After the Divorce, the Warlord Leader’s Hair Turned White Overnight
After the Divorce, the Warlord Leader’s Hair Turned White Overnight Chapter 35

Chapter 35

In the sitting room of the guest house, a crystal chandelier cast intricate light patterns, illuminating the large space and making the dark green velvet sofa shimmer faintly. 

Sheng Changyu leaned back on the sofa, lighting a cigarette. Smoke spiraled upward as FanFan, kneeling before him, looked both disheveled and pitiful. 

She had been locked up for two days, and starved for two days as well. 

“…Acting without thinking? If you can’t stand her, you could’ve just killed her with one strike,” Sheng Changyu said lazily. 

He exhaled a puff of smoke. His voice was slow and calm, without a hint of anger, yet FanFan’s back stiffened, and her hands trembled slightly. 

“No killer instinct, yet you keep provoking her. Useless,” Sheng Changyu added. 

FanFan stammered, “I-I couldn’t take it anymore.” 

“Couldn’t take what?” 

“She gets to stay at the governor’s mansion for seven days. I’ve never even set foot in the mansion. When it comes to contributions, she doesn’t hold a candle to me. I’ve been by your side for almost ten years,” FanFan said, her voice catching as she tried not to cry. 

“If I want someone to go, they go. What’s this talk of contributions?” he scoffed. 

FanFan crawled forward on her knees, resting her hand on his knee. “Governor, I just want a child. I’ll behave. All I need is a child to secure my place.” 

“Do you think I’m just a breeding stallion?” Sheng Changyu’s gaze turned cold as he looked down at her. 

FanFan’s hand trembled but she didn’t withdraw it. “I would never disrespect you. But if Xu Fangdu can…” 

She bit her lip lightly, trying to summon courage. “Governor, am I not as good as Xu Fangdu? She belongs to the old lady, and yet you still favor her. Why can’t you favor me?” 

Sheng Changyu moved his leg. 

Without using much force, he pushed FanFan aside with his calf. 

FanFan fell to the floor. 

“Kneel properly!” he commanded coldly, reaching for the crystal ashtray on the coffee table. 

After finishing his cigarette, Sheng Changyu lowered his eyes to look at FanFan. 

After a moment, he lifted her chin with his hand. “What I give you is yours. You have no right to ask for it.” 

He harshly let go of her face and stood up. 

Without another word, he turned and left. 

FanFan collapsed onto the soft carpet, crying bitterly. 

Her maid tried to comfort her. 

“Auntie, you’re being foolish. You kicked the third concubine and caused her to lose her child, yet the governor didn’t hit or scold you. Isn’t that enough to show how much he cares about you? You’re the one closest to his heart,” the maid said. 

FanFan sobbed but then began to laugh. 

Her laughter was more unsettling than her crying. 

“No one in this world loves him more than I do. Everyone wants something from him, except me. I’ve given him my whole heart,” FanFan wept. “One day, he’ll know how much I care for him.” 

The maid assured her he would realize it. 

“Those women who use him all deserve to die,” FanFan murmured, her eyes filled with malice. 

The maid was startled by her sudden viciousness. 

Sheng Changyu returned to the governor’s mansion late that night. 

The outer study was lit, and the light filtering through the stained glass windows made the courtyard’s gnarled branches gleam like they were coated in emerald. 

Cheng Baisheng was still there and noticed Sheng Changyu’s sour expression. “Do you want something to eat, or a drink?” 

“Something to eat. I’m hungry,” Sheng Changyu replied, sitting down. 

He hadn’t eaten dinner. 

Cheng Baisheng gave the order and poured Sheng Changyu a glass of warm water. “How did things go?” 

“Don’t worry about it. I handled it fine,” Sheng Changyu said, downing the water in one gulp. 

He didn’t want to talk about it, so Cheng Baisheng quickly dropped the subject. 

Soon, a late-night meal was brought in—chicken noodle soup, chicken dumplings, small buns, and a variety of side dishes. 

The two of them sat down to eat together. 

Cheng Baisheng changed the subject. “I’ll send some supplements to the old house tomorrow.” 

Sheng Changyu frowned. “No need.” 

“I heard the madam fell ill,” Cheng Baisheng said. “She’s probably just worn out and needs some nourishment. She’s been managing the household recently.” 

Sheng Changyu stayed silent. 

“Who do you think I’m sending the supplements to?” Cheng Baisheng asked. 

