After Feeding the Lilliputian Kingdom, I Got Rich Through Interdimensional Trading
After Feeding the Lilliputian Kingdom, I Got Rich Through Interdimensional Trading Chapter 5: Who Is the Divine Being That Saved Him?

Yun Zhen built a square wall around the ceramic cup and the speedboat, leaving only one large gate.

The wall was about 15 centimeters high, roughly twice the height of the little people. Anyone standing outside wouldn’t be able to see inside, ensuring a degree of privacy and security.

Pei Hao was still asleep, and since the toy gate couldn’t be locked like a real one, Yun Zhen placed an old-fashioned weight behind it to prevent any thieves or animals from sneaking in during the night.

She leaned two movable ladders against the ceramic cup so that if an emergency occurred during the night, Pei Hao could climb up to a higher vantage point to observe the situation.

Additionally, she stuck three toothpicks into the ground to serve as makeshift “weapons” in case the tiny person faced danger.

After surveying everything and feeling confident that she hadn’t overlooked anything, Yun Zhen replaced the lukewarm water and cake in the ceramic cup with fresh supplies. Then, yawning, she went to wash up and get ready for bed.

It was already 11:30 PM, and most online store customer service representatives had also closed up shop for the night.

Yun Zhen wasn’t in a rush to order a custom-made safe house; she decided to discuss it with the tiny person the next day.

The next morning, Yun Zhen woke up at six.

She resisted her curiosity, brushed her teeth, washed her face, ate breakfast, and then rushed to the study to check on the tiny world inside the bookshelf.

The scene within the bookshelf was as it had been—nothing had disappeared, and it certainly wasn’t an illusion.

Yun Zhen sighed in relief, leaning in to inspect the surroundings.

It seemed to be morning in the tiny world as well, though the sky was a bit darker.

The two bottle caps inside the ceramic cup hadn’t been touched, suggesting the tiny person hadn’t woken up all night. The area around the wall also showed no signs of disturbance, indicating that the night had passed peacefully.

Yun Zhen extended her hand, ready to clear away the leftover food and water from the previous night.

The gentle sound of waves became clearer in her ears, and faint bird calls echoed from deep within the forest. Pei Hao stirred from his sleep, slowly opening his bleary, reddened eyes.

He placed a hand on his forehead and found that his fever had broken. His body felt much better, and his limbs had regained some strength.

Where was this place? Where were Luo Yihui and the others?

Pei Hao sat up, realizing he was in a completely white cabin. The door was wide open, giving him a clear view of the outside.

It was still damp outside, but the rain had stopped. In the distance, he could see a colorful wall.

He heard no human voices, making it difficult to assess his current situation.

Turning his head to survey the cabin, he noticed two large basins nearby—one filled with water, the other seemingly with food?

Pei Hao was full of questions and reached out to investigate.

But just as he was about to touch the basins, they suddenly floated into the air, quickly flying out of the cabin.

What the—?! What was happening?!

Stunned, Pei Hao froze, pressing his back against the wall. It took him a while to regain his composure, and he cautiously stepped out of the cabin.

Looking up, he saw the two large basins rising into the sky.

A round opening broke through the thick layer of clouds, and soft sunlight poured down, like a divine miracle bringing light and hope after the storm.

The basins, carrying food and water, mysteriously flew toward the sunlight, disappearing into the clouds.

Pei Hao was speechless, staring dumbfounded at the strange sight in the sky.

Where exactly was he? How was there such a supernatural force at work?
As he began to feel a surge of panic, an ethereal voice, distant yet clear, echoed from above:

“Oh? You’re awake?”

The voice was gentle and kind, like the whispered words of an ancient deity, gently washing over him.

Pei Hao felt a strange tremor in his chest, as if his blood was boiling within him.

He looked up toward the sky but saw nothing.

Could this really not be a hallucination? Was the voice addressing him?

As he pondered this, the ethereal voice spoke again: “How are you feeling? Has the fever gone down? Have some breakfast to fill your stomach, and I’ll change your bandages in an hour.”

As soon as the words fell, the clouds in the sky began to shift. The vast cloud cover was dispersed by some mysterious force, and the sunlight spread out, warming his body and driving away the lingering cold.

The two large basins descended from the sky, landing steadily beside Pei Hao.

One was filled with clear, warm water, and the other held a bun larger than the basin itself.

Pei Hao was shocked and instinctively took two steps back.

Although his stomach was growling with hunger, he restrained himself from acting impulsively.

He looked around at his surroundings. Behind him was the “cabin” he had just walked out of—its strange shape resembling a giant ceramic cup. Nearby was a very familiar speedboat, with his suitcase still aboard.

There were no other buildings around, only a tall, colorful wall enclosing the area.

It looked like a camp, but there was no one else around.

Pei Hao was even more confused, muttering to himself: “Am I alive or dead? How did my suitcase and speedboat follow me to the afterlife? This place doesn’t resemble any depiction of the underworld or heaven…”

He pinched his arm hard and immediately gasped: “Ow… If I’m dead, why do I still feel pain?!”

A soft laugh echoed from the sky, and the ethereal voice said leisurely: “You’re still alive, not dead. Your companions tried to drown you, but I saved you. I fed you and treated your wounds last night—don’t you remember?”

Yesterday… It all came back to him!

So, it wasn’t a dream?!

He had thought that Luo Yihui and the others had killed him and that he was experiencing those bizarre events in the afterlife.

But now, he was being told he was still alive and that everything he had seen was real. What kind of being had saved him?
Pei Hao turned his gaze to the two large basins, mustered his courage, and walked over. He scooped up some water with his hands and drank it.

Hmm, it was sweet and mild, just like the warm water he had before the apocalypse.

He then tore off a piece of the gigantic bun and put it in his mouth.

It tasted exactly like the pork buns commonly found before the apocalypse!
The warm food and water settled in his stomach, soothing his growling belly.

But Pei Hao’s mind grew even more confused, his entire worldview shattered!

Everything he had believed in—science, logic, materialism—now felt like shattered glass, falling away piece by piece with a sound both clear and deafening.

His understanding and consciousness were lost in a fog, unable to find clarity or direction.

What kind of being was hidden in the sky, invisible to the naked eye?
A higher-dimensional lifeform? An alien? Or perhaps one of those legendary deities capable of moving mountains and controlling the elements?

“Are you a god? Does this world really have gods?”

What deities did people worship in the southern coastal regions?

The Queen of Heaven, Mazu? The South Sea Guanyin? Or perhaps Lord Guan?

Ugh, he had been sick for too long, and his mind was getting dull. The voice was clearly that of a goddess.

Pei Hao looked up, his face full of confusion as he gazed at the sky. Hidden in his heart was a mix of anticipation, along with an indescribable sense of caution and fear.

He hoped the being above would give him a clear answer.

Yet he feared that the answer might be more than he could handle.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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