Apocalypse: Farm or Be Devoured!
Apocalypse: Farm or Be Devoured! Chapter 4

As soon as Granny Lei left the room, Xia Chen spat out the dessert in his mouth, having swallowed none of it. She wouldn’t dare to harm him again anyway.

Xia Chen believed his family were safe for now. Granny Lei wouldn’t risk harming them directly. Apart from his mother, everyone in the Xia family was in good health. If something suddenly happened, unless the entire Xia family was wiped out, Granny Lei wouldn’t be able to escape blame.

Xia Chen didn’t dare directly share his suspicions with his family. As a fool for seven years, his sudden ability to speak could be attributed to the high fever clearing his mind. However, if he were to analyze the attempted murder like an experienced adult and ask others to play along, they might think him possessed by a demon.

Of course, Xia Chen had no intention of fighting alone. To deal with the mastermind behind the scenes, he needed to rely on the adults in his family. He was no longer a neglected child, confiding in his parents would be the most satisfying course of action. But he had to wait until he gathered more clues before gradually revealing the truth to his family.

Xia Chen secretly planned, his face not betraying his thoughts as he pretended to be a child who had just become clear headed. His mother forbade him to leave the bed since he was still ill. So he quietly practiced speaking and exercised his vocal cords and tongue.

The young master’s awakening brought great joy to the entire Xia family. When Doctor Zhang from the Bao’an Hall came to treat Xia Chen, he said that if Xia Chen drank the medicine and woke up, then he’ll slowly recover. But if he doesn’t wake up, then it’s out of his hands. The prolonged fever might further damage his brain as well.

The Xia family didn’t take the last sentence seriously. Xia Chen was already considered a little fool. How much more foolish could he become? Unexpectedly, two negatives made a positive, and the fever directly cleared his mind.

Mother Xia chanted “Merciful Buddha” many times, saying she would donate money and supplies to Taoist Xu’s monastery in the mountain to offer her gratitude for his lifesaving grace to Xia Chen.

After waking up, Xia Chen ate half a bowl of rice porridge personally cooked by his sister-in-law. He squinted his eyes, claiming to be sleepy and wanted to rest. 

Mother Xia was frightened and didn’t dare let him close his eyes. She coaxed him to talk, and waited until her eldest son invited the doctor to examine him again before putting her mind at ease.

In fact, the system was very accurate. After the binding was complete, Xia Chen’s fever began to subside. Now, except for the fatigue after the illness, there were no other symptoms. He wasn’t really sleepy either. He just wanted to take another look at his golden finger and study it carefully.

Xia Chen carefully considered the system after calming down. Essentially, it was an assistive tool.

In the interstellar era, the reason why the system had such a great influence on the host was that most people who owned this kind of system were in a state of poverty and lack of resources.

They either followed the path planned by the system and obtained its guidance, convenience, and resources from it to ensure their survival needs, or even relied on outstanding talents to become winners in life, just like the name of the system.

In other words, the ultimate goal of the system was to maximize the development of human resources in the resource-scarce interstellar era.

Therefore, the system had no mandatory measures. It didn’t require the host to follow its planned career path. They just couldn’t obtain the resources provided by the system if they didn’t follow through.

Even if the system didn’t say it, Xia Chen knew that in the interstellar era, there must be people who were not constrained by it. Except for the ideal socialist society, the gap between rich and poor existed at any time. Those with sufficient resources naturally did as they pleased. They could choose to develop their own talents according to the system’s plan, or they could learn what they were interested in.

At first, Xia Chen was stunned by the huge gap. But after calming down, he quickly realized that he should be considered one of those with sufficient resources. Even if according to the system’s calculation, his best career path was to farm and inherit his father’s business as a landlord, Xia Chen could also choose to give up the golden finger and do what he wanted to do.

But it would be such a waste not to use his golden finger, so Xia Chen wanted to go and try if he could do both in parallel. On one hand, selectively implement the career path planned by the system to obtain the resources the system could provide. On the other hand, plan a high-end new career that could provide him a way out.

