A Relaxed and Fluffy Atelier Life in Another World: Mei and the Fluffy Miniature Garden
A Relaxed and Fluffy Atelier Life in Another World: Mei and the Fluffy Miniature Garden Chapter 8 – The Golden Fruit and the Golden Egg

The next morning’s awakening was anything but refreshing. After all, the loud crowing of a rooster started blaring before it was even fully light outside.

“Cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo. Cock-a-doodle-doo.”

Oh no, what is that noise!?

I jumped out of bed, momentarily confused about where I was in this unfamiliar room.

My brain wasn’t fully functional right after waking up, but… wasn’t yesterday…?

“I slipped while trying to go to the concert…”

And that’s how I ended up here.

Right, I remember now.


And that voice belongs to Koko.

As a rooster, Koko sure gets up early.

It’s still early, so I’ll try to go back to sleep.

I thought that as I snuggled back under the covers, but Koko’s marvelous voice showed no signs of stopping.

“Ugh… I guess I’ll have to give up and get up…”

Since I fell asleep shortly after sunset last night, I wasn’t overly sleep-deprived. They say early to bed, early to rise is good for you, so I should just get up.

Given the volume of the crowing, I’d assumed Koko was inside the room, but even after looking around, I didn’t see Koko anywhere.


Could it be that Koko is crowing outside?

Looking closely, I noticed the window was open, with the curtain slightly parted.

“Oh, the curtain isn’t a blackout one, so I was destined to be woken by sunrise anyway…”

I wonder if there’s anything about blackout curtains in the alchemy books.

I contemplated the healthy lifestyle that would inevitably come with the gradually brightening room.

…For now, I’ll try to go to bed early tonight.

I threw open the slightly ajar window and took a deep breath of the fresh morning air.

Being in the forest means the air is nice and clean.

I stretched out, feeling quite refreshed.

“Oh, by the way, I can’t find Ermine either.”

I thought Ermine had slept with me last night. Where could they have gone?

As I pondered this, the bathroom door opened and Ermine emerged.

“Good morning, Mei. A morning bath feels so nice!”

…Ermine, who’s supposed to be a magical creature, seems to have really taken to the bath.

It’s good that they’re so cleanly, I guess.

I’ll get ready for the day and make breakfast.

What should I have this morning?

For now, I’ll change out of yesterday’s clothes and head to the garden with a basket.


Koko is in great form.

I looked for Koko in the garden, but couldn’t find them anywhere.


Huh? The voice seems to be coming from above?

When I turned and looked up—

There was Koko, perched on the red roof like a weather vane.

Having crowed to satisfaction, Koko spread their wings and descended into the garden.

“It’s amazing that a rooster can fly.”

Instead of gliding like the chickens you see on TV, Koko flapped their wings and flew properly.

Koko tilted their head as if to say “of course” and gave my foot a gentle peck.

“Ouch! Hey, wait a second. That hurts.”

Koko then led me to the golden fruit they usually eat.

“So, you want me to give you food, right?”


“…Alright, here you go.”

I placed the fruit in my palm, and Koko took it with a decisive peck.

Really, Koko might not be a rooster but rather a small dinosaur…

“Now that Koko’s breakfast is done, it’s time for ours.”

Speaking of which, I wonder if Ermine, being an animal, can eat the same food as me.

You know, they say salt isn’t good for animals.

“Mei, what are you making for breakfast? I’m looking forward to it!”

…It seems like there’s no problem for magical creatures.

“Since all I have are bread and vegetables… Huh?”

In the shadow of the tree bearing the golden fruit, there’s something that looks like a bird’s nest.

Peeking inside the slightly deep nest, I found—

“An egg!?”

And it’s golden.

Wait a minute.

It’s golden, but it’s a rooster’s egg, right?

The only rooster in this miniature world is Koko.

So, does this mean this egg was laid by Koko?

But don’t roosters only crow?

And it has a splendid comb too.

What on earth is going on!?


Just a guy translating stuff.

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