Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 5

Chen Qing Wu took a small sip of pomegranate juice and thought to herself that desserts clearly couldn’t cure her unhappiness.

Meng Fu Yuan observed her and asked, “Did you have a fight with Qi Ran?”

“No…” Chen Qing Wu snapped out of her thoughts. “We hardly ever fight.”

“You don’t have to tolerate Qi Ran too much. He’s older than you, he should be the one accommodating you more.”

Chen Qing Wu felt that Meng Fu Yuan seemed to see right through her. She glanced up at him, but his expression was calm and gave nothing away.

“He’s only a week older than me…”

“Even a minute older is still older.”

Chen Qing Wu’s lips twitched in amusement, remembering that Aunt Qi had said the same thing once.

This fleeting smile made people want to keep looking at her. Meng Fu Yuan restrained himself, turned his face away, and took a sip of wine, using the glass to mask his expression.

Chen Qing Wu picked up her chopsticks and tasted the ramen. Her face lit up. “It’s delicious.”

“That’s good.”

Chen Qing Wu quietly ate for a while. Meng Fu Yuan then casually asked, “You didn’t go home for the Lantern Festival?”

“Uh…” Chen Qing Wu swallowed her food and placed her chopsticks on the bowl’s edge. “I was too busy preparing for the exhibition.”

Seeing Meng Fu Yuan nod without saying more, Chen Qing Wu picked up her chopsticks again.

Meng Fu Yuan had intended to ask more about her recent situation, but he knew she had a habit: elders always said “no talking during meals,” and she took this very seriously. She would stop eating whenever she spoke, finishing her sentence before resuming her meal.

Because of this, she ate very slowly, usually being the last one to leave the table.

Meng Fu Yuan remembered this clearly because, in elementary school, Chen Qing Wu was once scolded by her father for eating slowly while everyone else had finished. She blushed and quickly shoveled food into her mouth, tears welling up in her lowered eyes.

However, she was stubborn and only ran to the bathroom to cry after leaving the table.

Feeling that the adults were too harsh on her, Meng Fu Yuan started eating slower during family meals to ensure she wasn’t the last one at the table.

Now, if he chatted with her, she’d stop eating, and her hot bowl of noodles would turn cold.

Chen Qing Wu did everything earnestly, including eating.

Meng Fu Yuan glanced at her from time to time, feeling that time was moving slowly, yet wishing it would move even slower.

But things didn’t go as he wished. His phone suddenly vibrated.

He glanced at the caller ID and answered the call.

The conversation was brief. Meng Fu Yuan said only, “Watch over it for now, I’ll be right there.”

Chen Qing Wu put down her chopsticks. “Brother Yuan, if you have something to do, go ahead. I eat very slowly, no need to wait for me.”

“It’s okay. It won’t take much time.” Actually, he had planned to leave before seeing her.

Chen Qing Wu rarely questioned Meng Fu Yuan’s decisions because he never engaged in superficial politeness. If he said one thing, he meant it.

Seeing Chen Qing Wu speed up, Meng Fu Yuan still reminded her, “It’s okay to eat slowly.”

Chen Qing Wu nodded but moved even faster.

Meng Fu Yuan sighed inwardly.

She disliked troubling others, and such people often experienced severe internal stress.

After the meal, Meng Fu Yuan called the waiter, paid the bill, put on his coat, and asked Chen Qing Wu, “Are you staying at the same hotel as last night?”

“Yeah. I’m too lazy to pack and move.”

Meng Fu Yuan made a call, and soon the driver pulled the car to the restaurant’s door.

On the way, they didn’t talk much. Meng Fu Yuan was almost entirely on the phone, dealing with some model algorithm errors without a clear solution.

When the car arrived at the hotel entrance, Chen Qing Wu saw that Meng Fu Yuan was still on the phone. She opened her car door and gestured toward the door, silently saying, “I’m here, thank you.”

Meng Fu Yuan paused, turned to her, and said, “Rest early, see you tomorrow.”

Back in her room, Chen Qing Wu washed up, handled some work messages on her laptop, and then prepared for bed.

Before sleeping, she scrolled through her social media feed. After a few posts, her finger paused:

A photo showed Meng Qi Ran sitting sideways, holding a glass, partially hidden in the dim light, seemingly an unintentional background figure.

