Shoushaman no Isekai Survival ~Zettai Hito to wa Tsurumanee~
A Trading Company Employee Isekai Survival ~I’m Definitely Not Interacting With Other People~ Chapter 265

Chapter 265


It had been a month since the pioneer team led by Brat-san arrived at Borash Plains. The outskirts of the town were finally taking shape and so, we decided to send the second wave.

This time, we also included a group of immigrants coming from Tairant and Resta. In total, we  had over 600 people wanting to start a new life in the new city. According to a letter from His Majesty, the number of applicants coming from the capital might be higher than this.

Baron Wolfszahn’s army was clearly lacking in numbers.

Hence why, within the past month, I quickly hired 20 individuals to be a member of our army (10 from Resta’s army and 10 adventurers). And so, we now had 76 soldiers, excluding Juno and Margo.

So for the second wave, we would dispatch 26 soldiers from Baron Wolfszahn’s army and 30 soldiers for the third wave. We would cover the shortage by hiring adventurers to help escort the group.

The second wave had more diversity compared to the first wave. We had the staff from various guilds set up in town, traveling merchants, the tax collector/nuns Charlotte-san (and her subordinate nuns), blacksmiths, tailors, street food vendors and all sorts of entertainers.

In particular, there were even alumni from Wolf Cub’s Village. This fact truly moved my heart.

For the alumni of Wolf Cub’s Village, I gave them a pot that could produce clear water as a farewell gift. I suggested that they start making money by selling clean water. No one should underestimate the importance of clean water. Water was not a simple commodity.

The water produced by the pot was so clean that you didn’t even need to boil it first to make it safe to consume. Even though we had river nearby but given the current circumstances, digging a well was not a feasible feat. The demand for drinking water as well as clean water for daily life would be undoubtedly high.

So as the first step, they should try making money by selling water.

After that, it depended on each individual’s talent on how they would expand their business later. I had thoroughly taught them ‘how to catch fish’ in Wolf Cub’s Village so they should be able to choose their next step on their own. Although, I did tell them that they could come to us again if things got really tough.

Still, I’m sure they’ll be okay. For some reason, I have a high confidence in them.

Maybe it was because I had experienced how the subordinates I used to teach back in my working days were able to stand on their own? Or maybe I could feel the resilience, the strong hunger and the unwavering determination from the alumni that I had never seen before?

In addition, Elsa was also riding a carriage in the second wave.

Yurina-san and Sarasa held a pajama party to comfort Elsa, who couldn’t meet Juno because of their work. After that, the three of us (me, Yurina-san and Sarasa) started working together in secret to prepare Elsa for joining Juno in the new town.

Only Brat-san, the one who was responsible for giving a report about the town’s situation, had been informed about this. Of course, we made sure to remind him that he needed to keep this fact a secret. 

Now then, Elsa should be arriving at the new town soon.

T/N: Man… Selling clean water… As the lord of that city, he should be providing clean water.. It’s a basic human need but he chose to instill capitalism by making the kids (now adults) sell water instead…. 눈‸눈

1 comment
  1. Exfernal has spoken 9 months ago

    Medieval cities as a matter of fact didn’t have infrastructure for distributing drinkable water for free, so that is nothing strange about it. Those with a well nearby would draw water themselves, after paying a fee to a well owner, and those who lived too far would buy water offered from carriages with barrels of water managed by those making a living from that. It’s easy to take something convenient for granted when it’s not obvious why that should be so. Even now the water you drink is not exactly free, just extremely cheap compared to the rest of amenities.


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