Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 24

A Few Days Later.

Liao Shuman called in advance to ask Chen Qing Wu about her plans for the National Day holiday.

In previous years, their two families often traveled together. This year, since Qi Lin and Meng Chengyong had just finished a road trip, they didn’t want to travel too much. They suggested choosing a hotel on an island and just relaxing for a few days.

Liao Shuman asked Chen Qing Wu, “What do you think?”

“Anything is fine with me. You guys decide.”

The holiday planning was led by the two mothers. They were swift and decisive, and in less than half a day, the travel plan was posted in the group chat.

Liao Shuman: See if there’s anything that needs to be changed.

Meng Qi Ran: It’s perfect!

Liao Shuman replied with a smiling emoji.

Chen Suiliang sent a thumbs-up and a rose emoji.

Meng Chengyong also sent a thumbs-up emoji.

Chen Qing Wu replied: OKKK.

Meng Fu Yuan: OK.

Qi Lin: Let’s go with this plan. You guys buy your own tickets, post the e-tickets in the group, and your dads will reimburse you.

At the same time, private messages started coming in.

Meng Qi Ran: Wu Wu, when do you plan to leave? Shall we book the same flight?

Meng Fu Yuan: When are you planning to depart?

Chen Qing Wu replied to Meng Fu Yuan first: Maybe the 30th. How about you?

Meng Fu Yuan: Maybe the afternoon of the 1st.

Chen Qing Wu: So late.

Meng Fu Yuan: I have some things to handle. You go ahead.

Chen Qing Wu: Qi Ran wants me to go with him.

Meng Fu Yuan: It’s good to have someone to look after you.

Chen Qing Wu didn’t know how to respond, so she switched to reply to Meng Qi Ran: Morning of the 30th.

A moment later, Meng Qi Ran sent her a screenshot of a flight: This one?

Chen Qing Wu: Okay.

Meng Qi Ran quickly booked two tickets and sent her the e-boarding passes.

Chen Qing Wu replied with “Thank you” and transferred the ticket cost to Meng Qi Ran, but he didn’t accept it.

Switching back, Meng Qi Ran had already posted the flight information in the group.

Meng Chengyong: You’re on the same flight as Qing Wu?

Meng Qi Ran: Yes.

Meng Chengyong: That’s good. You two can look after each other.

The black-and-white movie avatar sent a new message.

Meng Fu Yuan: Offline?

Chen Qing Wu: …Don’t know what to say.

Meng Fu Yuan: You must be thinking how generous this person is.

Chen Qing Wu couldn’t help but laugh and replied: I didn’t say anything.

Meng Fu Yuan: What should I do, Qing Wu?

Meng Fu Yuan: Will you wait for me on the 1st?

Chen Qing Wu: The tickets are already booked.

Meng Fu Yuan: Change the booking.

Chen Qing Wu: I want to go earlier.

Meng Fu Yuan: Then I’ll have to go alone.

Chen Qing Wu: Don’t make it sound so pitiful.

Meng Fu Yuan: Isn’t it?

Hearing the delivery person at the door, Chen Qing Wu responded, put down her phone, and walked quickly to the door.

After picking up her food and returning to the table, she picked up her phone again and scrolled through the messages, replaying the conversation with Meng Fu Yuan. She realized that she seemed overly excited.

She ended the conversation: The delivery is here. I’m going to eat now.

Meng Fu Yuan: Okay.

On the morning of the 30th, Chen Qing Wu and Meng Qi Ran departed together, flying to the island resort.

They booked a standalone villa with exactly five rooms.

Chen Suiliang and Liao Shuman stayed on the first floor, Chen Qing Wu and Meng Qi Ran on the second floor, and Meng Fu Yuan, Meng Chengyong, and Qi Lin on the third floor.

By the time Chen Qing Wu and Meng Qi Ran arrived, the four parents who had arrived earlier had already tidied up the villa. On the dining table was a wide-mouthed white porcelain vase with double-layered pale purple daffodils.

The day they arrived, the hotel offered a buffet. The next day, the six of them hired a car and visited a nearby temple.

By the time they returned to the hotel, it was already evening, and everyone was busy preparing for a seafood barbecue.

Seeing no notice of Meng Fu Yuan’s departure in the group chat, Chen Qing Wu asked Qi Lin, “Auntie, didn’t Brother Yuan say he was coming in the afternoon?”

Qi Lin was flipping grilled squid, “Oh, he said he hasn’t finished his work yet and won’t be able to come today.”

