Apocalypse: Farm or Be Devoured!
Apocalypse: Farm or Be Devoured! Chapter 7.2

“Yuanbao is awake. Come quickly, I diluted some honey water for you. Drink it while it’s hot.” Mother Xia walked in with half a bowl of honey water. Seeing her youngest son just wearing his inner clothes, she hurried over to feed him the honey water.

Xia Chen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, he had come out in time just as she came into the room. 

The temperature in the space was suitable. Also, in order not to arouse suspicion, Xia Chen hadn’t worn a coat when he went in. He had originally planned to come out as soon as he completed the task, but later there were so many things that he stayed a little longer.

The newly acquired skill cruelly reminded him that as an agricultural novice, he must not mess around blindly, so Xia Chen didn’t dare to touch his precious strawberry seeds. He planted another seed that Dong’er had given him in the expanded palm-sized plot of land.

This time Xia Chen finally knew that he couldn’t water it with the liquid from the teapot. Of course, the teapot was empty now too. He followed the sound of water to find the water source, but he could only hear the sound of water and couldn’t see the source. 

Only after asking Tongban did he know that the water flow was also one of the resources of the system space, and he had to wait until his level was high enough before it would be unlocked.

“Huh? How come this teapot is empty?” Mother Xia picked up the teapot after giving Xia Chen the honey water, intending to pour out the stale tea. Unexpectedly, it was light as a feather when she picked it up.

Xia Chen silently followed behind his mother, pretending to know nothing. Fortunately, his mother didn’t think too much about it and thought his sister-in-law had drunk it.

“Mom, look, Dong’er gave me this.” Xia Chen showed his mother the seeds he had left, secretly laying the groundwork for his next actions.

“These are seeds?” Mother Xia looked carefully, not understanding what the little ones wanted to do.

“Can I plant them?” Xia Chen looked up at his mother with his little face. In this life, his appearance was almost exactly the same as in his previous life. He had been good-looking since he was a child. His eye color was naturally a bit light, a pale amber color. His eyes were round and cute, when his gaze focused, his pupils appeared moist to other people, and the slightly drooping eye corners were akin to a staring puppy. No one could bear to be harsh to him.

“You can.” Mother Xia was instantly defeated by her youngest son’s pleading gaze and even indulgently said, “Mother will get you more seeds. Let’s find a good piece of land for you to play with.”

Land was the lifeblood of farmers. Mother Xia readily allocated a piece of land for her son, which could be said to be very indulgent of her.

“No need, no need.” Xia Chen hurriedly waved his hand. “Can I plant in the back of the house? I’ll grow vegetables and fruits for Dad and Mom to eat.”

Ordinary farming households usually had a vegetable garden in their yards. When they wanted to eat vegetables, they could casually pick a basket to bring back. The Xia family’s small residence built with green bricks and big tiles had a vegetable garden opened in the back of the house.

Mother Xia was touched until her eyes became red-rimmed, praising Xia Chen for being sensible. In the end, she cautiously advised, “Yuanbao, just treat it as a game, play casually. Farming is not an easy job. Our family doesn’t lack money or food. My Yuanbao will become a rich man in the future.”

Xia Chen felt that his mother was really overthinking it. How could he really become a farmer? In the future, he was going to be a top scholar who would ride a horse with flowers scattering over his parade in the streets. 

With his mother’s permission, Xia Chen openly dug holes in the backyard. He didn’t play around at all. Following the way he did it in the space, he also planted two seeds in the soil. He also found a chance to bring some water inside the space to water the seed he planted earlier, which earned him another five experience points.

When he went in, he found that the radish seedling had grown thicker. Xia Chen didn’t have time to examine it closely but he estimated that he could harvest this radish tonight.

After routinely completing his cover-up task, Xia Chen went to the front yard and ran into his mother who had gone to the back to check on him. Even though he had recovered from his serious illness and his mind was clear now, the incident of him falling into the river last time had still left a psychological shadow on his mother. She would get anxious if she didn’t see him for a while. 

Xia Chen coaxed his mother with a few words and strolled off to the kitchen, pretending to be hungry and looking for something to eat, but he actually wanted to find out about Granny Lei’s movements. He still remembered this poisonous snake hidden by his side.

In the kitchen, only the young maid Guihua was boiling water. She had been bought by the Xia family less than half a year ago. She was sold by her poor family who couldn’t make ends meet. She was timid but deft.

After seeing Xia Chen come in, she got up apprehensively, opened her mouth but didn’t dare to speak, and secretly glanced at this most handsome young master of the family.

“Where’s Granny Lei?” Xia Chen played the role of a spoiled young master. “I’m hungry. I want her to make me some snacks.”

Guihua lowered her head, her voice as soft as a mosquito. “Auntie Lei said that some villagers caught fresh fish in the river today. She went to buy a couple to bring back and make soup for the young master to drink.”

Xia Chen frowned. As if Granny Lei would be so kind-hearted to nourish him. She must have gone out to do something shady. Unfortunately, in order to enter the space, he had pretended to take an afternoon nap and wasn’t able to follow Granny Lei to see what she was doing.

“I don’t want to eat fish. When she comes back, tell her I want to eat snacks.” Xia Chen played his role to the end, only leaving after instructing Guihua.

As soon as he left the kitchen, Xia Chen called out to Xia Tongban in his mind, “Tongban, do you have any kind of item that can track or eavesdrop?”

[Searching… Search complete. There are 78 kinds of exotic plants and 11 kinds of items with this function. Exotic plants can be obtained through planting, items can only be obtained through the gem reward pool.]

“Huh?” Xia Chen quickly grasped the key point. “Exotic plants? Plants that can eavesdrop and track? Aren’t you a Happy Farm? How did you turn into Plants vs. Zombies? But there’s no such plants in the Plants vs. Zombies either…”

Xia Tongban was eerily silent for a second, but unfortunately the time was too short for Xia Chen to notice. [The system space simulates the operating mode most attractive to the host based on the host’s personality. The reference types are diverse, and subsequent resource packs are continuously being updated.]

Exposed for his love of playing games, Xia Chen’s expression remained dignified and not flustered at all. 

What was wrong with him playing games when he had money and time? From what his system meant, he could grow far more than just some ordinary crops.

His mind was in turmoil for a while, eager to rush into the space to level up and develop more functions. One who could only grow ordinary crops was a farmer. One who could grow battle plants, he would definitely be some kind of superhero.

Xia Chen hadn’t thought of the specific title yet, but it definitely wouldn’t be Plant Man.

He was thinking all sorts of messy thoughts in his head when his two nephews ran in from outside, with Nan’er still mumbling something persistently as he ran.

Farming families didn’t live too delicately. The Xia family was the same. They didn’t have the habit of taking afternoon naps. Xia Chen was recovering from a serious illness, so everyone felt it was appropriate for him to lie down. Dong’er and Nan’er had run out to play as soon as they finished eating.

“What’s the matter, Nan’er?” Xia Chen was very fond of these two little nephews in the family. Seeing the little one unhappy, he put on the air of an elder wanting to coax him regardless of being the same age as him.

But Nan’er ate it up. As soon as Xia Chen asked, he chattered and complained to his little uncle, “The new maid at Tian Laibao’s house is wearing the same bracelet as Granny Lei, but my brother won’t believe me and even says I’m lying.”


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Hi I'm Katra! Translator by day, lemon aficionado by night. Secretly suspects a past life as a citrus fruit. Squeezing the joy out of language, one word at a time.🍋

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