After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO
After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO | Chapter 13

Ji Chengyi came out of the kitchen and headed upstairs.

The cameraman, who was following him, thought he was going back to his study to continue working during his break.

However, to the cameraman’s relief, Ji Chengyi emerged from the study shortly after, holding an iPad.

Seeing this, the cameraman breathed a sigh of relief. Even though he was still working, at least he was in front of the camera.

But obviously, the cameraman had misunderstood.

Ji Chengyi had no intention of working in front of the camera this time.

He brought the iPad down to watch a movie.

He had started watching a movie last night but fell asleep before finishing it.

Now that he had some free time, he wanted to catch the end of the movie.

Since he had sweet and sour pork in the microwave that he had prepared, he headed to the kitchen with his iPad.

“President Lin, will I disturb you if I watch a movie here?” Ji Chengyi stood at the kitchen door and asked.

Lin Jindu was focused on frying the steak and didn’t hear Ji Chengyi approaching.

Upon suddenly hearing Ji Chengyi’s voice, he paused his actions, turned to look at Ji Chengyi.

At the moment when Ji Chengyi’s figure was reflected in his eyes, a ripple appeared in the silent depths of his eyes, unnoticed even by himself.

He thought Ji Chengyi had gone back to his room.

He didn’t expect him to return.

Lin Jindu’s lips unconsciously curled up slightly, “No, President Ji, feel free.”

“Okay.” Ji Chengyi walked in, sat on the other side of the island counter, put on his headphones, and started watching the movie he hadn’t finished.

Lin Jindu continued frying the steak.

The two still didn’t communicate at all.

At this point, the production team was no longer worried and instead consoled themselves with a positive mindset.

It’s all good as long as the scene looks nice.

However, in the details that the camera couldn’t capture, Lin Jindu’s actions while frying the steak seemed less dull than before.


The ending of Ji Chengyi’s movie was only about twenty minutes long.

As he finished watching it, Lin Jindu had just turned off the stove.

Ji Chengyi put away the iPad, stood up, and walked over, “President Lin, are you done?”

“All set.” Lin Jindu replied as he plated the pasta.

“Then I’ll bring out the sweet and sour pork and salad.” Ji Chengyi took the salad from the fridge and the sweet and sour pork from the microwave, carrying them to the dining table.

When he turned back to help Lin Jindu, he found that Lin Jindu had already brought over the two steaks and the pasta on a tray.

Ji Chengyi remembered that Lin Jindu had also made mushroom soup, so he was about to fetch it when Lin Jindu said, “President Ji, could you bring two wine glasses over?”

Lin Jindu had opened a bottle of wine while cooking the pasta, so it was ready to be enjoyed with the meal.

Ji Chengyi paused for a moment, “Of course.”

He then went to the wine cabinet and brought back two wine glasses.

With everything set, the two sat down at the dining table.

Ji Chengyi felt he hadn’t done much during dinner preparation and lifted his wine glass, “President Lin, you’ve worked hard, let me toast to you first.”

“President Ji, you’re too kind.” Lin Jindu raised his glass and clinked it lightly with Ji Chengyi’s.

The warm dining room lighting and their elegant gestures of sipping wine added a touch of sophistication to the atmosphere.

However, to the production team, it almost felt like attending a formal business dinner. The CEOs’ demeanor was just a bit too serious….

So serious that the production team almost wished they wouldn’t speak at all…

“Well, let’s start.” Ji Chengyi took a sip of wine, then looked at Lin Jindu as he set down his glass.

“Please, President Ji.” Lin Jindu set down his wine glass and gestured for Ji Chengyi to begin.

Ji Chengyi started eating.

Ji Chengyi wasn’t particularly picky about food; as long as it was well-cooked and didn’t taste strange, it was fine for him. However, when he cut a small piece of steak and put it in his mouth, his eyes involuntarily lit up for a moment.

Even Ji Chengyi, who typically didn’t like to talk during meals, couldn’t help but comment, “President Lin, you have skills. This is the best steak I’ve had this year.”

Coming from someone else, Lin Jindu might have thought it was just flattery or brown-nosing. But hearing it from Ji Chengyi, Lin Jindu truly believed it.

Because Ji Chengyi not only sounded sincere but his eyes also sparkled with gentleness as he looked at you.

Lin Jindu was born with a sense of refinement and had encountered many elites and business magnates. But very rarely did he meet someone he couldn’t quite hold eye contact with. Yet at this moment, he found it challenging to resist Ji Chengyi’s gaze.

Nevertheless, he didn’t shy away and maintained basic etiquette in their interaction, “If the skills haven’t rusted, then it should be good because I learned from professional chefs when I studied abroad.”

Ji Chengyi smiled softly, “No wonder, President Lin. Balancing academics and still finding time to learn culinary skills.”

Lin Jindu returned the smile, “Fortunately, my academic workload isn’t too heavy.”

“Okay.” Ji Chengyi nodded, “I’ll continue my meal.”

“Please, enjoy,” Lin Jindu responded.

Ji Chengyi continued his meal, and Lin Jindu remained silent.

The dinner table fell silent.

Director Li, watching the quiet scene on the monitor screen, couldn’t help but muse, “I always feel like these two CEOs could strike up a partnership at any moment.”

The assistant director sighed in agreement, “Who’s to say they won’t?”


