After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 28

Chapter 28: A low-ranked priest who hasn’t completely learned holy magic

The soldiers stopped at the door and divided into two teams. The first team is in charge of guarding the gate, while the second are spread out outside to protect the entire chapel.Robb found that although their army was small, it was well-trained. Baron Perseus didn’t speak at all while the Commander only pointed fingers. The soldiers found their station by themselves, so it can be said that they don’t lack any training.

As soon as Baron Perseus entered the yard, he found a reservoir standing high near the well. It was so high that he couldn’t tell that there was a water reservoir there, but only a large pile of stones built into a platform.

He pointed curiously at the reservoir and said, “Father, have you built a beacon in the chapel? If so, why is the beacon so dwarf?”

“It’s for water storage, there’s a water reservoir on it.” Robb laughed.

What are you doing storing water so high? Baron Perseus couldn’t understand, but he didn’t go about asking him questions. His top priority is still to find out the clues of the necromancer first. There wasn’t any need for anyone to lead the way to the cemetery.

Sister Ishir followed behind, while Robb moved lazily.

The baron crouched in front of an empty tomb and looked inside. He looked at the traces of the dirt at the mouth of the hole, and he looked up, “Sure enough, the skeleton crawled out. Even the earth was dug out from the inside.”

The nun also went to the mouth of the hole and after a few seconds, “I can still feel the gloomy spirit left by the necromancer.”

The nun was really beautiful. She squatted down and stretched out her hand with an aura of tranquil beauty, couple with her facial features and cold expression, she seemed like a painting.

The baron looked up at Robb and said, “Father, can you elaborate on what you saw that night?”

“Oh, no problem!” Robb slowly elaborated what he’d seen that night. Of course, he only said that he used dispel magic to stop the necromancer; he didn’t say that he used ‘Control Skeleton’ to get the body back into the grave.

The baron and nun listened calmly and after a few seconds, the baron looked up and then to the hillside, “It seems that he may have been on that hillside manipulating the skeletons, and after being dispelled, he withdrew decisively. I should send a team to search that side immediately.”

Robb thought to himself, “He’s not there! At that time, I used detection magic, but he wasn’t there.

Robb wouldn’t say this out loud though, so as to not cause any trouble.

He didn’t say it, but the nun next to him did. She said, “Baron, I don’t think that the necromancer was on the hillside.”

Robb thought to himself, “Huh? How did you know? Sister Detective Conan edition? Just a look at the scene, and voila?”

The baron looked back curiously, “Sister, can you tell me your reason?”

The nun put on a cold face, “This necromancer is engaged in a huge conspiracy and has stolen more than seven hundred skeletons. From this point of view, he must be very strong. He’s not incompetent, otherwise his magic wouldn’t be able to control an army of undead.”

Robb and the baron agreed, “Good point!”

The nun continued, “If such a powerful necromancer had been on that hillside, do you think he would have retreated obediently? If a priest in a remote town stops his plot, the priest may even uncover his plot. He’ll have to immediately kill the priest then and pretend to be a thief, so as to prevent Westwind town from sending that letter to the Great Duke.”

The baron said “Oh” and realized, “Yes, that’s true.”

Robb thought to himself, “Huh? This nun is very clever! Indeed, the necromancer did not know how strong I was, and if he had been here, he would have rushed out to kill me, but he could not reach out to me from so far away. Knowing that it was too late to stop me from sending the message, he just gave up on the idea. Of course, it was wise of him to give up, otherwise he would have hung on the fifth-gear ceiling fan by now.”

The baron immediately had a thought and added, “What if the necromancer’s afraid of being restrained by holy magic, so he didn’t dare attack this priest?”

The nun shook her head with a cold face, “Although holy magic can restrain the necromancer, it also depends on who is using the holy magic. A powerful necromancer isn’t afraid of a low-ranked priest who hasn’t completely learned holy magic. The so-called restraint can only be said in the case of equal strength.”

“Oh, I see.” The baron nodded and asked nothing more.

However, the converstation between them affixed to Robb’s head the title “A low-ranked priest who hasn’t completely learned holy magic”.

Robb didn’t know how to complain, so he just comforted himself, “Forget it, there are many nuns from the big city. In her eyes, town priests mustn’t be strong. I won’t argue to maintain my low profile. I’m lazy. Whatever you say, lest you think I’m strong. If you do, you’ll probably drag me to do this and that for you.”

The baron thought carefully, “All the villages and towns where the bones were stolen are at the foot of the Black Pine Mountain Range. We are certain that when the necromancer stole the bones, his body was quite far from them. That is to say, “His lair should be in the depths of the Black Pine Mountain Range.”

He held out his hand and pointed to the mountain in front of him, “It seems that we have to go into that mountain to look for it. More than a dozen skeletons were stolen not too long ago, so he should’ve left many traces when he entered the mountain. If we follow those traces, we’ll have a good chance of finding the necromancer.

The nun nodded, “Alright!”

Robb said, “Let’s go! Let’s go!! I’m out of trouble now! It’s just that it’ll be a little regretful to have the beautiful nun leave. There is only a priest and no nuns in the chapel. It feels lacking.

While he was thinking about this, the baron said, “Fortunately, I was prepared. I brought light swordsmen and archers. It’ll be no problem for them to search the mountain. It’s getting late. We’ll station in town for one night and head to the mountain tomorrow morning. My soldiers will camp on the hillside next to the cemetery. I saw a stream over there, you don’t have to stay with us old men, just rest in the chapel for the night.”


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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