After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO
After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO | Chapter 2

On a rainy night, a black sedan drove along the wet road towards the southern part of the city.

In the back seat of the car, Ji Chengyi looked out the window with a calm expression. However, unlike the composed demeanor he had shown in front of Yu Heyan, his usually brown eyes were now dim and somber.

He had met Yu Heyan at a banquet. At that time, Yu Heyan was a rising star in the entertainment industry, enjoying a meteoric rise to the top. He had an aura that made him stand out wherever he went, but his arrogance meant he looked down on everyone.

When his manager brought him over to toast, Yu Heyan had a disdainful look, not considering Ji Chengyi, the young president, worth his time. Ji Chengyi had not paid much attention to him, taking a sip of his wine before turning to leave.

He had thought that this arrogant top-tier celebrity would have no further interactions with him. But a few days later, at a charity gala, they met again.

That night, Yu Heyan had had a few drinks and appeared slightly tipsy. His usual arrogance was absent, replaced by a rather endearing smile.

Yu Heyan’s striking good looks were one reason for his rapid rise to fame. People are visual creatures, and it’s hard not to glance a few more times at something attractive. Ji Chengyi was no exception.

As he watched, Yu Heyan suddenly turned his head and met his gaze directly. Their eyes locked across the crowd, and Ji Chengyi clearly saw a fleeting moment of distraction in Yu Heyan’s eyes.

Ji Chengyi didn’t dwell on why Yu Heyan was momentarily distracted. He assumed he was drunk and, with an apologetic nod, averted his gaze.

Later, Yu Heyan approached him with a drink in hand, his usual pride seemingly set aside. Ji Chengyi generally disliked celebrities who approached him with ulterior motives. But that night, he allowed Yu Heyan to come closer.

If asked why, Ji Chengyi couldn’t really explain. Maybe it was Yu Heyan’s charming smile that night, or perhaps it was the elegant pearl brooch he wore.

Skipping the details of how Yu Heyan began to pursue Ji Chengyi, suffice it to say that Ji Chengyi, despite his aloof nature, accepted Yu Heyan’s rather childish courtship and dated him for three years. This indicated that he valued both Yu Heyan and their relationship highly.

Though his reserved personality made him poor at expressing affection and unsure how to interact with a partner, he was a quick learner. If Yu Heyan could get up early to make him breakfast, then Ji Chengyi could make him a late-night snack when Yu Heyan came home late from filming—though that one time it did land Yu Heyan in the hospital due to a mishap.

Ji Chengyi also learned to take care of Yu Heyan in the same way Yu Heyan had taken care of him when he was hospitalized later. Thus, in this relationship, Yu Heyan not only played the role of a boyfriend but also acted as an emotional guide for Ji Chengyi.

Using the methods of love he learned from Yu Heyan, Ji Chengyi reciprocated and understood the meaning of having a partner. He had thought that they would continue to learn from each other and live a peaceful life together.

But then, Yu Heyan taught him a lesson he couldn’t comprehend. Although it was impolite to doubt someone without evidence, Ji Chengyi couldn’t help but think that perhaps some of Yu Heyan’s previous behavior had been partly an act.

Otherwise, he couldn’t believe that someone who loved to cuddle and act spoiled would suddenly cheat on him without any warning. Maybe this was the true strength of the newly crowned Best Actor…

While Ji Chengyi was still lost in his thoughts, his phone, placed on the center console, rang. He blinked and turned his head towards the sound. Seeing the unread WeChat notification on the screen, he picked up the phone and opened the message page without delay.

The message was from his assistant: [President Ji, I have confirmed with Shengda. President Lin will personally lead the team to our company at 10 a.m. tomorrow.]

Ji Chengyi’s slender, clean thumb tapped the screen a few times, replying with two words: [Got it.]

The next day, having moved past the fact of Yu Heyan’s infidelity, Ji Chengyi threw himself entirely into his work.

