After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO
After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO | Chapter 10

After breakfast, the lighting in the living room was set up.

When the staff came to invite them, they also attached microphones to both Ji Chengyi and Lin Jindu.

With the mics in place, the two of them sat down on the sofa, waiting to be interviewed.

However, no one spoke.

Ji Chengyi sensed that something was off and turned to Lin Jindu.

Lin Jindu also had a vague feeling that something was not quite right.

After a moment, he looked up at Song Luoyun.

Song Luoyun, gritting her teeth and smiling, asked, “Are you two saving a spot for someone?”

Ji Chengyi: “………”

Lin Jindu: “………”

Only then did they realize that although they were in the frame together, they were sitting quite far apart.

On the long eight-meter sofa, there was a one-meter gap between them.

Once they understood, they both moved closer to the middle.

However, they still maintained a basic social distance.

Song Luoyun: “……..”

[Oxygen intake.jpg]

Though still dissatisfied, Song Luoyun didn’t comment further and glanced at the female staff responsible for the interview.

Receiving the signal to start, the staff member with the script began asking questions: “Could you please tell us where you first met each other? What was your impression of the other person at that time?”

With the question asked, Ji Chengyi answered first: “I first met Mr. Lin on a financial channel. My impression of him was that he was very impressive and adept at using other people’s money to make money for himself.”

His tone was calm, sounding less like a variety show interview and more like a significant new product launch event.

The production team found the response rather dull.

Lin Jindu, however, looked at Ji Chengyi with surprise.

It was the first time he had heard such a critique from Ji Chengyi.

He hadn’t expected to be perceived that way in Ji Chengyi’s mind.

“And what about Mr. Lin?” the staff asked.

Lin Jindu withdrew his gaze and began his response: “I first saw Mr. Ji in photos provided by my assistant. My impression of him was that he seemed very fake.”

“Why did you think he was fake?”

Lin Jindu answered honestly: “Because the photos were too perfect, almost flawless.”

The staff, sensing the sweetness of the moment, continued with the next question: “So what was it like when you first met in person?”

Lin Jindu was silent for two seconds before replying, “In person, he looks even better than in the photos.”

This statement made the staff members visibly excited. Even Song Luoyun showed a satisfied smile.

But the very next second…

Everyone heard Ji Chengyi speak in a flat, emotionless tone: “Mr. Lin is too kind. Mr. Lin also looks very good.”

His gentle and calm voice, like a breeze over a lake, instantly swept away any lingering charm.

The director’s team: “………”

The director’s team fell silent again.

Lin Jindu, who had long been numb to praise, showed a barely perceptible trace of pleasure in his eyes upon hearing Ji Chengyi’s compliment.

“Mm,” Lin Jindu replied, pressing his lips together, “Thank you, Mr. Ji.”

Song Luoyun seemed to have discovered something new, her eyes narrowing slightly.

The staff, unable to tolerate the overly formulaic exchange, quickly moved to the next question: “Why did you two decide to get married? What do you think marriage is?”

This question was easier to answer.

Ji Chengyi responded, “Because of the cooperation, I think marriage is a guarantee of cooperation.”

Lin Jindu, not waiting for the staff to cue him this time, followed up: “Because Mr. Ji and I have the highest compatibility, I think a highly compatible marriage is a stable investment in oneself.”

The staff: ???

Song Luoyun: “………”

Director Li, after considering, spoke up: “Mr. Ji, Mr. Lin, your answers are not quite suitable. They could mislead the audience. Please provide a different answer.”

Although Ji Chengyi and Lin Jindu did not see anything wrong with their answers, they decided to cooperate.

This time, Ji Chengyi did not answer first but looked at Lin Jindu.

Lin Jindu thought for a moment and answered objectively: “Because Mr. Ji is outstanding in every way, I think the value of marriage is to become increasingly excellent together with someone exceptional.”

The staff: “……….”

The staff looked at Ji Chengyi, hoping he would provide a sweeter answer.


Ji Chengyi simply followed suit: “Because Mr. Lin is mature and steady, I think marriage is about mutual maturity and being each other’s support.”

The answers were acceptable, but Ji Chengyi’s overly calm tone and emotionless gaze made it difficult for the staff to be enthusiastic.

The expressions of the on-site staff were quite difficult to describe.