In the foreground was a girl making the classic rock gesture, wearing a sleeveless top and a leather skirt, her long hair braided into dreads, and a row of silver earrings on her ear.

The caption read: “Missed the concert, had to get the lead singer’s autograph directly.”

It was posted by Zhan Yining.

Chen Qing Wu’s finger hovered over the like button for a moment but didn’t press it.

She then turned her phone to airplane mode, turned off the lights, and went to sleep.


Near noon the next day, Meng Fu Yuan drove Meng Qi Ran to pick her up.

After going downstairs, Chen Qing Wu went to the front desk to check out, only to be told that the person who extended the room had already paid for it.

…How could Meng Fu Yuan be so considerate?

The car was parked at the hotel entrance, and Meng Qi Ran got out to help Chen Qing Wu with her suitcase.

Today, Meng Fu Yuan drove himself. After the car door closed, he glanced back through the rearview mirror.

Meng Qi Ran lounged in his seat, yawning.

“Didn’t sleep well?” Chen Qing Wu asked.

“I lay down but got inspired and got up to write until three in the morning.”

“When did you all leave?”

“Around one in the morning, I forgot.” Meng Qi Ran leaned toward Chen Qing Wu. “Let me borrow your shoulder, I’ll sleep for a while, wake me when we get there.”

Chen Qing Wu raised her shoulder slightly to accommodate Meng Qi Ran’s height.

Meng Fu Yuan withdrew his gaze.

The restaurant was semi-reservation, and the atmosphere was quiet and clean.

After a short time, Meng Fu Yuan received a work call, told them to wait, and went out.

Meng Qi Ran took a sip of water, set the cup down, and looked at her. “About yesterday, I’m sorry.”

His tone was more serious than usual.

Wearing a gray sports jacket over his T-shirt, he exuded a fresh, boyish charm, with a few strands of hair falling over his forehead, making his dark eyes appear clear and soft.

Chen Qing Wu was reminded of studying with him in college, him sleeping on the desk, looking equally soft and innocent.

“It’s okay,” Chen Qing Wu said calmly.

Meng Qi Ran scrutinized her, seemingly not fully believing her words but said nothing more, switching topics instead. “After you left last night, Zhan Yining went to the bar too.”

“I saw her post on social media.”

Meng Qi Ran paused. “Aren’t you going to ask me?”

“It doesn’t seem worth asking.”

“She left with Wang Yu.”


Meng Qi Ran tried to read Chen Qing Wu’s expression. Her calmness made it hard to tell if she truly didn’t care or was just masking it perfectly.

In the past, he could sense when she was upset.

But now, his previous experiences and instincts seemed useless.

He had no choice but to chuckle softly. “You trust me that much?”

Chen Qing Wu looked at him, her lips curving slightly. “Isn’t it good to trust you?”

Before Meng Qi Ran could say more, the door opened.

Meng Fu Yuan entered, sensing some awkwardness in the air. He glanced between the two but asked nothing.

Ultimately, it was their business, not his to meddle in.

The food had been pre-ordered. After confirming with them, the waiter went to inform the kitchen.

When all the dishes were served, the waiter also brought three servings of ice cream as a seasonal special for regular customers.

The ice cream was pastel pink and light green, arranged on a white porcelain plate, resembling the colors of spring peach blossoms, very refreshing.

Chen Qing Wu immediately scooped a spoonful into her mouth.

Meng Fu Yuan watched her subtly and spoke only after she had a few bites, “When do you plan to resign?”

Chen Qing Wu set down the spoon and replied, “I’ll submit my resignation as soon as the exhibition ends.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded. “You mentioned before you wanted to start your own studio. Have you started planning?”

Chen Qing Wu often felt that though Meng Fu Yuan was only six years older, he seemed like a generation ahead. Talking to him felt like reporting to an elder.

“It’s still in the early planning stages.”

“Have you decided on a city?”

“Either the Jingdezhen or Nancheng. Jingdezhen has better infrastructure; Nancheng is closer to home with lower rent. Both have their advantages.”

After she finished speaking, Meng Fu Yuan was silent for a moment.

He carefully chose his next words. “I have a friend who runs a pottery studio in the southern suburbs of Dongcheng. Due to some life changes, she plans to leave and is looking to transfer the studio. It’s fully equipped. If you’re interested, you could check it out.”

