After the Millennium Flower Demon Villainess Awakens
After the Millennium Flower Demon Villainess Awakens Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Haicheng has two cinemas. 

When it comes to the environment and facilities, the one in the new district is definitely better, plus there’s an entire commercial street there. 

For convenience, the young couple had dinner nearby. 

After dinner, they held hands and walked to the cinema. 

“I just texted my mom and told her I’d be home a little late today.” 

Wei Shian asked, “What did Auntie say?” 

Lu Jiu wrinkled her nose, “After that seafood porridge yesterday, she has a really good impression of you now.” 

“Then I should seize the opportunity and try to make a good impression.” 

“You don’t need to try so hard anymore.” 

Seeing his girlfriend’s little face scrunch up like a bitter melon, Wei Shian couldn’t help but laugh. But when she gave him a stern look, he pointed to a nearby tea shop and asked, “Do you want to grab a hot drink?” 

Lu Jiu followed his gaze and suddenly froze. 

Wei Shian gently pinched his girlfriend’s cheek, “What’s wrong?” 

Lu Jiu pushed his hand away, bit her lip, and said with a complicated expression, “Someone I know.” 

“Who?” Wei Shian looked up and quickly identified the person. 

About ten meters away stood a woman with a gentle appearance, who was also looking at his girlfriend with a similarly complex expression. 

Although Wei Shian didn’t recognize her, he could tell that Lu Jiu was feeling uneasy, so he wrapped an arm around her waist and asked with concern, “Do you want to go say hello?” 

This time, Lu Jiu hesitated for only a few seconds before nodding, “Let’s go.” 

But just as she was about to take a step, she seemed to remember something and looked up, saying, “She’s my ex-fiancé’s mother.” 

Wei Shian’s lips tightened instantly, and the hand on his girlfriend’s waist gripped her a bit more firmly. 

Before they started dating, he had heard that Lu Jiu had an ex-fiancé, and she had mentioned it herself early in their relationship. 

To be honest, if that guy Li Ze hadn’t been so blind, he wouldn’t have had the chance to marry such a wonderful girl. 

“Are you upset?” Lu Jiu asked worriedly, noticing that her boyfriend had gone silent. 

He was a bit upset, but he didn’t want to embarrass her. He raised a hand to gently rub the top of her head and reassured her in a soft voice, “No, let’s go over.” 

Lu Jiu didn’t fully believe him, but she didn’t say anything more, because Aunt Yue was already walking towards them. 

“It’s been a long time, Lu Jiu.” Liu Yue still sounded as kind as ever. 

Lu Jiu blinked to fight back the tears that had welled up in her nose, “Aunt Yue, when did you return to the country?” Her mother had mentioned that Aunt Yue had been traveling abroad for most of the past six months. 

Liu Yue replied, “I came back yesterday.” 

Lu Jiu asked, “Are you going to leave again?” 

“In a few days,” Liu Yue said, before glancing at Wei Shian. “Is this your boyfriend?” Although she hadn’t been in the country for a while, she had occasionally kept in touch with Fang Wenyi and had heard that Lu Jiu was dating a pretty decent guy. He certainly looked the part. 

Feeling a bit shy, Lu Jiu nonetheless took the initiative to hold Wei Shian’s hand and introduced them to each other, “Yes, he’s my boyfriend. His name is Wei Shian, and he’s a police officer.” Then she turned to the man beside her and said, “This is Aunt Yue; she watched me and my sister grow up.” 

Wei Shian nodded politely, “Aunt Yue.” 

Liu Yue felt a mix of emotions but smiled, “That’s wonderful, you two make a lovely couple.” 

Talking about this with her ex-fiancé’s mother felt a bit strange, so Lu Jiu quickly changed the subject, “Aunt Yue, are you traveling the world?” 

Liu Yue was momentarily stunned but soon smiled, “Yes, I’m out seeing the world. Are you two on a date? I won’t keep you. Go on.” 

They didn’t really know what else to talk about anyway. 

From the day Li Ze betrayed her, nothing could ever go back to the way it was. 

Lu Jiu sighed silently in her heart and agreed. 

But just as they were about to leave, she couldn’t help but express her concern, “Aunt Yue, traveling is fun, but I’ve heard it can be a bit chaotic out there. Please take care of yourself.” 

Liu Yue’s heart softened, “Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.” 

With that, the young couple said their goodbyes and walked off hand in hand. 

Liu Yue stood there, staring at their affectionate backs for a long time. It wasn’t until they turned a corner and were out of sight that she raised a hand to wipe the corner of her eye before turning to leave. 