Only Song Luoyun smiled, though her smile wasn’t due to being satisfied with Ji Chengyi’s response. Instead, she noticed that her good nephew had shown some emotion besides pleasure in his eyes when he heard the response.

Though the emotion was not very obvious, Song Luoyun instinctively felt that her nephew’s “iron tree” was starting to show signs of blooming.

Realizing this, Song Luoyun quickly sent a message to her sister.

[Sis, there’s a chance with Jin and the niece-in-law. Wait for good news.]

When Mrs. Lin received the message, she was overjoyed and immediately contacted several brands specializing in men’s suits and accessories, requesting them to expedite the production of some new and stylish clothing and jewelry.

At the recording site.

As Lin Jindu discreetly withdrew his gaze, the staff continued with the next question: “Do you think you will still be together in twenty years? Why?”

With this question asked, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Ji Chengyi didn’t know how to answer, so he turned to Lin Jindu, wanting to hear his response.

For Lin Jindu, who prioritized interests, this question was still simple. He quickly answered: “We probably will be, because as mentioned before, Mr. Ji is excellent in every aspect. I find it hard to imagine finding another partner as exceptional.”

Following the cue, Ji Chengyi answered similarly: “My answer is the same as Mr. Lin’s.”

The staff were now completely speechless and numb.

They were just eager to wrap up this part: “Do you have anything you’d like to say to each other?”

Ji Chengyi looked at Lin Jindu.

Although there was no noticeable emotional fluctuation in Ji Chengyi’s eyes, the tenderness in his gaze gave the impression that he might embrace Lin Jindu at any moment.

The numb staff, still hopeful for some genuine sweetness from the two CEOs, waited in anticipation.


Ji Chengyi simply extended his hand towards Lin Jindu and said with sincerity, “I forgot to mention earlier, I’m very pleased to be collaborating with you, Mr. Lin.”

Lin Jindu glanced at the hand extended towards him, paused for two seconds, and then shook it: “Mr. Ji is too kind. It’s my honor that you agreed to collaborate with me.”

The staff: “……..”

Director Li couldn’t help but look at Song Luoyun and quietly complained, “Did you really tell the two CEOs that this is a wedding variety show, not a financial documentary?”

Song Luoyun was still smiling: “Don’t you think a serious persona might make for more explosive moments?”

Director Li: “………”

Director Li understood Song Luoyun’s point.

But he didn’t believe that these two serious, slightly stern CEOs would develop feelings over time like ordinary people.

Moreover, Mr. Lin seemed to be someone without worldly desires.

As for Mr. Ji, he seemed so calm it was as if he had locked his heart away.

Years of experience with variety shows told him that this episode would likely create no significant buzz due to these two stoic CEOs.

Director Li was still troubled by the situation when the interview with Ji Chengyi and Lin Jindu concluded.

The staff informed them that there were no further scheduled activities, and they were free to go about their usual routines.

Ji Chengyi and Lin Jindu both said in unison, “Okay.”

They then went upstairs to their respective offices to handle work-related matters.

The crew in the living room looked bewildered.

“What… should we film?” The photographer asked, looking confused at the director and producer. “There are no cameras set up in Mr. Ji and Mr. Lin’s studies?”

Director Li, feeling exasperated, didn’t know what to say.

Song Luoyun, however, remained casual: “If there’s nothing to film, then just take a break. Too contrived a shot won’t look good anyway.”

That was the only option left.

Director Li sighed, “In that case, you stay here. I’ll check on the other set of guests.”

Aside from Ji Chengyi and Lin Jindu, the only other guests in Jincheng were Yu Heyan and his partner, who were still interns.

Song Luoyun had only recently learned that Yu Heyan was Ji Chengyi’s ex-boyfriend. Otherwise, she would have never let Yu Heyan appear on the show to ride on her nephew’s popularity.

So when she heard that Director Li was going to check on Yu Heyan’s situation, she felt displeased.

However, she didn’t show it and said calmly, “Go ahead. I’ll go upstairs and chat with Mr. Lin.”

Since there were no microphones in the study, the staff had no idea what Song Luoyun and Mr. Lin discussed.

They only knew she left less than ten minutes after arriving.

Shortly after Song Luoyun left, Ji Chengyi’s assistant arrived with two suitcases.

