Shoushaman no Isekai Survival ~Zettai Hito to wa Tsurumanee~
A Trading Company Employee Isekai Survival ~I’m Definitely Not Interacting With Other People~ Chapter 274

Chapter 274


The number of Baron Wolfszahn’s army had reached 114 members. We increased the number a bit because the town’s population was about to reach 5000 people at rapid speed. We also had more than 30 registered adventurers stationed at the Adventurer’s Guild in Itoshino Yurina. In total, currently this baronage had more or less 150 soldiers ready to be deployed. Yes, as the lord of this town, I had the authority to mobilize registered adventurers during an emergency. 

The day after the third wave of immigrants to Itoshino Yurina, I was in the middle of bringing my luggage in from a carriage to my private workshop, Amano Iwato. This riverside workshop was built for my personal use and considered as a separate building from the lord’s mansion.

Inside, this workshop had plenty of facilities to ensure a comfortable stay, such as a hammock,a sunken kotatsu, foot bath, outdoor bath, stone sauna and expensive kitchen set among other things. 

We also had pottery equipment here. 

In the first place, a manager or entrepreneurs needed to be able to come up with creative business ideas rather than following strict rules to the T like someone in the military or worse, like a robot. Being able to remain creative was crucial in my line of work. 

For example, Steve Jobs and Elon Musk tended to dress casually and they were able to invent amazing things like smartphones and rockets. Maybe a relatively stress-free work environment was necessary for the mind to be able to come up with the idea to invent something

Think about the president of a top-notch company in Japan. Many people might agree that the president leads a very carefree lifestyle. Now, what about the company’s executives? Shouldn’t the manager or the director have the same carefree lifestyle as well? But the truth was, giving too much freedom to the top executives of the company might be detrimental for the company instead. 

Anyone who had ever worked in the company must’ve thought about this at least once. 

“Boss (either COO or branch manager), stop playing with your phone and get back to work!”

Of course as a mere company slave, we wouldn’t dare to voice our complaint out loud. I happened to be working on the same floor as the president of my company before so I understand that sentiment a bit too well. 

In other words, to us (ordinary and narrow-minded people), we often felt jealous of those reigning at the top. Thoughts like… 

“I’m the real backbone of the company, the one making literal sales. Why am I driving a Pleo Subaru while my boss drives a Benz?!” 

“He said it’s a business trip but he’s actually traveling under company’s budget with Maeda-san from the administrative department.”

Often came to mind. Through our envy and spite-filled lens, the boss, who deliberately placed themselves in a stress-free environment for the sake of the company, looked like a good for nothing slacker. Even though the boss had to live a stress-free lifestyle in order to come up with innovative ideas. Those genius business ideas wouldn’t be able to sprout in a stressful environment. 

Ah… How foolish… To think the only thing that prevented us common people from coming up with a genius idea is a stress-free life… 

Still, lamenting about this fickle, momentary world would only be in vain. Nothing would change after all. 

There was only one solution to this. 

Do not let the employees see how free the president’s life is.

In Sun Tzu’s Art of War, there were some quotes that went like… 

“Deceive the eyes and ears of your soldiers, let them remain unaware.” 


“There’s no need to disclose the fine details to your subordinates. Embrace the strategy of secrecy.”

In shorts, for entrepreneurs, that meant business ideas brought from stroke of genius should be kept secret not only from your rival but also from your allies. 

In fact, precisely because of this the president’s office (not only in Japan but also around the world) had to be built in the innermost part of the building, to ensure secrecy and privacy.

In other words, I was merely following the teaching of Sun Tzu. I had created a hideout for me so my subordinates wouldn’t look at me in the wrong light. 

I was holding Ash in my arms, relaxing in the hammock to try to come up with a new business idea and by the time I knew it, I had dozed off. (I was only trying to check the comfort of the hammock. Doing the work of quality assurance so to say.)



Then, suddenly, Juno, one of my few trusted friends that I had allowed into my hideout, came barging in, looking visibly upset even though he was supposed to be overseeing the training of Baron Wolfszahn’s army at this time. 


T/N: All that long text just because MC wants to slack off… 

  1. al0o0z has spoken 5 months ago

    As a lower-level corporate employee, it’s relatable. :/


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