Because I am a Fairy
Because I am a Fairy | Chapter 8: Go to China

At the same time the match ended, a post titled:

“Knowing the ending turned out like this, I genuinely want to kill someone” quickly went viral on the official forum of the live-action Battle Royale competition.

Over the next twenty-four hours, the post remained prominently displayed on the homepage, its popularity unwavering.

[“I refuse to accept this ending.”]

[“I had no issue with Miss W getting a headshot, and I could even accept Miss W taking down Yuan Xiu! But, but neither of them winning in the end? That’s just unacceptable!”]

[Yuan Xiu and Miss W have proven with their bodies that the ‘stabilize internally before defending externally’ policy doesn’t work. Ceasing internal conflicts to consistently resist external enemies is the inevitable choice of history.”]

The situation at that moment was like this: when Yuan Xiu, holding a loaded gun, poked Lu Manman in the chest and said, “Call me hubby and let me hear it,” someone finally couldn’t stand it and fired several shots.

In an instant, countless paintball powders burst into the air around them.

At that critical moment, Yuan Xiu instinctively shielded Lu Manman tightly under him, and the two huddled together in the grass.

By the time the intense shooting ended, both were covered in multicolored paintball powder, with Yuan Xiu being the most pitiful, having turned into a human palette to protect Lu Manman.

At this moment, a few African men hiding in the grass slowly emerged, locking eyes with the two.

Their combat uniforms were impressively shiny, embroidered with a golden lion totem, and the large rubies on the epaulettes sparkled brilliantly in the sunlight.

The African brothers took a few seconds to recognize Yuan Xiu and Lu Manman, then their electronic wristwatches beeped, announcing the final winning team:

The Congo Gorilla Squad.


The African brothers joyfully gathered together and began dancing their traditional dance in the grass.

The Gorilla Squad, which ultimately won the game, went from zero kills to two.

Meanwhile, the two they killed were still dumbfounded and hadn’t regained their senses.

At this moment, the live streaming platform was deathly silent. Then, a single comment floated across the screen:


Immediately, a barrage of comments flooded in:

[“What the heck!”]

[“How do you two feel now? Huh, how do you feel! Look at the Gorilla Squad, they didn’t even qualify in the preliminaries, and yet they turned you two world champions into losers!”]

[“Does your conscience hurt? Huh, does it hurt?”]

Finally, a couplet appeared on the homepage forum of Battle Royale:

[“Talking trash leads to a short life, showing off love leads to a quick death.”]

With the header: “Cautious Growth”


The match ended, and as night fell, everyone left the camp in small groups, scattering in different directions.

Alex, in his flashy Maserati, waited at the park entrance for Lu Manman.

Ah Heng said to Ren Xiang, “This industry is never short of wealthy people. The upper class in America is even more rigid than in China. Look at W, a true tycoon. From now on, stop flaunting your BMW 520 to impress girls; it doesn’t measure up.”

Ren Xiang sighed and nodded helplessly, “I see. Those of us with BMWs are at best called nouveau riche. We can’t compete. I’ll aim to buy a Lamborghini when I’ve made enough money.”

At this moment, a valet drove a striking silver Lamborghini up to Yuan Xiu and parked it in front of him.

Yuan Xiu took out a tip and got into the car, saying, “Thanks.”

Ah Heng: ???

Ren Xiang: … “Golden thigh, please take me along!”

Qiao Xingye and Judy, along with their group, approached Lu Manman. Judy smiled and said, “W, after today, are you planning to change your name?”

Lu Manman was puzzled, “Why would I change my name?”

Judy said, “Getting headshot by the likes of the Gorilla Squad, a team of such amateurs, can you still call yourself invincible W-Win? You should change it to L, admitting you’re a loser.”

Behind them, a group of men and women sneered mockingly. The Lamborghini parked nearby as Yuan Xiu pressed the car window button, enjoying the spectacle.