With something on his mind, after Xia Chen pretended to sleep and coaxed her mother away. Qiao Niang stayed in the room to take care of him.

Fortunately, Xia Chen could enter the space with his consciousness, and his appearance looked no different from sleeping. He could even sense the movements outside.

Not long after Xia Chen lay down, his married elder sister heard that her younger brother was awake and hurried over to visit. She was stopped by Qiao Niang and only looked at Xia Chen by the bedside for a while before leaving. She seemed to be going to talk to Mother Xia.

Hearing that there were no other movements outside, only Qiao Niang’s quiet breathing and the slight friction sound of flipping through cloth, Xia Chen immersed his consciousness into the system space according to the system’s instructions.

Light filtered through Xia Chen’s eye the moment he entered the space. What he saw was no longer the high-tech room from last time, but a paradise.

Before him stretched a vast expanse of land as far as the eye could see. To the diagonal right, the sound of flowing water could be heard. Behind him, endless mountain peaks and dense forests were visible in the distance. 

Xia Chen’s wide eyes looked around, feeling extremely shocked. Whether it was before he transmigrated or now, owning such a vast expanse of land was a huge fortune.

Not to mention anything else, the Xia family can be considered as one of the top wealthy households in the Qinghe Village.

According to Xia Chen’s knowledge, in terms of land alone, his family had a total of one hundred and twelve mu of fields.

Among them, there were thirty-eight mu of high-grade fields which cost six taels of silver per mu. Sixty-four mu of medium-grade fields, for four taels of silver per mu. Ten mu of low-grade fields, for two taels of silver.

These fields were not all bought in whole. The prices fluctuated slightly. All the land had cost Father Xia nearly 510 taels of silver.

It seemed like a small number, but if you convert the purchasing power of silver at this time compared to modern times, it was probably around 200,000 or so.

In fact, Xia Chen didn’t quite understand why his father could have so much silver. 

He knew that Father Xia had been a soldier for more than ten years. His military salary was thirty wen per day, less than one tael per month. That means, his father would have to be a soldier for fifty years without eating or drinking to save up this much money, not to mention that his family seemed to have other businesses.

So even without looking at anything else, just the endless land in the system space alone made Xia Chen rich overnight.

Moreover, when Xia Chen took a closer look and found the land was very fertile, it was no worse than the high-grade fields at his home. Xia Chen felt his heart burning as he calculated this fortune, and thought that being a farmer wasn’t bad either. With so many fields, the system couldn’t possibly let him farm alone, right?

It was already the interstellar era. Surely the development of mechanized planting technology can’t be compared to his time, so he could just be a laidback landlord. 

“System, is your interstellar era really lacking in resources?” Xia Chen asked curiously. A farmer could be given so much land, and you still say it’s lacking in resources?

[System Z series is a cracked version. This system is a semi-cracked version… Zz… Zz… Host’s authority is insufficient.]

“Understood, understood. You don’t need to answer.” As soon as Xia Chen heard “cracked version”, he understood what was going on. He was afraid that the system’s zz-ing would cause it to crash, so he quickly interrupted the system’s answer.

A cracked version, anyone who had played games would understand. Unlimited resources, unlimited in-game currency. Linking it to the background mentioned by the system, Xia Chen boldly guessed that maybe there was a revolution in the interstellar era.

Who knew which big shot had cracked the system? Maybe the reason he could obtain the system was here.

“Then what’s the difference between your semi-cracked version and the normal version?” Xia Chen asked. He understood cracked versions, but he didn’t know what advantages a semi-cracked version had.

[The space capacity of the normal version system is one-thousandth of this system, and the backup storage resources are one-hundred-thousandth of this system. The energy conversion of the normal version…]

The system went on to say a bunch of terms that Xia Chen didn’t understand, but they weren’t important. Just hearing this ratio, he knew that he had hit the jackpot.

