After the Millennium Flower Demon Villainess Awakens
After the Millennium Flower Demon Villainess Awakens Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Because of this, after the engagement, Li Ze was suddenly confused about whether Peony saw him as an older brother or as a future husband. 

If he were an older brother, why agree to the engagement? 

But if he were a husband, why had she never taken the initiative to be close to him? 

At this time, Han Anan, a woman who was willing to lower herself, approached him. 

However, Li Ze was just seeking a temporary novelty; he never intended to break off the engagement and had not even progressed with Han Anan to the final step. 

Remembering what his father said—that nearly four months after the engagement was broken off, Peony hadn’t found a boyfriend and had even rejected all suitors—Li Ze still held onto hope. He once again pushed away the clingy Han Anan and eagerly went to see Peony: “Believe me, I haven’t done anything to wrong you. I’ve always loved you… After the breakup, you haven’t found a boyfriend. I know you still think of me, so let’s…” 

“Enough, don’t say any more. Li Ze, keep some dignity for yourself.” Lu Jiu interrupted him with a disgusted expression and then pulled her friend away. 

Noticing he still wanted to follow, she frowned and coldly said, “Don’t make me hate you more.” 

Li Ze’s face turned ashen. 


“How unlucky! So unlucky! He… What does he mean by saying not finding a partner is for him? Ugh…” After distancing herself from the annoying guy, Fang Jingjing was still seething with anger. 

Lu Jiu was also not happy but tried to comfort her: “Forget about it. I noticed that the secretary seems very hostile toward us. She’ll probably keep a close watch on Li Ze in the future.” 

Fang Jingjing got even angrier: “That woman isn’t any better. She knew he was engaged and still made a move. It’s a loss! I should have slapped her twice earlier!” 

“Why bother with her? Flies don’t bite a seamless egg. Li Ze himself is the problem. No matter how many women come, he won’t change.” Lu Jiu was more curious about whether, by letting go in time and not dragging on like in the original story, these two could end up finding true love. 

Forget it, she shook her head: “Let’s not talk about them anymore. Didn’t we come out to buy clothes?” 

Fang Jingjing waved her hand grandly: “Yes, we didn’t check the almanac before going out today. I was unlucky in the morning, you were unlucky in the afternoon. We need to buy a few more things to spend money and ward off misfortune!” 

As soon as she finished speaking, she noticed a women’s clothing store by the side of the road. Fang Jingjing’s eyes lit up: “The dress in front looks good and is suitable for you. Want to try it on?” 

Lu Jiu looked over and saw a light green floral sundress. It was pretty and she didn’t mind the small shop’s cheap prices, but… “Isn’t it a bit short?” 

Fang Jingjing pulled her toward the store: “Short? It’s only short if it doesn’t reach your hips. Besides, there are beauties everywhere on the street wearing sundresses. What are you afraid of?” 

“I’ve never worn clothes like that.” 

“Then you’d better get used to it. With your figure, it’s not just about wearing it for your future boyfriend; even for yourself, it’s pleasing.” 

Lu Jiu… Where’s that future boyfriend? 

In the end, Lu Jiu bought the floral sundress. 

Although it would mostly be stored away, she… 

Liked it! She had money! 

In the afternoon, after sending Fang Jingjing off on the bus, Lu Jiu drove to the flower nursery. 

The new district had once been a suburb of Haicheng. 

The location of the flower nursery was in the outskirts of the suburb. 

Driving from the shop took about an hour. 

Lu Jiu didn’t find the journey difficult; the winding rural paths and picturesque golden wheat fields were healing enough. 

The flower nursery was managed by a middle-aged couple who lived in the suburbs. 

Upon arriving, Lu Jiu exchanged a few pleasantries with them and went straight to the nursery. 

She came not just to check on the flowers but primarily to digest. 

Yes, to digest. 

To digest a bad mood. 

Since childhood, whenever she was in a bad mood, Lu Jiu liked to immerse herself in the dirt. 

Planting flowers and grasses was soothing. 

Awakening as a demon didn’t mean amnesia. 

After more than twenty years of friendship ending in estrangement, how could there not be regrets? 

But betrayal is betrayal, and Lu Jiu was more disgusted than regretful. Disgusted that Li Ze could be so shameless. 

And she was also perplexed as to why the original story had her entangled with such a person… 

With so many negative emotions piling up and not wanting to worry her family, Lu Jiu could only come to the countryside to digest them alone. 

She wanted to get rid of all the negative feelings caused by meeting Li Ze. 


In the evening. 

When Lu Jiu returned home, it was already completely dark. 

She was surprised to find her father back. 

She immediately rushed over to the man sitting on the sofa: “Dad, when did you come back? Why didn’t you call me?” 

Seeing his daughter snuggling beside him, Lu Pengfei smiled warmly: “I came back at noon. Since you were out with Jingjing, I didn’t call you. How was it? Did you have a good time?” 

“It was quite enjoyable. We had a meal, drank milk tea, and went shopping for clothes.” She pointed to the bag she brought back. 

Fang Wenyi’s picked up the bag and opened it: “Why didn’t you buy more?” 

Mentioning this, Lu Jiu wrinkled her nose and told her about meeting Li Ze, but didn’t repeat his unpleasant words: “… Seeing him made me feel unlucky. I didn’t have the mood to shop.” 

“Did he bother you?” Lu Pengfei’s expression turned serious. 

Lu Jiu quickly shook her head: “No, no. He has a girlfriend now. How could he bother me?” 

Her parents, knowing her well, exchanged a glance filled with doubt. 

However, since their daughter was unwilling to say more, they decided not to press further. 

But… could Li Ze still affect their daughter’s mood? 

Thinking about it, Fang Wenyi’s felt unsettled. 

She got up, sat beside her daughter, gently pushed a strand of hair from her temple behind her ear, and tentatively asked, “Peony, it’s been a long time since the engagement was broken. Do you… want to try blind dating?” 

Lu Jiu blinked: “Blind dating? Me?” It was common these days, but she had never thought it would happen to her. 

“Yes, it’s just a way to meet some good young men. We’ll choose someone with good character.” Fang Wenyi didn’t really want to pressure her daughter into dating, after all, her eldest daughter Jun Jun (Lu Jun) was 29 and she hadn’t pushed her. 

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