After the Millennium Flower Demon Villainess Awakens
After the Millennium Flower Demon Villainess Awakens Chapter 21

Chapter 21

When they arrived at the restaurant, her friend insisted that she sit facing away from the door.

There was no other choice—Fang Jingjing simply didn’t want to deal with men interrupting their meal. These men would either rush to pay the bill for her friend, beg for her phone number, or stare at her so intently that it became unbearable. 

Lu Jiu went along with her friend’s arrangement without complaint, sitting exactly where she was told. After they ordered their food, she took a sip of her water and asked, “So, what happened? Did you run into someone unreasonable?” 

At the mention of this, Fang Jingjing’s good mood immediately vanished, and she scowled as she began to rant. “Unreasonable? More like bizarre! Oh, no, not the guy—my coworker. Her grandpa is the strange one.” 

Lu Jiu reached out and poked her. “Don’t use bad language.” 

Fang Jingjing, still fuming, replied, “But I’m so frustrated!” 

Lu Jiu hesitated and then said, “Fine, you can say one curse word.” 

Fang Jingjing thought for a moment. “How about this—I’ll be more refined. I’ll say… ‘Her grandfather’s!’” 

Lu Jiu burst out laughing. Her smile was like a blooming peony—radiant and captivating. 

Seeing that smile, Fang Jingjing couldn’t stay angry any longer. She sighed and started recounting her experience, “You know my coworker Zhu Qian, right? Today, she was supposed to be going on a date…” 

Lu Jiu nodded. “Yeah, you mentioned it.” 

Fang Jingjing waved her hand dismissively. “It wasn’t a real date. She was just trying to find someone with better prospects. But she didn’t want her boyfriend to cause any trouble, so she brought me along, hoping we’d hit it off.” 

“You mean…” Lu Jiu’s eyes widened in shock, and it took her a moment to continue. “Zhu Qian used you as a peace offering to her ex-boyfriend? So, it was actually you who was on the date?” 

Just then, the first dish, chopped chili preserved eggs, was served. Fang Jingjing took a bite before answering, “Exactly, that’s what happened.” 

Lu Jiu still couldn’t believe it. “Did Zhu Qian really just come out and say that?” 

“Not exactly,” Fang Jingjing said, offering her friend a piece of the preserved egg. “Try it. It’s pretty good, though not as good as the place your brother’s friend owns. If she’d been that direct, I would’ve slapped her right then and there.” 

Lu Jiu smiled, knowing her friend’s temper. “So how did you figure it out?” 

“I’m not dumb! She kept complimenting me, saying how great I was—talking me up like I was the best thing ever. Then she started crying about how her boyfriend was always too busy to spend time with her. They’ve been dating for two months, and they’ve only seen each other four times.” 

“Four times isn’t much. Is it a long-distance relationship?” 

Fang Jingjing shook her head. “No, he’s a cop, so he’s just really busy.” 

Lu Jiu understood. “A police officer’s work can be tough. It’s true they can’t always be available. But if Zhu Qian can’t handle that, they should just break up, right? Why pull something like this?” 

“At first, I didn’t get it either. Then I remembered that Zhu Qian had been receiving gifts from him—expensive ones—and she liked to show them off to the other coworkers. I guess she didn’t want to return them, so she thought she could pawn me off as a favor.” 

“What kind of person is she?” Lu Jiu frowned. “If you knew she wasn’t a good person, why did you keep hanging out with her?” 

Fang Jingjing sighed, losing her appetite. “I thought she was just a little vain, but not actually bad. After all, she’s helped me a few times at work.” 

She had just graduated from college and was still adjusting to her new role as a teacher. Even with an internship under her belt, the transition had been tough. 

“You should stay away from her from now on,” Lu Jiu advised. 

“Of course! I’m no pushover. I cut ties with her right then and there,” Fang Jingjing said, with a determined nod. 

“What about the police officer? How did he react?” 

“He seemed like a decent guy. Though his face was dark, he didn’t say anything nasty and just left. Honestly, Zhu Qian isn’t good enough for him. I think breaking up is for the best.” 

“You didn’t fall for him, did you?” Lu Jiu teased. 

“No way!” Fang Jingjing laughed. “I’m just saying. The guy seems a bit naive. It’s a shame he got involved with Zhu Qian.” 

Lu Jiu raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?” 

“Of course! I’m just venting. It’s annoying, though. I still have to see Zhu Qian at the office every day. Ugh, work is such a hassle!” 

“Eat more. Didn’t you say you love spicy stir-fried intestines? I ordered them just for you,” Lu Jiu said, changing the subject since she didn’t know how to help with her friend’s work troubles. 

“I’m trying to lose weight!” Fang Jingjing said, pushing the food away. 

“You’re not fat,” Lu Jiu pointed out. 

Fang Jingjing pinched her waist. “I’ve gained a few pounds. Next week is our high school reunion, and I want to look amazing. I’m going to use that face mask you gave me and blow them all away!” 

Despite her claims about dieting, she polished off the stir-fried intestines. When she noticed Lu Jiu staring at her, she defended herself. “I’ve realized something. Since I’m already here, I might as well enjoy myself. I can always diet later.” 

Lu Jiu could only laugh and agree, “You’re right about everything.” 

“By the way, are you sure you’re not going to the reunion?” Fang Jingjing asked. 

“Not going,” Lu Jiu replied. She never enjoyed those kinds of events. 

“Probably for the best. A lot of people will be disappointed… Anyway, after lunch, come shopping with me on New Street.” 


New Street was just a few minutes’ walk from Lu’s department store. They didn’t bother driving and strolled there leisurely, each holding a cup of hot milk tea. 

As they passed a tall building, they noticed several large trucks parked out front. Men were busy unloading new furniture from the trucks. 

Fang Jingjing, unfamiliar with the area, glanced around and asked, “What is this place? It looks so grand!” 

Lu Jiu turned to look and answered, “That’s the new city police department. The trucks are blocking the sign. I heard they’re moving from the old district after the New Year.” It was already late November, so the move wasn’t far off. 

“Then this area will be really safe in the future. I’ll feel much better about you going to work,” Fang Jingjing said. 

“You sound just like my parents. It’s not like I’ll get mugged the moment I step outside,” Lu Jiu said, amused by her friend’s concern. 

“Do you know what you look like? There are plenty of bad guys out there… Oh, wait! Look over there! Isn’t that the cop from earlier? The one who got stuck in that mess with Zhu Qian!” Fang Jingjing whispered excitedly, nudging her friend. 

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