Crossflow chapter 8

The first to speak was Elder Sun, but he wasn’t alone in his thoughts.

Many had already speculated on the distribution of Tao Zhixing’s estate before coming to the memorial hall and had prepared corresponding countermeasures.

In their view, the shares and real estate of the Tao family would undoubtedly be left to Tao Fengche. However, this pampered young master had hardly shown his face in the business world. Tao Zhixing was known for doting on his son excessively, and considering his recent attempts to legitimize the family business, it seemed unlikely that he would leave it to Tao Fengche.

They guessed that this vast business empire, hidden in the shadows, would probably be managed by Zhao Jiayang temporarily, to be handed back to Tao Fengche once it was cleaned up.

Even so, they were prepared to challenge this arrangement—although Zhao Jiayang was the second-in-command, Tao Zhixing was now dead. They were all outsiders by blood, none more noble than the other, and there was no reason for Zhao Jiayang to monopolize such a large piece of the pie.

The Tao family had always been short on heirs, and their own manpower was insufficient. During the development of their secret businesses, they inevitably relied on outsiders. Many of the elders present had worked for Tao Fengche’s grandfather in building the family’s empire.

Though these old-timers should have retired to enjoy their twilight years, power was a bone-deep poison. Once touched, it was impossible to let go, and many had long coveted the top position.

While Tao Zhixing was alive, his iron-fisted methods kept a fragile peace. But now that he was gone, many were eager to fight for their share.

Who would have thought that Tao Zhixing left hardly any shares to Tao Fengche?

Moreover, this pampered young master would turn eighteen by the end of the year. According to Kyushu law, an eighteen-year-old was a full-fledged adult with complete civil rights. What difference did guardianship make?

Even if guardianship was necessary, it should be given to Zhao Jiayang. Who was this “Sui Yuesheng”?

Tao Zhixing’s will was absurd to the extreme, leaving everyone speechless and giving Elder Sun the chance to speak first.

“Elder Sun, what are you implying?” Lawyer Li smiled. “Mr. Tao’s will and the Tao family’s signet ring—who would dare tamper with them?”

“That’s hard to say—some might have ulterior motives… Lawyer Li, don’t you agree?” Elder Sun sighed and shook his head dramatically, almost accusing Lawyer Li of conspiring with Sui Yuesheng to alter the will.

But Lawyer Li, a seasoned professional, maintained his smile even when faced with such a blatant accusation. “How about this,” he said.

He handed the will to Xu Song, who then passed it to Tao Fengche. “Since Elder Sun doubts the will’s authenticity, why not let Young Master Tao take a look? I believe no one here is more familiar with Mr. Tao’s handwriting and seal than him.”

Lawyer Li was right.

Anyone even slightly familiar with Tao Zhixing knew he doted on his son to an extreme degree. From the moment Tao Fengche was born, Tao Zhixing’s study was completely open to him. When Tao Fengche turned fourteen, Tao Zhixing even brought him to company meetings, giving him a seat beside him to listen in.

As soon as Tao Fengche received the will, he didn’t need to scrutinize it. A glance confirmed the signature and seal were authentic, especially with the stamp of the Jingpu Notary Office beside them, leaving no room for doubt.

Even though he had expected it, Tao Fengche’s heart sank.

Meanwhile, Sui Yuesheng suddenly raised an eyebrow.

He seemed to lose interest in the signet ring and lazily gestured. One of his men stepped forward respectfully, handing him a thin sheet of paper. Sui Yuesheng glanced at it, then nodded slightly towards Elder Sun’s position.

Sui Yuesheng’s demeanor was relaxed. Under everyone’s gaze, his subordinate walked to Elder Sun and handed him the paper.

“Mr. Sui says the signet ring cannot be given. Even if it could, its authenticity couldn’t be guaranteed. But this is a handwriting verification certificate from the Jingpu Judicial Department, which he asked me to give to you.”

The subordinate’s respectful attitude left no room for criticism, but who was Elder Sun?

He always prided himself on his status, having helped Tao Fengche’s grandfather expand overseas markets. He often considered himself a major contributor to the Tao family. Though retired, he even dared to act as a senior in front of Tao Zhixing.

Now, Sui Yuesheng, present in person, casually sent a subordinate to speak with him, implying Elder Sun’s unworthiness, almost writing “contempt” on his face.