Ji Chengyi was a punctual person. Knowing that Shengda’s people would arrive at ten, he worked until 9:55 before heading to the conference room.

The president’s office was on the top floor of the company, while the conference room was one floor below. When Ji Chengyi exited the elevator on the twenty-first floor, a capable-looking young woman in a black business suit and low ponytail approached him, accompanied by another girl carrying a stack of documents.

This woman was Ji Chengyi’s executive assistant, Guan Yun. The girl beside her was her intern assistant.

“President Ji, President Lin and his team have arrived downstairs,” Guan Yun said, accurately pulling out a black folder from the intern’s arms and handing it to Ji Chengyi. “This is the shareholder information and risk analysis of the company.”

Ji Chengyi didn’t take it, his voice calm, “None of this is necessary. Shengda Capital has invested in no fewer than 500 companies domestically.”

Guan Yun, having risen to the position of special administrative assistant at such a young age, had undoubtedly proven her work capabilities. Ji Chengyi’s brief comment was enough for her to grasp his implication accurately.

Shengda Capital, having invested in over 500 companies within the country, would naturally have thoroughly researched their company before coming. Therefore, there was no need for her to prepare redundant data that would only waste time.

Guan Yun nodded in understanding. “Understood.”

She then turned to her assistant and said, “Go make a few cups of coffee.”

The intern acknowledged and turned to leave.

Guan Yun followed Ji Chengyi into the conference room.

When the door opened, only a few shareholders of the company were inside. Seeing Ji Chengyi arrive, they all stood up to greet him.

Ji Chengyi nodded slightly and took his seat at the head of the table. “Please, have a seat.”

The shareholders sat down.

“President Ji, can Shengda really invest that much money in us all at once?” one of the shareholders asked, somewhat uneasy.

Ji Chengyi, looking down at his iPad, responded calmly, “Why not?”

The questioning shareholder fell silent.

The conference room grew quiet.

After about two minutes, there was a knock on the conference room door.

Guan Yun called out, “Come in.”

The door opened, and the first to enter was the intern assistant. “President Ji, President Lin from Shengda is here.”

Ji Chengyi put down his iPad and stood up.

As soon as he got to his feet, a man in a tailored suit walked in. The man was tall with long legs and a sharp profile. His burgundy tie, intricately textured, didn’t look gaudy but instead amplified the restrained elegance that he exuded.

The man’s black eyes, though devoid of any overt emotion, didn’t seem cold. Instead, they hinted at a maturity beyond his years.

Ji Chengyi had never met Lin Jindu in person before. Seeing him now, he thought to himself that this man truly lived up to his reputation as the young head of the vast Lin family business.

“President Lin,” Ji Chengyi stepped forward and extended his hand to Lin Jindu.

From a distance, Ji Chengyi hadn’t realized how tall this man was. Standing face to face now, he noticed the significant height difference.

Ji Chengyi was 179.8 centimeters tall, practically 180 when rounded up. But the man before him seemed to be at least half a head taller, roughly around 190 centimeters.

No wonder his presence was so commanding.

Lin Jindu walked over and shook Ji Chengyi’s hand.

As soon as their hands clasped, Lin Jindu’s gaze briefly froze, but he quickly regained his composure. “President Ji,” he said.

His voice was deep and articulate, making even those two simple words feel like a genuine conversation.

Their handshake was brief. Ji Chengyi did not immediately withdraw his hand but instead made a gesture inviting Lin Jindu to sit. “Please, have a seat, President Lin.”

Lin Jindu nodded and sat down in the chair his assistant had pulled out for him. The others who had come with him also took their seats.

Before Ji Chengyi sat down, he glanced at Guan Yun. Guan Yun signaled the intern assistant to bring coffee. She hesitated momentarily but ultimately decided not to start the risk analysis presentation, instead placing the cooperation proposal in front of both Ji Chengyi and Lin Jindu.

Lin Jindu glanced at the contract in front of him and chuckled softly. “I’ve heard that President Ji is decisive and efficient in the business world. Meeting you today confirms it.”

