Shoushaman no Isekai Survival ~Zettai Hito to wa Tsurumanee~
A Trading Company Employee Isekai Survival ~I’m Definitely Not Interacting With Other People~ Chapter 279

Chapter 279


『Individual Name: Keigo Okuda has reached level 27. 








『Individual Name: Keigo Okuda has reached level 28. 








Acquired Glacies Nova Level 3. 』

The level-up announcement pop up appeared right in front of me. This also signified that I had defeated the behemoth. Looking at my other party members, they seemed to be looking at something in the air. They must be looking at their pop up screen, which meant that they too, had leveled up. 

While drinking potion to recover my health, I looked around and saw that White-san was still stuck in the Awa Odori dance pose and likewise, Hijin-san also still remained in the triple axel pose.

As a soldier, they should be prepared to risk their lives for the sake of the citizens of the town but still, I felt sorry to see them in this state.

Since paruna detoxifying potion could be used to cure petrification, there must be a way to restore them to their original state. 

Once we got back to town, I would ask Kishuu-sensei about it. (Kishuu-sensei also immigrated here along with the third wave of immigrants.)

And so, I, along with the other party members that could still walk, moved the petrified due towards the wall so we could continue to explore the area. We still had to search for the missing exploration team members.

In any case, with two of our party members incapacitated, if we couldn’t find the missing exploration team members, we would need to go back to the surface and start over from the beginning. 

I looked around the area where the behemoth had appeared while thinking about our options. Then, I found a place that appeared to be the behemoth’s nest. It was located in a more secluded area of the cave. 

We explored the area and I saw a pile of hay where I saw a glittered purple egg with a flashy ☆ mark.

I used appraisal on the egg. 

【Dragon Monster Behemoth’s Egg:The egg of Dragon Monster Behemoth.】

And so it appeared.

Exploring further back inside, I saw five statues. Those must be the missing exploration squad. Similar to White-san and Hijiki-san, they were frozen still in very expressive poses. Their poses reminded me of Power Ranger.

Somehow… I think the behemoth deliberately placed the statues here for the baby behemoth to play with. Like a toy…

I wrote down the result of the appraisal onto paper and showed it to Mizuchi-san, the healer. She suggested that I should sell the egg to monster tamer since the egg could fetch a high price in the market. 

And so, I decided to bring the egg home with me. 

Since we had found the missing soldiers, we immediately called for more help. We decided to bring back all of the petrified soldiers and the defeated behemoth back to the town. 


T/N: Why can’t MC just use paruna detoxifying potion then? Can’t he just pour pour then VOILA! Like so?

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