Apocalypse: Farm or Be Devoured!
Apocalypse: Farm or Be Devoured! Chapter 7.1

“I really didn’t name you wrong. Tongban really suits you so well. What a stingy golden finger.” Nearly driven crazy by his own system, Xia Chen spoke without a thought, trying to use verbal attacks to make the stingy system develop a sense of shame.

[Thank you for the compliment. The host’s name is very similar to mine.] Xia Tongban said flatly.[1]If Yuanbao means Ingot, then Tongban means copper coin. 😂 They’re indeed basically the same.

Xia Chen: “……”

“Are you being sarcastic?” he asked but he was certain deep inside. 

[No, the system does not use sarcasm, only tells the truth.]

So annoying! What could he even do?!

Xia Chen silently chanted “My anger won’t please anyone” many times in his heart, ignored the especially hateful Tongban at the moment, and looked at his main interface.

When he completed the task, in addition to the reward of ten copper coins, it seemed he also got experience rewards. The small portrait in the upper left corner and the small gift pouch under the level reward package were flashing. Xia Chen hadn’t looked closely earlier.

Clicking on the portrait, sure enough, he had leveled up from zero to one. His attributes hadn’t changed, and skills and titles were still empty.

Xia Chen clicked on the small gift pouch again. This time there was something. The first row showed: [Congratulations to the host for reaching level 1 and officially starting your career. Claim the level gift pack?]

Decisively claiming it, Xia Tongban was indeed high-tech. As soon as Xia Chen confirmed, a golden pouch immediately appeared in front of him. The drawstring on it automatically opened. After a flash of light, the pouch disappeared, and three items appeared in front of him—a small booklet, a silver ingot, and a gray little pouch.

At the same time, his palm-sized plot of land doubled in size, becoming the size of two palms, and he got one more chance to draw from the gold reward pool.

Xia Chen stared with shining eyes at the silver ingot, he was too impatient to bother with anything else and took it to feel it in his hands first. “It’s true that getting rich relies on perseverance. Tongban, you don’t need maintenance. Looks like I should work hard to grind for gift packs.”

He had worked hard inside and out and only earned ten copper coins, and didn’t even see what it looked like. But just claiming a gift pack gave him a silver ingot, a full five taels! It was simply unlike something Tongban would do.

Unfortunately, this silver ingot couldn’t be taken out. Xia Chen caressed it for a while, reluctantly handed it over, and watched helplessly as his assets instantly halved, turning into two taels of silver and 500 copper coins.

He clutched his chest, feeling an ache in his heart. It would’ve been better to let the system deduct it all before showing him.

As for the other two items, the small pouch contained three seeds. When Xia Chen took them in his hand, the names of the seeds automatically appeared in his mind. They were actually strawberry seeds.

Xia Chen was delighted.  It came just when he needed it. He was just worrying about not having anything to coax the children in his family, and here it appeared. There were many ways to eat strawberries. Besides eating them directly, they could also be dried into strawberry chips or made into sweet and sour strawberry jam that many children liked to eat.

Not to mention in this era where sugar was scarce, Xia Chen believed that strawberries would definitely be very popular.

In just a few minutes, he had already figured out the path to getting rich with strawberries. When he cultivated strawberry seedlings in the space, he would find a way to bring them back home to grow. As a cover, he should also cultivate his interest in planting outside.

As for not being able to keep them alive? Impossible. As the future Divine Farmer, Xia Chen didn’t believe he couldn’t grow strawberries that commonly existed on ordinary people’s balconies. Even if he couldn’t do it, there was still Tongban. As long as he paid enough money, Tongban was still very reliable.

At this point, Xia Chen had completely forgotten his initial rejection of this profession. He carefully put away the three strawberry seeds, then opened the small booklet.

As soon as the small booklet was opened, it turned into a beam of light and rushed into his eyes. Xia Chen blinked, feeling quite amazed. 

It turned out to be a skill book that could allow him to see the true state and understand more deeply the plants he planted.

“Do plants pretend to be something they’re not?” Xia Chen mumbled as he went to look at the only small plant he had planted in his space, wanting to try out his skill.

As he expected, the growth rate of plants in the space had accelerated. In less than an hour after he planted the seed, it had actually sprouted and grown into a small seedling.

Xia Chen concentrated and looked. Suddenly, a line of text appeared above the little seedling’s head: [A malnourished radish seedling watered with tea.]

Xia Chen: “……”

He suddenly understood why Tongban had remained silent when he was watering it!


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1 If Yuanbao means Ingot, then Tongban means copper coin. 😂 They’re indeed basically the same.


Hi I'm Katra! Translator by day, lemon aficionado by night. Secretly suspects a past life as a citrus fruit. Squeezing the joy out of language, one word at a time.🍋

1 comment
  1. Crowker has spoken 5 months ago

    i was astonished when he watered it with tea the chapters before. im so glad it actually came back and got mentioned LMAO


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