Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 23

The next morning, Chen Qing Wu returned to Dongcheng with Meng Fu Yuan and started preparing for the exhibition application.

Previously, she had hesitated to trouble Meng Fu Yuan, which delayed some things. Now, the follow-up process had to be expedited to ensure the exhibits could arrive on time.

Thus, Chen Qing Wu declined Meng Qi Ran’s invitation to watch his final race.

Meng Qi Ran had anticipated this, but he still couldn’t help feeling disappointed.

On the other hand, Qilin and Meng Chengyong took the opportunity to watch the race since it was on their way back from their road trip to the Northwest.

On the day of the race.

Meng Qi Ran was reading a message from Chen Qing Wu in the resting area when the coach came to remind him about the check-in.

Chen Qing Wu: Good luck in the race~ Safety first!

Meng Qi Ran responded to the coach, “I’m coming,” and replied to Chen Qing Wu: I’m getting ready to go on.

Chen Qing Wu sent a cheering bunny sticker.

He locked his phone, handed it to Qilin for safekeeping, and took out a black wallet from his backpack.

Inside the wallet was a bright yellow amulet, obviously well-used and slightly faded.

Qilin smiled, “Qing Wu got that for you, right?”


Qilin turned to Meng Chengyong and joked, “Look how disappointed he is that Qing Wu isn’t here.”

Meng Qi Ran raised an eyebrow, “You’re my real mom, stabbing me where it hurts.”

He placed the amulet into his racing suit’s chest pocket and lightly patted it. “I’m going for the check-in.”

Meng Chengyong said, “Safety first, race second.”

Meng Qi Ran nodded.

In college, Meng Qi Ran started engaging in all sorts of extreme sports like racing, rock climbing, and surfing. Partly because of his adventurous nature and partly because he nearly drowned at age twelve. Overcoming that fear of death, he began to conquer danger.

He enjoyed the thrill and danger itself, and the honors were just incidental rewards.

This time, the team had been performing poorly, trailing far behind in the rankings. The coach placed all hopes on him, aiming for at least a medal in the individual race.

Currently, he ranked third in personal points, closely behind the second. The final race held the potential to secure second place.

The starting gun fired, and muscle memory kicked in.

Even with the helmet on, he could feel the wind rushing past as he leaned into the curves.

Fully focused, it seemed like only a blink before he crossed the finish line.

He stopped the motorcycle, stood up, and raised his arms. Only then did the cheers surge like a wave.

Catching his breath, he habitually looked toward the team’s viewing platform through his helmet’s fog-proof visor.

It was only a moment later that he realized.

Oh, Qing Wu isn’t there.

Qing Wu hadn’t been there for a long time.

He got off the bike and removed his helmet. The coach came over, excitedly hugging his shoulder, “Second place! Well done, Qi Ran!”

Meng Qi Ran responded with a mild “Mm.”

The joy was too faint, dissipating before he could savor it.

After spending a day with his parents and wrapping up the race matters, Meng Qi Ran headed to Dongcheng.

Friends had prepared a celebration party, waiting only for his arrival.

The party was at the auto modification studio he co-owned with friends, located in the suburbs near the creative park.

Chen Qing Wu had been trimming clay pieces all afternoon. When the alarm rang, she remembered she had to attend the party.

She placed the unfinished clay pieces on the shelf to dry, showered, changed clothes, and headed out.

By the time she arrived, it was dark. The large studio had lights strung on frames outside, and the long tables were laden with various foods.

Meng Qi Ran stood by a Jeep, surrounded by several friends.

Though somewhat indifferent, he remained the center of attention.

Noticing her, he looked up, spotting Chen Qing Wu dismounting from her bicycle.

He excused himself from the group and walked over.


Chen Qing Wu was parking her bike when she looked up at his call.

Meng Qi Ran smiled, “Why did you come on a shared bike?”

“In case I drink and can’t drive.”

“I would have given you a ride. What’s there to worry about?”

Chen Qing Wu smiled.

The party was buffet-style. They grabbed some food and went inside to look around.

The studio had an industrial feel with red walls and iron frames. Though the soft furnishings weren’t fully in place, the main structure was ready.

“When does it open?” Chen Qing Wu asked.

“Next month.”

Chen Qing Wu nodded.

After a tour, they were about to sit down to eat when someone pulled them outside, saying, “You can have your alone time later. Come join us first.”

