The False Daughter Descends the Mountain to Marry in Another’s Stead, While the True Master Seeks Nightly Divinations
Chapter 2: You’d Better Say Something Nice

After bidding farewell to Wu Yan and her daughter, Yu Ning started her class.

As the class was about to end, she mentioned her impending departure from the mountain.

The three students present lowered their heads, some hiding their faces in their hands, unwilling to look up, their shoulders trembling uncontrollably.

Seeing their sorrowful expressions, Yu Ning, moved by their sadness, extended the class by half an hour to discuss the importance of science and technology as the primary productive forces.

Finally, under the complex gazes of her students, she left the podium.

She went back to pack her luggage—three full 36-inch suitcases.

There was also a small jar.

While the boxes filled with magical tools and talismans were manageable, the small jar posed a problem.

The jar contained her master’s remains, and boarding a plane required a certificate from the local police station.

Before her master ascended, he instructed that his body should not be buried but kept for future use when the time was right.

Taking advantage of the daylight, she rode the school’s purchasing donkey down the mountain to get the certificate.

Ning Mountain wasn’t a tourist spot, and visitors were rare. The mountain path was steep, narrow, and rugged.

However, for a donkey accustomed to mountain paths, this was not a challenge.

At the foot of the mountain, Yu Ning saw Wu Yan and her daughter.

They were leaning on hiking poles, panting heavily.

Yu Ning raised an eyebrow. These two were incredibly slow.

Her extended class was already over, yet they still hadn’t made it far.

Yuan Zihan, exhausted and breathless, had been feverish since leaving the Taoist academy.

It seemed Yu Ning’s prophecy was coming true—she was indeed sick. They had been walking intermittently for half a day.

Seeing Yu Ning approaching the donkey, Wu Yan quickly waved.

“Let Zihan ride the donkey! Hurry!”

Yu Ning pulled the reins, leaned her ear against the donkey’s neck, and shook her head.

“Yanyan said it doesn’t want to carry you.”


Which Yan? It better not be her Wu Yan!

“Sister, I know you don’t like me, but I’m sick,” Yuan Zihan reached for the reins.

The little donkey kicked, nearly hitting her, causing her to step back in fright.

“If you’re sick, take medicine and drink hot water. Also, Ms. Wu, your brow is suddenly dark, and your daughter’s health aura has darkened too. If you don’t want bad luck, do some good deeds. It’s strange, it wasn’t like this before, how did it change so quickly?”

As the mother and daughter processed this, Yu Ning rode away, muttering.

“Come back~~~” Wu Yan stomped her foot. That brat cursed her with bad luck!

“Why does Sister hate me so much? She won’t even let me ride the donkey, she wants me to die of exhaustion, waaa~”

Wu Yan, heart aching for her daughter, held her close.

Yuan Zihan sobbed.

“Why must Sister marry? I can do it too.”

The Lin family was wealthy and influential, with a comatose husband and four handsome brothers-in-law. With no restrictions, she could do as she pleased.

Why should such a good marriage go to Yu Ning?

Wu Yan sighed.

“The Lin family wants a girl born on the ninth day of the ninth month, with a celestial fate and purity to ward off bad luck. Your birth date doesn’t match, and you’ve had an abortion. If the Lin family’s matriarch finds out, our family could be ruined.”

Yuan Zihan lowered her head and whimpered.

“It’s all Sister’s fault for stealing my happiness. If I had a mother, I wouldn’t have been deceived by that scoundrel!”

Wu Yan, feeling a pang of guilt, quickly comforted her:

“The Lin family may be rich, but they are not easy to deal with. With the patriarch comatose, the family is bound to cause trouble. You’re my daughter; how could I bear to see you suffer? If you want to marry into the Lin family, wait until the patriarch wakes up and then switch with the brat.”

Yuan Zihan’s sobbing continued. To cheer her up, Wu Yan concocted a malicious plan.

“When we get down the mountain, I’ll have someone dig traps on the path. If the Lin family falls in tomorrow, they’ll think the brat is cursed and won’t treat her well.”

“Mom, let’s hurry down. If we’re late, it will be dangerous for the workers to dig the traps.” Yuan Zihan, eager and smiling, urged.

Wu Yan nodded in satisfaction. Her daughter was as kind-hearted as she was.

The next day, Yu Ning unusually woke up early.

“Good morning, Master Aunt!”

“Good morning!”

The three students doing their morning practice were astonished to see her up so early.

Though young, her status was highly revered.

Before coming to the mountain, these students were respected Taoist priests, but they addressed her as Master Aunt.

Yu Ning preferred that they call her Teacher.

“Since I’m up early today, I’ll give you one last lesson before I leave.”

The white-bearded student trembled, and the other two were shocked.

“Master Aunt, didn’t you already give the final lesson yesterday?”

“An encore.”

The three priests looked as if they were going to faint, their smiles stiff.

Suddenly, the sound of a helicopter filled the air, and they all looked up.

A helicopter landed on the playground, and a young man in his twenties jumped out.

Wearing sunglasses, despite the early spring chill, he was in short sleeves, showing off his tattoo-covered left arm, exuding a rebellious aura.

The man walked up to them, removed his sunglasses, and with a sweep of his alluring eyes, arrogantly asked:

“Who is Yu Ning? I’m Lin Jun from the Lin family, here to fetch the bride for my brother.”

The three priests breathed a sigh of relief; the Lin family had arrived just in time.

“I am Yu Ning.”

Yu Ning took the opportunity to study him. Lin Jun’s twelve houses and five stars were exceptionally favorable, indicating a wealthy and noble background.

However, the Mars star among the five stars had developed a black spot, visible only to her. His fortune was changing.

“You are Yu Ning?” Lin Jun suppressed his surprise. He expected the so-called mountain-dwelling priestess to be ugly.

She was quite pretty.

But still a fraud.

He wasn’t happy about his brother marrying a priestess.

“Lin family won’t tolerate your tricks. Keep your con artist skills to yourself, don’t waste my time.”

“In three days, you will face a bloody disaster.”

“??? She still dares to speak?!” 

“Pay me 50,000 yuan, and I’ll tell you how to avoid it.”

Yu Ning’s words made the three priests gasp in unison.

“Master Aunt, that’s too cheap! You shouldn’t!”

“The Lin family was chosen by my master, they get a friendship price,” Yu Ning explained seriously.

Lin Jun was livid, a friendship price of 50,000?

He earned only 2,000 yuan for a five-episode cameo, yet con artists made more than him, a top actor?

“Stop acting together, I’m a top actor! When it comes to acting, I’m your ancestor!”

Yu Ning shook her head, stating plainly:

“You won’t reach the top. Your fortune in the wealth palace is blocked; relying on acting will lead to starvation. Better focus on sponging off your family, your brothers are extremely successful, and there’s more than one.”

Yu Ning’s fortune-telling captivated more than her teaching.

The three priests listened reverently, her guidance more valuable than a decade of practice. One seized the chance to ask.

“Master Aunt, how far can he go in acting?”

Lin Jun perked up, curious.

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