Xia Chen secretly rejoiced for a moment. When the system finished speaking, he threw out his last question. If he engaged in other occupations while using the system space, would there be any restrictions?

[It is recommended that the host arrange their career according to the system’s planned path. With the host’s current talents and abilities, it is difficult to become a winner in life by choosing other careers.]

Xia Chen: “…”

He was very angry. If you want to talk, just talk. Why include a personal attack? Xia Chen held back his anger and asked, “So there are no restrictions, right?”


“How do I start?” Xia Chen looked around. “Are there any machines? At least give me a hoe.”

[According to the host’s experience and knowledge, the system has made adaptive changes to the system space and career progress. The host can call out the system space panel to view the current state and start the career journey according to the novice guide.]

Xia Chen clumsily used his consciousness to summon the system space panel. In such an area filled with green grass, looming mountains and clear waters, a highly incongruous high-tech translucent light screen immediately appeared.

Looking closely, Xia Chen instantly understood what the system meant just now. This panel was very similar to a game panel.

In the upper left corner of the light screen, there was a small avatar, which was his current appearance.

In the upper right corner, there was a blinking small golden house icon. Right below it was a bouncing egg-shaped object that kept changing its glow, tempting people to click on it.

In the lower left corner, there was a notebook-like icon. To the right was a scroll icon. Going along the row, there were also plain small houses, small boxes, small pouches, and so on.

Xia Chen clicked on them one by one and quickly figured out the meaning of these icons. The avatar represented the character, which was himself. Clicking on it revealed a basic attribute panel. Because he hadn’t grown up yet, except for charm, all the values were very low and had no reference value. There were also level, skill, and career title slots, which were all blank at the moment.

The small blinking golden house should be the system store. At the top, it displayed the currency. Xia Chen saw that there were four types. In addition to the currently used gold, silver, and copper, there were also gems, which were in front of gold and should be more precious, but his balance for all four types was zero.

The items that could be displayed on the first page of the store were all seeds. Xia Chen flipped a few pages and gradually saw some items that made his eyes hot, but they all showed that his level was insufficient and could not be purchased.

In the row below, the small notebook was the land list, displaying the number and quality of land he owned. The scroll was tasks, including main tasks, daily tasks, triggered tasks, and so on. Xia Chen didn’t look at them in detail.

The plain small house was the warehouse, which was empty. The small box was the achievement chest, and the small pouch was the level up gift pack.

The gachapon below the store was the last one Xia Chen clicked on because as a young master who had played various games, he knew at a glance that it was definitely a lottery pool.

They say ‘the unlucky cannot be saved by pity rates, and the non-paying cannot change their fate’—Young Master Xia was the epitome of an extremely unlucky player who could never be carried by pity rates, nor change his abysmal luck no matter how much money he threw at the game.

From being an initial-level unlucky person to getting the dark moon avatar frame, he had never stopped. In PUBG, the probability of him dying without touching a gun was over eighty percent. In Honor of Kings, he never went to draw, but as soon as he entered the promotion match, he encountered teammates going AFK.

Xia Chen tapped open the gachapon and sure enough, it was a lottery pool. He couldn’t help but complain, “It’s a good simulation management mini-game. Why add a lottery? It’s kind of vulgar…”

As soon as he randomly complained, the system immediately replied: [The lottery pool is a reward section and can be deleted. Do you want to delete it?]

“No, no, no.” Xia Chen quickly stopped it and asked in a low voice, “By the way, is there a guaranteed prize for a ten-pull?”

Author’s Note: 

This novel is set in a fictional world. The prices are referenced from the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, but they are only for reference and may not be accurate. Please do not scrutinize it. Even if you do, I wouldn’t know how to revise it unless I transmigrated first…


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Hi I'm Katra! Translator by day, lemon aficionado by night. Secretly suspects a past life as a citrus fruit. Squeezing the joy out of language, one word at a time.🍋

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