A Relaxed and Fluffy Atelier Life in Another World: Mei and the Fluffy Miniature Garden
A Relaxed and Fluffy Atelier Life in Another World: Mei and the Fluffy Miniature Garden -Chapter 20: The Witch’s Garden

The garden created by the world-traveling witch is always in a state of perfect beauty.

Passing through the flower arch, one is greeted by beds of marigolds and clematis in full bloom. Beyond them, various kinds of roses blossom, and at the center, a fountain glows with seven colors, while water falls into a pond where water lilies float.

The fragrance that drifts from somewhere smells like roses or maybe jasmine. Mei secretly enjoys the subtle difference in the scent each day.

After all, having the same garden every day would get boring, right?

According to Ermine, if new plants are grown, they will retain their prime condition.

That’s all thanks to the magic placed on the miniature garden.

Curiously, if you ask a tree for both flowers and fruit before it fully matures, it will grant your wish, allowing both to coexist.

Today, I’ll think about where to plant the herbs and fruits I harvested from the forest later.

“What is this place…?”

Zeke and the others, who passed through the arch into the garden, were so awestruck by its beauty that they lost their words.

Right? Right? Even though I see it every day, I never get tired of how beautiful the garden is. If you see it for the first time, the beauty will leave you speechless.

But Cloud’s excitement wasn’t just because the garden was beautiful.

“That’s… isn’t that the legendary Shangri-La flower? It’s the first time I’ve seen it bloom.”

Cloud pointed to a delicate, pale pink flower with many slender petals. It’s a flower that easily falls with the slightest breeze, but the sight of it gently floating in the wind is mesmerizing.

“There’s the rainbow rose, known as the miracle flower! And over there, the fairy wings!”

Cloud, bursting with excitement, approached the blooming flowers. He seemed so unwell earlier, but now he’s all fired up. I wonder if he’s really okay.

“H-Hey, Cloud.”

Alex tried to grab Cloud by the arm to stop him, but Cloud shook him off and continued to observe the flowers.

“Oh, to think that I could see so many of these legendary flowers in such a forest… Did you know, Alex? The Shangri-La flower can be preserved in honey to create an elixir for eternal youth. And those fairy wings? They cure eye diseases. How incredible! This garden is more valuable to a healer than any treasure trove of kings and nobles!”

Wow. So Cloud is a healer, huh? I wonder how that differs from an alchemist. Maybe a healer can only make medicines?

Hmm. So, the flowers here aren’t just pretty, they’re medicinal.

It wasn’t in any of the alchemy books, but now that Cloud has told me, maybe it’ll be written down later. I should check to see if there’s a recipe.

The recipes left behind by the world-traveling witch increase whenever I gather new plants or hear about new combinations.

So I’m sure Cloud’s knowledge has added more recipes this time too.

That’s great, but if the recipes keep increasing at this rate, won’t that blue-covered book get super heavy?

What if it becomes too heavy to carry?

For now, it doesn’t feel too heavy, so I guess it’s fine.

“Come on, Cloud. You were on the verge of death; take it easy.”

Alex scolded Cloud, who was trying to explore every corner of the garden.

That’s right. His body is still weak from the poison.

“Y-Yeah, but with so many flowers…”

“You can admire them later at your leisure.”

I suggested with a smile to the still-reluctant Cloud.

The flowers aren’t going anywhere, even if you wait until your strength comes back. They’ll still be blooming tomorrow and the day after.

“Mei! Welcome back!”

At that moment, Ermine came flying from the house, flapping the wings on his back.

“I’m back, Ermine!”

“Did you enjoy the forest?”

“Yeah! I gathered lots of stuff.”

“That’s great… Who are our guests?”

“We met in the forest. They’re adventurers from the Mithril rank. Zeke, Alex, and Cloud.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Ermine, Mei’s ‘Guide.’”

“A species I’ve never seen… A beastkin, perhaps?”

Zeke, startled by Ermine’s appearance, used the word “beastkin.”

Hmm. So this world has beastkin.

And it seems like they’re not the typical fantasy beastkin with fluffy ears and tails but otherwise human. No, they look like full-on animals.

Wow. Would that be a fluffy paradise?

I’d love to see it!


Just a guy translating stuff.

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