After the Millennium Flower Demon Villainess Awakens
After the Millennium Flower Demon Villainess Awakens Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Less than a week apart, another robbery occurred in the old district. 

The victim, reluctant to part with their money, was stabbed in a vital spot during the struggle and could not be saved. 

The event was so severe that it quickly made local news. 

After being busy for several days, Lu Jiu had planned to stay in bed, but before eight o’clock, her mother dragged her out of the warm covers. 

Mrs. Fang Wenyi looked at her daughter, who was unharmed, still with a face full of fear: “The bad guys these days are really terrible. A human life can be lost just like that.” 

Lu Jiu, still half-asleep, asked, “What? Who’s gone?” 

Mrs. Fang: “The news said that someone was robbed in the old district around 4 a.m. and died. The perpetrator ran away.” 

“Ah? Really?” Lu Jiu was now fully awake and, suddenly remembering, turned to grab her phone from the nightstand. 

Sure enough, Officer Wei had sent a message at 5 a.m. 

“Did Xiao Wei send you a message?” 


“What did he say?” 

Lu Jiu quickly replied to her boyfriend and then said, “He had work and sent a message at 5 a.m.” 

Mrs. Fang nodded in understanding: “It’s unavoidable. How did you respond? You didn’t get upset, did you?” 

“Of course not. Your daughter is very clever, reminding him to stay safe and eat on time.” 

“Alright, alright. You don’t need to tell me all the sweet nothings between you two.” 

Lu Jiu frowned, complaining playfully, “You asked, didn’t you?” 

Mrs. Fang pretended not to hear and continued with her intention for waking her daughter from the warm bed: “Your shop is running well, and your parents don’t mind, but dear, the world is too frightening. Have you considered hiring a bodyguard?” 

Lu Jiu was taken aback, thinking she had misheard: “Are you joking? Our family is just a nouveau riche; why would we need a bodyguard?” 

In reality, the Lu family had only become wealthy recently. 

Before she was 14, Lu Jiu grew up in an ordinary, comfortable family. Bodyguards were something she was familiar with yet unfamiliar with. 

And she had the ability to protect herself, not entirely opposing the idea just for the sake of opposition. 

“Wow!” Mrs. Fang slapped her daughter lightly, exasperated, “So what if we’re nouveau riche? As long as we have money, it’s fine. Besides, your parents are university graduates. Even if we’re nouveau riche, we’re cultured nouveau riche.” 

Lu Jiu rubbed her arm where she was slapped and then handed the cotton candy sleeping next to her pillow to her obviously irritable mother, pleading, “I was just joking. We really don’t need a bodyguard. If you’re going to find one, it would be better for my sister.” 

Mrs. Fang rolled her eyes in a less-than-graceful manner: “Do you think I haven’t tried finding one for Junjun? I just called her earlier. I’m trying to solve it one by one.” 

Understood, Lu Jun was also not convinced. 

“Then you convince my sister first, and I’ll get some more sleep.” Lu Jiu pulled the covers over herself in a posture of refusal to engage. 

 Fang Wenyi… 


Over the next week, Lu Jiu and her police officer boyfriend only exchanged a few short messages. 

Each one was brief, indicating how busy he must be. 

As for what he was busy with, Lu Jiu didn’t ask but could roughly guess. 

After all… 

The city bureau’s actions this time were quite significant… 

Naturally, there was a lot of discussion among the citizens. 

When she first liked Officer Wei… 

Lu Jiu had already considered the nature of his work. 

So not seeing him didn’t make her feel wronged. 

Besides, she was quite busy herself. 

The best time to transplant peony seedlings is from March to April. 

She had long planned to go to Shendu, a renowned peony area, to introduce a batch of new varieties. 

Recently, she had been selecting sellers via phone and video. 

And then there were the trips back and forth between her great-uncle’s peony garden and the suburban nursery. 

She was no longer a typical idle rich person. 

