had wanted to create a passage inside to store ice or charcoal to keep the place warm in winter and cool in summer.

But in the end, finding it too troublesome, he had sealed the new walls, hung paintings, and decorated with vases and flowers instead.

If the servant hadn’t mentioned it, Li Ning’an wouldn’t have noticed.

No wonder Fu Minglang had chosen this spot back then.

Li Ning’an was very satisfied with the restaurant. After completing the paperwork at the Ministry of Revenue and receiving the new property deed, she renamed the establishment Manxuan Lou.

Li Ning’an then posted notices at the entrance, seeking to hire chefs, staff, and other workers.

The next day, Li Ning’an hired craftsmen to renovate the third floor.

Since the previous owner knew about the eavesdropping spots, if he spread the word, even if she wasn’t eavesdropping, she wouldn’t be able to clear her name.

For the next month, Li Ning’an was busy with matters related to Manxuan Lou, feeling utterly exhausted in both body and mind.

She, a grand princess of the Great Qi, had to personally oversee everything.

Even the fake mustache she wore was becoming more refined in its application.

Nie Rou had moved out of the princess’s residence. As the only member of the Nie family with her freedom papers, she rented a place outside and came out to find work.

By chance, she saw the hiring notice at Manxuan Lou and was eventually employed there.

This was, of course, part of the plan that Li Ning’an had arranged with Nie Rou. With her help, Li Ning’an felt a bit more at ease.

The local residents saw Manxuan Lou being completely renovated from the outside in. They heard that it was set to open in August, and after inquiring about the menu prices—finding that they were quite affordable—many said they’d come to show their support.

This pricing strategy was something that Nie Rou and Princess Ning’an had worked out together.

The previous owner had assumed that the capital was bustling and full of wealthy people, so he set his prices too high, not considering the different types of customers. This was what led him to lose money.

Nie Rou suggested: “Let the first floor be accessible for the common people to eat their fill, the second floor for scholars and literati to enjoy a refined atmosphere, and the third floor to offer expensive and exquisite dishes.”

While Li Ning’an was busy with her restaurant, Fu Minglang was also far from idle.

Thanks to his essay on flood prevention, he gained the recognition and favor of the Minister of Revenue.

At the end of June, he was promoted to Hubu Shilang (Deputy Minister of Revenue), a fourth-ranked official. This made him one of the fastest-rising scholars of his cohort from the imperial examination.

Meanwhile, Yan Ziqi was still indulging himself in the luxuries of Zui Chun Pavilion, drowning in debauchery.

The madam there was terrified that Princess Ning’an might come and cause trouble, but it seemed as though she had vanished. Only then did the madam’s anxious heart find some peace.

She instructed Shuang’er and Ling’er to take good care of the young lord, while Lengshuang—whose personality Yan Ziqi especially liked—remained his favorite. It was a pity she ended up in a brothel; otherwise, she could have married into the Duke of Xiang’s family as a legitimate wife.

On July 8th, as early autumn set in, an urgent military report from the northern frontier arrived at the emperor’s desk, delivered by a rider who had traveled 800 miles in haste.

General Tong had been careless and was captured by the Second Prince of Northern Yue. It was only thanks to the bravery of the deputy general of the Iron Cavalry that a narrow victory was secured.

Although they weren’t able to rescue General Tong, at least they managed to save the Iron Cavalry.

Still, with the main general captured, Northern Yue had gained a major advantage, humiliating Great Qi.

Emperor Mingde, infuriated, threw the report to the ground. It was just a light sheet of paper, but it weighed heavily, as if it carried the weight of a thousand pounds.

If it hadn’t been for the deputy general’s efforts to turn the tide, how many border soldiers would have been lost?

“Fool! A little success made him complacent. And the eldest son of the Tong family is just as worthless, fleeing without a fight and even pretending to be injured.”

At this time, memorials requesting reinforcements were already on their way to the court, only a few days behind the report.

Naturally, the emperor had his ways of uncovering the truth he sought.

But sadly, he could not foresee the future.

As the emperor fumed, Yan Su and the palace maids and eunuchs serving nearby knelt down.

“Please calm your anger, Your Majesty.”

Yan Su couldn’t help but think of Princess Ning’an and Yan Ziqi.

If the emperor had listened to the princess and allowed her reckless request to send Yan Ziqi to the border, perhaps General Tong wouldn’t have been captured by the Northern Yue prince.

But in the end, Yan Ziqi had no experience in military matters.

At least Tong’s eldest son had spent five years guarding the frontier with his father.

Originally, the Duke of Xiang had planned to send Yan Ziqi to the frontier after a few more years, feeling sorry for his son.

But when the time came, the duke died on the battlefield, and Yan Ziqi didn’t even get to see him one last time.

Emperor Mingde wasn’t one to vent his anger on his servants, so he raised his hand and let them rise.

Yan Su knew he had to say something to ease the tension and prevent the emperor from becoming too enraged.

“Perhaps the capture of General Tong threw his son into disarray, leaving him unsure of what to do.”

In the main military camp on the northwest frontier, Tong Linian tightened the white cloth around his arm, letting chicken blood soak through to make it appear as though he were seriously injured.

He had heard the rumors from the capital—that Yan Ziqi, that useless man, was going to be sent to the frontier.

What could Yan Ziqi possibly do here?

Would he teach the Northern Yue people about the fragrances of the brothel, about how soft and delicate the women were?

Thank goodness the emperor had the wisdom not to approve such a ridiculous request.

“General, Northern Yue has sent more men to provoke us, and they said…” The messenger hesitated, clearly finding the words difficult to say.

Ever since his father’s capture, Tong Linian had ordered the army to hold their ground, gradually wearing down their fury.

The deputy general of the Iron Cavalry had tried to persuade him, but Tong Linian, claiming that his injuries hadn’t healed and that he was waiting for instructions from the emperor, brushed him off.

Tong Linian had grown accustomed to the insults from Northern Yue; his skin had become thicker than the palace walls.

“What did they say this time?”

The messenger decided to rip the bandage off quickly and said, “They said, ‘You son of a b***h, you’ve abandoned your father. They don’t want that old dog either, so they’ll chop him up and feed him to you. At least then you’ll have a full stomach.’”


Hola! ^^ I'm ShangWiz, sorry for not being active so much because of my schoolworks I have to balance my schoolworks and updating you all Creating content is my passion, and your support makes all the difference. If you enjoy my work and want to see more, please consider donating on my Ko-fi. Every contribution helps me continue doing what I love and brings more awesome updates your way. Thank you so much for your support! 😊

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