After Feeding the Lilliputian Kingdom, I Got Rich Through Interdimensional Trading
After Feeding the Lilliputian Kingdom, I Got Rich Through Interdimensional Trading Chapter 7: Advice from a Helpful Netizen

“It’s getting late. You should have your breakfast first. I’ll provide your meals regularly from now on. If you have any other needs, just let me know, and I’ll do my best to help you.”

Yun Zhen carefully placed anti-inflammatory medicine, alcohol, cotton, bandages, and ointment into different colored bottle caps and set them next to the ceramic cup. She also installed a makeshift storage shed nearby, which she had just assembled from building blocks, to provide some cover for the medications.

The storage shed was only 8 centimeters high, something she had cobbled together from spare parts. From a distance, it looked like a toppled cube with no functioning door. She had used transparent tape to make the roof and three walls waterproof, making it barely suitable as a temporary warehouse.

Yun Zhen informed Pei Hao about the conditions on Yulong Mountain, then reminded him, “The materials used for the shed have slight toxicity, so it can only be used temporarily, not as a permanent residence. It’s safer for you to sleep in the ceramic cup. If you encounter any trouble, try calling out loudly for me. If I hear you, I’ll respond. If there’s no response, it means I’m away.”

The “Loudspeaker” function of the “Time-Space Interactive System” had been automatically activated from the start, with the volume set at about 50%. That’s why she initially heard the sound of waves in the study. To keep track of the tiny world’s happenings, she had never turned it off.

Pei Hao obediently agreed, still finding it unbelievable as he looked at the “giant basins” filled with supplies around him.

He had never imagined that one day he would encounter a deity who would rescue and help him without asking for anything in return.

Just a day ago, he was struggling on the brink of death. Now, he was surrounded by an abundance of precious food, water, and medicine.

There was probably no one luckier than him in all of Huacheng. He knew he would have to find a way to repay this kindness in the future.

With sincere gratitude, Pei Hao clasped his hands together and bowed deeply. Then, he took out a portable folding stool and a storage box from his suitcase, sitting down next to the basin of clear water and the plate of dumplings.

He opened the storage box, took out a bowl, chopsticks, and a cup, rinsed them briefly, and began his meal.

His features were handsome, and his demeanor was elegant, clearly someone who had been well-educated in proper etiquette.

As he ate, he occasionally showed a puzzled expression, as if he were still questioning whether all of this was real.

But soon, his expression became firm, as though he had come to some realization.

How interesting!

Yun Zhen watched with great interest, suddenly discovering the joy of taking care of a tiny person.

This was far more entertaining than playing house with dolls as a child, and even more satisfying than raising pets.

Of course, if a Western-style Barbie doll suddenly came to life and started talking, that would be a horror story. Pets, on the other hand, are difficult to communicate with, and their habit of relieving themselves anywhere can be a headache for their owners.

Tiny people, with their extraordinary intelligence, were different. They were the most unique beings in the world.

Though fragile and small, Yun Zhen dared not underestimate them.

The technology in the tiny world far surpassed that of her own time, and it wasn’t easy to fool someone who didn’t believe in gods.

Even if she could fool one person, it might not work on the next. What if she encountered more tiny people in the future?

Yun Zhen had a background in science and engineering and always adhered to a practical approach in everything she did. Pretending… ahem, pretending to be a deity or a supernatural being was something she wasn’t very good at.

Would her “divine status” be in danger in the future?

Yun Zhen suddenly felt a bit anxious.

She quickly opened her computer’s browser and posted a question in a Q&A community, offering a 100-coin reward.

The post was titled, “How to Pretend to Be a Deity,” with an emphasis on maintaining a divine aura.

It was 9:30 on a Wednesday morning, so Yun Zhen assumed there wouldn’t be many people online.

However, within just five minutes of posting, a large number of students and office workers who were slacking off flooded in with enthusiasm.