Her retired mother, Mrs. Fang Wenyi, who spent her days playing cards and doing beauty treatments, often called their family a bunch of workaholics. 

One day. 

With a rare free moment, Lu Jiu went to “One Flower, One World.” 

After chatting with the staff and customers, she began checking accounts. 

In just half an hour, she noticed that the little garden had hesitated several times. 

The shop had a small rest area, only about three or four square meters, located behind the counter. 

Lu Jiu took the initiative to invite the staff member in for a detailed talk. 

“You want to resign?”  

The little garden staff member looked embarrassed: “I’m sorry, beautiful boss. I didn’t expect to get married so soon.” 

Lu Jiu was confused: “You can continue working even if you’re getting married.” She was quite satisfied with the staff member—her lively personality, efficiency, and, most importantly, love for flowers. 

The staff member seemed a bit regretful: “My match’s job is better than mine, with a state-owned enterprise in another city. Neither family would agree to him resigning for me, so I have to move to his city.” 

“Is he the one you went on a blind date with before the New Year?” 


“Is he a good person?” 

This time, the staff member didn’t answer immediately. After a thoughtful pause, she said: “He’s neither good nor bad, just an ordinary person like me. But his family is alright, and his parents are reasonable.” 

Then, looking at her beautiful and almost otherworldly boss, she asked with a smile, “Isn’t it a bit materialistic and not romantic at all?” 

Lu Jiu shook her head: “It’s not a matter of right or wrong.” Her somewhat ethereal appearance didn’t mean she didn’t understand human emotions and etiquette. 

Her beautiful boss was indeed likable. After finishing her thoughts, the staff member added with some resignation: “I’m turning 26 this year. I feel young, but people around me are already making comments. It’s unavoidable in this environment. Anyway, since marriage is inevitable, I’ll just marry someone suitable.” 

Lu Jiu wasn’t sure how to respond. Finding a partner with both spiritual and practical compatibility was rare, unless all aspects matched perfectly. 

So, in terms of marriage, deep down, she was a bit idealistic and not entirely realistic. 

For example, if she and Officer Wei could make it to the end, it would only be love. 

Of course, this was just Lu Jiu’s personal viewpoint: “Alright, I’ll wish you happiness in your marriage. When do you plan to leave?” 

The staff member hurriedly said, “I can manage for another month. I want to finish what I’ve started.” 

Lu Jiu: “Good, I’ll take care of it as soon as possible.” 


Finding someone is not difficult. 

After all, the compensation Lu Jiu offers is not bad. 

But finding someone who is satisfactory in all aspects is not so easy. 

Since Lu Jiu posted the job advertisement at the entrance, she had interviewed no less than twenty candidates. 

Yet she always felt that something was off, whether it was here or there. 

Thus, another week passed, and she still hadn’t found a suitable candidate. 

Just when Lu Jiu was feeling a bit down while cooped up in the shop, Officer Wei, who hadn’t been seen for half a month, appeared at the flower shop. 

Suddenly, with no prior warning. 

Lu Jiu was momentarily stunned before happily standing up. 

Her boyfriend not only didn’t get upset about disappearing for half a month but was also full of surprise. Officer Wei, already filled with regret, felt even more soft-hearted. 

He lowered his gaze, tracing from the young woman’s brows and eyes to the charming smile on her lips. 

After a while, as the longing eased, he gently said “Hmm” and added, “There are still some follow-ups, but I can take time off now.” 

Lu Jiu’s face flushed red under his gaze, but because she was still worried, she tried to keep her face stern as she looked back at him. 

After half a month, Officer Wei had visibly lost some weight and had dark circles under his eyes. 

But there were no bloodshot veins, indicating he had caught up on some sleep before seeing her, though not enough. 

Realizing this, Lu Jiu frowned, showing her disapproval: “Why didn’t you sleep a bit more?” 

Of course, it was because he was afraid you would leave him. 

Officer Wei, fully aware of the nature of his job, knew that the decision in their relationship always lay in her hands. 

