Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 26

Because of insomnia, Chen Qing Wu gave up her morning walk and didn’t get up until after eight.

When she went downstairs, everyone was there, more assembled than ever before.

“Qing Wu is the last one up today,” Meng Chengyong said with a laugh.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Chen Qing Wu said, “Um… I forgot to set the alarm.”

She pulled out a chair and sat down. Meng Qi Ran, who was sitting opposite her next to Meng Chengyong, immediately got up and moved to sit beside her, handing her a bowl of blueberry salad.

Chen Qing Wu thanked him.

Across from them, Meng Chengyong chuckled, as if amused by how Meng Qi Ran always wanted to be close to her.

The table was laden with food: fried eggs, grilled sausages, toast, fried dumplings, custard buns—a delightful mix of Chinese and Western cuisine.

All these were provided by the hotel, while Qi Lin, who enjoyed hot soup noodles in the morning, was in the kitchen preparing some for herself.

“Qing Wu, do you want some rice noodles?” Qi Lin asked, turning around.

Chen Qing Wu looked over.

Meng Fu Yuan was standing next to Qi Lin, seemingly helping with the broth ingredients.

“Which do you prefer, thin or thick?”

“A bit on the thinner side.”

“I’m not sure if these are considered thin,” Qi Lin said with a smile, “Why don’t you come over and take a look?”

After a moment’s hesitation, Chen Qing Wu got up and walked over.

Qi Lin moved aside a bit to make room.

The space she made was right next to Meng Fu Yuan’s left side.

Chen Qing Wu stood there and looked at the noodles on the cutting board, “Is there enough? I’ll have a bowl too.”

Qi Lin grabbed a handful and asked, “Is this enough?”

“That’s enough.”

Qi Lin put the noodles in a strainer and submerged it into the soup pot.

Next to her, Meng Fu Yuan took another bowl and started adding scallions, ginger, garlic, sesame oil, and other seasonings, carefully avoiding the crushed peanuts.

Chen Qing Wu glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. He was wearing a white casual shirt, sleeves rolled up, mixing the ingredients as if he were preparing a chemical reagent in a lab—precise and calm.

From as far back as she could remember, Meng Fu Yuan had always helped with household chores.

Strangely, if she had only met him now, she would have thought he was someone who never dealt with mundane affairs.

But having known him since childhood, and having seen him stand on a chair to change her bedroom lightbulb, everything he did seemed perfectly reasonable.

“I don’t want minced ginger,” Chen Qing Wu reminded.

Without looking up, Meng Fu Yuan said, “I know.

His tone was light and indifferent, but it made Chen Qing Wu’s heart skip a beat, fearing anyone might catch on.

Luckily, Qi Lin was busy cooking the noodles and didn’t react.

Once the noodles were cooked, they were placed in a bowl with a ladle of broth poured over them, the oil and aroma rising to the surface.

Chen Qing Wu reached out to take the bowl, but Meng Fu Yuan calmly said, “You go sit. I’ll bring it over.”

His tone made her feel like she had returned to the time before she knew he liked her—cold and brotherly, making it impossible for outsiders to suspect anything.

In terms of acting, Meng Fu Yuan was definitely a master.

A moment later, he walked into the living room with two bowls of noodle soup, placing one in front of her.

Chen Qing Wu casually said, “Thank you.”

Meng Qi Ran glanced at her, then went back to eating his toast.

The day’s plan was to visit the duty-free shops and then return to the villa for free time in the afternoon.

After 2 p.m., Chen Qing Wu changed into her swimsuit and went downstairs.

The villa had a private pool in the back, not very large, but secluded.

Walking through a path lined with banana plants and fiddle-leaf figs, the pool came into view.

Meng Qi Ran was in the pool, his arms moving vigorously. On a lounge chair by the pool, Meng Fu Yuan was reading a magazine.

This scene alone made her want to turn back, but Meng Fu Yuan had already spotted her.

“Qing Wu.”

She had no choice but to walk over.

Meng Qi Ran swam to the edge of the pool, his arms resting on the side as he looked at her, “Did you sleep well?”


His hair was still dripping, the dark color making his skin look even paler. He had a lean, muscular body typical of a young man—objectively speaking, he was quite attractive.

Chen Qing Wu wasn’t interested in admiring him. After warming up, she stepped into the pool.

Meng Qi Ran turned around, leaning his back against the edge, elbows propped up, watching her swim gracefully.

But he directed his question to Meng Fu Yuan behind him, “Brother, how long are you off?”

Meng Fu Yuan looked up slightly, his eyes behind his glasses fixed on Meng Qi Ran, waiting for him to continue.

