After Spending Real Money to Raise a Powerful Official, She Got Seduced Instead
After Spending Real Money to Raise a Powerful Official, She Got Seduced back Instead chapter 13

Chapter 13: The Contest

“The provincial examination is in ten days. I need to start preparing now,” Shen Shilang explained.

As they left Xibao Study, Shen Shilang suggested, “Why don’t I show you around the streets?”

Shen Shilang had guessed by now that Su Jinshi could only stay close to him and couldn’t go far. So, Su Jinshi had never explored the streets before. As she followed Shen Shilang, she was like a curious child, asking about this and that.

Shen Shilang quietly explained things to Su Jinshi along the way.

“Won’t this interfere with your studies?” Su Jinshi asked. “Didn’t you say the provincial exam is in ten days?”

“A little time won’t make a difference. It’s important to balance work and rest,” Shen Shilang said gently. “True knowledge is accumulated in the mind over time, not crammed in the few days before an exam.”

Su Jinshi thought to herself that only top students could say such things. She always had to cram before exams.

As they were walking, Su Jinshi noticed Shen Shilang slow to a stop. Following his gaze, she saw a carriage stop in front of a jewelry shop called treasure house.

Then she saw Madam Wei and Wei Ruyan step out of the carriage.

Su Jinshi said in surprise, “Are they here to buy jewelry?”

“Didn’t Wei Zhaoxian take money from the mansion to support the army? They just cut household expenses, and the palace even took the lead in donating jewelry. It seems inappropriate for Madam Wei to bring Wei Ruyan to buy jewelry now, doesn’t it?”

It wasn’t that they couldn’t afford it. Even with supporting the army, Madam Wei would still have enough money to buy some jewelry. But doing so at this critical time was inappropriate and could cause trouble for Wei Zhaoxian.

Especially given Wei Zhaoxian’s current position, he couldn’t be too careful. According to Shen Shilang, the emperor was probably looking for any excuse to find fault with Wei Zhaoxian.

That emperor was ridiculous, wanting to use people while being suspicious of them. Working for such an emperor must be exhausting.

Su Jinshi then asked Shen Shilang, “Should I go see what they’re buying?”

“If it’s just some inexpensive trinkets, it should be fine,” Su Jinshi said.

“Then I’ll leave it to you,” Shen Shilang replied.

Su Jinshi swiped her phone screen, switching the view to inside the shop.

Seeing Madam Wei and Wei Ruyan, the shopkeeper hurried over to greet them personally.

“Madam Wei, Miss Wei,” the shopkeeper greeted them with a smile and a bow.

“Shopkeeper, is that hairpin I saw last time still here?” Wei Ruyan asked.

“It is, Miss Wei. You have good taste. That hairpin was meant for you and has been waiting for you!” The shopkeeper led them over, saying, “To be honest, this hairpin was almost bought by someone else today. But that young lady said she didn’t bring enough silver and asked me to hold it for her. She said she’d be back later to buy it.”

“I couldn’t make that decision, of course, since Miss Wei also likes this hairpin,” the shopkeeper said with a smile.

“You certainly know how to please people,” Wei Ruyan said, feeling flattered and a bit smug.

“This is the one,” the shopkeeper took out the golden hairpin.

The hairpin wasn’t heavy but was exquisitely crafted. It was set with a high-quality emerald green jade, with a slightly small agate bead next to it, and a round pearl nestled close by. The pearl had an excellent luster, emitting a soft, elegant glow.

“It’s indeed refined and elegant,” Madam Wei thought Wei Ruyan had good taste.

This hairpin wasn’t a flashy, eye-catching style. Its elegant simplicity suited Wei Ruyan’s age and status among noble ladies. With Wei Zhaoxian as a high-ranking general, Wei Ruyan could hold her own even among the ladies of the capital.

“This pearl is quite special. It’s from the deep seas of the South Seas, known for its roundness, fullness, and luster,” the shopkeeper prompted Madam Wei to turn the hairpin, revealing the pearl’s soft, moist glow. It was indeed beautiful.

“It’s rare to see such a lustrous pearl,” Madam Wei nodded.

“The only shortcoming of this pearl is that it’s a bit small,” the shopkeeper said. “But if it were any larger, it would overshadow the jade, and the price would be much higher.”

“South Sea pearls are beautiful and rare. I guarantee you won’t find another one like this in Chong’an.”

“Mother, didn’t I say it was beautiful?” Wei Ruyan held onto Madam Wei’s arm. “This hairpin is lovely and not too showy.”

Madam Wei nodded and asked the shopkeeper, “How much is this hairpin?”

“Since it’s for you, and Miss Wei wearing it would be like a living advertisement, I can offer it for 100 taels of silver,” the shopkeeper said. “For others, it would be 170 taels.”

Madam Wei smiled faintly, “Just give me a fair price. We don’t need any talk of advertisements.”

“That’s right, shopkeeper. You know our family is unique in Chong’an,” Wei Ruyan said. “When I attend gatherings of noble ladies in Chong’an, I’m always the center of attention. Everyone asks about what I wear and use. When they find out it’s from your shop, your business will surely improve.”

“Yes, that’s why I’m offering it for 100 taels,” the shopkeeper said. “I really can’t go any lower. Look at the craftsmanship. It appears simple, but the technique is complex. And the pearl was brought all the way from the South Seas. From south to north, just the transportation alone is a great distance!”

Su Jinshi switched her phone view back and told Shen Shilang what she had just seen.

Shen Shilang sighed, “Madam Wei is being foolish.”

But Madam Wei’s foolishness would implicate Wei Zhaoxian. Since Shen Shilang had stumbled upon this, he couldn’t ignore it. He couldn’t let Madam Wei and Wei Ruyan drag Wei Zhaoxian down while he was working hard at the front.

As Shen Shilang entered the shop and was about to speak, a young lady hurried in behind him, accompanied by a maid.

Shen Shilang recognized her as Cheng Ruoyu, daughter of Chong’an’s Governor Cheng Zhidao.

“Shopkeeper, is that hairpin still here?” Cheng Ruoyu asked as soon as she entered.

“You’ve come at just the right time. Madam Wei and Miss Wei are looking at it now,” the shopkeeper said with a smile.

If the two sides started competing, he could raise the price even more. He hadn’t immediately agreed to hold it for Cheng Ruoyu earlier because he knew Wei Ruyan had her eye on this hairpin too.

The day Wei Ruyan left, she had been reluctant to go, looking back repeatedly. The shopkeeper knew Wei Ruyan would definitely return.

And Cheng Ruoyu had always been at odds with Wei Ruyan. Since they both liked it, a competition was inevitable.

Sure enough, hearing the shopkeeper’s words, Cheng Ruoyu hurried over. “Shopkeeper, I saw this hairpin first.”

“What do you mean you saw it first? I had my eye on this hairpin two days before you,” Wei Ruyan said rudely.

“Then did you ask the shopkeeper to hold it for you? If you had, it wouldn’t be here today,” Cheng Ruoyu retorted. “I asked the shopkeeper to hold it for me.”

“You didn’t bring enough money today and asked the shopkeeper to hold it, but did he agree?” Wei Ruyan raised her chin proudly, looking mockingly at Cheng Ruoyu.


Hi guys! I'm steamedbun... I do hope y'all enjoy my translations. If you see any mistakes, please do not hesitate to let me know and I'll fix them ASAP. Thanks💞

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