Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 16

Meng Fu Yuan was about to open an iodine swab when Chen Qing Wu asked, “Do you have tweezers?”

He glanced at her, and she was looking closely at her fingertip.

“Did it go in?”


Meng Fu Yuan opened the medical kit and found a pair of tweezers.

Hesitating for a moment, he was about to hand the tweezers to Chen Qing Wu to let her do it herself when someone appeared at the storage room door.

Meng Qi Ran walked straight in.

Without a word, he grabbed Chen Qing Wu’s finger and reached for the tweezers in Meng Fu Yuan’s hand, saying, “Let me do it.”

Chen Qing Wu struggled a bit, but Meng Qi Ran turned and said, “Don’t move! You’ll push it in deeper!”

Meng Fu Yuan’s gaze swept over Chen Qing Wu’s slightly stiff expression. After Meng Qi Ran’s firm tone, she lowered her eyelashes and stopped moving.

Her expression seemed to show consent.

The small storage room was too crowded for three people.

Meng Fu Yuan lowered his eyes, handed the iodine swab and tweezers to Meng Qi Ran, and turned to leave without looking back.

Meng Qi Ran lowered his head, holding the tweezers in one hand, searching for the splinter.

Chen Qing Wu said helplessly, “Let me do it myself. I’m not useless.”

Meng Qi Ran seemed not to hear her. He held his breath, carefully clamped the splinter with the tweezers, and gently pulled it out.

He looked up at her expression, “Does it hurt?”

“…Not that much.”

Meng Qi Ran folded the iodine swab and lightly dabbed it on her fingertip.

His breathing was slow, but because of the closeness, it was still noticeable, “I thought you wouldn’t come back for the Dragon Boat Festival.”

“I couldn’t not come home.”

Chen Qing Wu saw that the disinfection was almost done and pulled her hand back.

Meng Qi Ran suddenly grabbed her wrist, “Qing Wu, can you listen to me first?”

“I thought we made things clear last time.”

“I still have something to tell you…”

Chen Qing Wu interrupted, “To me, this matter is completely over. Qi Ran, maybe you’re just not used to it yet or can’t accept it…”

“You didn’t even listen and jumped to conclusions.”

Chen Qing Wu sighed, “…Does it have to be this way, Qi Ran? Aren’t you the most carefree? Clinging isn’t your style. I barely came home and just want a peaceful holiday.”

Meng Qi Ran paused.

Noticing his fingers loosen slightly, Chen Qing Wu pulled her wrist back, turned, and walked out, saying softly, “Leave.”

When Qilin found out Chen Qing Wu got pricked by a bamboo skewer, she felt bad and refused to let her do any more work, including serving juice.

As night fell, everyone moved to the back garden.

The barbecue grill was set up, with silver charcoal burning underneath, sending up warm heat.

The grill was heated, brushed with oil, and slices of pork belly and skewers of beef and lamb were placed on it.

Meng Fu Yuan and Meng Chengyong were in charge of grilling.

Chen Suiliang laughed, “I’m enjoying ready-made food again.”

Meng Chengyong said, “Tomorrow we’re going to your place, you’ll have plenty to do then.”

Meng Fu Yuan placed the grilled pork belly slices on Chen Suiliang and Liao Shuman’s plates first.

Chen Suiliang took a bite and praised the perfect doneness, “Fu Yuan, how are you so good at grilling too? It seems there’s nothing you can’t do.”

Qilin laughed, “I joked with Old Meng earlier that it’s a pity Shuman only has one daughter. If she had two, wouldn’t that be perfect?”

Liao Shuman laughed on purpose, “Isn’t stealing one of my precious daughters enough? You want to steal a second one?”

Meng Fu Yuan kept his head down, flipping the food without any change in expression, the glasses hiding the faint annoyance in his eyes.

Chen Qing Wu pretended not to hear the parents’ jokes, quietly drinking juice.

After a while, a plate was handed to her.

On the plate were two skewers of cucumber and two skewers of corn, her favorites.

Chen Qing Wu looked up and said thank you to Meng Fu Yuan.

Meng Fu Yuan seemed not to hear and made no response.

After eating for a while, everyone felt hot, so Meng Chengyong asked Meng Qi Ran to get more beer.

Soon, Meng Qi Ran returned with the items.

Besides beer, he brought a box of frozen durian.

He sat down and quietly placed the durian next to Chen Qing Wu before distributing the beer.