Every time she refreshed the page, dozens of new replies appeared, making Yun Zhen quickly read through each one.

[Helpful Netizen 1]: At this point, you should quote the classic line, ‘For thirty years the east river flows, for thirty years the west river flows. Don’t bully a poor young man!’

Yun Zhen twitched her lips. This wasn’t a script for a story of a downtrodden youth’s rise to power. This suggestion was scratched off the list.

[Helpful Netizen 2]: ‘If I were not born, the world would be in eternal darkness!’

Uh… “If Yun Zhen Zhen were not born, the tiny world would be in eternal darkness”?

No way! That’s way too narcissistic, even Confucius and Mencius wouldn’t have dared to boast like that. How could she, an ordinary person, have the nerve to be so self-absorbed?

[Helpful Netizen 3]: You don’t know how to act cool? Wear your underwear over your pants, drape a red bedsheet over your shoulders, and climb to the rooftop to shout, ‘For truth and justice, I will destroy you—!’

How did someone come up with such a cringe-worthy and embarrassing suggestion? Dude, you seriously need to stay on your meds.

[Helpful Netizen 4]: You could imitate the Guanyin Bodhisattva from “Journey to the West”, saying, ‘Wukong, you naughty monkey!’ (in a gentle, kind voice with a reverb effect).

Yun Zhen pondered this suggestion and then had an epiphany.

She rewarded “Helpful Netizen 4” with the 100 coins and happily accepted this answer.

There are still good people in this world. If you ask enough people, you’ll eventually get a sensible answer.

Who says netizens are only interested in making jokes without caring about others?

They probably just didn’t offer enough reward money.

Yun Zhen logged out of the Q&A community and opened a shopping website to search for model houses.

She flipped through several pages but couldn’t find anything suitable. The search results were just as disappointing as they had been the previous night.

Most DIY model houses were designed for display only, with only two adjacent wooden walls for support. The thin wooden sheets and glue used to build them wouldn’t stand a chance against the frequent rain and flooding in the tiny world.

Yun Zhen puffed up her cheeks and changed her search terms to look for custom model house shops.

After spending a lot of time searching and inquiring, she finally found a shop willing to take the order.

Yun Zhen sent over the blueprints with the dimensions and style of the house and explained her requirements honestly: “The foundation of the model house should be made of steel and stone, so it won’t collapse or blow away in the wind. The main structure should be built from stainless steel, solid wood, and food-grade plastic to ensure it’s waterproof and moisture-resistant. Please avoid using glue that contains formaldehyde. Also, the furniture, tableware, and other items inside should be non-toxic and safe.”

The shop owner was very accommodating, agreeing right away: “No problem. I can meet all these requirements. Is this for a pet hamster? You’re really thoughtful about your pet.”

Yun Zhen: “Uh… sure.”

The tiny people were about the size of her index finger, roughly 6.8 centimeters tall. If a hamster showed up, it would be a super monster and might even consider the tiny people as snacks.

Yun Zhen and the shop owner finalized the details of the house, arranged for a rush order, and agreed on a shipping date five days later. With a click, the order was placed, and the payment was made—6,800 yuan instantly vanished from her account!

Wait, did you hear that?

It was the sound of her wallet coughing violently.

But Yun Zhen wasn’t done “shopping” yet. She then went to a store specializing in doll accessories and ordered custom pillows, blankets, sheets, and mattresses suitable for tiny people, spending an additional 300 yuan.

Raising tiny people is expensive.

Yun Zhen looked at her royalty account, which now had just over 10,000 yuan left, and realized she needed to get the opening chapters of her new book written and submitted as soon as possible. If she kept spending like this, she might have to dip into her other bank account.

When she switched careers, she had boldly claimed she wouldn’t need her parents to give her spending money anymore.

It had only been a little over two months since she moved back home—she couldn’t possibly go back on her word so quickly, could she?

The money she spent would have to be earned back through her own efforts.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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