Chen Qing Wu was about to respond when Meng Fu Yuan added, “Last year, a wood kiln opened in the southern suburbs’ cultural park. It’s open to the public. But I’m not very familiar with your industry, so you should judge if it’s suitable.”

His voice was deep and pleasant, steady and reassuring, making it easy to trust that he meant every word he said.

Chen Qing Wu nodded, scratching her cheek lightly. “I know, I saw the news. Wood kilns are quite troublesome; that might be the only studio in Dongcheng with one.”

Meng Qi Ran joked, “Brother, you really have a wide network.”

Meng Fu Yuan didn’t respond, taking a sip of water instead.

He could have mentioned this to Chen Qing Wu yesterday but felt it inappropriate. Any explanation couldn’t hide his personal bias.

So he chose to bring it up when Qi Ran was present.

Chen Qing Wu thought seriously. “Do you know the rent range there?”

“The government supports the cultural park, so the rent is low.”

Chen Qing Wu felt tempted.

Besides the fully equipped studio, the cultural park’s wood kiln, and low rent, another important factor was that her best friend, studying materials science, was pursuing her PhD in Dongcheng, near the southern suburbs.

After some thought, she said, “I’ll make time to visit Dongcheng next week.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded. “I’ll arrange it.”

But he noticed Chen Qing Wu unconsciously scratching her face again. The area was already a bit red.

He paused, looking at her, then rang for the waiter.

The waiter hurried over. “How can I help you…”

Meng Fu Yuan pointed at the ice cream. “Does this contain nuts?”

Chen Qing Wu and Meng Qi Ran both froze.

The waiter panicked. “I… I’ll check right away!” She ran out of the room.

Meng Fu Yuan’s words seemed to trigger Chen Qing Wu. She felt itchier and raised her hand.

“Don’t scratch!”

Meng Fu Yuan and Meng Qi Ran spoke simultaneously.

Meng Qi Ran quickly grabbed Chen Qing Wu’s hand.

Meng Fu Yuan realized his arm was also raised halfway.

Meng Qi Ran held her hand with one hand and turned her face with the other, almost cradling her.

Meng Fu Yuan stood there, feeling a pang of bitterness.

He had forgotten he didn’t have the right.

Regaining his composure, he asked Chen Qing Wu, “Do you have any medicine?”

“No…” Chen Qing Wu usually watched her diet carefully and didn’t carry medicine. She hadn’t had an allergic reaction in a long time and didn’t pay attention to the slight itch, assuming it was just seasonal skin sensitivity.

Meng Fu Yuan wiped his hands with a tissue and stood up. “Qi Ran, stay with her. I’ll get the medicine.” He walked out quickly, feeling a bit like he was fleeing.

The ice cream probably contained some nut powder, not enough to cause a severe reaction but enough to make her itchy.

Chen Qing Wu watched him leave, dazed.

As a childhood friend, his concern seemed a bit excessive.

She remembered the younger Meng Fu Yuan wasn’t like this.

When Chen Qing Wu was ten, her parents left her with Meng’s family while they went on vacation, trusting that Meng Fu Yuan, along with the nanny and driver, would handle any situation.

Whether it was because they were too carefree or trusted Meng Fu Yuan too much, it was hard to say.

On the third night after the adults left, Meng Fu Yuan was reading in his room when he heard hurried footsteps.

He put down his book and opened the door to find a panicked Meng Qi Ran babbling about Qing Wu’s allergy…

Meng Fu Yuan rushed to the living room.

Chen Qing Wu’s face was covered in red rashes, and she was breathing slightly heavily.

The nanny and Qi Ran were arguing, one wanting to call the driver to take her to the hospital, the other insisting on calling an ambulance.

Meng Fu Yuan shouted, “Quiet!”

The sixteen-year-old’s calm and commanding presence silenced everyone.

Chen Qing Wu remembered he didn’t seem flustered. He left the living room for half a minute and returned with antihistamines.

Her mother had prepared the medicine and instructed Meng Fu Yuan on its use before leaving, just in case.

After she took the medicine, he calmly instructed the nanny to have the driver bring the car to take her to the hospital.

At the hospital, they saw a pediatrician. The doctor asked what medicine she had taken, and Meng Fu Yuan handed over the box.

Chen Qing Wu hadn’t noticed when he picked it up.

