After the Blind Young Master was Reborn
After the Blind Young Master was Reborn Chapter 3

“Are you really okay with leaving me here alone? What if I bump into something or fall? Does it not matter to you anymore?”

In my past life, Jiang Youqi couldn’t bear to be away from me for even a moment, afraid I’d hurt myself. He cared about my eyes more than I did. But now, after sending me to the bedroom, he just turned and left.

“You’ll have to learn to adjust. You’ll get used to it in a few days.”

The days when we used to sleep in each other’s arms have become blurry memories. I can barely recall how it felt. Was it warm and comforting, or cold and lonely?

I couldn’t sleep all night.

Day or night—it was hard to tell them apart anymore. Whenever Jiang Youqi appeared, that’s when I would force myself to open my eyes.

“Chen Yang, are you awake?”

I heard his knock and followed the sound of his footsteps as he walked toward me, then heard the sound of curtains being drawn open. Even though I couldn’t see, I could still feel the sunlight pouring in. Daytime is always different from the night; the light during the day has warmth.

I listened closely to Jiang Youqi’s movements to figure out where he was.

“Good morning, Ah Qi.”

Jiang Youqi glanced down at me. Perhaps the dark circles under my eyes were too noticeable, and he asked with concern, “Did you not sleep well last night?”

I clumsily got out of bed and started fumbling around to get dressed.

“Not really. I’m just not used to sleeping alone.”

Jiang Youqi interrupted my actions, drawing the curtains closed again.

He let out a sigh, as if in resignation.

“I’ll stay with you a bit longer. If you keep this up, you’ll end up like a panda.”

I couldn’t help but smile. Jiang Youqi still couldn’t stand seeing me suffer.

Once again, I lay on that familiar bed, beside the familiar person, feeling deeply content. Burying my head against his warm chest, I listened to the steady beat of his heart and drifted into a deep sleep.

In the middle of my sleep, I heard him sigh and mumble to himself.

“Chen Yang, I really don’t know what to do with you. I know you don’t actually like me and are just trying to trick me. But still, I can’t bring myself to reject you or let you go.”

In the past, I used to hate Jiang Youqi’s touch, but things are different now. I crave it. Being alone is too unbearable. My perspective has changed so much this time around.

So what if I’ve lost my sight?

It just gives Jiang Youqi more reason to care for me.

Whenever I call for him, he’ll soften instantly. In my past life, I was such a fool. Jiang Youqi was always so good to me, and what did I do in return? I treated him terribly. Honestly, I deserved to die.

I used my blindness as an excuse to act however I wanted, even playfully harassing him.


Jiang Youqi drew a sharp breath.

“Ah Qi, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that spot was sensitive… You know I can’t see, so I rely on my hands. We’re both guys, so how about I let you touch me back? Do you mind?”

We crossed all the lines in our past life. Why should I feel shy now?

But Jiang Youqi is different now. Our intimacy never went beyond kisses before, and even then, I was the one who initiated them, all for the purpose of humiliating him. I wasn’t even human back then.

Jiang Youqi slapped my hand away.

“If you’re awake, get up and have breakfast.”

With that, he stood up and left.

I knew my way around the Jiang family villa like the back of my hand. Even though I couldn’t see, I could navigate it without trouble. My room was on the second floor, and as I was about to go downstairs to find him, I heard the soft sound of footsteps approaching.

I stopped and waited quietly for him to come.

“Jiang Youqi, don’t you say you like me? If you don’t hold onto me, these stairs are so high. If I fall and hit my head, I could die. I’m already blind—can’t you cut me some slack?”

I stretched out my hand toward him. But in the next moment, I felt my body lifted off the ground. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around Jiang Youqi’s neck.

“How’s this?”

He carried me down the stairs in a princess carry.

Wait… I’m blind, but my legs still work, you know?

Jiang Youqi was getting ready to attend a banquet. Just before he left, I reached out and grabbed him.

“Maybe you need a companion for the evening? Jiang Youqi, can you take me with you? I won’t embarrass you.”

In my previous life, after I lost my sight, I refused to show myself in public ever again. I was terrified of facing the rumors and gossip. People who used to be my friends would come and mock me. They wouldn’t miss a chance to humiliate me.

After all, when I first went blind, I’d already gone through that ordeal. Everyone said I deserved it. They called me names and made fun of me.

“Chen Yang, why didn’t you just die in the car accident? Look at you now, so pathetic, like a blind dog.”

Back then Jiang Youqi had invited me to events a few times, but I’d always refused.

“Chen Yang, do you want to go out and clear your mind? Tonight’s event is full of familiar faces.”

The moment I heard there would be people I knew, I exploded.

“What are you up to? Trying to show everyone how pathetic I am now that I’m blind? You want me to make a fool of myself in front of them? And besides, who are you to ask me to be your plus-one?”

After that, Jiang Youqi never asked again. He took me to quiet, secluded places, but I was always in a bad mood, taking out all my frustration on him. I refused to leave the house or see anyone.

Jiang Youqi froze for a moment. Then, after some thought, he smiled, pleasantly surprised. This was the first time I’d ever been the one to initiate.

For the first time, I asked, “It’s okay if I can’t go. I’ve already prepared an outfit, but it’s no big deal.”

Jiang Youqi had bought me countless designer clothes, so many that the wardrobe could barely hold them all. But in my past life, I hardly ever touched them.

From now on, I’ll wear a different one every day.

After a long pause, Jiang Youqi finally spoke slowly, “Let’s go.”

At the banquet, I could feel the eyes of people all around us. I knew from the moment I decided to appear with Jiang Youqi that this would happen.

As soon as he left me for just a few minutes, the room filled with the sounds of whispers and gossip.


September 23 when I start posting my translation here, please take care of me. Free chapters in Lock chapters are scheduled to be free, more information can be found in the comment section of the specific novel. If you like my translation please consider buying me a Coffee. My Buy Me A Coffee account link:

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