A plate of garlic scallops was placed in front of her. Chen Qing Wu thanked him, glanced around, and seeing no one noticed, she quickly sent a message to Meng Fu Yuan: Did you change your flight?

Meng Fu Yuan almost always replied instantly.

Meng Fu Yuan: Yes.

Chen Qing Wu: To when?

Meng Fu Yuan: Not decided yet.

Chen Qing Wu looked up, habitually scanning the room again. When she looked down, a new message had already arrived.

Meng Fu Yuan: Waiting for me?

The phone felt hot in her hand, almost slipping out.

She took a sip from the coconut in front of her, checked what everyone was doing, and then, staring at the three words Meng Fu Yuan had sent, thought long and hard before replying: Aren’t you the boss? Isn’t work too busy to take a break?

Meng Fu Yuan: Employees get triple pay for overtime, so the boss has to do it himself.

Chen Qing Wu smiled.

Just then, Liao Shuman suddenly called out, “Qing Wu, pass me the tissues.”

Chen Qing Wu quickly locked her phone, calmly took the tissue box, and handed it to Liao Shuman.

She picked up her chopsticks and ate for a while, ensuring there were no disturbances, before unlocking her phone again.

Meng Fu Yuan: I need to excuse myself for a bit. Enjoy your dinner, Qing Wu.

Qi Lin had posted pictures of the barbecue in the group, so Meng Fu Yuan knew they were eating.

Chen Qing Wu: Okay.

Putting the phone aside, Chen Qing Wu scooped a spoonful of coconut milk jelly into her mouth.

Her heart still pounded.

If asked, she could honestly say she was chatting with Brother Yuan.

But why was hiding it her first instinct?

After dinner, they all went to the beach to chat.

What they talked about, she couldn’t remember. She was completely distracted.

Back in her room, after taking a shower and lying down, Chen Qing Wu picked up her phone, her finger hovering over the black-and-white avatar, but then she pulled back.

She set an alarm, switched to airplane mode, placed the phone on the bedside table to charge, and turned off the light to sleep.

On the 2nd, it was still a sunny day.

The broad palm leaves outside the window were tinted gold by the morning light.

It was just past six-thirty.

Chen Qing Wu usually got up before everyone else. The beach was empty in the early morning, and the sun wasn’t too strong, perfect for a walk.

After washing up, she changed clothes.

As she was about to go downstairs, she heard a light cough from above.

Looking up, she was stunned.

It was Meng Fu Yuan.

He was wearing black silk pajamas, looking a bit tired, but his eyes were clear as he looked at her through his glasses. He greeted softly, “Good morning.”

“…When did you arrive?” Chen Qing Wu couldn’t ignore the slight surge of emotion within her, the kind she couldn’t deny; she was happy to see him.

Meng Fu Yuan walked down a few steps and stopped.

They were at the landing of the stairs, one above and one below. When Chen Qing Wu looked up, their eyes met.

“Late last night,” Meng Fu Yuan said.

“…Such a rush.”

“I wanted to see you.”

Chen Qing Wu’s heart pounded, her breathing involuntarily lightened.

Both spoke softly, but she was extremely worried that someone might suddenly come out of a room.

“Why are you up so early? You didn’t sleep much, did you…”

Meng Fu Yuan chuckled softly, “My room is above yours.”

“…Did I wake you?”

“Not really. I couldn’t sleep well.”


“I already told you.” Meng Fu Yuan looked at her, “Because I wanted to see you.”

Chen Qing Wu’s eyelashes trembled.

Holding the wooden railing, her fingers seemed to sweat slightly, “I’m going for a walk. You should rest more.” The topic change was abrupt, she knew.

“I’ll join you.” Giving her no room to refuse, Meng Fu Yuan said, “Wait a moment, I’ll change clothes.”

Chen Qing Wu could only say, “I’ll wait downstairs.”

She quietly went downstairs and fetched a bottle of water from the kitchen, drinking most of it in one go.

Restlessly waiting in the dining room, she soon heard footsteps coming down.

A loose short-sleeved shirt paired with dark gray shorts, made of linen, giving a very casual look.

Last year’s National Day, both families were too busy to get together.

When was the last time she saw him dressed in such a vacation style? She couldn’t remember.

Chen Qing Wu glanced at him and then quickly looked away, “Let’s go.”

The morning sun was still gentle, so Chen Qing Wu didn’t put on sunscreen.

Outside the door was a coconut grove, and beyond it was the beach.

After leaving the villa, she felt a bit more relaxed.

The morning sea was a faded blue, with waves lapping gently on the shore and retreating slowly, carrying a salty breeze.

