After Being Rejected, I Brought the Cute School Beauty Home to Be My Wife
After Being Rejected, I Brought the Cute School Beauty Home to Be My Wife Chapter 113.2

Chapter 113: Are You Mentally Prepared? (2/2)

After all, there wasn’t much age difference between them; Feng Biao was only seven or eight years older.

Feng Biao had just taken a few bites of his meal when he suddenly remembered something and asked Zhao Qingfeng, “Little Feng, didn’t you mention starting a pig farm for us? Has there been any progress? If it’s not possible, we’ll have to prepare for a barbecue shop!”

The group had thought it over before; setting up a stall outside the No. 4 Middle School wasn’t a long-term solution.

Summer was still manageable.

But in winter, with heavy snowfall in the north, running a stall would be tough, and there wouldn’t be many customers.

So, Feng Biao planned to rent a place for a barbecue shop, and with Huang Hao’s talent, Chin Gentsai, and Bashin’s help, the four of them working together could probably make it successful.

Zhao Qingfeng shook his head.

Forget the barbecue shop; it was too small to be of any interest.

In the future, he planned to open a huge supermarket for his mother, a massive pig farm, and a huge Nike store, all of which would require manpower.

However, he hadn’t told anyone about these plans because the university entrance exam was the most important matter at hand.

Money was not in a hurry to be earned. For him, making money was just a matter of minutes. First, he needed to secure love, kinship, and friendship. Everything had to be done step by step, as sharpening the axe would not delay the work of cutting wood.

“You guys just do whatever for now. By the way, has anyone come looking for trouble?”

He was more worried about the troublemakers from Lishu Village.

Feng Biao shook his head, “They haven’t come looking, but they’ve already taken over that piece of land. Your grandparents’ graves are fine, no one dares to touch them, but about the land, do you really have a plan in three months?”

Of course.

Zhao Qingfeng assured him twice seriously, not caring whether his uncle believed him or not, just reminding him to have someone check on it occasionally, as long as they didn’t disturb his grandparents’ graves.

After taking care of home matters, he headed straight to the internet cafe.

Today was the last all-nighter before the third mock exam. If there were no issues, the navigation website could also be completed.

Before the university entrance exam ended, all bugs would be fixed again.

After the exam, it would be the perfect time to officially promote the navigation website on a large scale.

As long as he could capture the market, the income from advertisements alone would be significant.

Moreover, he planned to launch the navigation website as a flagship, linked with other software yet to be developed.

If all went well,

Money would rain into Zhao Qingfeng’s pockets, uncountable.

Upon arriving at the internet cafe,

Zhao Ming was there by chance.

He had a mischievous smile on his face, handing over a bottle of Coke, “Little bro, Chun Tao’er said you two went to the hospital before, what happened, you sick?”

This was last week’s news, which Zhao Qingfeng had already explained to Chun Tao’er.

He nodded, saying with a troubled expression, “Yeah, bro, don’t ask. I’m just worried right now and want to play games, don’t want to see anyone.”

Good, worry!

May it kill you!

Zhao Ming had already obtained the medical records, waiting for the final blow after the university entrance exam.

He was more anxious than Zhao Qingfeng, pushing him into a room, closing the door behind them, insisting he play hard. He even said he would give him money for treatment after the third mock exam, pretending to be kind-hearted.

Start the computer.

Get to work.

By 8 p.m., having not eaten all day, Zhao Qingfeng finally finished everything except the bug testing.

Looking at the simple, convenient, and fast interface in front of him, Zhao Qingfeng nodded slightly.

The first small goal had been achieved.

His design philosophy surpassed 99% of designers.

He believed that once it was widely launched in the future, it would definitely impress the users.

“What are you looking at?”

Just then, Chun Tao’er walked in.

Zhao Qingfeng smiled and mumbled a few words. Chun Tao’er closed the door and said, “I have some bad news for you; you better be mentally prepared…”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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