This audacious young man… Elder Sun squinted.

No one had dared to speak to him like this in years. He was almost furious. But he was an old fox in the business world. Despite being relatively impulsive compared to others, he wasn’t easy to deal with.

“Ah, what you’re saying makes it seem like I’m deliberately making things difficult for you young folks,” he said, seemingly helpless, pointing at Sui Yuesheng. Turning to Director Jing, he joked, “I’m old, but Director Jing, are you going to let such a young man boss you around?”

Elder Sun’s words made many hold their breath.

Everyone who attended elementary health classes knew that among the three ABO genders, alphas were the strongest, superior in strength and intelligence. But Director Jing Ning of the Tao family’s pharmaceutical research institute was an exception.

Jing Ning, not yet forty, was a male beta and a pure technical expert. His rise to his current position was remarkable. Besides his 5% share in Tao’s company, his importance was evident as the business heavily relied on the institute’s products.

Elder Sun, not one to hold back, directly provoked trouble.

“Long time no see.”

But no one expected Jing Ning’s first words to be a greeting to Sui Yuesheng.

“Director Jing,” Sui Yuesheng nodded, smiling warmly, “It’s been a while. I just returned to Jingpu and haven’t had the chance to invite you to dinner.”

“Come to the institute when you’re free,” Jing Ning said, his support for Sui Yuesheng clear.

Awkwardness pervaded the Tao family memorial hall.

If not for the inappropriate setting, Tao Fengche might have checked if his jaw had dropped.

In recent years, Tao Zhixing had consolidated the family’s secret businesses. Believing Tao Fengche was better suited for research, he arranged for Tao Fengche to spend a few days each month at the research institute from middle school.

Over time, Tao Fengche became familiar with the researchers. Although he rarely interacted with Jing Ning, he believed he understood the director well.

Even in the institute’s ivory tower, factions existed. But this proud, genius beta always stayed neutral, only intervening when research progress was affected, then delivering harsh punishments impartially.

In Tao Fengche’s memory, this was Jing Ning’s first explicit stance.

And it wasn’t to support him as Tao Zhixing’s son, but Sui Yuesheng.

What kind of relationship did these two have?

Everyone shared the same doubt as Tao Fengche, but the first to break the silence was Elder Sun.

Since things had reached this point, he decided to throw away his dignity, pretending nothing had happened before, and turned to engage in a battle of words with Sui Yuesheng.

“Young man, do you know what that ring is? As a beta, it’s better for you to be content with what you have. There’s an old saying in our Jingpu, though I don’t know if you, a foreigner, have heard it. Although I haven’t read much, I’ll reluctantly be your teacher today.”

“The saying goes—”

“Greed can make a snake swallow an elephant.”

Are you so confident that you think you can be that snake?

Sui Yuesheng raised his eyebrow slightly, then gave Elder Sun a light glance.

Elder Sun, thinking he had intimidated the young man, didn’t expect Sui Yuesheng to suddenly turn, pull out a gun from his subordinate’s waist, and without aiming, pull the trigger in Elder Sun’s direction.

Elder Sun stared directly at the dark gun barrel, his pupils dilating rapidly.

Standing at the back of the crowd and beside the coffin, the bullet shot straight towards him unobstructed. In his younger days, Elder Sun might have had a chance to dodge, but now he couldn’t move quickly enough. He could only watch as the bullet sliced through the air and flew straight towards him—

Then it hit the wall, taking with it the white flower pinned to his chest.

Sui Yuesheng moved so fast that none of the twenty people in the mourning hall reacted.


If he had raised the gun slightly, the bullet would have pierced Elder Sun’s temple.

Elder Sun narrowly escaped death, his wrinkled face scrunching up in shock and fear, his expression as chaotic as a spilled palette. His chest heaved violently as he pointed a trembling finger at Sui Yuesheng.

Several guests standing nearby hurriedly stepped forward to support him, fearing he might collapse from shock.

“An old alpha like you, barely able to walk, aren’t you meddling a bit too much?” Sui Yuesheng’s expression remained unchanged as he lowered his gaze again, as if nothing had happened.

1 comment
  1. Cocole has spoken 1 month ago

    Yikes 😳


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