Shoushaman no Isekai Survival ~Zettai Hito to wa Tsurumanee~
A Trading Company Employee Isekai Survival ~I’m Definitely Not Interacting With Other People~ Chapter 270

Chapter 270


Two months had passed since the second group of immigrants arrived at the new town. The season changed to early summer (Bird 1, Month 7). The recruitment for the third wave of immigrants had been closed.

The 4000 prospective immigrants had gathered in Resta. (More than half of them came from around the capital.)

In addition to Margo and Sarasa, who were a prominent figure in both my life and the town, other promising individuals like Kishuu-sensei (the town’s doctor) and Han-sensei (the magic teacher at the Adventurers’ Guild) also decided to immigrate into the new town.

I thought it would be good if we could get 2000 people at most but it turned out, my low expectation was a fortunate miscalculation. 

Upon talking to the people directly, it seemed they liked the idea of ‘Basic Income’, the monetary aid system where we would distribute 1 silver coin each month to all citizens. The idea of ‘Basic Income’ provided a great sense of security and comfort of mind.

Now that I think about it… There’s no ‘social security’ or anything like that in this country… There’s no pension or medical insurance for the elderly… In fact, there’s no insurance AT ALL…. (If a politician dares to erase the insurance system in Japan, I’m sure there will be a riot.)

Thinking about it, it wasn’t about the money. 1 silver coin might not be much but the sense of security that came with it… That was the part that people were attracted to. That being said, since this world didn’t have the concept of pension either, there was no private party that had a vested interest that would potentially oppose the idea of ‘Basic Income’.

Hence why, those in power could introduce a new system without having to cater to any party who had a personal interest. Like in a political party, the winning candidate would have to think about their political party’s interest when coming up with a new law or system.

So, even though I went on with the idea of ‘Basic Income’ with a “let’s just run it first and fix it later” mindset, the people had nothing but positive feedback about it. 

I guess ‘Basic Income’ might actually be good.

Finally… Tomorrow, me and the other core management team, along with the other 4000 people, would start moving into the new town.

By the way, I decided to turn my other business (Wolf Cub’s Apron and Wolf Cub’s Dining Table) into a public company as well. Just like the food and brewery one. 

Wolf Cub’s Village is a non-profit organization and it doesn’t generate any profits so it’s not included.

I decided to entrust the management of Wolf Cub’s Apron and Wolf Cub’s Dining Table to Chatra, Maya and Bokuzen-san. I gave each of them 2% of the company’s shares. (Chatra would be the branch manager of Wolf Cub’s Apron and Maya the vice branch manager. As for Bokuzen-san, he would be the branch manager at Wolf Cub’s Dining Table.)

The reason why I gave the worker some of the shares was to encourage them to work hard out of their own accord. After all, if the company grew and was able to yield more profit, their shares would also become bigger.

At first, Bokuzen-san planned on moving into the new town as well, but because Bokuzen-san had to train the new chefs from the capital, it would be more convenient if he were to stay in Resta, since Resta was located between the capital and the new town.

And now, I was in the middle of loading my luggage into the carriage. I kept my luggage to a minimum, leaving big items like the bed and other large furniture in here. It would be much more convenient to order new furniture once I arrived at the new town after all.

Chatra and Maya wanted to keep living in Wolf Cub’s Apron living area even if they had to pay rent. So, I decided to rent the place out at a cheap price. They were happy when I told them I would be leaving most of the furniture there.

Now then, I’ve loaded my last luggage into the carriage. Tonight is my last night in Resta.

“Alright, let’s drink to our heart’s content tonight!~” 

I flipped the door sign of Wolf Cub’s Apron to ‘closed’ as I exclaimed to my employees.

T/N: Almost everyone is moving into the new townnnn! Resta is going to be a dead town….. 

1 comment
  1. Folkebrat has spoken 6 months ago

    Our MC has gone crazy like a diabetic in Willy Wonka’s store. 😀 His ideas are centuries ahead of the times in this world. Basic income, for example. When people learn about it, they may migrate even from neighboring countries and change citizenship. On the one hand, this is good – more people, means more taxes, and more taxes, means a richer country. But. Spies from other nations may get involved. And, by the way, in a new city you need police or militia units to keep watch over order. MC has lofty ideas however, man is always man and crimes will continue to occur. And those 80 or so soldiers he has under him are unlikely to provide protection for 5,000 residents. He should have at least 100 or 200 police to protect the residents alone. And then there’s the fire department. Even brick houses have wooden elements that can catch fire. Also, there is still a long way to go for our MC.


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