“We’re leaving on the 6th. Are you taking the same flight as Wu Wu and me?”

Meng Fu Yuan, without blinking, returned his gaze to his magazine, his voice flat, “I’m flying out tomorrow afternoon.”

“Only a few days off?”

“What else?”

Meng Qi Ran said nothing more.

Meng Fu Yuan calmly turned a page of his magazine.

Purely out of intuition, Meng Qi Ran’s question seemed to have a hint of probing.

He turned around, propped himself up, and effortlessly got out of the pool. “Want a coconut, Wu Wu? I’ll get two.”

“Sure, thanks.”

After swimming a lap, Chen Qing Wu looked back, seeing Meng Qi Ran already gone, his figure vanishing into the trees.

She floated at one end of the pool, looking towards Meng Fu Yuan at the other end, not approaching. “You’re leaving tomorrow?”

Meng Fu Yuan looked up, “Yes.”


He smiled softly, “A bit disappointed?”

“…I don’t know where you get these ideas.”

Tall tropical plants grew outside the backyard fence, their expansive leaves blocking out the sun.

Sitting relaxed in this cool, shaded light, Meng Fu Yuan’s white shirt and shorts were dappled with spots of light.

The rustling leaves and the sound of pages turning mixed with the wind.

It was very quiet.

Meng Fu Yuan looked at the magazine and suddenly said, “Your swimming has improved.”

For a moment, Chen Qing Wu recalled that it was Meng Fu Yuan who had taught her to swim.

It was during the summer vacation when she was seven, along with Meng Qi Ran. Qi Ran, with his natural athletic ability, learned quickly and was soon diving freely in the pool.

But she kept choking on water, over and over.

Yet Meng Fu Yuan, usually stern, was surprisingly patient. He would teach her again and again, no matter how many times it took.

When learning to hold her breath, he would count steadily beside her, one, two, three, four… unhurriedly.

Even if she only held her breath a second longer than last time, he would calmly encourage her, “That was good, you made progress.”

She remembered her childish wish that Meng Fu Yuan were her real brother, thinking her father wouldn’t be so disappointed, and she could get a moment’s respite.

These somewhat hazy memories, combined with his current feelings for her, gave her a complex emotion she couldn’t quite shake off.

Suddenly, she pinched her nose and dove into the water.

Hearing the splash, Meng Fu Yuan instinctively started counting in his head, one, two, three, four…

Thirty, thirty-one…

She was physically weak, and her limit was thirty-two seconds.

Chen Qing Wu didn’t come up.

Startled, he called out, “Qing Wu!”

He threw down his magazine and jumped into the pool without hesitation.

Just then, she emerged from the water, wiping the droplets off her face.

Looking up, she was surprised to see an expression of panic she had never seen on Meng Fu Yuan’s face.

Standing in the water, he stared at her, “What are you doing?”

“I can hold my breath for over forty seconds now. I wanted to show you…”

Her voice trailed off as his expression turned cold.

She quickly swam over to him, but before she could speak, he grabbed her arm.

The buoyancy of the water pushed her into his embrace.

She froze in shock.

His white shirt floated around them, his hand pressing against her back was shockingly cold.

Her body was against his chest, hearing his heart pound rapidly.

Footsteps sounded from behind the trees, the sound of slippers on stone.

Panicking, she pushed against his chest, using the water to slide away quickly.

Meng Fu Yuan turned around unhurriedly, taking off his watch and climbing out of the pool.

Around the corner, Meng Qi Ran appeared, carrying three coconuts.

He looked at the dripping wet Meng Fu Yuan and asked, “Brother, did you go for a swim?”

“Just dropped my watch.”

Listening to his calm lie, Chen Qing Wu’s heart still raced.

Meng Qi Ran glanced at his hand.

The black sports watch was still dripping.

Meng Qi Ran placed the tray with the coconuts on the outdoor table. Meng Fu Yuan walked away, saying calmly, “I’m going inside. Be careful while swimming.”

Meng Qi Ran nodded absently.

When Meng Fu Yuan was gone, Meng Qi Ran looked at Chen Qing Wu, “Did something happen just now?”

“No… I borrowed Brother Yuan’s watch to time myself and accidentally dropped it in the water. He went in to retrieve it.”

Meng Qi Ran didn’t say anything else, just invited her to have a coconut.

She got out of the pool, wrapped a towel around herself, and sat on the lounge chair, sipping from the coconut.

After the panic, guilt washed over her.

She looked down, “Qi Ran.”

Meng Qi Ran turned to her.

