Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 19

A film crew was set to shoot a 90-minute documentary on Zhai Jingtang, with one of the filming locations being Dongcheng, where Zhai Jingtang was scheduled to give a lecture at a local university.

Upon learning this, Chen Qing Wu immediately contacted Teacher Zhai, inviting him to a meal.

Teacher Zhai replied that he would forgo the meal but insisted on visiting her studio since it was also located in Dongcheng. This felt akin to a surprise assignment check by a teacher, so Chen Qing Wu prepared diligently.

On the day of the visit, Chen Qing Wu first took Zhai Jingtang to tour the wood-fired kiln in the cultural innovation park before heading to her own studio.

Artists have varying requirements for their workspaces; Zhai Jingtang preferred a clean and orderly environment. Upon entering and seeing the bright and tidy space, he nodded approvingly, saying it was well-organized and logical.

Chen Qing Wu gave Zhai Jingtang a brief tour.

Zhai Jingtang asked, “What have you been working on recently?”

Chen Qing Wu showed him her latest practice pieces and some leftover candidates from the set she made for Sister An.

Zhai Jingtang casually picked up a backup piece with a “night purple over red” glaze, inspecting it closely and pointing out areas for improvement, “The color is a bit superficial, not solid enough. You’ve had this problem before, always hoping to get it perfect in one firing. Try refiring this cup; I guarantee it will have a richer effect than it does now.”

Chen Qing Wu nodded repeatedly.

After discussing the flaws, Zhai Jingtang praised her, “However, despite its flaws, your work is starting to develop your own style. Very good.”

Zhai Jingtang had always been like this, a mix of strictness and kindness.

Accompanying him was a student who had been working under him, surnamed Yao, whom the younger generation respectfully called Brother Yao.

Brother Yao said, “Qing Wu, you should make a poster to announce the opening of your studio on social media. How else can we help you promote it?”

Chen Qing Wu felt embarrassed, “Actually, I haven’t settled on a name for the studio yet—Teacher Zhai, Brother Yao, could you help me choose the best one?”

Chen Qing Wu took an A4 sheet from the workbench, which listed seven or eight potential names she had drafted.

Zhai Jingtang’s studio was called Jingnan Hall, where “Jing” and “Hall” were from his name and “Nan” from his wife’s name. When people learned the source of the name, they had all looked like they had been fed dog food.

Holding the paper up for a closer look, Zhai Jingtang pondered for a while and said, “Why did you cross out this last one? I think it’s quite good.”

Brother Yao leaned in for a look and nodded, “‘Wuli Qing’—it’s great! It aligns with your name and matches the style and atmosphere of your work.”

Chen Qing Wu couldn’t explain why she had written it down and then crossed it out, so she just smiled and said, “I’ll reconsider it.”

After the tour, Zhai Jingtang paused and picked up a small celadon bowl from the table, “Who made this?”

Chen Qing Wu glanced at it, “It was made by a woman named Zhuang Shiying.”

“Zhuang Shiying? Is she in the industry? I’ve never heard of her.”

Chen Qing Wu explained the origin of the five porcelain bowls by Zhuang Shiying.

Zhai Jingtang carefully examined all five bowls, marveling, “These are truly fine pieces.—Da Yao, isn’t our project about to launch soon?”

“Yes,” Brother Yao quickly said to Chen Qing Wu, “Recently, Teacher Zhai and several teachers from Porcelain City have been planning to organize an exhibition, somewhat like discovering overlooked masterpieces. Qing Wu, I think Mrs. Zhuang’s works would be perfect for the exhibition.”

Chen Qing Wu hesitated, “I only have these five pieces. Would it be enough?”

“The exhibition is in an artist-specific format. Five pieces are indeed not enough. Can you contact her descendants? See if they have more pieces. If they are willing to participate, we will handle all the logistics, security, and setup.”

Chen Qing Wu hesitated for a moment, then said, “I’ll try.”

Brother Yao nodded, “Once you’re sure, let me know.”

After the visit, Zhai Jingtang and Brother Yao prepared to leave, firmly declining Chen Qing Wu’s offer to treat them to a meal.

Knowing that Teacher Zhai was a man of principles, Chen Qing Wu did not insist.

Before leaving, Brother Yao jokingly reminded her, “Be more active in the group chat, Qing Wu.”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “I’ll try.”

After seeing off Teacher Zhai and Brother Yao, Chen Qing Wu returned to her studio and soon received a PDF document from Brother Yao detailing the “Hidden Gems Project.”

