After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO
After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO | Chapter 11

Behind the Impression Mountain Lake, not far away, there was a large supermarket.

Today, it seemed like the supermarket was holding some kind of event, with crowds of people everywhere.

Ji Chengyi rarely visited supermarkets and had never seen such a scene before, so he remarked, “It’s quite lively here.”

Lin Jindu replied, “Mm.”

Then, hearing the supermarket’s announcement, he turned to Ji Chengyi and said, “It looks like they’re having a promotion. Membership cards are 30% off.”

Ji Chengyi was surprised, “That’s quite a discount.”

Although he rarely went to supermarkets, he knew that giving away a 30% discount was quite generous for any business.

Lin Jindu said regretfully, “But I don’t have a membership card for here. Do you, Mr. Ji?”

Ji Chengyi couldn’t help but laugh, “Mr. Lin, are you joking with me? This is your territory, after all.”

Lin Jindu was taken aback for a moment, then also smiled, “Sorry, I forgot.”

The cameraman, noticing the suddenly warm atmosphere, quickly zoomed in to capture the smiles in both their eyes.

Ji Chengyi noticed the camera close to his face but didn’t pay much attention, focusing instead on talking to Lin Jindu. “So, should we get a membership card now?”

“Let’s not bother,” Lin Jindu said. “Since everyone’s here for the discount, the membership counter is probably crowded. If we go now, we’ll likely have to wait in line for a long time. By then, we could have already bought what we need.”

Ji Chengyi knew that Lin Jindu was someone who didn’t like to waste time on trivial matters, so he nodded, “Alright, let’s go straight in then.”

Ji Chengyi took a step forward.

But just as he walked a few steps, a large hand grabbed his wrist.

Ji Chengyi:!

The hand was half gripping his sleeve and half resting on his bare wrist.

The supermarket’s air conditioning was a bit chilly, and Ji Chengyi had already started feeling cold since he had just entered.

However, the hand covering his wrist was warm.

Ji Chengyi was someone who didn’t generally enjoy physical contact with others.

Even when he was with Yu Heyan, it took him over a month to gradually get used to holding hands and hugging.

Yet, for some reason, he found himself completely unbothered by Lin Jindu’s touch.

Perhaps it was because they had held hands a few times before?

As Ji Chengyi thought about this, Lin Jindu also realized that he had overstepped.

He quickly released Ji Chengyi’s wrist, “Sorry, I wanted to remind you that the entrance is this way.”

Ji Chengyi replied in a calm tone, “It’s alright.”

Ji Chengyi subconsciously adjusted his sleeve.

This movement had no particular meaning, but in Lin Jindu’s eyes, it looked like a hedgehog trying to hide its softest parts because it was afraid of people.

It was quite intriguing.

“Let’s go then,” Ji Chengyi said, heading in the direction Lin Jindu had pointed out.

Lin Jindu gestured toward the shopping cart area. “I’ll get a cart.”

“Alright.” Ji Chengyi waited in place for him.

Two cameramen, standing at a distance, whispered to each other, “Did you capture the hand-holding moment?”

“Yes, I got it.”

“That’s good. Let’s go.”

The cameramen followed Ji Chengyi and Lin Jindu into the supermarket.

There were already many people outside, but inside the supermarket, it was even more crowded.

Navigating through the aisles felt like being squeezed with people almost brushing against each other.

Lin Jindu pushed the cart, carefully maneuvering around others while talking to Ji Chengyi. “Mr. Ji, I think we should be quick about this.”

“Alright.” Ji Chengyi also tried to keep a safe distance from others.

Lin Jindu asked, “What should we buy first? Do you have anything you’d like to eat?”

Lin Jindu had mentioned yesterday that they would go to the supermarket and then cook together. However, Ji Chengyi, who had once burned a pot and ended up in the hospital, wasn’t keen on causing more trouble in the kitchen.

He thought for a moment and then asked, “Do you have ready-to-eat meals? The kind that you just need to heat up.”

Ji Chengyi’s calm and composed gaze, with his already fair complexion glowing under the bright supermarket lights, gave off a clean and translucent appearance.

It made one involuntarily think of a beautiful moon.

Lin Jindu stared at those eyes for a moment before responding, “Yes, they do have those.”

Ji Chengyi’s eyes lit up, and he was about to suggest they buy ready-to-eat meals.

But before he could speak, Lin Jindu added, “But ready-to-eat meals usually aren’t very tasty.”

“That’s okay, convenience is more important.” Ji Chengyi had low demands for food; as long as it was cooked, he didn’t mind if it wasn’t particularly delicious.

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