Ah Heng remarked, “Seriously, Yuan Xiu, you’re even indulging in this passing drama?”

Yuan Xiu replied, “Of course.”

Ren Xiang remained silent.

Lu Manman wasn’t angered either. She calmly said to Judy, “How does it feel to be defeated by a loser?”

Judy raised her eyebrows, “So arrogant, yet you let those non-elite trash teams take the win. You truly disgrace our league.”

Lu Manman shrugged, “It depends on how you see it. I have no regrets about losing to the Gorilla Squad today. The competitive industry never lacks talented newcomers who work hard, and there are no eternal legends because everyone is creating their own myth. That’s the most fascinating aspect of this industry.”

When Lu Manman mentioned “talented and hardworking newcomers,” she glanced at Yuan Xiu.

Yuan Xiu raised an eyebrow, unsure why, but her words and gaze unexpectedly touched him.

Indeed, the most captivating aspect of this industry is that everyone can rise to glory through their skill and effort, forging their own path to greatness.


Judy sneered coldly, “In real-life CS competitions, success isn’t just about effort. It’s about talent and intelligence. Otherwise, any idiot could join the game, and where would we be?”

Lu Manman didn’t want to argue with her on this issue. Everyone has their own perspective, and Lu Manman believed that effort after birth was more important.

“Just like you, W, maybe you’re talented and hardworking, but your myth still collapsed. Why?” Judy’s gaze moved down, focusing on her legs. “Because you’re crippled!”

Lu Manman’s eyes widened. The word ‘crippled’ felt like a pair of icy hands gripping her heart tightly.

“Being crippled like you, just like those African circus gorillas, you’ll never be able to win the championship trophy again.”

Ah Heng exclaimed angrily, “This woman is too arrogant. Isn’t she just poking at people’s sore spots?”

Ren Xiang also spoke indignantly, “What right does she have to mock W, who has won two solo championships?”

Yuan Xiu remained silent, his gaze fixed on Lu Manman not far away.

She wore a black mask with a faint smiley face, head bowed, saying nothing.

After a while, seeming to calm her emotions, she lifted her head and looked at Judy.

“Being so arrogant as to insult the African circus in front of their captain, aren’t you afraid of getting beaten?”

Behind Judy and Qiao Xingye, a group of tall, muscular African brothers walked over, their faces full of anger, breathing heavily.

It was indeed the Gorilla Squad from Congo.


That evening, several prominently featured posts surged onto the homepage of the Battle Royale forum:

[Mass Spectating: Gorilla Squad and Queen Engage in Physical Altercation After Friendship Match]

[The Organizing Committee Issues Notice: Both Teams Suspended for Three Months as a Warning; Public Apologies Demanded for Their Negative Impact]

[Some Crowd Alleges: After Apologizing on TV, Queen Captain Qiao Xingye Mockingly Disrespected Immediately Upon Leaving the Studio]

[Gorilla Squad States: We Are Not Wrong, We Refuse to Apologize!]

[W Posts on Facebook in Support of Gorilla Squad, Accusing Queen of Mocking Others First]

Meanwhile, on Facebook, discussions among netizens about the incident were intense:

[“Honestly, how did someone like Qiao Xingye become captain of Queen?”]

[“He lacks the demeanor and emotional intelligence for leadership, nowhere near W’s level, incapable of leading a professional team.”]

[“Agree with the comment above. Shouldn’t a captain intervene when team members fight instead of joining in?”]

[“When W was captain, Queen never got into such messy situations.”]

[“And then there’s Judy, thinking she’s something when she’s nothing. With that record, daring to taunt everyone and calling them a circus. She’s asking for trouble from Chief Daddy, who could tear her apart single-handedly.”]

Lu Manman held her phone, furiously posting comments under various aliases, rotating through several accounts.

[A passerby: Honestly, when W was in charge, Queen’s team reached its peak. I wonder if they can still perform after she left.]

