After Being Marked By A Powerful Love Rival
After Being Marked By A Powerful Love Rival Chapter 20.1

Song Yi squinted her eyes, took out a tea set from the cabinet, and slowly brewed a pot of Biluochun, “Drink some tea to relieve the sweat on your head.”

  Zhao Jiangwei pulled out a few tissues to wipe his sweat and forced a smile, “The weather is too hot.”

“You have changed so much now that I really can’t recognize you.” Song Yi smiled, poured a cup of tea and handed it over.

  Zhao Jiangwei hurriedly took it and said flatteringly: “You are the one who has changed the most. The top student has become a star now. If my aunt hadn’t told me about it, I wouldn’t have believed it.”—&client=ca-pub-6218330750937283&output=html&h=300&adk=2782762132&adf=302015039&pi=t.aa~a.2730998014~i.4~rp.4&w=360&lmt=1682943331&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=3481060028&ad_type=text_image&format=360×300&×300%2C0x0&nras=3&correlator=1996750310268&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=119514411.1697916789&ga_sid=1697916789&ga_hid=757586552&ga_fc=0&u_tz=300&u_his=5&u_h=800&u_w=360&u_ah=800&u_aw=360&u_cd=24&u_sd=2&dmc=4&adx=0&ady=1110&biw=360&bih=672&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=44759875%2C44759926%2C31077328%2C44805112%2C44805533%2C44805681%2C44805921%2C44805933%2C31078301%2C31078663%2C31078665%2C31078668%2C31078670&oid=2&pvsid=547843803864696&tmod=1918462465&uas=0&nvt=1&topics=3&tps=3&!3&btvi=1&fsb=1&xpc=ZWSJr2wOKE&p=https%3A//

  ”You’re welcome.” Song Yi lowered her chin slightly and smiled implicitly, “This profession is like a siege. People inside want to get out, and people outside want to come in. The mountains look high, but in fact they are no different from ordinary people.”

  Zhao Jiangwei laughed dryly and drank tea one mouthful at a time.

  Song Yi looked at him and asked casually, “I remember you were admitted to X University, how could you be a bodyguard?”

  Zhao Jiangwei can be a school bully, and his family has some foundation. Although his grades are a mess, his family saved up money to support Zhao Jiangwei to get a degree in Compare.

Zhao Jiangwei shivered as if there was a nail stuck under his butt, “I didn’t go to college. Something happened.”—&client=ca-pub-6218330750937283&output=html&h=300&adk=2782762132&adf=2845053082&pi=t.aa~a.2730998014~i.14~rp.4&w=360&lmt=1682943331&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=3481060028&ad_type=text_image&format=360×300&×300%2C0x0%2C360x300&nras=4&correlator=1996750310268&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=119514411.1697916789&ga_sid=1697916789&ga_hid=757586552&ga_fc=0&u_tz=300&u_his=5&u_h=800&u_w=360&u_ah=800&u_aw=360&u_cd=24&u_sd=2&dmc=4&adx=0&ady=2185&biw=360&bih=672&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=44759875%2C44759926%2C31077328%2C44805112%2C44805533%2C44805681%2C44805921%2C44805933%2C31078301%2C31078663%2C31078665%2C31078668%2C31078670&oid=2&pvsid=547843803864696&tmod=1918462465&uas=0&nvt=1&topics=3&tps=3&!4&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=rx4FbbyqMi&p=https%3A//

  Song Yi made some guesses in her mind and was about to speak when Zhao Jiangwei’s cell phone rang. He took out his cell phone and stood up immediately, as if to make a report, and walked to the balcony to answer the call.

  Song Yi tilted her head with interest. The Nokia candy bar phone used by Zhao Jiangwei is rarely used by young people except the elderly or people who have been out of touch with the times for a long time.

  I really don’t know how Zhao Jiangwei ended up like this.

  As soon as Song Yi returned to the imperial capital, Zhao Hongyan’s heart dropped to his stomach. During this period, he was so scared about Song Jie that he couldn’t sleep well. Now that Song Yi is back, he can finally have a good sleep peacefully.

  Song Yi usually didn’t have much time, and the family was busy with their own affairs. This time, she finally had the opportunity to spend a few days with Zhao Hongyan.