After reading it, Chen Qing Wu fell into deep thought.


In mid-August, Chen Qing Wu’s grandmother celebrated her 70th birthday.

The night before, Chen Qing Wu returned to Nancheng. The next morning, after getting up and putting on makeup, she went to the hotel with her parents to greet the guests.

Chen Suiliang, who grew up in poverty, gave up a clerical job after graduating from university to start his own business. After several ups and downs, he established his own trading company and had secured his place in Nancheng by the age of thirty.

Having endured the scorn of relatives in his youth, Chen Suiliang valued his face highly and spared no effort in grand occasions. This year, for his mother’s milestone birthday, he naturally made extensive preparations, inviting all relatives and friends of the Chen family.

Having participated in numerous such banquets since childhood, Chen Qing Wu was well aware that her father was not very satisfied with her.

As a child, she was weak and sickly, sensitive, and introverted. In high school, she excelled in science at Nancheng Foreign Language High School and could have easily gotten into a top university like Tsinghua or Peking University. However, in her second year of high school, she decided to apply for the ceramics department at an art academy and stubbornly prepared for the art exams.

In the eyes of relatives, a daughter “playing with clay” and being unproductive naturally couldn’t add to Chen Suiliang’s glory.

At the entrance of the banquet hall, Chen Qing Wu stood with Chen Suiliang, maintaining a constant smile and greeting people as instructed—calling this one uncle, that one aunt—people she didn’t recognize and whose faces she couldn’t remember, smiling until her face stiffened.

She also wasn’t used to high heels; standing for long made her calves ache.

Just as she was thinking of an excuse to slip away, Liao Shuman said, “Qi Ran and the others have arrived.”

Chen Qing Wu looked up.

Meng Chengyong and Qi Lin walked in first, followed by Meng Qi Ran, and finally Meng Fu Yuan.

Liao Shuman greeted them warmly, “We’ve reserved seats for you near the stage.”

Qi Lin nodded, looked at Chen Qing Wu, and smiled, “Qing Wu, you look so pretty today! It’s the first time I’ve seen you in such bright colors.”

Meng Fu Yuan had noticed Chen Qing Wu from the start but hadn’t had the chance to look closely. He took the red envelope to the gift registration table.

Hearing Qi Lin’s praise, he couldn’t help but glance over.

Grandmother Chen loved lively and flashy colors and insisted that the younger generation dress festively.

Today, Chen Qing Wu wore a crimson cheongsam with dark patterns, a dark blue trimmed stand collar, her black hair and fair skin making her stand out.

Qi Lin put her arm around Chen Qing Wu and said to Meng Qi Ran, “Qi Ran, take a photo of me and Qing Wu.”

Meng Qi Ran took out his phone and opened the camera.

Qi Lin joked, “Remember, it’s a group photo. Don’t focus only on Qing Wu.”

Meng Qi Ran played along, “You saw right through me.”

After the photo, Qi Lin let go.

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “Auntie, please go in and sit down.”

Qi Lin nodded, “Come sit at my table later, Qing Wu.”

Meng Fu Yuan finished registering the gift and walked over.

Chen Suiliang greeted him, “I heard your company has been very busy recently. It must have been hard for you to come today.”

Meng Fu Yuan replied calmly, “It’s Grandmother Chen’s birthday. I had to come.”

After some polite conversation, Meng Fu Yuan followed his parents and brother into the banquet hall.

Passing by Chen Qing Wu, he paused slightly, glancing at her. She looked like a white plum blossom blooming in the red glaze porcelain, stunningly beautiful.

Chen Qing Wu held her breath and put on the practiced smile of the day.

She saw Meng Fu Yuan nod slightly in acknowledgment.

After the greeting, Liao Shuman led Chen Qing Wu into the banquet hall.

Relatives and friends close to the Chen family sat at one table, while Chen Qing Wu was pulled by Qi Lin to another table.

Qi Lin sat on the left of Meng Qi Ran and on the right of Meng Fu Yuan.

Apparently, Meng Qi Ran had informed her in advance, so Qi Lin didn’t make her sit next to Meng Qi Ran but instead pulled her to her right side.

Qi Lin smiled, “Fu Yuan, move over a bit. I want Qing Wu to sit next to me.”

Meng Fu Yuan stood up without a word and moved to the right.

Chen Qing Wu sat down between Qi Lin and Meng Fu Yuan.

