Because I am a Fairy
Because I am a Fairy | Chapter 7: Smiling Killer

The entire match lasted two hours, but less than half an hour had passed, and already half of the hundred participants had been eliminated.

Ah Heng and Ren Xiang were scavenging through the jungle, having just effortlessly dealt with several enemy teams and collected their weapons and equipment. Now, the three of them were well-equipped and in peak condition.

Ah Heng said, “Let’s see, we’ve probably taken down more than ten enemies by now.”

Ren Xiang nodded, “Around that.”

Ah Heng grinned proudly, “Let’s aim not just for first place and chicken dinner, but also for the highest score.”

In the competition, the last survivor wins the chicken dinner, but accumulating kills also earns high scores. Both are measures of a team’s and individual’s strength.

“Oh shit! Oh shit oh shit oh shit!” suddenly, Ah Heng exclaimed.

Yuan Xiu calmly turned back, “Did you step into an ant nest?”

Ah Heng pointed at his wristwatch, shouting loudly, “Is W even human?! Is she?!”

In the game, each participant wears a wristwatch that receives information, acting like a miniature map. It also displays the kill counts of the top teams.

Currently, according to everyone’s wristwatches, the player with the highest kill count, leading by a significant margin, is W!

25 kills.

Team X, with three members, has only 10 kills in total, while Queen’s team follows closely with 14 kills, in second place.

W, fighting alone, has managed to secure 25 kills. This is… unbelievably overwhelming.

Even Yuan Xiu, who typically remains composed in any situation, couldn’t help but change his expression.

The Smiling Goddess W truly lives up to her reputation as a war goddess.

Although she has consistently shown indifference towards the competition, Yuan Xiu speculates that W’s mentality has cracked.

Retirement from combat, mockery from opponents, betrayal by her boyfriend… Her mentality has cracked.

She wanted to prove herself once again in this seemingly casual game, to prove that the letter ‘W’ stands for win!

Yuan Xiu turned back to his stunned teammates and said, “I’m a bit hungry. Let’s seize the moment, get some good kills, and then find a place to camp.”

Ah Heng glanced at the rapidly rising kills on W’s watch, then looked back at Yuan Xiu. “Camp… camp out? Are you kidding me?”

Ren Xiang asked, “Do you think he’s joking?”

Ah Heng replied, “Why camp? I was hoping to go all out and wreak havoc.”

Yuan Xiu explained, “The Smiling Killer Queen is out for revenge today. We don’t need to confront her head-on.”


Ah Heng whispered to Ren Xiang, “Why do I feel like when the captain said that, there was a hint of indulgence in his eyes?”

On a certain live streaming platform in China:

【Ah Heng has uncovered the truth.】

【When did Yuan Xiu ever camp? 2333】

【Giving up even dignity for a girl!】

【Who is this Smiling Killer Queen?】


At this moment, global live streaming platforms were in an uproar as viewers watched in disbelief at the skyrocketing number of kills behind W’s name. It was like she was cheating in the game, with the number of kills jumping every ten or twenty minutes, sometimes by one, sometimes by two or three.

Taking down an entire team solo!

Holy crap!

Meanwhile, on the screen, whenever the feed switched to Lu Manman, she would aim and shoot, hitting four shots with paintballs and eliminating opponents before they even realized she was there.

W’s fans flooded the barrage on the live streaming platform.

【Tremble, humans!】

【You know nothing of power!】

【Let’s go crazy supporting our goddess W!】

【I think Team Queen might start crying.】

Looking at the leaderboard again, Team Queen held a steady second place. Despite their frantic efforts to score kills, it was clear they couldn’t match W’s speed.

In the office of Queen’s manager, several investors sat in front of computers, watching the live streaming video with grim expressions.

At this moment, sweat beads dotted Danny’s forehead.

“Look at what you’ve done,” one investor said coldly. “Letting go of such a powerful player.”

“W’s retirement was a decision unanimously made by all investors,” Danny replied, wiping his face with a tissue. “The doctors said her leg injury would indeed affect her performance in the game.”

The investors restrained their anger as they pointed at the video screen, where Lu Manman fired three shots in rapid succession, wiping out an entire team.