That’s why he restrained his enthusiasm, only teasing with words and not being overly close. 

He was quite afraid that a girl raised in a sheltered environment might suddenly have regrets. 

But he liked her so much that he only slept three hours before rushing over, trying to make his presence felt. 

But he wasn’t ready to share these thoughts and pressures with his girlfriend. He simply said to the seemingly even more beautiful young woman, “I missed you.” 

Lu Jiu’s cheeks, already slightly pink, grew even redder. She glanced around, confirming that the customers and staff were far away, before she felt relieved. 

Officer Wei shook his head and led her to the sofa behind the counter, covering her legs, which were only in socks, with a blanket: “I’m not tired. Are you busy right now?” 

His lips were somewhat dry. Lu Jiu took her thermos and poured him a cup of peony tea: “Not busy.” 

Officer Wei was indeed a bit thirsty and drank two cups in succession. “I still owe you a movie. If you’re not busy, let’s go watch it.” 

“Now?” Lu Jiu was surprised that he still remembered this. For the first time, she rolled her eyes at him and, annoyed, told him, “We’ll watch the movie later. You need to go back and sleep now.” 

This was the first time he had been scolded by his girlfriend. Although she was gentle even when scolding, Officer Wei found it quite endearing. He reached out, holding her soft little hand in his palm and squeezing it a few times before sighing and smiling, “There’s no rush. I want to stay with you.” This was the truth; he missed her too much after half a month and couldn’t bear to leave. 

Due to his profession, Officer Wei rarely smiled, and even when he did, it was usually a light smile. 

But when he smiled, he exuded a strong masculine charm. Lu Jiu, who found it hard to resist, was doubly stimulated by his sweet words. 

And she missed him a lot too. 

So, the words to chase him away could not be spoken. 

After a while, Lu Jiu suggested, “Why don’t you take a nap in my rest area? Use my bedding.” 

Officer Wei shook his head: “Don’t worry about me; I’ll just sit here for a while and then head back to the bureau to catch up on sleep. But you, did you post a recruitment notice at the entrance? Is there a shortage of staff in the shop?” 

“It’s not that we’re short-staffed.” 

After briefly explaining the situation with the staff member, Lu Jiu showed her frustration: “Maybe I’m too picky. After a week, I still haven’t found anyone satisfactory.” 

Officer Wei offered, “Do you want me to help you find someone?” 

Lu Jiu asked, “Do you have any acquaintances to recommend?” 

“Not acquaintances. Peony, how about we find a retired soldier with good qualities and skills?” He was always worried about her safety because of her beauty. 

This was a direction Lu Jiu hadn’t considered. She wasn’t naive and quickly understood her boyfriend’s concern. 

If they could really find someone like that, she wouldn’t mind, and it would also make her mother feel more at ease. However, she wondered, “Would such a person be willing to work in my small flower shop?” 

Officer Wei replied, “My elder brother is in the army with the rank of deputy regiment commander. He can help connect with retired soldiers and provide them with stable work. It’s a win-win, so don’t feel burdened.” 

Given this, Lu Jiu naturally wouldn’t be ungrateful: “Then I’ll trouble your elder brother.” 

“He’s also your elder brother.” Officer Wei suddenly lifted his hand and lightly pinched his girlfriend’s pink cheek with an expression of naturalness. 

Lu Jiu felt the pinched spot burning. She raised her hand, blushing and annoyed, and shooed him away: “Go back quickly. After you’ve slept well, we’ll go out and have some fun.” 

“Okay.” Though he answered promptly, Officer Wei still held her hand tightly, reluctant to let go. 

Young couples in love are indeed very clingy. Seeing her boyfriend so attached, Lu Jiu didn’t feel troubled but rather sweetly satisfied. 

So, knowing that Officer Wei had been staying at the police station recently, the beautiful Peony decided to stick to him: “How about I take you back to your dorm?” 

Officer Wei’s eyes lit up, showing some of his usual composure slipping away: “Sure.” 

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