After Spending Real Money to Raise a Powerful Official, She Got Seduced Instead
After Spending Real Money to Raise a Powerful Official, She Got Seduced back Instead chapter 15

Chapter 15: Beat That Beast to Death!

Shen Shilang quickly retreated, his face flushed. “You… you shouldn’t do this outside.”

Blushing, Shen Shilang hurriedly ran home with his head down, afraid Su Jinshi might try to touch him again in public.

Just as Madam Wei and Wei Ruyan returned to the mansion, Steward Zhou reported the ghostly incident in the accounting room that day.

“What ghost appears in broad daylight?” Madam Wei had never heard of ghosts coming out during the day. “Tell him not to be so superstitious.”

Steward Zhou bowed low and said, “I told him the same but he was truly terrified. He said there wasn’t even a breath of wind, yet the account books were flipping page by page, as if someone was reading them.”

Wei Ruyan whispered from the side, “Mother, what if it’s a powerful ghost? My second brother and I really did encounter one that night.”

“Mother, didn’t you say we’d find a Taoist priest to check things out after Father left?” Wei Ruyan continued. “Why don’t we invite one over now? If there is a ghost, they can exorcise it. If not, at least we’ll have peace of mind. There’s nothing to lose either way.”

After pondering for a moment, Madam Wei instructed Steward Zhou, “Go to the Baiyun Temple and invite Taoist Priest Li to come and take a look.”

“Yes, madam.”

As Steward Zhou was about to leave, Wei Ruyan asked, “By the way, Steward Zhou, has Shen Shilang returned yet?”

Steward Zhou was taken aback. Usually, no one in the mansion paid attention to Shen Shilang’s comings and goings. He didn’t know the answer to Wei Ruyan’s question, so he replied, “I’ll have someone check, miss.”

“Go to the Baiyun Temple, but have someone keep an eye out. Let me know when Shen Shilang returns,” Wei Ruyan instructed.

“Yes, miss.”

After Steward Zhou left, Madam Wei warned Wei Ruyan, “Stop causing trouble for Shen Shilang. You nearly let your father find out about the injuries you inflicted on him last time.”

“Father won’t be back for a long time. He won’t find out,” Wei Ruyan dismissed her concern.

Soon after Shen Shilang returned, a servant immediately informed Wei Ruyan.

Wei Ruyan, accompanied by her servants, stormed towards Shen Shilang’s small courtyard with a menacing air.

Today, because of Shen Shilang, she had missed out on buying the hairpin she wanted. That hairpin might have already been purchased by Cheng Ruoyu. The shopkeeper must be laughing at her behind her back!

Wei Ruyan had always considered herself unique among the noble ladies of Chong’an. How could she tolerate such an insult?

At the courtyard entrance, a servant warned Wei Ruyan, “Miss, I heard Shen Shilang keeps a vicious dog in his yard. It’s very fierce.”

“Then beat that dog to death too,” Wei Ruyan said nonchalantly. “Aren’t you all carrying sticks?”

“Yes, miss.”

“Open the door!” Wei Ruyan ordered impatiently.

The servants kicked open the courtyard gate, and a brown blur immediately flashed before their eyes.

Youmi charged forward, standing guard inside the gate. It barked warnings at the intruders, adopting a defensive stance.

“If I can’t beat Shen Shilang to death, surely I can beat his dog to death?” Wei Ruyan waved her hand. “Beat it to death!”

Hearing the commotion outside, Shen Shilang rushed out from inside the house. However, he was farther from Youmi than the stick-wielding servants at the gate.

As the sticks were about to fall on Youmi, Shen Shilang realized he couldn’t make it in time. If these sticks were to hit him, he could endure it. But he couldn’t allow them to strike Youmi!

With Su Jinshi and Youmi’s companionship, Shen Shilang felt, for the first time, that he was no longer alone. Now, he couldn’t bear to lose either of them.

“Stop!” Shen Shilang cried out, his eyes blazing red as he rushed forward, but he was still a step too late.

Seeing Shen Shilang’s unusual display of emotion, Wei Ruyan laughed with satisfaction. Even when Shen Shilang had been forced to kneel on the ground by servants, with Wei Jianming personally whipping him, he hadn’t reacted like this. Back then, Shen Shilang hadn’t made a sound, not uttering a single word of plea. But now, Shen Shilang had changed his demeanor for a mere dog.

“Beat it!” Wei Ruyan shouted, “Kill this beast!”

“Youmi, come back!” Shen Shilang called out, unable to reach the dog in time.

But Youmi, loyal to its master, refused to retreat.

Just as the sticks were about to land on Youmi, Su Jinshi forcefully clicked on the sticks on the screen. As the servants swung their sticks down, they felt an enormous resistance, preventing them from landing their blows.

Su Jinshi then dragged the sticks to the side. The stick-wielding servants watched in disbelief as their weapons seemed to be thrown aside by an invisible hand. Yet there was no one visibly present before them.

Shen Shilang quickly stepped forward and pulled Youmi back.

“M-Miss…” the servants stammered, their legs shaking and faces ashen with fear.

Rumors of ghosts had been circulating throughout the mansion. Now, in broad daylight, they had encountered one themselves.

Wei Ruyan had seen it too. Her pupils dilated, and she pointed at Shen Shilang with a pale face. “So it’s true… it’s you! You summoned the ghost!”

Shen Shilang spoke sternly, “One should not speak of supernatural beliefs, Miss Wei. Mind your words.”

“You saw it too, and you’re telling me to mind my words?” Wei Ruyan became even more convinced that the ghost was connected to Shen Shilang.

Wei Ruyan turned and ran towards Madam Wei’s courtyard.

The servants looked at each other uncertainly. The young Miss had left, so… shouldn’t they leave too? One by one, they all fled.

Shen Shilang bent down to pat Youmi’s head and said, “Youmi, from now on, you don’t need to guard the gate when people come. If they want to enter, just let them in.”

Youmi tilted its head with a puzzled look, its tail wagging continuously.

“I know you’re loyal, but their sticks are too dangerous for you,” Shen Shilang explained. “You must protect yourself first, understand?”

“Whimper…” Youmi wagged its tail and let out a whimper, seeming to understand.

Wei Ruyan rushed to find Madam Wei, calling out, “Mother! Mother!”

“Why are you being so reckless? Have you forgotten how a young lady should behave?” Madam Wei motioned for Wei Ruyan to sit down. “What’s the matter? Tell me slowly.”

“I just went to Shen Shilang’s courtyard with some people, and there’s a ghost there!” Wei Ruyan exclaimed. “That ghost was summoned by Shen Shilang!”

“What nonsense are you speaking?” Madam Wei scolded in a low voice.

“I’m not talking nonsense!” Wei Ruyan said urgently. “The servants I brought with me all saw it. The wooden sticks in their hands were thrown away by an invisible force!”

“I just remembered…” Wei Ruyan grabbed Madam Wei’s hand, which felt ice-cold to the touch. “That night when my second brother and I encountered the ghost, it was on the small path not far from Shen Shilang’s courtyard.”

“Today, as soon as Shen Shilang left, the accounting room encountered a ghost,” Wei Ruyan continued. “Every time, it’s related to Shen Shilang!”

“Mother, so many people have experienced this. It can’t be a lie!”

“Mother, Mother!” Wei Jianming rushed in. “I heard Ruyan encountered a ghost again?”


Hi guys! I'm steamedbun... I do hope y'all enjoy my translations. If you see any mistakes, please do not hesitate to let me know and I'll fix them ASAP. Thanks💞

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