“What’s the situation now? Explain to me,” another investor said angrily. “Wasn’t it said that her legs were not up to par? She’s breaking global league records for kills!”

Danny, crestfallen, said, “It… it might be her last hurrah.”

The investors were furious, wanting to smash Danny’s head with the computer. “Last hurrah my ass!”

An older investor interjected, “W is still young and spirited. It’s hard for her to control herself. There’s an old saying in China, ‘One vigorous effort, followed by decline and depletion.’ With this burst of energy, she won’t last long in professional competitions.”

Danny was on the verge of tears. “Thank you, dear investors, for your cultural insights and life-saving grace. Your wisdom is truly exceptional.”

The elderly investor continued, “In this game, players from various countries are playing casually, not putting much emphasis on winning or losing. That’s why W has gained an advantage. In a formal competition, she wouldn’t achieve these kinds of results.”

Danny quickly chimed in, “Exactly, everyone clearly hasn’t exerted their full effort. Look at Team X, they were so dominant in previous matches, and now they’re just chilling out.”

Sure enough, the screen switched to show Yuan Xiu, Ah Heng, and a few others leisurely sitting under a tree, each holding a bottle of Wang Lao Ji herbal tea, playing a card game.

Ah Heng: “Pair of 10s.”

Ren Xiang: “Hey, pair of 2s!”

Yuan Xiu: “Bomb!”

The investors stared in disbelief. “Are these Chinese people here to act cute?!”

“Anyway, W’s skills and records speak for themselves. She’s like a ticking time bomb. As long as she’s in the U.S., she poses a threat to our Queen,” Danny remarked.

“According to the contract, it’s black and white. She cannot join other professional teams in the U.S.,” added the young investor.

“Unless she pays a penalty of 2 million, which is nothing for her two disgusting sugar daddies,” the young investor added.

Danny furrowed his brow. That’s interesting.

Since Lu Manman injured her leg and started her recovery, he had already begun planning how to remove her from the Queen’s team. Lu Manman’s salary was high, but that was before; now with her injury, paying such a high salary faced significant opposition from investors.

However, reducing her salary might make other teams think Queen isn’t fair, especially since Lu Manman got injured while playing for them.

Maybe it’s better to wait until her contract expires and let her go.

On top of that, this season’s S-League games haven’t shown good performance from Lu Manman, making retirement seem natural.

Who would’ve thought this guy still had such a strong influence, going wild in this game.

A young investor sighed, “After this friendly match, other clubs in the American League will definitely extend an olive branch to W, inviting her to join them. They will willingly pay the two million penalty for her.”

Other investors chimed in, “We absolutely cannot let this happen.”

Danny frowned, “If there’s a way to get her out of the United States, that would be great.”

With the notion that being far away from the intense real-life professional “Battle Royale” competition in the United States would diminish any threat to Queen, no matter which team she joins in other countries.

Moreover, besides China, Lu Manman would face language barriers, cultural differences, and overall unfamiliarity in any other country. As for China, Danny disdainfully glanced at Yuan Xiu and others playing cards under a tree.

A team like that wouldn’t pose a significant threat to Queen.Danny’s eyes narrowed, “I do have an idea…”


Where they currently stood, the three of them were in the central safety zone of the mountains, with a commanding view of the low-lying areas below, an advantageous position indeed.

Yuan Xiu glanced at his wristwatch. The headcount had surged to 52, nearly half of the game’s participants eliminated.


Queen had taken the other half, 31 heads. Currently, only 10 people remained as the final survivors of the entire game.

The numbers on W’s name had also stopped moving. Yuan Xiu stood up and stretched lazily, “Smiling Killer’s stamina seems almost depleted. Now, we can go for her head.”

Beside him, Ah Heng gently tugged at Yuan Xiu’s sleeve, eyes fixed intently beyond the nearby bushes, sniper rifle aimed quietly at Yuan Xiu.

Yuan Xiu remarked, “Oh.”

In the next moment, the three of them leaped up simultaneously, tossing their bottles of Wang Lao Ki almost at the same time towards Lu Manman.

Birds and beasts scattered in all directions, the jungle filled with frantic sprinting.

Lu Manman’s shot hit the bottle of Wanglaoji, sending it flying far away.

The Chinese live streaming platform is going crazy.

