Shoushaman no Isekai Survival ~Zettai Hito to wa Tsurumanee~
A Trading Company Employee Isekai Survival ~I’m Definitely Not Interacting With Other People~ Chapter 263

Chapter 263


The planned construction site for the new town, ‘Itoshino Yurina’, was about 20 days by carriage from Resta.

Even though I should go to the site to inspect the progress of the construction myself, a round trip from here to there would take over a month (20×2 means 40 days trip). Such a long trip would be quite challenging to do, especially considering the amount of coordination I had to make from Resta. After much deliberation, I finally remembered. Sarasa’s magic device that Juno had passed on to Donny-san while I was being pursued by Heinrich.

It was an excellent device that allowed merchants to store and exchange documents like contracts and such between other merchants in a distant location.

Back then, we utilized that device to exchange information with the others in Resta while we were laying low in a neighboring country. We were able to know that Bavarian-sama had resumed his former position using that device. However, the utilization of that device was not limited to written documents only. You could also use it to send pictures to other people, like using LINE to send photos.

So I decided to make use of that function to overview the progress of the construction work while staying in Resta.

I entrusted the onsite supervision of the construction site to my trusted advisor while Taylor-san would stay in Resta to discuss other details regarding the design of the town. We watched footage sent from the site using the magic device and made slight adjustments accordingly after discussing our opinions.

At the same time, I also did my best in managing the general store, restaurant and Wolf Cub’s Village. 

I need to think about opening up a new business by using the new money. I can use that money to develop the new town even more.

The children in Wolf Cub’s Village, who were growing up nicely along with the older ones who were soon to leave their nest, all of them expressed their desire to settle in the new town.

Of course, the children were free to decide on what they wanted to do after they left the nest. They would be receiving the same benefit as the regular settlers. I wouldn’t discriminate. Although we would be giving the new settlers a plot of land for free, but everyone had to earn their living on their own.

I’m basically doing ‘teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime’. (Well, I do give them a fire dagger and water bottle as a farewell gift but that’s a completely different matter.)

Also, since I was staying in Resta, I decided to make business visits to various corporations like non-noble blacksmith guild, magic device guild, adventurers’ guild, a bunch of individual merchants, church, doctors, and so on.

Before, people didn’t treat me seriously when I was just a commoner but now that I had become a noble, people were paying more attention to what I said. Whenever I revealed to them about my new title, I could see the change in their demeanor. 

I guess humans are the same everywhere. We are weak to titles and power.

After this, I planned on doing business visits to various places, including Tairant, the neighboring town that was governed by Baron Alpendre.

It seems there will be quite a large number of potential settlers for our new town.


T/N: I mean, fire dagger and water bottle doesn’t seem like it will help THAT much. So it’s not really nepotism I guess? And giving a farewell gift to orphanage children is definitely not favoritism. They’re already living with a debuff after all. 

  1. al0o0z has spoken 5 months ago

    Thanks for the chapter.

  2. Exfernal has spoken 9 months ago

    I guess the equivalent gift here would be a portable lighter and a thermos bottle. Useful while camping, but nothing special otherwise.


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