After Feeding the Lilliputian Kingdom, I Got Rich Through Interdimensional Trading
After Feeding the Lilliputian Kingdom, I Got Rich Through Interdimensional Trading Chapter 6: Thanks, But I Don’t Want Incense and Paper Money

Yun Zhen had no idea that the tiny person almost mistook her for the martial god Guan Yu.

Considering Pei Hao’s question, she pondered seriously for a moment.

By nature, she didn’t want to pretend to be a deity or trick anyone. However, if she admitted to being a giant, it would undoubtedly cause fear, panic, and a collapse of his worldview.

The tiny world seemed highly modernized, and Pei Hao was clearly a well-educated young man. The more technologically advanced a civilization is, the harder it is for them to accept that their world might just be a “toy box” for giants or higher-dimensional beings.

The idea of extraterrestrials would be equally unsettling, as being saved by an alien might suggest hidden motives rather than kindness.

On the other hand, the concept of a divine being, though vague, is something humans are more willing to accept.

Yun Zhen didn’t know why this tiny world had appeared in her bookshelf or why she had stumbled upon Pei Hao in his moment of peril. Perhaps it was mere coincidence, or maybe it was all fated to be.

Yun Zhen slowly and gently reached her hand into the bookshelf, spreading her palm in front of Pei Hao.

However, Pei Hao continued to look up at the sky, clearly unable to see the giant’s hand.

Yun Zhen confirmed her suspicion and, with a smile, said, “The Tao operates with fifty possibilities; forty-nine are open to heaven, and one remains hidden for humanity. Meeting you was a fated chance, and saving you was simply a convenient act. You needn’t worry; I bear you no ill will.”

Pei Hao felt a bit embarrassed that the mysterious being had read his thoughts so clearly.

Hearing her reference the “I Ching’s principles” he wondered if the being who saved him might be a Taoist deity.

Pei Hao relaxed slightly, finding this answer much more reassuring than the prospect of extraterrestrials or higher-dimensional beings. Still, he didn’t completely let down his guard—time would reveal whether this entity was truly benevolent.

“Thank you, immortal, for saving my life. I, Pei Hao, will certainly build a temple and erect a monument in your honor, dedicating my life to your worship. May I ask how I should address you? What offerings should I prepare? Incense and paper money are hard to come by now, but once I contact my family, I’ll find a way to properly honor you.”

Yun Zhen: “…”

Thanks, but as a living person, she had no desire for incense and paper money.

Yun Zhen thought for a moment and replied, “A deity has no name; you may call me whatever you wish. I don’t need temples or offerings, and I didn’t save you in hopes of receiving anything in return. The world is facing a great calamity, and my abilities are limited. I can only offer small help, but I hope you and others can find a way to survive this apocalypse.”

Her words were full of divine grace, and even the cautious Pei Hao was deeply moved.

He began to trust the deity more, though he was still anxious about the information she had hinted at.

“What is this great calamity you speak of? This disaster has been going on for over half a month—will it ever end? Are other parts of the country safe, or are they facing similar catastrophes?”

Huacheng, along with nearby coastal cities like Xiangcheng and Lanshi, were among the first places to be devastated at the start of the apocalypse.

Due to the rapid loss of signal and communication networks, Pei Hao and the other people in Huacheng had no way of knowing what was happening in the outside world.

The Pei family’s main base was in Beidu, a region with stable terrain and few major disasters. However, his grandparents had been traveling in Shudi, and his older brother was on a business trip in Shen City. It had been almost a month since he last contacted them, and Pei Hao was extremely worried about his family’s safety.

Hearing his concerns, Yun Zhen was silent for a moment, recalling the information from the “System” and deciding it was best to prepare the tiny person mentally.

“The great calamity is the apocalypse you are witnessing. Every region in the world is experiencing different types of disasters. My abilities are limited, so I can’t see what’s happening elsewhere. If I encounter your family, I will help them. What are your plans now? Do you intend to leave Huacheng immediately, or will you stay in Yulong Mountain for a while?”

Pei Hao frowned deeply upon hearing this and quickly activated his wristband to try contacting his family.

Unfortunately, the ground stations and satellite signals were no longer functioning, so no matter what he tried, there was no way to reconnect.

After pacing back and forth anxiously for a while, he finally calmed down.

“For now, I can only stay in Yulong Mountain until my injuries heal. After that, I’ll figure out how to leave. I would be grateful if you could keep an eye on the situation in Huacheng. If there’s anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask. As long as it’s not illegal or harmful, I will do everything in my power to get it for you.”

Yun Zhen readily agreed but again emphasized that she didn’t want any compensation.

Seeing him operate the wristband piqued her curiosity, and she couldn’t help but ask, “Is that watch-like thing a phone?”

As soon as she finished speaking, she noticed that the suitcase in the speedboat suddenly sprouted mechanical arms and legs. It slowly crawled out of the boat, then transformed back into a regular suitcase as it rolled on four wheels toward Pei Hao, skillfully avoiding obstacles.

Yun Zhen’s eyes widened in shock. “What’s with that suitcase?”

She had thought the tiny world’s technology was on par with her own era, but now she saw there was a significant difference.

What kind of world was connected to her bookshelf, where such extraordinary things kept appearing?

Pei Hao was equally surprised. He hadn’t expected an all-powerful goddess to be unfamiliar with smart wristbands and high-tech suitcases.

A phone? A watch? Those terms sounded ancient and unfamiliar.

He thought back to the antique collection room in his home, where he had seen a dozen or so exquisite, luxurious wristwatches. According to his grandfather, those were relics from a century ago. After smart wristbands became widely popular, there was no longer any room on people’s wrists for anything else.

Whether it was watches that combined timekeeping and decorative functions or women’s favorite bracelets and bangles, the market for such items dwindled, sales plummeted, and eventually, they had to be scaled back or even phased out.

Nowadays, the only time a bride might wear a dragon-phoenix gold bangle is to showcase wealth and status at a wedding. Most people don’t wear anything other than a wristband.

The Pei family’s tech company had introduced smart wristbands that looked like bracelets or bangles, offering stylish and luxurious designs that perfectly met users’ needs for both decoration and functionality.

As for phones, those ancient communication devices could only be seen in textbooks and technology museums.

Pei Hao’s impression of them was that they were bulky like bricks, with slow response times, limited functions, and inconvenient charging.

It was hard to imagine how people over a century ago carried and used such phones; compared to smart wristbands, they were worlds apart.

Pei Hao explained the development history of the smart wristband to Yun Zhen and then opened his suitcase to demonstrate.

“This type of high-end travel suitcase can be paired with a smart wristband. If it’s more than five meters away from its owner, it automatically follows. There’s no need to carry it manually; just activate the follow mode, and it can climb stairs, traverse slopes, and avoid obstacles. It can move on any surface except in the air. When switched to standby mode, it stops following and stays in place. You can control it remotely through the wristband, even if it’s upstairs and you’re downstairs. It’s fireproof, waterproof, and bulletproof, and no one but the owner can open it. Forcing it open requires special tools from the manufacturer, which isn’t something just anyone can do.”

After thinking for a moment, he added, “But these suitcases are expensive and not widely used. Most people still prefer regular suitcases.”

Pei Hao took out a clean set of clothes, closed the suitcase, and sent it back to the speedboat.

Yun Zhen, who had watched the entire process, was amazed and envious of the advanced technology.

The tiny world’s technological development far surpassed her era. How wonderful it would have been to witness Huacheng before the apocalypse—if only the “Time-Space Interaction System” had arrived earlier! Yun Zhen couldn’t help but sigh wistfully.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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