After finishing dinner, Ji Chengyi stood up and said, “President Lin, you worked hard cooking. Let me take care of these dishes and utensils.”

Lin Jindu didn’t hesitate and replied, “Thank you, President Ji.”

As Lin Jindu was about to head upstairs, he paused at the staircase. After two seconds, he turned back, walked to the living room, and sat on the sofa.

Director Li couldn’t understand, “Why did President Lin come back?”

“Could he be waiting for President Ji?” the assistant director boldly speculated.

Director Li fell silent for a moment, then suddenly asked, “Do you think these two CEOs sleep together or separately?”

The assistant director thought carefully, “Logically, they should sleep together, right? After all, they’re both adults. Even if there are no feelings, they still need to address their physical needs, right?”

Director Li disagreed, pointing at the monitor screen, “Do you think President Lin looks like someone with physical needs?”

The assistant director looked at the screen.

On the screen, the man was in casual attire, even in a relaxed posture, his broad shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs were evident. Holding a phone, the faint light reflected on his face, accentuating his already stern facial features, making them appear even more rigid.

Even through the screen, he exuded an intimidating aura that made people instinctively recoil in awe.

Suddenly, Lin Jindu looked towards the camera.

Although the assistant director knew Lin Jindu couldn’t see the person behind the camera, he still couldn’t help but feel intimidated by Lin Jindu’s emotionless gaze.

“The power of President Lin’s presence is just overwhelming,” the assistant director tightly gripped his thermos cup. “Does someone like him really have physical desires?”

Director Li remained silent.

As they watched the monitor screen, they saw that when Lin Jindu looked towards the camera, it wasn’t because he was actually looking at them. He had heard Ji Chengyi approaching.

“Is President Ji done?” Lin Jindu stood up from the sofa, his gaze upon Ji Chengyi different from his earlier emotionless stare. It was now colored by the light, giving off a warm feeling.

“Yeah,” Ji Chengyi walked over, “Everything’s taken care of.”

The dishes and utensils didn’t require much cleaning; Ji Chengyi just needed to load them into the dishwasher. The rest of the cleaning would be taken care of by the cleaning staff the next morning.

Lin Jindu walked out from the sofa, “You’ve worked hard. Let’s go upstairs and rest.”

Ji Chengyi’s gaze paused slightly. He thought Lin Jindu was waiting to talk to him about something. Since that wasn’t the case, Ji Chengyi didn’t say much and simply nodded, following Lin Jindu upstairs, “Okay.”

They walked side by side in silence.

At the staircase, Lin Jindu stopped, looking at Ji Chengyi, “President Ji, rest early. Goodnight.”

Meeting his gaze, Ji Chengyi responded, “President Lin, you too, rest early. Goodnight.”

They bid each other goodnight and turned to their respective rooms.

Watching their straightforward departure, the assistant director couldn’t help but sigh, “Well, these two CEOs seem to have no worldly desires at all.”

Director Li felt even more despondent, “The problem is, they don’t even pretend for the show. Despite knowing we’re filming a marriage reality show, they openly sleep in separate rooms… It’s really giving me a headache.”

The assistant director furrowed his brow, asking, “What do we do next? We only have one room for when we officially start filming.”

Director Li sighed, “Don’t worry about it. Producer Song said they should follow our process and not receive any special treatment.”


Back in his room, Ji Chengyi took another shower.

Quickly finishing, he grabbed his iPad and phone, then laid down on the bed. Earlier, when Guan Yun visited, he brought a neck pillow from a collaboration partner for Ji Chengyi. He found it very comfortable when he tried it earlier, and sinking his entire back into it now felt exceptionally cozy.

Adjusting his position lazily, he started replying to messages on his phone. Most of them were from Guan Yun. One of his friends, however, knowing about his participation in the marriage reality show, sent a message in a sarcastic tone, asking if he knew who was marrying the PR executive.

Ji Chengyi chuckled and replied that he had no idea.

The friend didn’t reply.

Ji Chengyi didn’t wait. He put down his phone and picked up his iPad, searching for a movie that interested him.

After watching for only half an hour, Ji Chengyi’s drowsiness started to creep in. He didn’t force himself to stay awake. As soon as the sleepiness hit, he paused the movie, put the iPad aside, turned off the lights, and went to sleep.

When the cameras surrounding the villa captured Ji Chengyi’s room going dark, Director Li knew that filming for Ji Chengyi was over for the night.

He had no choice but to check in on Lin Jindu.

…And he ended up watching a boring scene.

Lin Jindu returned to his room, changed clothes, and went to the gym on the third floor to work out.

The cameraman wanted to follow him, but Lin Jindu refused, leaving the cameraman outside the gym.

With nothing to film, the cameraman had to point the camera at a large potted plant by the gym entrance.

The assistant director looked at the greenery and sighed, “Those young girls online nowadays love to see men with big chests. It would be great if we could film President Lin’s muscles.”

Director Li corrected him, “Watch your language. It’s *chest muscles*.”

“It’s all the same,” the assistant director mused. “I wonder if President Ji has ever seen President Lin’s chest muscles.”

Director Li understood his implication and said, “Since they don’t share a room, it’s likely that he hasn’t seen it.”

The assistant director breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s a relief. If President Ji had seen President Lin’s physique and still had no thoughts about it, that would make things even more complicated.”

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