Everyone was already gathered around the long table, chatting lively.

Meng Qi Ran naturally became the focus again, with people asking about his second-place prize and whether he’d treat them; others inquired about discounts for custom car mods once the studio opened.

Watching him, Chen Qing Wu felt a sense of peace.

He was born to stand out. Even though she no longer liked him, she still found his brilliance objectively beautiful.

Quietly, she slipped away from the crowd and sat on a black leather sofa inside, eating quietly.

She hadn’t finished her plate when she heard Meng Qi Ran call her from behind.

“Where did you go?” He walked over and sat beside her.

To be honest, he had changed quite a bit.

He used to never notice when she slipped away, or even if he did, he didn’t care.

“It’s a bit noisy.”

Meng Qi Ran laughed, “I never understood why someone would enjoy being alone. Isn’t it boring? Now, I think I get it a bit.”

Chen Qing Wu remained silent.

Meng Qi Ran suddenly stood up, fetched a black sports backpack from the shelf, and pulled out a 30-centimeter silver trophy.

“This is for you.”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “Why give it to me? It’s your honor.”

“Because this is probably my last trophy.” Seeing her not take it, he placed it on the coffee table, “I won’t participate in professional races anymore.”


“I want to focus on the studio.”

Chen Qing Wu paused, “Are you saying you’re doing this for me? That’s unnecessary, Qi Ran. Earning an honest living isn’t your style. I’ve told you, I’ve already…”

“Stopped liking me. I know.”

Chen Qing Wu was at a loss for words.

“But you can’t stop me from liking you, right?”

Chen Qing Wu looked up at him suddenly.

Meng Qi Ran chuckled, a bit self-mockingly, “You don’t believe me. You think I’m pursuing you out of a sense of responsibility. But I genuinely like you. It took me a while to realize that not everything can be explained by responsibility. You knew this, but you tried to dismiss it with that explanation.”

Chen Qing Wu stayed silent.

“Did I hit the mark?”

“What did you hit?”

The voice came from behind.

Both Chen Qing Wu and Meng Qi Ran turned around.

Meng Fu Yuan was walking in.

“Brother.” Meng Qi Ran stood up, “You said you weren’t coming.”

“Why, not welcome?”

Meng Qi Ran laughed, “Want something to eat? I’ll get it for you.”

“Just a bottle of cold water.”

Meng Qi Ran nodded and walked out.

Meng Fu Yuan moved to the sofa, pushed the trophy aside, and sat on the coffee table, leaning in to look at Chen Qing Wu.

Startled, she leaned back.

Meng Fu Yuan examined her, “How do you manage to get yourself so upset when I’m not watching?”

His tone was gentle and caring.

Chen Qing Wu suddenly felt at a loss for words, “…Not upset, just feeling complicated.”

“What did Qi Ran say?”

“…He said he likes me.”

“Oh, he finally realized.”

Chen Qing Wu looked at him.

“You know that story about taming animals? Locking them up as kids, even after unlocking them as adults, they won’t run. They think the lock is still there. Qi Ran is like that. He thought he was trapped by responsibility.”

“…How do you seem to know him better than he does?”

“He told me.”

Chen Qing Wu was surprised.

“He trusts me.”

She couldn’t help but laugh, “Aren’t you afraid he’ll find out you…”



Chen Qing Wu immediately fell silent, looking toward the door.

No one was there.

Meng Fu Yuan observed her with a knowing look, “Seems you’re the one who’s scared.”

“…Is teasing me fun?”

“Oh. Sorry.”

Chen Qing Wu had no more anger left.

Meng Fu Yuan remained sitting on the coffee table, slightly leaning in to look at her, “I’ve been busy these past few days, working late into the night. Didn’t want to disturb you, so I didn’t come by.”

“…I didn’t ask you to report in.”

“Mm. That’s just my own requirement.”

The coffee table wasn’t far, and their knees were almost touching.

Whenever she looked up, she’d meet his gaze.

The thought that Qi Ran could walk in at any moment made her extremely nervous.

“…Strange self-imposed requirement.”

“Wanting to see you is strange?” Meng Fu Yuan looked at her, his tone serious.

Her heart felt like it was about to burst, her breath hitching.

Footsteps sounded at the door.

Startled, Chen Qing Wu looked back.