“What’s this about? Hasn’t Mr. Ji completely moved in yet?” Director Li wondered.

“It seems so,” the assistant director replied, shrugging.

Director Li clicked his tongue, “The road to ‘pre-marriage and post-marriage love’ for these two CEOs is a bit rough… Where’s Editor Xu? Tell her to bring the script so I can take another look.”

The crew was still adjusting the script for Ji Chengyi and Lin Jindu.

Meanwhile, Guan Yun delivered the suitcases to Ji Chengyi’s bedroom and then went to the study to find him.

Probably discussing work, Guan Yun stayed in Ji Chengyi’s study for a long time before leaving.

After everyone who needed to leave had done so, Ji Chengyi and Lin Jindu remained in their study.

Since these two were the major guests of the show, no one dared to call them down.

They waited quietly for lunchtime.

Although their conversation was very formulaic, having more footage of them together would be beneficial for editing the show.

After all, the two CEOs were stunningly attractive, and seeing them together was almost like a visual cleanse for the soul.

The crew had lowered their expectations.

In the end, these two busy executives didn’t eat together; they simply had their meals separately.

After eating, they returned to their respective studies to continue working.

The crew: “………”

The crew, unable to see any interesting footage, was incredibly bored and ended up watching the footage of the other three pairs of guests.

However, the more they watched, the more bored they became.

Despite the other three pairs of guests being very sweet, it was unclear if it was because of their looks or if they were brainwashed by the formulaic life of the two CEOs, but they bizarrely felt that the atmosphere with the two CEOs was somehow better.

“I must be blinded by money,” one of the assistant directors self-deprecated.

“Then I must be struck by their looks,” another remarked. “By the way, when will these two CEOs come downstairs? At this rate, the whole day will be over.”

“Who knows…” Director Li glanced at Director Xu, “Director Xu, go deliver the tasks to the CEOs.”

If they didn’t give the CEOs some tasks soon, the pilot episode might not even make it to five minutes of usable footage.

Just as they were talking, the previously empty monitoring screen suddenly showed some activity.

The crew members focused their attention and saw both CEOs simultaneously opening their study doors and looking in each other’s direction.

Director Li’s eyes lit up: “Zoom in!”

Since there were no cameras installed at Lin Jindu’s study door, the staff only zoomed in on Ji Chengyi’s side.

As the camera zoomed in, the previously dull and boring footage instantly became more appealing with Ji Chengyi’s face on screen.

It was at this moment that Director Li realized how good-looking Ji Chengyi was!

In the morning, he had been too focused on the interaction between the two CEOs to notice Ji Chengyi’s looks.

He hadn’t expected that Ji Chengyi’s appearance alone could attract a lot of fans to the show without even having to design the CEOs’ married life.

Realizing this, Director Li gave the order: “From now on, focus the camera on Ji Chengyi’s face and Lin Jindu’s physique.”

Even if he couldn’t capture any sweet moments, he could still rely on the CEOs’ appearances to make the show popular.

Due to Ji Chengyi’s eye-catching looks, everyone overlooked Lin Jindu in the footage.

When Lin Jindu was busy in the study until four o’clock, he sent Ji Chengyi an invitation to go to the supermarket.

Since he had mentioned going to the supermarket to Ji Chengyi the day before, Ji Chengyi promptly finished work at four o’clock.

Upon receiving Lin Jindu’s WeChat message, Ji Chengyi replied with a simple [Okay].

Then he walked out of the study.

“Mr. Lin.” Ji Chengyi closed the study door and walked towards Lin Jindu with a faint smile.

“Mr. Ji.” Lin Jindu responded to Ji Chengyi, his slightly tired gaze relaxing unconsciously the moment he saw Ji Chengyi.

Neither Ji Chengyi nor the camera noticed this subtle change in Lin Jindu.

However, Lin Jindu was acutely aware of it.

The change was so obvious that he couldn’t ignore it.

He didn’t dislike this subtle shift but found it peculiar.

Despite working all day, Ji Chengyi showed no sign of fatigue. Instead, he exuded a gentle and relaxed aura.

This made Lin Jindu involuntarily think of Ji Chengyi’s WeChat profile picture.

That orange kitten.

Lin Jindu wasn’t particularly fond of pets.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt an urge to touch it.

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