“…You shouldn’t pursue me. I’m not worth it.”

Meng Qi Ran laughed, “What nonsense.”

“…I’m serious.”

Holding his coconut with one hand and propping his cheek with the other, he looked at her, “How are you not worth it?”

“In every way. I’m not the person you think I am.”

Meng Qi Ran replied casually, “It’s a bit late to say that now. It doesn’t matter who you are. I like you regardless.”

She was at a loss for words, the coconut water stuck in her throat like a lump.

That evening, they went to the night market.

There was a large seafood market where you could pick your seafood and have it cooked at nearby restaurants.

After eating fresh seafood, they left the restaurant as the night market reached its peak.

At one stall, they were selling pearl mystery boxes. All the pearls were packed in small jewelry boxes, and you could pick any one.

The worst was a pair of freshwater pearl earrings; the best, according to the vendor, was a pale pink South Sea pearl.

Each box was fifty yuan. The two mothers and Chen Qing Wu each bought one.

All they got were ordinary freshwater pearl bracelets and earrings.

Chen Qing Wu laughed, “I’ve never gotten a rare item from a mystery box.”

Next to her, Meng Qi Ran suggested, “Want to try again?”

She shook her head, “No, I don’t need more jewelry.”

They continued walking and came across a stall selling moonstone bracelets.

The vendor, full of compliments, finally looked at Meng Qi Ran with a big smile, “Young man, buy one for your girlfriend! Our moonstone is magical—80% of couples who buy it get married!”

Meng Fu Yuan looked over.

Today, they had all dressed in tropical outfits. The mothers wore floral sundresses, the fathers and Meng Qi Ran wore patterned shirts and shorts.

Chen Qing Wu wore a camisole and a wrap skirt, also with a floral pattern.

Standing next to Meng Qi Ran, with their bright clothes and good looks, they indeed looked like a perfect couple to outsiders.

“I’m not—” she began.

“No problem! Our moonstone is also great for attracting love!” the vendor cut in.

Meng Qi Ran said, “Let’s get one.”

“Great!” The vendor quickly handed a bracelet to Chen Qing Wu, “Miss, pick one!”

Meng Fu Yuan calmly looked away.

After finishing their walk, they went to the parking lot and drove back to the villa.

It was still early, so after washing up, Chen Qing Wu went to the home theater and started a movie.

Soon, there was a knock at the door.

Turning around, she saw Meng Qi Ran.

He walked in and sat next to her on the sofa, leaning back and extending his arm in front of her, “Wu Wu, this is for you.”

In his palm was a pale pink pearl.

Surprised, she asked, “…Did you get this?”

“No…” He pulled his baseball cap down to cover his eyes, “I bought all the mystery boxes at the stall.”

“…The total cost must be higher than the pearl.”


She couldn’t help but smile, “When did you go back?”

“Right after we got home. You said you’ve never gotten a rare item before.”

“Indeed, spending money is a form of luck.”

He chuckled, “…Then take it.”

She said, “Okay, but this will count as my birthday gift for this year.”

“Alright.” He responded absently, putting the pearl in her hand and standing up, “I’m going to take a shower.”

“…What about the rest of the items?”

“I sold them back to the vendor.”

She laughed out loud.

Barely ten minutes into the movie, someone else knocked on the door.

This time, it was Meng Fu Yuan.

Dressed in white, he looked out of place in the noisy night market, as she had noticed earlier.

He walked in, carrying a wooden box.

Black lacquered with what seemed like mother-of-pearl inlays, it was hard to see clearly in the dim light.

Sitting beside her, he handed her the box, “A gift.”

She hesitated before taking it, “…What is it?”

“Oh.” He leaned on the armrest of the sofa, looking at the projection screen, “Ten moonstone bracelets.”

“…” She laughed, “You’re so childish.”

“Yes.” His tone was unexpectedly straightforward.

Having admitted it himself, she couldn’t say much more and just joked, “How am I supposed to wear them all?”

“Give them to friends as souvenirs.”

“Oh, that’s thoughtful.”

After joking around, they suddenly fell silent.

In the flickering light, he turned to look at her and softly said, “I’m sorry about earlier. I might have scared you.”


“I thought you were drowning. You know, Qi Ran almost…”

She turned to look at him, the reflection from his glasses making it hard to see his eyes.

“…It’s okay. I understand.”

He said nothing more.

She had a feeling that in this long silence, the person beside her had reverted to the brooding Meng Fu Yuan of before, with no one truly able to reach his inner thoughts.

After a while, he stood up, “I’m going to shower. Get some rest, Qing Wu.”