Holding her sandals, she let her feet sink into the sand.

Brushing her wind-tousled hair aside, she asked, “…Are your tasks finished?”

“For now. Running your own company means work never really ends.”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “I remember Uncle Meng once said he wanted you to take over his company. But later you started your own business, and he joked that you didn’t think much of his small empire.”

“That’s not it. Earning money is the same, no high or low. But working for my dad means I’d have to follow his ways. I prefer doing things my own way.”

“I see.”


His response didn’t sound very straightforward, so she asked, “…Is there another reason?”

Meng Fu Yuan paused, surprised by her insight.

“Really?” She stopped and asked again.

Meng Fu Yuan spoke calmly, “I think the family business should go to Qi Ran.”


Meng Fu Yuan exhaled softly, “Sorry, Qing Wu. You shared your secret with me before, so I shouldn’t hide anything from you. But I haven’t figured out how to explain it yet. I’ll tell you everything when the time is right.”

Chen Qing Wu tilted her head and smiled at him, “Are you not their biological child?”

“…” Meng Fu Yuan rarely looked speechless, “Your imagination is wild.”

“Can’t blame me for thinking that. I always felt… you’re not as close to Uncle and Auntie as Qi Ran is.”

Meng Fu Yuan felt a faint rumble inside, “…You noticed.”

“I have a sensitive intuition.” She turned and continued walking, “It’s okay. Tell me when you feel comfortable. But you have to exchange it with another secret first.”

“What secret?” Meng Fu Yuan caught up.

“For example…” She paused, finding it hard to ask outside the balcony’s cozy, charming atmosphere from that night.

Meng Fu Yuan seemed to understand, “Since when, right?”

She quickened her pace, “…No, not interested at all, thanks.”

She heard him chuckle softly behind her, feeling her ears heat up even more.

They walked to the end of the hotel’s beach and then slowly returned.

Passing through the coconut grove, they went back to the villa.

Pushing open the wooden gate, they entered the front yard, where an outdoor shower was set up.

She put down her sandals, stepped onto the rock slab with a drain, and was about to turn on the water when Meng Fu Yuan stepped forward, took down the showerhead, and turned on the water.

He tested the temperature with his hand, and once it was just right, he raised the showerhead and directed the water at her feet.

The sensation of water on her feet made her toes curl slightly.

Seeing her feet clean, she was about to step out when Meng Fu Yuan said, “Wait.”

She paused.

Meng Fu Yuan crouched, bringing the showerhead closer to her ankles for a more thorough rinse.

A light gray mark, like faded ink, wouldn’t wash away.

Turning to look, she felt his thumb lightly rubbing the skin of her ankle.

She froze, holding her breath.

Looking down, she saw his dark hair and the line of his profile from forehead to nose.

His action wasn’t the least bit inappropriate.

But the sensation on her skin was unmistakable. His fingers felt scorching.

Nearby, a tall areca palm swayed, its shadow flickering on the ground like rippling water.

Mimicking her racing heartbeat.

“You have a birthmark.”

Just as she was about to lose her breath, he spoke.


Standing up, he rinsed her ankle and foot one more time before turning off the water and hanging the showerhead back.

She put on her sandals and walked inside.

Meng Fu Yuan followed casually.

As they entered, they saw Meng Qi Ran coming down the stairs.

Chen Qing Wu’s heart skipped a beat.

Meng Qi Ran paused, seemingly puzzled by the scene.

Meng Fu Yuan calmly asked, “Awake?”

Meng Qi Ran nodded, his gaze shifting to Chen Qing Wu, “You guys went out?”

“Ran into Qing Wu outside, took a walk together,” Meng Fu Yuan said.

There wasn’t a single lie in that statement.

His attitude was so frank and his tone so normal that Meng Qi Ran didn’t think much of it, simply nodding and heading to the kitchen to get a bottle of water from the fridge.

Chen Qing Wu also went to the kitchen, holding the fridge door he hadn’t closed, took out a few eggs, and calmly started cooking.

“Brother, aren’t you having breakfast?” Meng Qi Ran looked back.

“Going back to sleep.”

She heard his footsteps move towards the stairs, gradually fading away, and finally disappearing.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Meng Fu Yuan entered his room, collapsed on the bed, and threw an arm over his forehead, exhaling deeply.

Just now, when he touched her ankle and saw the birthmark on her pale skin, he realized he might have crossed a line.

The sunlight almost made him close his eyes.

Uncontrollable thoughts created an itch in his throat that coughing couldn’t clear.

It still lingered.

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