【You guys, just do whatever, throwing Wang Lao Ji at the goddess w? What on earth!】

【Hahahaha, this is insane!】

【Why the heck am I rooting for such a sleazy team?】

【Come clean, how much sponsorship money did you get from Wang Lao Ji?】

【Manually @ Jiaduobao】


Lu Manman shifted her gaze away from the binoculars and looked at the three men running along the path. After taking down Ah Heng and Ren Xiang, and with Yuan Xiu disappearing, she made a decisive decision, dropping the sniper rifle and grabbing the MK5, chasing after Yuan Xiu.

Capture the thief and capture the king, no one should be spared.

Yuan Xiu leaned against a large tree, frantically shooting at Lu Manman behind him. Lu Manman dodged skillfully, and the two engaged in a head-on confrontation.

Sharp and observant, Lu Manman noticed that besides the paintballs shot by Yuan Xiu, there were also powder shots coming from other directions. Looking up, on the high ground not far away, was Queen’s team of three: Judy, Akko, and Qiao Xingye watching the duel from above.

Qiao Xingye reproached Judy, “You shot too early.”

He had intended to wait for Lu Manman and Yuan Xiu to finish their fight before collecting the heads.

Muttering, Judy said, “I can’t wait to kill her.”

Of course, Yuan Xiu also spotted Queen’s team.

The next second, as if in perfect sync, the two of them swiftly aimed their guns at Queen’s three members.

Queen was their common enemy.

Yuan Xiu fired a few shots towards Qiao Xingye and his team, causing them to hurriedly take cover behind trees. However, they were caught off guard as Lu Manman had already circled around to a gentle slope and shot at Judy and Qiao Xingye.

Eliminated from the game.

Despite all the calculations made by Qiao Xingye and his team, they couldn’t anticipate that Yuan Xiu and Lu Manman, who were fiercely fighting each other a moment ago, would suddenly join forces to take on Queen’s team!

And it seemed like they had planned it in advance!

One lured the tiger down the mountain, the other launched a surprise attack from behind.

The level of coordination was so high that even Qiao Xingye, who had been working with Lu Manman for many years, couldn’t have expected it!

Disappointed, Judy dropped her gun and walked away angrily.

After eliminating Queen, Lu Manman quickly loaded paintballs into her gun.

In an instant, Lu Manman and Yuan Xiu were facing each other with their guns.

Live streaming platform:

【Wow, the most exciting moment is coming!】

【One of the most heart-wrenching moments of the year, Yuan Xiu and our Smiling Goddess are about to confront each other in love and battle!】

【Who will Yuan Xiu and W choose to eat chicken? Can’t wait!】

【Wait, why are there still 5 people left!】

As expected, netizens saw the prompt in the upper left corner, and there are still 5 survivors!

【Wait, wait, don’t act yet! There are still people hiding in the bushes waiting to collect heads!】

【Where, where are they!】

【Oh my goodness!】

Lu Manman and Yuan Xiu are at a tense standoff, each hiding behind cover, exchanging shots with great enthusiasm.

Of course, they cannot hear the frantic cries of the netizens on the live streaming platform.

At this moment, Lu Manman hears the sound of Yuan Xiu firing blanks from his side.

Haha, out of bullets, huh!

She leaps out from behind the tree and runs towards Yuan Xiu: “I’m going to blow your head off, little brother!”

However, at this moment, Yuan Xiu’s mouth curves into a sly smile as he pulls out another submachine gun from his waist, aiming it at Lu Manman.

Uh, she stops in her tracks, feeling impulsive.

Lu Manman has no cover around her, completely exposed.

Yet, Yuan Xiu doesn’t immediately take action, only saying, “Kneel down and call me daddy, and I’ll spare your life.”

Lu Manman says, “My dad is gay, what about you.”

Live streaming platform:

【Well done, little sister.】

【This comeback is so satisfying.】

【Roast him.】

“Unfortunately, I’m a straight guy…” Yuan Xiu considers and says, “Calling me hubby wouldn’t be entirely out of the question.”

Lu Manman: ….

Live streaming platform:

【Playing the flirtatious game step by step, if you can’t handle it, that’s on you.】

【Cunning and shameless, extremely shameless.】

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