There was a teapot on the table. Meng Fu Yuan picked it up, poured a cup of hot tea for Chen Qing Wu, and placed it in front of her.

His actions were completely natural, without any extra meaning, as if the person sitting next to him was another familiar friend.

Chen Qing Wu reached for the cup and said softly with a smile, “Thank you.”

Since that day, Meng Fu Yuan had kept his promise and had not sought her out once.

It felt as if they had reverted to the relationship where they only liked each other’s posts on social media.

But since she rarely posted, Meng Fu Yuan posted even less.

Without the large family group chat, where she occasionally saw his replies, she would have thought he had disappeared from the world.

Today, both brothers were in formal attire, with Meng Qi Ran wearing a lighter color, matching his youthful and cool demeanor.

Meng Fu Yuan wore dark colors, exuding a sense of quiet depth and reserve.

She felt she would rather sit next to Meng Qi Ran, at least not feeling so uneasy.

Qi Lin asked enthusiastically about her recent activities, “How’s the business at your studio, Qing Wu? Busy recently?”

“I have three orders lined up, so I’m working with clay from morning till night. It’s quite busy,” Chen Qing Wu smiled.

“How long are you staying this time?”

“I’m going back tomorrow. I have a meeting with a client.”

Qi Lin sighed wistfully, “Sometimes I wish you kids didn’t grow up, always drifting away and rarely gathering.”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “You can come to Dongcheng with my mom to visit me.”

“You said it, I’ll go next week.”


Before the luncheon started, there was a ceremony where Chen Suiliang gave a speech, expressing his gratitude to his mother. He wrote the heartfelt and moving speech himself, bringing Grandmother Chen to tears.

After the ceremony, the luncheon officially began.

Chen Suiliang and Liao Shuman went around toasting the guests. Meng Chengyong couldn’t help but joke, though not as bluntly as usual, “This isn’t the toast I most want to drink.”

Chen Suiliang laughed, “I can’t help you with that; it’s all up to fate.”

After the toasts, everyone started eating.

At their table, the atmosphere was polite and gentle.

Meng Chengyong chatted with his eldest son across the table, asking about the cooperation with the Lu family and the progress of their R&D.

Meng Fu Yuan replied calmly, “We’ve identified a direction for the materials and are in the preparation and adjustment stage.”

Meng Chengyong nodded, “Good.”

Chen Qing Wu had noticed before that Meng Fu Yuan wasn’t as close to his parents as Meng Qi Ran was. Being the eldest son, he bore more of the family’s expectations, naturally living more repressively and introspectively.

Chen Qing Wu ate slowly, glancing at Meng Fu Yuan.

After some thought, she decided not to trouble him with the “Hidden Gems Project.”

Knowing his character, he would definitely help without hesitation, but she couldn’t find a way to repay him.

Lost in thought, she was startled by a voice, “Ladies, please be careful, the food is coming. Watch out for the hot soup.”

Chen Qing Wu snapped back to reality, seeing a waiter with a large bowl of conpoy soup standing between her and Qi Lin.

Seeing the waiter struggling to move sideways, Chen Qing Wu instinctively leaned to the other side.

The nearby fragrance was like a flower blooming in the cool twilight.

Meng Fu Yuan looked down, his expression unchanged.

After the soup was placed and the waiter left, Chen Qing Wu sat up straight again.

For a moment, it felt like his world had skipped a beat.


After the luncheon, people started to leave.

Qi Lin, who hadn’t drunk, would drive home, with Meng Qi Ran in the passenger seat.

“Qi Ran, what’s going on with you and Qing Wu?”

“I told you before, stop pressuring her.”

“I’m not! Have I ever pushed her in front of you? I always ask you in private,” Qi Lin glanced at the passenger seat, “Several of the Chen family’s relatives asked when they could celebrate your wedding with Qing Wu.”

Meng Qi Ran’s tone was a bit stifled, “…Just don’t worry about it.”

“Do you think I want to interfere? You’re so stubborn! Such a good girl, if you don’t hurry, someone else might step in.”

“Qing Wu is busy with her career right now, not in the mood.”

“Her work will eventually get done, right? And her peers at the cultural innovation park, there must be many young people there, close at hand…”

“Stop it.” Meng Qi Ran turned to look out the window, his face darkened.

At home, Meng Fu Yuan greeted his parents and was about to go upstairs to rest when Meng Qi Ran called him, “Brother, I want to ask you something.”

