An Outdated Actress Brings Her Baby to a Variety Show — Becomes Famous!
An Outdated Actress Brings Her Baby to a Variety Show — Becomes Famous! Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Early the next morning, before the live broadcast began, someone was busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

Several fixed cameras were in the kitchen, and the program crew started working early to prepare materials.

Gu Aifei prepared a rich and exquisite breakfast for the mothers and children.

After the incident with Ziai’s allergy the previous day, Gu Aifei realized she had unfairly blamed the children. To show her sincerity, she got up early to prepare breakfast while the other mothers were still asleep.

Since Zhou Ziai had an allergic reaction yesterday, her family went to bed later than usual. By nine o’clock, when the live broadcast rooms opened, the audience noticed that only one room showed people.

[Did Aifei prepare breakfast for everyone?]

[I looked around and saw that the other three live broadcast rooms were focused on the door. Only Gu Aifei’s room showed her preparing a table of breakfast while the others seemed to be asleep.]

[Aifei is great.]

Nian Nian has a very regular schedule. She goes to bed at nine in the evening and wakes up at six in the morning.

But due to Ziai’s allergic reaction, Nian Nian didn’t fall asleep until after eleven o’clock. She wanted to sleep with her mother, holding her tightly.

Naturally, she woke up late in the morning.

Shen Mingyou saw her child sleeping in, a rare chance, and was reluctant to wake her. It was almost nine o’clock when she called Nian Nian to wake up. Nian Nian appeared in the live camera just a minute after nine.

After breakfast and some rest, the program team gave everyone tasks.

Feng Jingze said: “We’re not working today, but since this episode’s theme is life experience, we still have activities related to daily life. At noon, the children will help the mothers in a cooking competition. The children will judge the meals, and the mother with the most points will become our first “Super Mom”. The program team will then donate books and clothes to children in need in mountain villages.”

This is a very important event, and everyone needs to do their best.

Due to the rules, the guest group that arrived first yesterday through various modes of transportation will have an advantage in the cooking competition, while the guest group that arrives last will face a penalty.

The Fang Tang team, who arrived first, can select a program staff member who can cook to help them with the competition. The Shen Mingyou team, who arrived last, will have their cooking spatulas taken away. They will have to cook using other kitchen tools instead.

[What kind of strange rule is this? How can you cook without a spatula?]

[Shen Mingyou doesn’t know how to cook, and the production team didn’t even let her use a spatula. What kind of strange dish do they want Shen Mingyou to cook?]

[Haha, I feel sorry for the little guest who will be Shen Mingyou’s taste tester.]

[For meals, watch Shen Mingyou from Yushiju. She is going to cook. Everyone, grab your stools and watch.]

Most netizens watching the live broadcast were very curious about Shen Mingyou’s cooking.

On the first day of the live broadcast, the other three mothers showed off their cooking skills, but Shen Mingyou had never entered the kitchen. People guessed she probably couldn’t cook.

Now, due to the program rules, without spatulas, people were even more curious about how someone who can’t cook would manage without one.

However, today’s comments were not very friendly.

When all the guests gather together, they share a live broadcast room with many viewers. Each viewer has their own preferences. Many viewers are fans of the female guests, making the comments section chaotic.

Especially since Shen Mingyou has been in the spotlight recently. Previously, everyone had their own live broadcast room, and it was quite peaceful. But now that all guests are in the same room, Shen Mingyou’s new fans are praising her, upsetting other fans.

[Shen Mingyou cooked one dish; is it necessary for everyone in the comments to be so excited?]

[Shen Mingyou’s sudden rise in popularity is because of her image as a wealthy lady. Besides this, she doesn’t seem to be skilled at anything. I don’t know why people like her so much.]

[Her cooking might be terrible. The kids probably won’t even want to eat it.]

[Look forward to Aifei, Zhong Yaohao, and Fang Tang taking the top three spots.]

[Cooking competition? Shen Mingyou is doomed to lose.]

Gu Aifei was very confident she would win first place. Although it seemed unfair to compete against someone who couldn’t cook, she really wanted to beat Shen Mingyou.

Last night, Shen Mingyou scolded her in public, leaving Gu Aifei speechless. Even though she knew she was wrong, she still didn’t like Shen Mingyou.

Seeing Shen Mingyou, Gu Aifei felt something was out of her control.


Shen Mingyou looked around but couldn’t find anything to replace the spatula. The production crew even hid the soup spoon and chopsticks, as if they were purposely making it difficult for her.

How could she stir-fry without a spatula?

Finally, Shen Mingyou spotted a kitchen knife on the chopping board.

[Oh my god, Shen Mingyou is cooking with a kitchen knife?!]

[Hahaha, using a kitchen knife to cook, Shen Mingyou came up with this idea.]

[It’s amazing. How did Shen Mingyou manage to turn the ribs with a kitchen knife? Did she practice acrobatics?]

[Uh, it seems Shen Mingyou showed off again…]

Netizens quickly spread the news that Shen Mingyou was using a kitchen knife for cooking to the other live broadcast rooms. It seemed more interesting than regular cooking, so the number of viewers in Shen Mingyou’s room increased rapidly.

Even the five little kids came to watch Shen Mingyou.

Zhao Yiyang admired: “Aunt Shen, you are so amazing!”

The other children echoed: “Auntie Shen is so great!”

Seeing her mother praised, Nian Nian excitedly shouted: “Aunt Shen is so awesome!”

