The False Daughter Descends the Mountain to Marry in Another’s Stead, While the True Master Seeks Nightly Divinations
Chapter 3: Bye Bye Bye Bye

“Super first-tier.” Yu Ning spoke slowly.

Lin Jun smiled brightly; the future sister-in-law seemed quite nice.

Unexpectedly, Yu Ning shook her head and added, “Even if he overdrew all his merit for the next life, it wouldn’t be possible.”

Fraud! Charlatan! What nonsense! Fifth Young Master Lin’s smile froze, his eyes ablaze.

“First-tier is also doubtful. However, I see that there’s a line in his brother’s reversed palace that can help him.”

The three Daoist priests almost got cross-eyed from looking but couldn’t see the line she mentioned.

This was the difference between talent and effort. In the face of talent, all effort was futile.

Although this lady master had a serious bias, her fortune-telling skills were unmatched within the sect—a true talent.

“A straight line represents brothers; a reversed line represents his brother’s wife. He has a sister-in-law who can help him. If he maintains a good relationship with her, he might barely squeeze into the bottom of the second tier.”

Barely squeeze into the second tier by sucking up to his sister-in-law! And at the bottom of the second tier!

Yu Ning’s words were like a sharp blade, piercing Lin Jun’s career-driven heart.

Lin Jun was furious.

“You’re talking nonsense! You’re making this up! I don’t believe this crap! Even if I die, I won’t stoop so low as to suck up to my sister-in-law!”

“Your career has been stalled for a while; it’s not urgent. However, you should pay attention to the bloodshed in three days. Transfer the money now, and I’ll help ward off the evil.”

“I! Don’t! Believe!”

“Well, you can find me anytime within these three days.”

“I’ll be a dog if I come to you!” Lin Jun roared.

The three Daoist priests looked at him with sympathy.

The lady master didn’t say anything, and they couldn’t either. They helped Yu Ning carry her luggage.

“Why do you have so much junk?”

Lin Jun saw Yu Ning’s three large suitcases and sneered. Women, always buying clothes and jewelry.

Yu Ning didn’t explain, silently boarding the helicopter.

As the helicopter took off, the faint sound of firecrackers could be heard below.

“I heard you’re a teacher at a Daoist school. What do you teach?” Lin Jun, feeling bored, started a conversation.


“What?” Lin Jun scratched his ears, thinking he heard wrong.

“It includes but is not limited to ‘Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis,’ ‘Outline of Modern History,’ ‘Mao Zedong Thought,’ ‘Marxist Philosophy,’ and we also intersperse current affairs, learning the latest meeting spirits.”

Lin Jun’s eyes became small beans.

“You’re not kidding? Why would a fraud school like yours teach this stuff?”

“Patriotism is the foundation of Daoism. Our school is a formal Daoist school, so this course is naturally indispensable.”

Lin Jun was speechless. She was so serious that he felt his insults were powerless.

Her serious attitude made him feel like he was looking at a female version of his older brother.

His older brother also did things with the same seriousness.

“Fifth Young Master,” the co-pilot came over, “It looks like something happened down below.”

Lin Jun signaled the pilot to slow down, took the high-power binoculars from the co-pilot, and looked down.

They hadn’t flown out of the Ning Mountain area yet, and below, ambulances and police cars were flashing.

“There are rescue workers, so we don’t need to go down and cause more trouble. Hey, that woman on the stretcher looks familiar.”

He handed the binoculars to Yu Ning.

“Take a look. Is the injured woman your mother?”

Yu Ning took the binoculars, looked, and nodded.

“It’s her.”

There were two stretchers—one with Wu Yan lying on it, and the other with Yu Zihan.

“Do you want to go down and check?” Lin Jun asked.

Yu Ning looked carefully through the binoculars and shook her head.

“These two won’t be in mortal danger. I can’t go down.”

She and Yu Zihan had their destinies intertwined. She had shielded Yu Zihan from eight calamities, and Yu Zihan still had a life-or-death calamity.

This accident hadn’t reached the level of a life-or-death calamity, but if Yu Ning went down, it might change unpredictably.

Perhaps Yu Zihan’s minor disaster would become a major one, or Yu Ning might get involved and face the disaster together.

So she had to stay away.

Yu Zihan lay on the stretcher with a broken leg, while Wu Yan was injured even more seriously.

Both lay on stretchers, refusing to let the ambulance leave.

“What are you waiting for?” The paramedics had never seen such severely injured people not in a hurry to get treated.

“The Lin family, Lin family’s car,” Wu Yan, who had lost a front tooth, spoke with a lisp, yet still held onto her original intentions.

She had ordered traps to be dug on the mountain road overnight, intending to trap the Lin family and accuse the little bastard of being a jinx.

To ensure the effect, she had come early with her daughter, hoping to “coincidentally pass by” and “rescue” the Lin family, thus gaining their favor.

Wu Yan even had a map made to avoid the traps.

However, the people who dug the traps had drawn the map wrong.

Wu Yan, following the map with her daughter, fell right into the traps.

One had a broken arm and lost a front tooth, and the other had a broken leg and a concussion.

Despite this, they refused to give up, wanting to wait for the Lin family to come, to play the victim, and to slander Yu Ning.

It was all Yu Ning’s fault!

This mother and daughter had gone mad, obsessed with finding the Lin family to complain.

Not seeing the Lin family’s car, they heard the sound of helicopter blades above.

Yu Zihan looked up to see a red helicopter with large characters painted on it: “I’m going up Spring Mountain, meet me there.”

“Is that Fifth Young Master Lin’s helicopter? I remember reading about it on the official account!” The emergency nurse pointed to the sky, and everyone looked up.

“Fifth Young Master Lin?!” Yu Zihan and Wu Yan sat up together, their eyes almost falling out.

Waiting for him to go up Spring Mountain, but instead, he flew?

“Yu! Ning! Get! Down! Here!”




The valley echoed with Wu Yan’s furious shout. Her last front tooth wobbled and fell.

Lin Jun didn’t understand metaphysics.

He just thought Yu Ning, eager to join his family, was heartless, cold-blooded, and ignoring her injured mother.

Coupled with her previous curse that he would only reach second tier by sucking up to his sister-in-law, Fifth Young Master Lin grew more displeased with Yu Ning.

He spent the entire journey provoking her, mocking and taunting her until his mouth was dry, yet Yu Ning remained calm, ignoring him.

As the helicopter slowed and descended, Yu Ning removed her headset, looking down.

“Is this Sanqing Mountain?”

Shrouded in clouds and mist, the scenery was beautiful.

Yu Ning felt a strong magnetic field, recognizing it as the sacred Daoist site of Sanqing Mountain.

“After my brother’s car accident left him in a coma, our great-grandmother met a charlatan who insisted that only recuperating on Sanqing Mountain could wake him, so we moved here.”

Lin Jun gritted his teeth, seeing her headset, realizing why she hadn’t responded. Her hair had covered it!

What infuriated him more was the sound he heard from the headset: “Chirp chirp chirp, bye bye bye bye~”

This woman, sly and sneaky, had been listening to “chirp chirp chirp, bye bye bye bye” while he talked all the way?!

“See that villa halfway up the mountain? You’ll live there for the next few months, accompanying my brother. By the way, I’ve got some bad news for you—”

Lin Jun, seemingly thinking of something, chuckled wickedly.

He didn’t believe that after hearing this news, Yu Ning could remain calm!

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