Ji Chengyi responded with a faint smile, “You’re too kind, President Lin. Your time is precious, with millions at stake every minute. I wouldn’t dare waste it.”

His words were impeccable. However, Lin Jindu, accustomed to such flattery, was not particularly impressed. He casually flipped open a page of the cooperation proposal and said seemingly offhandedly, “But your company is asking for a five billion investment. Surely, President Ji must show me some tangible returns?”

At this point, Guan Yun was ready to start the projector and present the post-investment stock valuation to Lin Jindu. But Ji Chengyi didn’t give any such indication. Instead, he nonchalantly tossed the conversation back, “President Lin, you didn’t come to Keao just for a cup of coffee, did you?”

Lin Jindu raised his eyes, looking directly at Ji Chengyi. “Perhaps President Ji has forgotten my identity?”

Their conversation was cryptic, leaving the shareholders in the room puzzled. Ji Chengyi, however, caught Lin Jindu’s underlying meaning.

He meant that as a businessman, every cent invested needed to yield a real return. Beyond that, Ji Chengyi detected another layer of intent.

“You want original shares, President Lin?” Ji Chengyi voiced his speculation.

His expression remained unchanged, but his eyes showed a spark of thought.

No wonder people said that Lin Jindu, the head of the Lin family business, was meticulous and shrewd. At twenty-nine, he had already made it into the top ten of the domestic rich list.

Ji Chengyi had previously wondered how Lin Jindu had managed to amass such wealth in just a few short years. While he was struggling to rescue his problematic company, Lin Jindu had not only taken his company to new heights but had also seen his personal wealth skyrocket.

It seemed the answer lay in his boldness.

The room fell silent, and the atmosphere grew slightly tense. Keao’s shareholders exchanged confused glances, unsure why Shengda would want Keao’s original shares at this time.

Lin Jindu, however, did not rush to answer.

As the room remained silent, the intern assistant arrived with the coffee.

The rich, slightly bitter aroma broke through the quiet atmosphere of the conference room.

Lin Jindu picked up the coffee in front of him and took a light sip. The flavor was fresh and smooth, with a hint of fruitiness. He couldn’t help but comment, “Yirgacheffe, President Ji. You’ve put thought into this.”

Ji Chengyi didn’t respond to the remark and instead asked, “President Lin, is it only the original shares that you want?”

Ji Chengyi had been pondering and felt that Lin Jindu’s interest was likely not limited to the original shares. Investment shares and original shares are different. Given Keao’s current development, an investment would surely be profitable. But original shares are another matter; while they offer high returns, they also carry operational risks.

Ji Chengyi believed that Lin Jindu was a decisive and capable investor, but he doubted that someone so focused on profit would buy into a company with a history of bankruptcy risk. Thus, he sensed that Lin Jindu had other motives.

Lin Jindu met Ji Chengyi’s gaze. Ji Chengyi’s eyes were slightly brown, and under the light, they took on a translucent, glass-like quality. This clarity seemed to have an invisible penetrating power, exposing Lin Jindu’s hidden intentions.

Lin Jindu chuckled softly. “It’s truly efficient to talk to someone so astute.”

He set down his coffee cup. “To be honest, I want to discuss an investment outside of the company with President Ji.”

Ji Chengyi remained silent for two seconds before turning to the shareholders. “Everyone, please step out for a break.”

The shareholders exchanged glances but eventually rose and left the conference room without a word.

Lin Jindu’s side needed no instructions. His assistant gestured for the others to leave. Before leaving his seat, the assistant placed two contracts next to Lin Jindu.

Once the large conference room was empty, leaving only Lin Jindu and Ji Chengyi, Ji Chengyi didn’t hurry to speak. Instead, he leisurely sipped his coffee.

The roles reversed, but Lin Jindu didn’t feel slighted. He spoke directly, “If you don’t mind me being blunt, I need President Ji to consider marrying me.”

Ji Chengyi: “……”

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