Meng Fu Yuan casually stood up and moved to the opposite sofa.

Meng Qi Ran entered with water and food.

He seemed oblivious to the earlier tension, placing the tray and water bottle on the coffee table for his brother to pick at.

Meng Fu Yuan thanked him but only took the water, unscrewing it for a sip.

Meng Qi Ran sat beside Chen Qing Wu.

She suddenly stood up, “…I’ll go get some food.”

Meng Qi Ran offered, “I’ll get it for you…”

“No need!”

She walked away quickly.

Being caught between the two of them while pretending everything was normal was driving her crazy.

Meng Fu Yuan glanced at her hasty exit and asked Meng Qi Ran, “Did you upset her again?”

Meng Qi Ran seemed puzzled but answered, “Maybe.” He sighed, “Wuwu is hard to chase. Any ideas, brother?”

Meng Fu Yuan kept a straight face, “How should I know?”

Chen Qing Wu took some fruit and found a seat outside.

Someone approached—Zhan Yining.

“Long time no see,” Zhan Yining said.

“Long time no see.”

Zhan Yining sat down and openly scrutinized her, “Haven’t made up with Meng Qi Ran yet?”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “Mm.”

Friends assumed they had broken up. Explaining that they were never in a relationship seemed impractical, so she let the assumption stand.

“Qi Ran isn’t planning to race anymore.”


Zhan Yining looked at her, “He’d do that for you.”

Chen Qing Wu returned her gaze, smiling, “You like Qi Ran. Why push us to ‘reconcile’?”

“Because I don’t want him to become someone even he doesn’t like.”

“I didn’t force him to choose, Yining. I’ve told him clearly, there’s no ‘reconciliation’ for us.”

“…Why? You’ve known each other since childhood. Such deep feelings. Did he do something unforgivable?”

Chen Qing Wu sighed internally.

She found it funny that Zhan Yining wasn’t seizing a good opportunity.

“Sorry. It’s not convenient to share the details, but it’s true… We’re not getting back together.”

Zhan Yining was silent for a moment, “I overstepped. Sorry.”

She left.

Chen Qing Wu munched on her fruit, feeling like it had lost its taste.

Lost in thought, she heard someone call, “Qing Wu.”

Turning, she saw Meng Fu Yuan and Meng Qi Ran approaching.

Meng Fu Yuan stopped, “I’m leaving. Have fun.”

“Okay. Brother Yuan, take care.”

As she said it, she noticed Meng Fu Yuan’s eyes narrow slightly, a faint smile on his face.

He said nothing, nodded, and left.

Meng Qi Ran sat down beside her.

Seeing cherry tomatoes on her plate, he casually picked one and ate it.

“Really not racing anymore?”

“Mm.” Meng Qi Ran’s expression remained unchanged.

“Hard to understand. You love freedom the most.”

“Freedom isn’t shallow,” Meng Qi Ran said. “Without you, it’s not freedom, just wandering.”

Chen Qing Wu’s eyelashes fluttered.

“Looking back and not seeing you made everything meaningless.”

“…I don’t want to be your lifelong spectator and cheerleader.”

“So, this time I’m chasing you. I’m coming into your world.”

Chen Qing Wu felt momentarily dazed.

But then a deeper melancholy set in—liking someone out of sync was more regretful than not liking them at all.

Why did he realize only after she had completely moved on?

It felt like waiting in the sun with a popsicle to share, only for it to melt before he arrived.

So regretful.

Amidst the silence, someone approached, asking Meng Qi Ran to sing.

He didn’t even look up, “No.”

The person called out to the group with the microphone, “Qi Ran says no!”

Immediately, the microphone blared with off-key singing of “North Harbor.”

As the original singer, Meng Qi Ran couldn’t stand it and said to Chen Qing Wu, “Wuwu, wait a minute. I’ll unplug their speakers.”

He walked over.

But everyone was quick to surround him, stopping him from kicking the power cord. Someone shoved the microphone into his hand, forcing him to surrender.

Soon, it turned into a big sing-along.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Chen Qing Wu set her things down and slipped away, grabbing her bike and riding off quickly.

Not long on the main road, a horn honked behind her.

Turning, she saw a familiar SUV.

The window rolled down, and Meng Fu Yuan leaned out, “Need a ride, Miss Bicycle?”

The SUV moved forward slightly, stopping beside her.

“You left?”