A husband with a wandering eye and a son who, despite her efforts, had deeply hurt her with the very behavior she despised most. She wasn’t traveling the world—she was trying to save herself. 

But it was nice to see that Lu Jiu seemed so happy. 

In the days that followed, Lu Jiu’s life revolved around two things: tending to her flowers and managing her shop. 

As for her boyfriend, he was so busy that in half a month, they had only met twice. 

However, as they spent more time together, Lu Jiu got to know Officer Wei better. “Honestly, I think he’s really sly. Every time we go on a date, seeing the car full of gifts makes me feel embarrassed, and I keep thinking about whether I should bring up the topic of meeting his parents.” 

On the other end of the phone, her friend Fang Jingjing, who was half-complaining, half-boasting, rolled her eyes dramatically. “You’re like someone who’s well-fed and doesn’t understand the hunger of others. I’m struggling just to find a boyfriend who isn’t crazy.” 

Lu Jiu asked with concern, “Did you meet another odd person during a blind date?” 

“Ugh, don’t even mention it, it was so disgusting. Let’s talk about something good instead. You two are so sweet; meeting his parents sounds like a good idea.” 

Lu Jiu hesitated, “Isn’t it a bit too soon?” 

Fang Jingjing replied, “Not really. You two have been dating for three months and have known each other for over half a year. Meeting his parents isn’t a big deal.” 

That made sense. Lu Jiu decided she would ask her parents for their opinion later. Then she changed the subject, “Do you have any free time this week? I’d like to visit you.” 

“Oh, is your Officer Wei busy again?” 

Lu Jiu felt a bit embarrassed, “His job is really demanding. You make it sound like I’m putting my relationship ahead of my friendships.” 

At this, Fang Jingjing teased her, “Isn’t that the case? Ever since you started dating, it’s been so hard to meet up with you. Officer Wei is so clingy, how does that cool guy face of his even manage?” 

Although Lu Jiu felt guilty, she refused to admit it, “I’ve invited you out a few times, but you’ve always said you were busy.” 

“I have to work, you rich lady! Never mind, let’s not talk about that. I’ve got something funny to share with you.” 

“What’s the funny story?” 

“Do you remember my colleague Zhu Qian?” 

“Yes, what about her?” 

Fang Jingjing laughed before explaining, “She hit a wall this time. She dated someone for just two or three months, and when the guy wanted to make things official, she said they weren’t a good match.” 

Lu Jiu was confused, “And then?” 

Fang Jingjing continued, “Then the guy gave Zhu Qian a bill, asking her to pay him back, even charging her for each skewer of candied hawthorn they shared.” 

Lu Jiu was shocked, “Is it that extreme?” 

Fang Jingjing responded, “It really is. 

But Zhu Qian isn’t a saint either; she’s taken advantage of quite a few blind dates in the past. Now it’s just a case of karma coming back to bite her.” 

“How do you know? Did she tell you?” 

“Of course not. She ignored the guy, so he made a scene at the school and even called the police. You should’ve seen the principal’s face.” 

Lu Jiu didn’t know what to criticize first, but she didn’t feel sorry for Zhu Qian either. After all, Zhu Qian had always been hostile towards her childhood friend. Thinking of this, she said, “It’s actually good that she embarrassed herself. She’ll probably be more restrained in the future, which might make your life easier.” 

Speaking of this, Fang Jingjing became a bit concerned, “Do you think that guy could be Luo Weidao? Should we give him a heads-up?” 

“It shouldn’t be,” Lu Jiu replied. Luo Wei wasn’t that foolish. But after finishing her chat with her friend, Lu Jiu still picked up her phone to send a message to her Officer Wei. 

At the city bureau, Wei Shian was battling reports when he saw the message and felt a bit conflicted. 

He wasn’t really interested in his colleague’s love life. 

Besides, Luo Wei was a detective and should have the necessary discernment. 

But his girlfriend meant well, so Wei Shian forwarded the long message to his team member. 

Luo Wei was initially confused, but after reading it, his face darkened, and he said through gritted teeth, “Boss, do you have the phone number of that unlucky girl named Fang? I think I need to have a good talk with her!” What did she take him for? Who’s the unlucky one now?! 

“I don’t have it.” After saying that, Wei Shian cleared his throat and added, “I think Fang Jingjing was just trying to give you a heads-up.” After all, the team member had indeed been tricked by that Zhu Qian before. 

Luo Wei was asking his sister-in-law for the number when he heard this and smirked, “I know, that’s why I want to thank her properly!” 

Wei Shian… 

Forget it, he didn’t want to worry about his team member anymore. Instead, he sent a message back to his girlfriend: “I’m free tonight, how about dinner together?” 

Lu Jiu: “Sure!” 

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