Meng Fu Yuan paused.

He sat on the sofa in the living room, his expression calm, “What is it?”

Meng Qi Ran sat opposite him, looking very serious, “I’m planning to open a custom car shop with some friends. I haven’t done this before and wanted to ask what to watch out for when partnering with others.”

“Not racing anymore?” Meng Fu Yuan looked up at him.

“After the finals next month, I’ll take a break, maybe just participate in one or two amateur races. I want to focus on starting the business,” Meng Qi Ran said resolutely, “I plan to open the shop in Dongcheng, so I can be closer to Qing Wu and spend more time with her.”

Meng Fu Yuan didn’t comment, simply said, “I’ll put together a document with the key points and send it to you.”

“Thanks! I’ll treat you to dinner when I’m in Dongcheng.”

Meng Fu Yuan continued walking.

On the third floor, he opened the study door and sat behind his desk, silently staring at the empty single sofa in the corner.

Why was everyone else’s life moving forward normally?

Only his had derailed, resulting in a series of disasters.

Reduced to ruins.


After returning to Dongcheng, Meng Fu Yuan compiled a document and sent it to Meng Qi Ran.

It was clear that Qi Ran was determined this time, frequently updating him on the progress—location selection, responsibilities with partners, business registration, etc.—truly focused on his business.

Whenever Qi Ran had questions, Meng Fu Yuan would give appropriate advice.

Things progressed quickly, and in about a month, Qi Ran’s shop would be fully set up.

One day, SE Medical’s head, Lu Xiling, came to Dongcheng for an inspection, and Meng Fu Yuan was in charge of hosting.

After the inspection, he arranged a dinner.

In fact, he and Lu Xiling were university classmates. Although they had heard of each other, Meng’s family was in light industry trade and Lu’s family in medical equipment, two unrelated fields.

They had both been top students and, had they met earlier, might have become close friends.

This collaboration saw Lu Xiling outsmarting the company’s hardliners, overcoming objections, and finally finalizing the deal.

After dinner with Lu Xiling, Meng Fu Yuan returned to the company lab for a while.

The company didn’t mandate overtime; people decided for themselves whether to stay or leave after hours.

Meng Fu Yuan went to the break room to refill his coffee and bumped into an engineer in the hallway.

“Mr. Meng, still here? The news says there’s a typhoon landing tonight.”

Meng Fu Yuan said, “I’m about to leave.”

“Then I’ll go first.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded.

The entire three-story building was silent.

Late at night, Meng Fu Yuan left the company and returned to his apartment.

After washing up, he was so exhausted that he fell asleep immediately.

He woke up in the early hours to the slight shaking of the glass. Outside, the rain was pouring down heavily, the city’s neon lights barely visible through the darkness.

Unable to fall back asleep, he turned on the TV. The news reported that the typhoon hadn’t made landfall directly but had skirted by, heading northeast.

Meng Fu Yuan opened his phone and checked his top friend’s WeChat Moments.

It was a habitual action because he thought checking Moments was a waste of time, worrying he might miss her updates.

She rarely posted, so this confirmation often came up empty.

But this time, to his surprise, he saw a new post, made just ten minutes ago.

He paused, then hurriedly looked.

Chen Qing Wu:

“Commemorating the first kiln explosion of the year during a typhoon day.”

The accompanying photo was of shattered porcelain pieces from the kiln.


Recently, Zhao Yingfei had been stressed out with publication issues. Unable to stay in her dorm, she often came to Chen Qing Wu’s place to stay up late working on her thesis, continually revising her “Zhao Yingfei SCI Manuscript Version 7.0 – No More Changes.”

At 1 AM, Zhao Yingfei, making no progress and extremely sleepy, abandoned her computer and went to bed.

Heartbroken and sleepless over the exploded glaze-fired plate, Chen Qing Wu squatted by the kiln, painstakingly picking out the pieces.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

She was startled and loudly asked, “Who is it?”

“It’s me, Qing Wu.”

Chen Qing Wu froze.

After a moment, she put down the porcelain pieces and quickly walked over to open the door.

Outside, the rain was pouring.

Meng Fu Yuan stood under a black umbrella, with a strong smell of rain on him.

Under the shadow of the umbrella, he slightly lowered his head, his eyes behind his glasses unusually calm.

“I saw your post about the kiln explosion. Are you alright?” he asked softly.

His voice blended with the rain, like a faint echo.

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