He left.

She no longer felt like watching the movie.

Turning off the projector, holding the pearl and the wooden box, she went upstairs.

Back in her room, she sat on the bed and opened the box.

Inside were not ten moonstone bracelets.

It was a box of white flowers of an unknown variety, with petals like mutton-fat jade.

When opened, the room was filled with a subtle fragrance.


After showering downstairs, Meng Fu Yuan was about to return to his room when Qi Lin called him from the living room.

“Fu Yuan, do you have a moment? I’d like to speak with you alone.” Qi Lin smiled.

He nodded.

They walked to the front yard and sat at the outdoor table under the lights.

Qi Lin looked at him, hesitating.

He said, “It’s okay, just say it.”

She smiled, “Fu Yuan, you’ve been quite close to Qing Wu lately, haven’t you?”

Her gaze was scrutinizing, though not fully masked.

His expression and demeanor remained unchanged, “I’ve been in East City for a while, so it’s my duty to look after her.”

She smiled, “Of course. The Chen family and ours have been close for years, and Qing Wu is like a sister.”

Then she changed her tone, “Since you’re close to Qing Wu now, do you know how she feels about Qi Ran?”

He remained impassive, “I don’t get involved in their matters. If Qi Ran wants to know, he can ask Qing Wu himself.”

“That’s true, but if there’s any misunderstanding, it’s hard for the two involved to clear it up on their own. I think both Qing Wu and Qi Ran trust you. Can you…”

He closed his eyes briefly, “…Must Qing Wu be tied to Qi Ran?”

She was taken aback.

“She’s an adult with her own will.”

“That’s not what I meant…”

He realized he had been losing his composure all day, as if his past experiences and present will were suddenly failing him.

Knowing his mother’s words carried a subtle reprimand, he wondered why he had said those last two sentences.

“Mom, I’m a bit tired and want to rest.” He sighed inwardly, “My flight is tomorrow afternoon.”

She quickly said, “Alright… Go get some rest!”

He stood, nodded slightly, and walked back inside quickly.


Chen Qing Wu woke up in the middle of the night.

Maybe the scent from the flowers in the box was too strong.

She got up and moved the flowers to the window, opening it.

The wind rustled outside. She glanced out and froze.

Outside, in the small side yard, sat a person on the stone steps, elbows on knees, a glowing cigarette tip flickering.

She suddenly understood how he knew last winter that she desperately needed a lighter.

She picked up her phone from the bedside table and turned off airplane mode.

Opening WeChat, she found his black-and-white avatar.

Chen Qing Wu: Why aren’t you asleep?

She saw the figure below move, then take out his phone.

The screen lit up.

He paused, then turned and looked up.

Despite the distance and the night, his gaze seemed to pierce right through her.

After a moment, he looked down.

Her phone vibrated; it was his reply.

Meng Fu Yuan: Why aren’t you asleep?

Chen Qing Wu: I woke up from a nap.

Meng Fu Yuan: Then go back to sleep.

Chen Qing Wu: You seem unhappy.

Meng Fu Yuan: I’m fine.

After that message, there was no more movement.

He looked at his screen repeatedly, confirming there were no new messages.

He took a drag of his cigarette.

Suddenly, he heard a rustling sound nearby.

Turning, he was stunned to see Chen Qing Wu.

His emotions were indescribable, “Qing Wu…”


She tiptoed over and stood in front of him, looking down, “What’s wrong?”

He looked back at her, “Why did you come out? What if someone catches you?”

She squatted down, whispering, “…I know. But what can I do? I couldn’t just watch you sit here alone.”

His breath hitched.

His emotions were overwhelming, like being drunk, knowing it’s wrong but still wanting to reach for the moon.

She looked at him silently, as if waiting for him to explain.

He extinguished his cigarette on the step, took off his glasses, and placed them aside.

Then he suddenly reached out, gripping the back of her neck and pulling her forward.

Her body leaned in, her heartbeat accelerating.

Their foreheads touched, breaths mingling.

Closing his eyes, his voice was bitter, “Tell me you don’t hate me, Qing Wu.”

She felt almost helpless, “…I, I don’t hate you.”

“That’s good.” He kept his eyes closed, “A lot of things I have no right to, but I accept that. Except liking you.”

His voice was deep, like it was pounding on her heart.

She didn’t understand what he meant by having no right, but it didn’t matter.

Or maybe it was because she was squatting, but her limbs were going numb.

The touch of his cool skin and the burning pain in her heart.

What should she do? She realized.

It wasn’t just that she didn’t hate him.

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