After the Millennium Flower Demon Villainess Awakens
After the Millennium Flower Demon Villainess Awakens Chapter 35

Chapter 35

With the advent of mobile phones, news spreads incredibly fast. 

Within about an hour, most of the people in Haicheng knew what had happened. 

There had been another homicide. 

Haicheng has a population of over five million, not including the migrant workers, making it a vast number. 

In such a crowded environment, homicides are not uncommon, but it is rare to deploy such a large police force. 

This time, the fugitive was armed. 

As for more details, they couldn’t be found out. 

Lu Jiu was still very worried about Officer Wei but didn’t dare send him any more messages that might distract him. 

She calmly arranged for the staff to leave early. 

Then she drove home. 

Fang Wenyi, who had gone shopping in the Shanghai, had just arrived home. 

The living room was filled with many exquisite paper bags, but she wasn’t in the mood to sort them out. Seeing her daughter return, she asked with concern, “Has Xiao Wei been called out for duty too?” 

Lu Jiu looked dispirited. “Yes.” 

Seeing her daughter like this, Fang Wenyi comforted her, “Don’t worry too much; there might be news soon.” 

“Of course, I’m worried, but when I chose to be with Wei Shian, I was mentally prepared. Don’t worry, I’ll adjust quickly.” 

Hearing this, Fang Wenyi felt a mix of emotions but was more relieved. “My Peony is truly grown up.” 


“Damn it, is this Tao Gui a rabbit in his past life? He runs so fast.” 

After chasing for several hours, the sky was completely dark. Hungry and having missed again, Luo Wei couldn’t help but complain. 

In fact, it wasn’t just him; everyone was full of frustration. 

It wasn’t just hunger and exhaustion; it was more about worry. 

Compared to the public’s partial understanding, the police who knew the details of the case were more aware of Tao Gui’s danger. 

He had spent years in illegal zones abroad and, after returning to China, had been arrested three times for robbery, assault, and other crimes. 

He seemed to be born bad; having just completed an eight-year sentence, he committed another major crime within a month. 

This time, the victim was an old criminal investigator. 

He was also the police officer who had previously arrested Tao Gui. 

Tao Gui had ambushed him from behind while the officer was on duty, delivering a fatal axe blow to the back of his head. 

It was clearly an act of revenge. 

After the murder, Tao Gui stole the officer’s handgun and five bullets. 

The loss of the old investigator was a blow to all the police officers. 

However, their mourning time was too short. 

In the few hours after the murder, Tao Gui committed two more homicides. 

All were gunshot killings, and he was very accurate, killing with a single shot. 

The police conservatively estimated that he still had three bullets left. He was an absolute danger; every minute of delay in capturing him increased the risk to the public. 

Therefore, there were indeed many like Luo Wei with such an attitude. 

Wei Ping had always been the stabilizer in the team, calming the members when their emotions were unstable. 

But this time, he just patted Luo Wei’s shoulder and said nothing. 

He knew the sacrificed investigator, who was about his age and had a good relationship with him. 

It was a great loss for someone so close to retirement. 

“Old Wei, during the arrest later, you stay in the middle of the team.” 

Wei Shian, who had been frowning, saw the deputy team leader’s actions and reminded him with concern. 

Luo Wei and Yan Hanhai agreed as well. After all, the deputy team leader was almost 50 years old. If not for his passion, at his age, he could have been transferred from the front line long ago. 

This was the younger generation’s protection. Wei Ping was moved but was about to refuse when his phone suddenly rang. 

Wei Shian answered, listened for a moment, and then hung up. He put out his cigarette and said with a serious expression, “There’s news. Move out.” 


With the city under curfew, efficiency was naturally high. 

The next morning, Lu Jiu, who hadn’t slept well all night, saw a text message from half an hour ago. 

It was from Officer Wei, with just two words: “Safe.” 

Yet, those two short words were enough to make Lu Jiu relax completely. 

She quickly replied and then threw off the blanket, picking up the still sleepy Cotton Candy and headed to the bathroom with a light step. 

Perhaps it was due to being nurtured by spiritual energy from a young age or maybe because it was inherently smart, Cotton Candy learned to use the toilet in just a few lessons. The cat litter had hardly been used. 

After finishing its business skillfully, Cotton Candy jumped onto the sink, asking for help with brushing its teeth. 

Normally, a four-month-old kitten might have an awkward phase, but Cotton Candy was a lucky exception, still remarkably stunning. 

Especially its fur, which, when it ran, was as smooth as satin. 

Lu Jiu first cleaned its little bottom and then started brushing its teeth. “When you can brush your own teeth, that’ll be great.” 

Cotton Candy didn’t understand its owner’s murmurs, lifting its little head and happily wagging its big tail. 

“Oh, my little girl is so cute.” 

Thinking her sister might still be asleep, Lu Jun quietly entered the bathroom and, seeing the large and small cute scene, said with a smile, “It is quite cute.” 

Lu Jiu turned around, surprised. “Sis? When did you come back?” 

Lu Jun caught the approaching sister, patted her back, and said, “Just got home. From your expression, does it mean there’s news from Officer Wei?” 

Lu Jiu smiled with her eyes. “Yes, he texted me half an hour ago to say he was safe.” They had an agreement that “safe” meant both personal safety and case resolution. 

“FengMing said he’s a good person. When will you bring him to meet your sister?” 


Cotton Candy’s meow reminded Lu Jiu, and she stepped out of her sister’s embrace to continue brushing the kitten’s teeth. “You’ll see him eventually, no rush. What about you, sis? Why did you suddenly come back without any notice?” 

Lu Jun was unconcerned. “Why should I tell you in advance? Were you planning to roll out a red carpet to welcome me?” 