On this day, Song Yi took Zhao Hongyan to visit the mall all afternoon. Last time, Zhao Hongyan told Song Yi that the neighbor’s aunt changed her cheongsam every day and showed it off among the old sisters all day long. Song Yi understood and took Zhao Hongyan to order it. Wearing a few cheongsams, Zhao Hongyan felt comfortable.

  The two of them were carrying large and small bags home. On the way, Zhao Hongyan was sitting in the back seat and looked at Song Yi hesitantly, “How are you and that Shen Li?”

  Shen Li used to often go to Song Yi’s house to do homework. Zhao Hongyan had a good impression of Shen Li. For a while, he cooked Shen Li’s favorite food every day, but he never paid much attention to Song Yi’s son.

Song Yi drove the car without looking back, “Shen Li has been very busy recently, so we haven’t contacted him.”

  Zhao Hongyan sighed and looked at the back of Song Yi’s head resentfully, “When you were in school, you had love letters in your schoolbag every day. There are so many people who like you, how come none of you can succeed?”

  When Song Yi heard this topic, her head hurt, “It all depends on fate, and I don’t have it.”—&client=ca-pub-6218330750937283&output=html&h=300&adk=2782762132&adf=149620236&pi=t.aa~a.2730998014~i.36~rp.4&w=360&lmt=1682943331&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=3481060028&ad_type=text_image&format=360×300&×300%2C0x0%2C360x300%2C360x300%2C360x300&nras=6&correlator=1996750310268&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=119514411.1697916789&ga_sid=1697916789&ga_hid=757586552&ga_fc=0&u_tz=300&u_his=5&u_h=800&u_w=360&u_ah=800&u_aw=360&u_cd=24&u_sd=2&dmc=4&adx=0&ady=3965&biw=360&bih=624&scr_x=0&scr_y=88&eid=44759875%2C44759926%2C31077328%2C44805112%2C44805533%2C44805681%2C44805921%2C44805933%2C31078301%2C31078663%2C31078665%2C31078668%2C31078670&oid=2&pvsid=547843803864696&tmod=1918462465&uas=0&nvt=1&topics=3&tps=3&!6&btvi=4&fsb=1&xpc=v7fe8JFT4y&p=https%3A//

  Zhao Hongyan glared at him, “Are you asking for too much? Even though you have good conditions, you can’t be too picky.”

  ”That’s not the case. There is really no suitable one. If there is a suitable one, I will definitely talk about it.” Song Yi said helplessly.

  Zhao Hongyan said: “What do you want?”

Song Yi thought for a while and said honestly: “A person who is delicate and fair, has a quiet and gentle personality, and can live a good life.”

  He is a very pragmatic person, and passion is only temporary. When two people get along with each other, it is true to be ordinary. For appetite, it is very important to live a down-to-earth life.

  ”This kind is easy to find.” Zhao Hongyan took out his mobile phone and looked through the photos. “Your Aunt Zhou’s nephew came back from abroad. It matches what you said. Although he is a beta, he is a top student at University X…”

  Song Yi smiled awkwardly, “No rush, I’m very busy recently and don’t have time to fall in love. Wait until I finish this time.”

Now that he is in trouble, he has not fully adapted to his status as an Omega, and is not suitable for dating others at all.

  Zhao Hongyan shook his head, with a sad look on his face, “Back then you wanted to take the X-act exam, but I didn’t want to. Your dad told me that you were different from the kids in our family. You were someone who wanted to do big things. He was right, you guys There has never been a smart person like you in my family, and there is no one in the whole family who is better than you. You have always given me face since you were a child, except for the fact that you are not married.”

“I’ll try my best.” Song Yi sighed in her heart. If Zhao Hongyan knew that he was an Omega, he would probably be shocked.

  After returning home, Song Yi parked his car in the underground garage. The parking spaces in the community were tight. He reversed the car and parked. When he pushed the door and got out of the car, he saw a black luxury car parked opposite, with a smooth and high-end model. Under the dim lights of the parking lot shining.

  Zhao Hongyan didn’t recognize the car logo, but he could tell it was a good car. He poked Song Yi and asked, “What kind of car is this? One million, right?”

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