After the check-up, the doctor said there was no major issue and that the medicine was appropriate, advising two more doses and then stopping when symptoms subsided, reminding them to be careful in the future.

Finally, the doctor asked Meng Fu Yuan, “How old are you? You don’t look like a college student.”

Qi Ran answered quickly, “My brother is sixteen!”

The doctor said, “You handled it well, bringing your sister to the pediatric ER. Sixteen is still young.”

This last comment made Meng Fu Yuan’s face darkens, not wanting to be associated with being a “kid.”

Chen Qing Wu saw his expression and couldn’t help but laugh.

Meng Fu Yuan shot her a look, and she immediately quieted down.

Back home, as they entered, Meng Fu Yuan said, “Be more careful next time.”

His tone was impatient, understandable given that his summer vacation was spent babysitting, which wasn’t enjoyable.

Chen Qing Wu felt guilty for causing trouble and apologized, “I’m sorry…”

Meng Fu Yuan was more impatient, “You didn’t do anything wrong, why apologize.”

That night, before sleeping, Chen Qing Wu overheard Meng Fu Yuan scolding Qi Ran for being careless and giving her things to eat without thinking.

Meng Qi Ran retorted, “Am I supposed to be responsible for what she eats?”

“She’s a guest in our home, so we are responsible,” Meng Fu Yuan countered.

Meng Qi Ran couldn’t find a rebuttal and just huffed.

This incident made everyone more cautious, especially Chen Qing Wu, who would triple-check everything she ate from then on.

When ordering today, Meng Fu Yuan repeatedly emphasized not to include any nuts, but the complimentary ice cream slipped through the cracks.

Soon, Meng Fu Yuan returned with the medicine.

The restaurant manager came over to waive the bill and repeatedly apologized, promising to improve staff training. He earnestly requested Meng Fu Yuan not to inform the restaurant owner about the incident.

Meng Fu Yuan replied, “The owner is my friend, so we can discuss any issues. If it were someone else, you wouldn’t have gotten off so easily today. This is a management oversight, and I can’t cover for you.”

The manager nodded, not daring to argue further.

After the delay, the food had gone cold, and no one had much appetite left.

Chen Qing Wu had a 4 PM flight and needed to head to the airport now.

Meng Fu Yuan rescheduled a meeting to personally see her off.

On the way, he asked her for a screenshot of her e-boarding pass, which she sent, assuming he wanted to confirm the terminal.

At the airport, Meng Qi Ran accompanied her to the check-in counter.

While walking there, Chen Qing Wu’s phone vibrated with a WeChat message from Meng Fu Yuan.

Meng Fu Yuan: “The lunch experience was unpleasant, my apologies. I upgraded your seat; have something to eat on the plane.”

Seeing her stop, Meng Qi Ran asked, “What is it?”

“Nothing,” Chen Qing Wu put away her phone. “Let’s go.”

She headed to the first-class check-in counter.

Meng Qi Ran was puzzled, “When did you start splurging on first class? You always said you needed to save money.”

Chen Qing Wu, who worked with clay and fire daily, wasn’t pampered. Since starting work, she hadn’t asked her parents for a penny, and her limited salary couldn’t support extravagant spending. She usually took the bus for commuting and flew economy class on budget airlines.

“Brother Yuan upgraded my seat,” she admitted.

Meng Qi Ran raised an eyebrow. “People might think he’s your real brother.”

At the security checkpoint, Meng Qi Ran stopped. “I’ll come find you once I finish up here.”

Chen Qing Wu nodded. “You should go back now. Don’t make Brother Yuan wait too long in the parking lot.”

Meng Qi Ran said, “I’ll wait until you go through.”

Chen Qing Wu took her suitcase and entered the security check. Before entering the tunnel, she looked back.

Meng Qi Ran was still there, but he was on a call and didn’t see her last glance.

She turned away and walked on.

After boarding and taking her seat, she received a few WeChat messages.

Meng Qi Ran: “Have you taken off? Let me know when you land.”

Chen Qing Wu replied: “About to take off.”

The other two were from Meng Fu Yuan.

The first one read: “Sorry for not taking better care of you today. Remember to check the ingredients with the flight attendants and monitor for any allergy symptoms.”

The second said: “Let Qi Ran know when you land.”

Just as she was about to reply, a new message popped up from Meng Fu Yuan: “Take care of yourself.”

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