“I was going to, but I figured someone would sneak off. So, I waited.” Meng Fu Yuan looked at her, “Caught you again.”

Chen Qing Wu laughed.

“Get in. I’ll take you home.”

“No bike return stations nearby.”

“Put it in the trunk.”

Meng Fu Yuan got out, lowered the back seats, and put the beat-up shared bike inside.

Chen Qing Wu laughed, “How absurd.”


The drive was short, barely enough time for a conversation.

After returning the bike, Meng Fu Yuan drove Chen Qing Wu to her studio.

She paused before opening the door, “Want to come in for water?”

“If it’s not a bother.”

“It’s fine… Not working tonight anyway.”

They walked to the door.

Chen Qing Wu unlocked it, flipping a row of switches to light the place.

Meng Fu Yuan looked around. In just a few days, new unfinished pieces had appeared on the shelves.

“Tea or something else?”

“Just water.”

Chen Qing Wu fetched two bottles from the fridge and set them on the coffee table.

Meng Fu Yuan opened one, drinking while observing her, “Why sneak off again?”

“I don’t know how to talk to Qi Ran.”

Meng Fu Yuan seemed to agree, “He’s a bit stubborn.”

Chen Qing Wu chuckled but then lowered her gaze, “…Talking about him with you, does it upset you?”

“Of course. But your feelings matter more.”

Chen Qing Wu thought, that’s the benefit of a brother who grew up with you—a natural trust and alliance.

“He said this time, he’s entering my world.”

Meng Fu Yuan’s expression remained calm, “Can he handle it? Your world is quiet.”


Meng Fu Yuan studied her for a moment, then said, “It’s normal to feel uncertain.”

“No.” Chen Qing Wu answered firmly, “I’m not that naive. Just…a bit wistful.”

She looked up, “Remember in high school, I had good grades?”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded.

“Do you know why I suddenly wanted to study ceramics?”

Meng Fu Yuan indicated he was all ears.

“It’s a secret…” Chen Qing Wu stared at him.

“You look like this secret needs hush money.”

She laughed, “…Can you be serious for a moment?”

“Of course.”

When it came to seriousness, no one could surpass Meng Fu Yuan.

“My parents… Almost divorced in high school.”

She glanced at him. He didn’t seem surprised.

“You knew?”

“No. Just had a hunch. That New Year, you seemed unhappy. Good grades, no fights with Qi Ran, must be family issues. Your parents seemed tense.”

He was perceptive.

Chen Qing Wu nodded, “…My mom found long hair on my dad’s shirt. He insisted it was just a casual encounter while drinking. My mom retaliated by going out with a high school friend. They had a huge fight, smashing everything.”

Meng Fu Yuan paused.

Supporting herself on the armchair, she looked like a fragile porcelain figure.

“…I was so confused. Weren’t they the ideal couple from school uniforms to wedding dresses? How did they end up like this, uglier than TV dramas?”

She paused, then continued, “They spent a lot on a beautiful dinner set as a wedding gift, kept it displayed without using it. That day, they smashed it all… After they fought, I naively tried to piece it back together… But ceramics, once broken, can’t be restored. That day after school, I saw a pottery studio and walked in… Thinking I could make an identical set.”

Meng Fu Yuan had never known this story. Her calm narration made his breath catch.

“You can do that now.”

Chen Qing Wu nodded, “But I don’t want to. My parents… they both cheat now… They know, just turn a blind eye.”

“Once broken, it’s broken,” she repeated.

Whether fine china or a glass wind chime.

Suddenly, Meng Fu Yuan stood up. She looked up to see him leaning down, “I brought you something unbreakable.”

She blinked.

He reached into his jacket pocket.

When he pulled it out, a sealed glass vial appeared in his long fingers.

“The material issue is solved. This is the final alloy for production. I had them save some as a memento.”

He handed her the vial.

She stared, speechless.

Inside, the alloy was shaped into a six-petal snowflake, with no metallic look. Its natural white color made it look like a frozen snowflake.

Meng Fu Yuan watched her, waiting for her to take it.

She reached out, took the vial.

“Don’t be sad, Qing Wu. Not liking someone isn’t a crime.”

In the shadow of his lean, she couldn’t speak.

“…Keep today’s conversation secret.”

“Of course.”

1 comment
  1. Teehee has spoken 3 months ago

    ugh my heart


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