Shen Mingyou paused with the kitchen knife. Nian Nian laughed, saying: “Mom is so awesome!”

[Hahahaha, I’m dying of laughter. The serious Nian Nian actually has a funny side.]

[How funny! The other four kids stopped helping their moms and just flattered Shen Mingyou.]

[Who said Shen Mingyou can’t cook? Look at her dish; she must have hidden talents.]

[Shen Mingyou: You think I can’t ride an electric bike or cook? I’ll show you!]

After all the mothers’ dishes were cooked, it was time for the children to rate them.

The sweet and sour spare ribs and fried hairtail made by Shen Mingyou received unanimous praise from the children. The unique technique of using a kitchen knife impressed them.

The children praised Aunt Shen:

Zhao Yiyang: “I vote for Aunt Shen. Aunt Shen’s cooking is the best.”

Jiang Xu: “Aunt Shen is great. I want to eat her cooking every day.”

Zhou Ziyu/Zhou Ziai: “Me too, I vote for Aunt Shen.”

Nian Nian naturally voted for her mother, and Shen Mingyou won the cooking competition.

Soon, Shen Mingyou’s name was trending again.

Her fan base has now exceeded 10 million, and she is becoming extremely popular.

Since there are many people who like her online, there are naturally also critics.

[Shen Mingyou is just good at hype. Her fans increased by 10 million in two or three days. The speed of increase is like riding a rocket. It is not marketing hype. I will chop off my head and let everyone sit on it.]

[Those who praise Shen Mingyou for taking care of children, have you forgotten she left her daughter behind, causing Jiang Niannian to get on the train alone?]

[Yes, abandoning a child is truly intolerable. We were just recording a program with staff members around. If we were this careless with children in normal times, the child could be lost in a moment and it would be too late to regret.]

As Shen Mingyou was about to become famous, critics focused on her mistakes during the show. The incident of Shen Mingyou leaving Nian Nian at the train station became a frequent target for attacks.

But soon, the critics were left speechless.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, a cute blogger named “A Cute Blogger Who Loves Petting Cats” posted a video online about Shen Mingyou.

The cute blogger who loves petting cats: [The blogger and her boyfriend are in a long-distance relationship. Her boyfriend came to City A specifically to celebrate her birthday. When she was seeing him off, she couldn’t bear to part with him, so she bought an extra train ticket and accompanied him to the platform.

After sending her boyfriend off, the blogger ran into the “Super Mom” production crew recording at the train station. She was excited but unfortunately, the person who appeared was Shen Mingyou, and I am a fan of Gu Aife.

However, the blogger took out her phone and started recording some interesting moments.

Seeing that some online users were using Shen Mingyou leaving Nian Nian alone at the train station as an excuse to slander her, the blogger felt it necessary to post this video to help Shen Mingyou clarify the matter.

You will understand after watching it. @Actor Shen Mingyou]

A video of several minutes was posted below the text. In the video, Shen Mingyou, while recording the show, saw a young mother with a child. The young mother’s bag was broken, and things fell all over the floor. As she bent down to pick them up, it looked very dangerous. The baby in her arms was shaking, but the young mother seemed oblivious.

Shen Mingyou moved quickly. Just as the baby almost slipped from the young mother’s arms, Shen Mingyou arrived in time to hold the baby.

The young mother was shocked. After realizing how dangerous it was, she hugged the baby tightly, her face full of fear.

After Shen Mingyou helped pick up the scattered items, the young mother suddenly handed her child to Shen Mingyou and squatted down, crying.

Shen Mingyou also missed the train because of this.

The video quickly became popular and was shared and commented on widely—

[So that’s why the production team didn’t cut Shen Mingyou’s live footage, leading to misunderstandings.]

[It was frustrating to see the young mother struggling alone with her child and heavy luggage. Where was the child’s father? Why did the mother leave the child alone?]

[Thanks to Shen Mingyou for helping the young mother. If her child had an accident, it would have been devastating.]

[There seemed to be a lot of medicines falling out of the bag. I don’t know if the child or the mother is sick. She might have come to City A for medical treatment. She brought her child on a long journey and could only afford the cheapest green train. It’s heart-wrenching.]

[I suddenly realized that those who slander Shen Mingyou will eventually be proven wrong.]

[I’m now a fan of the actress @Shen Mingyou. Don’t miss her; go follow her.]

With continuous fan recommendations, the number of Shen Mingyou’s fans surged to 10 million. The growth rate, which had slowed down, increased even faster.

At this point, Shen Mingyou was unaware that she had become popular online again.

The two days passed quickly, and after recording the show, it was time to part ways.

Shen Mingyou had not planned to take the program crew’s car home. There were few tourists in this developing tourist town. Since she was there, she wanted to spend two days with Nian Nian exploring.

However, plans changed when she received an unexpected call.

It was Jiang Chen calling.

Shen Mingyou was surprised. After five years of marriage, she rarely received calls from Jiang Chen.

As soon as the call connected, Jiang Chen’s voice came through: “I’m now in the milk tea shop where you worked while recording the show.”

“You watched my live broadcast?”

“I watched it.” Not only did he watch it, but he also replayed some scenes, like Shen Mingyou speeding through the street on a black Harley motorcycle or cooking, which he never knew she could do.

Shen Mingyou asked, “Why are you here?”

Jiang Chen replied, “I’ll take you home.”


Also, don’t forget to check out Vyl’s other projects!


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