Meng Fu Yuan glanced at him, his expression even more indifferent.

After eating for a while, Qilin took over for Meng Fu Yuan.

There were many empty seats, and Meng Fu Yuan chose to sit diagonally across from Chen Qing Wu.

Sitting across the grill and the person grilling, he didn’t have to look directly at Chen Qing Wu and Meng Qi Ran sitting side by side.

After dinner, Qilin called a housekeeper to help clean up and told the kids to go play instead of helping.

After cleaning up, everyone sat in the courtyard drinking tea.

Chen Qing Wu, unable to endure the constant socializing all day, slipped away while Chen Suiliang and Meng Qi Ran were discussing the competition.

She didn’t hesitate at all and walked straight to the gate.

Having had a can of beer during dinner, she couldn’t drive and had to call a cab.

Standing in the front yard, she took out her phone to call a cab when she suddenly heard someone call, “Qing Wu.”

It was Meng Fu Yuan’s voice.

Her tensed nerves relaxed.

Meng Fu Yuan walked over, “Leaving already?”

“Shh.” Chen Qing Wu glanced at the door, “Don’t let them know, or they’ll definitely make Qi Ran take me.”

Meng Fu Yuan looked at her, “You don’t want him to take you?”


“Then I’ll take you.”

His calm tone made her heart flutter.

Meng Fu Yuan extended his hand, “Car keys.”

Chen Qing Wu collected her thoughts, “Are we taking my car? How will you get back?”

“I’ll drive your car back.”


“Just kidding,” Meng Fu Yuan said, “I have a drink planned with friends, so I’ll call for a driver too. Don’t worry.”

Hearing this, Chen Qing Wu took the keys out of her bag and handed them to Meng Fu Yuan.

They got in the car.

The controls were slightly different, so Meng Fu Yuan asked Chen Qing Wu and familiarized himself with them before starting the car.

Chen Qing Wu was in a bad mood, and Meng Fu Yuan didn’t seem too cheerful either.

They both listened to the radio in silence.

It was a Cantonese song.

From watching many Cantonese movies, she could barely understand about seventy to eighty percent of it.

“Being together two hundred years from now, we shouldn’t fear others’ disapproval.”

Arriving at the Chen family home, Meng Fu Yuan took out the suitcase and helped Chen Qing Wu to the door.

Chen Qing Wu thanked him, “Come in for some tea before you go?”

Meng Fu Yuan said, “No need to be so polite with me. Go in and rest early.”

“…Okay.” Chen Qing Wu smiled and responded softly.

Meng Fu Yuan nodded and turned to leave.

Through the iron gate, he paused and looked back. The light in the room at the end of the second-floor corridor was already on.

He walked back in the direction he came from, lighting a cigarette in the humid evening breeze.


Chen Suiliang and Liao Shuman didn’t get home until after one in the morning.

After washing up, Liao Shuman was about to go to bed when she received a WeChat message from Chen Qing Wu, asking her to come to her room.

The door was half open, and Liao Shuman knocked gently.

“Come in.”

Liao Shuman pushed the door open, “What’s up, Qing Wu?”

Chen Qing Wu pointed to the pile of gift boxes on her desk, “Did you let Qi Ran into my room?”

“I just let him drop off the gifts and leave, didn’t touch your things.”

Earlier, when Chen Qing Wu entered her room, she was startled by the array of gifts.

She opened one randomly and realized they were all from Meng Qi Ran.

The one she opened was a handbag, designed exactly to her taste.

She paused, and Meng Qi Ran, noticing her gaze, said that he would buy her another one next time since they were in a rush to catch a flight.

Later, she checked out that bag at the store and found it less impressive on closer inspection.

Meng Qi Ran, of course, had long forgotten about it.

It was a model from a few years ago, still brand new and unopened, which must have taken considerable effort to find.

The remaining gifts were probably the same, intended as “compensation” from Qi Ran for the past.

But, for someone already recovered from a cold, even the most effective cold medicine was unnecessary.

Chen Qing Wu closed the door, “Mom, I want to talk to you.”

“Go ahead.”

Chen Qing Wu decided to be direct, “You might not believe it, but Qi Ran and I were never together…”

“What do you mean by never together?” Liao Shuman was surprised and confused, “Weren’t you two dating?”


“But you two… you were together through college and grad school, sometimes traveling together… I’m not blaming you, Qing Wu. My point is, we all tacitly approved.”