[Another passerby: There’s a saying that things will reverse when they reach their extreme. Queen’s decline is inevitable, especially with such a captain.]

[Me as a passerby: Agree with the above. They got rid of W and brought in Judy. Can this one even compare to Smile Goddess?]

[Why are all these comments from passersby?]

Just as Lu Manman was alternating between identities and engaging in self-questioning on her phone, a call came through with the screen displaying “Professor Garcia.”

Oh my god!

Lu Manman quickly threw her phone away. Why would the head of her department at New York State University be calling? She was scared.

After the phone rang for a moment, Lu Manman finally answered, trying to sound like a good student, “Professor Garcia, good afternoon. Is there something you need from me? Yes, I’m at home, studying ‘Data Structures.'”

Two minutes later, Lu Manman suddenly exclaimed loudly, “Oh my god!!! Study exchange in China!!!”

“No, no, I didn’t curse, no, Professor, you misheard. I meant I’m so happy, wow, China! The Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and my idols…”

After hanging up the phone, Lu Manman sat on her bed, staring blankly. Her hair was disheveled, hanging over her face, and her mind went blank for a few seconds.


She remembered back to her freshman year when the university had announced a summer exchange program to China. At that time, she was in the midst of her fervent obsession with her Chinese idols, so she impulsively signed up with her dorm roommates, eager to travel across the ocean to China to pursue her star-chasing dreams.

However, she wasn’t selected for that summer exchange program, which left her heartbroken for a long time. To cheer her up, Dad Louis and Dad Alex took special leave and brought her on a trip to China. Unfortunately, during that time, her idols didn’t have any concerts or public appearances, so she didn’t get to see them either.

Who would have thought, now that she was in her sophomore year, Professor Garcia, the department head, would suddenly call and inform her that the department had decided to send her to China for an exchange program for a year? If everything went well, the exchange could even be extended until graduation.

What’s going on?

Her first reaction was…

Oh my god, was she going to be expelled from NYU?

Of course, Professor Garcia clarified that it was an exchange with a friendly university in China, specifically B University, one of the best universities in China, especially renowned for its computer science program.

It wasn’t about the university itself.

The key issue was how sudden this was. She was completely unprepared to leave the United States, to leave her dads behind.

A summer would have been okay, but a whole year?

And the possibility of extending it until graduation if it went well? What kind of crazy plan was this?

Lu Manman didn’t give a direct answer to Professor Garcia. She said she needed to discuss it with her dads first.

That evening, during dinner, Louis was venting to Alex about the frustrating incident he had encountered that day.

“I parked my car in the open parking lot, and a fat guy squeezed out, scratched my car with a blade, and ran off,” Louis recounted.

Alex set down his chopsticks, “And then?”

“I cursed at him,” Louis continued.

“Just like that?” Alex inquired.

“Later, I found out he had accomplices, a group of anti-LGBT individuals at the intersection. If I got out of the car to chase him, they would come over to beat me up. Luckily, I hid in the car,” Louis explained.

Alex, with lingering fear, advised, “Next time, stay cautious. It’s okay if the car gets damaged, but never take risks.”

Louis added, “But as I drove past him, I rolled down the window and tried to hit him with a lighter. He dodged, and the lighter hit someone else’s car, causing a dent.”

Alex puzzled, “…Why did you use a lighter instead of the angry bird I gave you?”

“That’s the stuffed toy you gave me,” Louis clarified.

Touched, Alex said, “Oh, you really… let me find the right words for you.”

“School wants me to go on a one-year exchange to China,” Lu Manman finally mentioned.

During the lively conversation between the two dads, Lu Manman suddenly whispered a sentence quickly and then lowered her head.

Alex: “If you like it, I’ll give you another SpongeBob…”

Louis: “I want a Doraemon.”

Alex: “You and Lu Manman are really like father and daughter, both liking Doraemon.”

A minute later, both dads simultaneously set down their knives and forks, looking at Lu Manman in astonishment.


“One year!”


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