Sheng Changyu said, “Why don’t you know when to stop? Can’t you see I’m annoyed?” 

“I’m trying to stop you from being annoyed. Let’s make a bet. If I lose, I’ll give you that horse you’ve been eyeing for a while. If I win, you owe me a favor,” Cheng Baisheng replied. 

“Making a bet will calm me down? Do you think I’m a gambler?” 

“So, are you in or not?” 

“Get out of here,” Sheng Changyu snapped irritably, swallowing the last mouthful of noodles. 

“It’s about Ning Zhen,” Cheng Baisheng said. 

Sheng Changyu put down his bowl. “Let me hear the nonsense you’re about to spout.” 

“Do you think Ning Zhen is really sick, or is she pretending to avoid trouble?” Cheng Baisheng asked with a smirk. 

Sheng Changyu pulled out a cigarette. “Do we even need to bet on that? If she’s not faking it, I’ll give you my head.” 

“I also think she’s pretending, but not to avoid trouble—she’s avoiding ‘you’. So, are you betting or not?” Cheng Baisheng pressed. 

Sheng Changyu lit the cigarette, took a drag, and said, “She’d stick to me if she could—what would she avoid me for?” 

“Are you scared to bet?” 

“Are you trying to provoke me?” 

“Yes,” Cheng Baisheng laughed. “Do you fall for provocation?” 

“Nope,” Sheng Changyu replied lazily. “Send her some supplements and warn her not to think she can relax like this again. She’s smart enough to get the message.” 

“Don’t think she’s avoiding you?” 

“Do you think I waste my time thinking about her?” Sheng Changyu’s tone was as light as the smoke. “You’ll be off on an inspection in a few days anyway, so stop hanging around the house.” 

The next day, supplements from the governor’s mansion were delivered to the old residence. 

The old lady, still furious from her argument with Sheng Changyu the previous day, hadn’t slept well. 

When she saw the gifts, she understood he was trying to make amends, which lightened her mood a little. However, the thought of Xu Fangdu’s miscarriage and the lost grandchild made her heart tighten again. 

Her expression was still dark when she waved at the lieutenant from the governor’s office. “Send these to the third concubine; I’m not touching them.” 

The lieutenant was in a difficult position. “Old lady, the governor didn’t say these were for the third concubine. They’re for the madam.” 

The old lady’s face darkened. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 

The lieutenant was startled and at a loss. “Old lady, the governor didn’t specify!” 

“He’s trying to drive me to my grave!” she fumed. “Does he not know what’s important? Fine, if that’s how he wants to play it, send everything to Zhaiyuju Residence!” 

The lieutenant, trembling, quickly ordered the staff to move the boxes out. 

At Zhaiyuju Residence, the parlor was filled with supplements from the governor’s mansion. 

There were ten pounds of premium blood-red bird’s nest, at least eight ginseng roots, and countless other rare items packed in large boxes, as if money were no object. 

Ning Zhen was momentarily stunned. “Am I going to the execution ground tomorrow? This feels like a last meal!” 

Cao Ma was speechless. 

It was only later that they found out the supplements were sent from the governor’s mansion. They had first been taken to the old lady, who assumed they were for the third concubine. But they weren’t intended for her at all, which was a public humiliation, leaving the old lady fuming. 

“The governor is still backing the second concubine, doing this on purpose to show up both the old lady and the third concubine,” Cao Ma said. 

Looking at the outrageously expensive supplements, Cao Ma felt overwhelmed. “What do we do with all this, Madam?” 

“Take it. We should thank the governor for his generosity,” Ning Zhen replied. 

Cao Ma was speechless again. 

Since she was already a target, Ning Zhen figured she might as well benefit from it. She had fought too hard to survive in this precarious position not to claim some advantage. 

She immediately had the gifts organized, sending portions to the old lady and the three aunts. Most of the items she sent to her own family, especially her grandmother and mother. 

As for the third concubine, Ning Zhen only sent her five ounces of bird’s nest, just as a symbolic gesture. 

For a while, the old residence stopped talking about FanFan’s attack on the third concubine or the miscarriage. Instead, everyone gossiped about how extravagantly the governor was treating his wife. 

The third concubine was resentful, while it became clear why the second concubine acted as she did—the real seductress was the wife herself. 

The trouble had successfully been deflected, and Ning Zhen found herself burdened with everyone’s hatred. 

May that wretched man meet his end sooner rather than later! 

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