“I know, but we were always just childhood friends…”

“Aren’t you two in love? You got jealous so many times because of Zhan Yining…”

“Yes, but…”

“Qi Ran cares so much about you, writing songs for you, buying you expensive gifts, and all these presents, all to make you happy…”

Chen Qing Wu felt exhausted. How could she explain such matters in detail to outsiders? “…He doesn’t really love me. He’s just being responsible…”

“Isn’t responsibility the most important quality in a man? The shelf life of love is short. Once the novelty wears off, maintaining a relationship relies on responsibility.”

Liao Shuman walked over and gently hugged her daughter’s shoulders, “Qing Wu, I’m not saying this is bad. Sometimes, I think maybe you’re being too sensitive. Qi Ran treats you so well, it’s obvious to us outsiders. Being overly emotional isn’t bad, but it can hurt yourself and others. Look at the positives in people. No one is perfect.”

Chen Qing Wu knew Liao Shuman actually meant she was “overly sentimental.”

Maybe everyone thought she was overly sentimental.

She felt a pain like an oyster pried open, exposed to the scorching sun.

“Mom…” Chen Qing Wu sighed, “Whether you understand or not, Qi Ran and I won’t continue as you expect. Please don’t try to push us together anymore.”

Liao Shuman looked at her, seeming to find her unreasonable, “You never opposed our jokes before.”

Chen Qing Wu opened her mouth, feeling suffocated, “That was before…”

“You and Qi Ran have known each other all your lives. To us adults, you two always seemed well-matched.” Liao Shuman yawned, “Alright, Qing Wu, you two just had a minor disagreement. Talk it out, and there’s no misunderstanding you can’t resolve. I’m tired, going to sleep. Tomorrow, Uncle Meng and his family are coming over, you can talk to Qi Ran then…”

Liao Shuman patted her shoulder, “Sleep early, darling.”

The door closed.

Chen Qing Wu stood frozen, not moving for a long time.

Her suitcase was open on the floor, her dress draped over the chair.

After standing in a daze for a while, she regained her senses, quickly took out a clean set of clothes from the suitcase, and changed out of her pajamas.

Her steps were very light as she left, the door closing with a faint click.

Chen Qing Wu reached into her bag and paused.

Meng Fu Yuan had forgotten to return her car keys.

At this hour, he must be asleep.

But maybe not, he did say he was going out for a drink with friends.

After some thought, she decided to send him a WeChat message.

She had heard from Meng Qi Ran that Meng Fu Yuan always turned on Do Not Disturb mode when he slept.

If he was already asleep, it wouldn’t disturb him.

The reply came almost instantly.

Meng Fu Yuan: Not asleep yet. What’s up?

Chen Qing Wu: My car keys are still with you, right?

Meng Fu Yuan: Yes. I’ll bring them to you tomorrow morning.

Chen Qing Wu: Can I come over to get them now? Will it disturb your rest?

Meng Fu Yuan: Need the car now?

Chen Qing Wu: Yes.

Meng Fu Yuan didn’t ask where she was going so late, he just replied: I’ll bring them over.

Twenty minutes later, a figure appeared outside the gate.

Chen Qing Wu quickly walked over and pressed the button to open the door.

“Sorry for making you come out.”

“No problem.” Meng Fu Yuan handed over the keys, glancing at her.

She had changed clothes, carrying a tote bag, with her suitcase in front of the car.

“…Where are you going?” Meng Fu Yuan couldn’t help but ask.

“Oh. Running away from home.”

Meng Fu Yuan looked at her.

Chen Qing Wu laughed, “Really. I talked to my mom, but she didn’t understand. Thinking about being bothered all day tomorrow, I decided to leave overnight.”

For some reason, her smile made his throat itch.

She was never truly compliant and submissive.

“Is the alcohol out of your system?”

“…I don’t know.”

“And you’re still planning to drive.”

“Not really… I was looking for a driver.”

“Driving from South City to East City isn’t cheap.”


“I’ll take you,” Meng Fu Yuan said calmly, “Just buy me a coffee.”

Chen Qing Wu was stunned, “…Didn’t you say you were going out for a drink with friends?”

“I didn’t go. Watched a movie instead.”

“…By yourself?”

“Sometimes it’s better to watch alone.”

Chen Qing Wu imagined the scene, finding it a kind of lonely romance.

She had always watched movies with friends or Qi Ran.