Her sister’s words made Lu Jiu wrinkle her nose. “If you like such a scene, I could prepare it. Not just a red carpet, but flowers all around too.” 

Lu Jun raised her hand to adjust her long, wavy hair and gave her sister a flirtatious look. “Well, I’ll be waiting.” 

No comparison, no comparison, Lu Jiu admitted defeat. “Is the building almost finished?” 

Lu Jun replied, “Pretty much. I came back mainly for the quarterly meeting and to attract investment for the flower market.” 

Lu Jiu understood the business side but wasn’t interested, though she listened attentively since her sister was willing to share. 

After managing Cotton Candy, Lu Jiu tidied herself up. 

Once she was ready and had a glass of warm water, the sisters went downstairs together. 


Watching the two girls descend the stairs hand in hand, 

Fang Wenyi’s face was full of satisfaction: “Come over here, both of you. Sister Liu made crab roe noodles this morning.” 

Lu Jun took off a black rubber band from her wrist and, while tying up her hair, said, “I was just thinking about Aunt Liu’s cooking while at the flower market.” 

The housekeeper, Liu Fang, was instantly delighted, “Since Junjun likes it, have more. There’s still some in the pot.” 

Lu Jiu’s gaze, however, was fixed on her elder sister’s earrings—large hoops that seemed so big they could almost be used as bangles, adorned with sparkling rhinestones, looking exquisite. 

“What’s wrong? Do you like them? I’ll give them to you,” Lu Jun said, noticing her sister’s gaze and preparing to remove the earrings. 

Lu Jiu quickly reached out, “No, I wouldn’t be able to pull it off.” 

Lu Jun considered her sister’s temperament and didn’t insist, saying, “These are custom-made. I’ll get you a pair of smaller hoops later.” 

This time, Lu Jiu didn’t refuse. 

“The large hoops are nice. Get me a pair too, just a bit smaller than yours would be better.” Women never tire of beauty, and Fang Wenyi, only 50 years old, looked much younger than her actual age, especially since she hadn’t suffered much hardship in her life. 

Lu Jun naturally agreed. 

Fang Wenyi asked again, “How long are you planning to stay this time?” 

Lu Jun replied, “Two or three days, depending on the situation.” 

“Just like your father, always seems to be missing when he goes out.” Fang Wenyi sighed. With the improved family conditions, she could afford to buy whatever she wanted, but her husband spent half the year traveling, which was quite frustrating. 

Lu Jun glanced at her mother. “Dad’s just working on a new project. He won’t be so busy next half of the year. As for you, you’re idle at home, so if you miss Dad, just go on a business trip with him.” 

“Rascal, who misses him?” 

Lu Jun winked at her sister. “Mom’s just being shy.” 

Lu Jiu struggled to keep from laughing. 

Fang Wenyi. 


After the meal. 

The third daughter, carrying fruit, went to the glass flowerhouse. 

While Fang Wenyi was trimming plants, Lu Jun, sitting on a wicker chair, brought up a serious matter. “On the way back, I visited Uncle and Auntie.” 

Lu Jiu replied, “I went there last week too. Their health is quite good.” 

“Yeah, and I also visited the land you’ve contracted.” 

“Can’t see much now. But next month when the peonies bloom, it will be very beautiful.” The 20 acres of peony seeds have been nurtured with spiritual energy, making them very different from ordinary seedlings. Lu Jiu could already imagine how magnificent the flower sea would be in May. 

Seeing her sister’s proud look, Lu Jun humorously poked her and then got to the point. “Have you considered buying that land to build a peony garden?” 

This was a direction Lu Jiu hadn’t thought of, but she wasn’t dumb and quickly realized the implications. “For external operations?” 

“Yes, I’ve surveyed it. The peonies are growing well. With such a large area, if we plan it properly and add some recreational facilities, it could become a nice specialty attraction. Such attractions usually receive government support and can boost the income of nearby residents. Of course, even if it ends up being a loss, our family can afford it. It would just mean we created a peony garden for you.” 

Lu Jiu listened seriously as her sister analyzed each aspect. When she heard the last part, she couldn’t help but laugh. “Your plan is great, but it’s too troublesome. I don’t lack money and have no ambition. I just want to interact with flowers and plants. A flower shop is enough for me.” 

Lu Jun was frustrated but reluctant to see her sister give up such a golden opportunity. To her, having a hobby and making money didn’t conflict. Her sister’s ability to grow rare varieties would be the peony garden’s main selling point. 

In the future, it wouldn’t only attract locals but also flower lovers nationwide.  

Thinking of this, she proposed again, “How about I find a professional manager for you?” 

Such a good opportunity? Lu Jiu immediately embraced her glamorous sister. “Thank you, Sis.” 

“You little rascal.” 


On the other side. 

City People’s Hospital. 

After waking up from surgery, Wei Shian immediately asked, “Where’s my phone?” 

Luo Wei hurriedly handed it over. “Sister-in-law sent you a message, but I haven’t opened it.” 

Wei Ping, standing by, looked apologetic. “If it weren’t for pushing me away, you wouldn’t have been shot.” 

“Stop saying that.” Wei Shian thought the exchange of his leg injury for Lao Wei’s life was worth it, but with the anesthesia wearing off, the pain in his leg was severe. He didn’t have the energy to argue further and simply read the message. 

Seeing this, Luo Wei asked worriedly, “Should we keep this from Sister-in-law?” 

It couldn’t be hidden, Wei Shian pressed his pale lips together. “She’ll definitely be angry if she finds out. Besides, I’ve already had the surgery. Lao Luo, drive my car and go personally pick up Lu Jiu from her home.” 

Knowing that Peony would be worried and anxious, he didn’t trust her to drive herself. 

Luo Wei immediately agreed, “Okay, I’ll go right now.” 

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