Meng Fu Yuan looked at his watch, “Have you decided?”

“I… this seems like too much trouble for you.”

“Just four hours.”

Meng Fu Yuan reached out and took the car keys from her hand, pressing a button.

The car lights behind her lit up.

The light partially illuminated him, and he looked at her with a calm, inviting expression.

She instantly thought of that summer evening when he appeared at dusk when she was nine years old.

She couldn’t find a reason to refuse.

Meng Fu Yuan told Chen Qing Wu to get in the car while he placed her suitcase in the trunk. Then he got into the driver’s seat and checked the fuel gauge first.

Chen Qing Wu connected the navigation and entered the destination.

A 24-hour coffee shop.

Meng Fu Yuan looked at her.

She smiled, “I prepaid your ‘driver fee.'”

At the coffee shop, Chen Qing Wu told Meng Fu Yuan to wait in the car while she went to buy coffee, “What do you want?”

“An Americano.”

Chen Qing Wu made an “OK” gesture and got out of the car.

After a while, she returned.

“Sorry for the wait. There was only one employee, so it took a while. I also bought some tacos if you get hungry.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded, took the iced coffee, and placed it in the cup holder.

Before hitting the highway, they stopped at a gas station to fill up.

Chen Qing Wu laughed, saying how he was even paying for the gas as a “driver.”

With everything ready, they finally set off.

Meng Fu Yuan checked the right-side mirror, glancing at her.

The car played her favorite music, the window was down, and she closed her eyes slightly, looking relaxed.

The city was asleep, the streets almost empty in the early morning.

In the quiet night, it felt like the world had forgotten them.

Driving a pickup, taking her on a “runaway.”

If someone told him he’d die after sunrise, he wouldn’t regret it.

Not long after hitting the highway, Chen Qing Wu fell asleep.

They took a break at a service area, where she suggested taking turns driving, but Meng Fu Yuan refused, still concerned about the alcohol.

For the latter part of the trip, Chen Qing Wu tried to stay awake, not wanting to be an inadequate co-pilot.

Meng Fu Yuan seemed to notice and told her to sleep if she wanted.

“Will you be okay driving alone?”

“Don’t worry.”

She had never doubted his capabilities.

She woke up to Meng Fu Yuan calling her.

Chen Qing Wu lifted her head and struggled to open her eyes.

“Qing Wu, look at the sunrise,” Meng Fu Yuan said softly.

Chen Qing Wu quickly woke up, looking outside.

The sky was no longer pitch black.

It was a translucent gray as they crossed a viaduct, the thin red sun peeking through the clouds in the distance.

Excitedly, she grabbed her phone, opened the camera, and pressed the record button against the windshield.

As the car sped along, they soon lost the best view.

She put down her phone, leaning forward to gaze at the horizon.

Soon, they exited the highway, entering the southern suburbs.

Chen Qing Wu fiddled with her phone for a while.

Meng Fu Yuan, resuming his role as an older brother, said, “You should call your parents so they don’t worry.”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “I left a note before I left.”

Before they knew it, they arrived at the studio.

Meng Fu Yuan parked the car and helped unload the suitcase.

Chen Qing Wu stared at her phone screen, “Wait a moment.”

Meng Fu Yuan was puzzled but didn’t ask.

After a while, a cab arrived.

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “I called a cab for you. I set the destination to your company, but you can change it. Rest well in the car.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded.

“I wanted to get you breakfast, but it’s too early, nothing’s open yet.” Chen Qing Wu looked at him, “…Thank you so much. I’m really happy I got to escape and see the sunrise.”

“…Sure.” Meng Fu Yuan controlled the surge of emotions, opening the back door, “Qing Wu.”


“Can you send me the video?”

Chen Qing Wu thought for a moment, “Can I edit it a bit first?”


Meng Fu Yuan got into the cab.

He changed the address to his place in East City, closed his eyes as the car left the creative park.

He wasn’t sleepy, unsure if it was the coffee or the secret joy he couldn’t share with anyone.

About ten minutes later, his phone vibrated.

It was a WeChat message from Chen Qing Wu with the sunrise video.

The edited video had a cheerful background music, and he could almost smell the fresh morning air.

She sat next to him, joyfully looking at the distant clouds, her pupils slightly dilated with wonder, her fair cheeks lit by the soft red sunlight.

It was the most beautiful sunrise he had ever seen.

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