After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO
After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO | Chapter 7

The Lin family’s main residence is situated on a hill.

Since Mrs. Lin enjoyed a tranquil, pastoral lifestyle, Mr. Lin bought an entire mountain and built a traditional Chinese courtyard spanning ten acres at the top for her to cultivate flowers and tend to the garden.

In addition, Mr. Lin hired a professional landscape designer to plan the entire mountain.

As a result, many out-of-town tourists who pass by this beautiful mountain often mistake it for a tourist attraction.

Once people learn the truth, they are amazed to find out that it’s actually the private residence of a wealthy family’s wife.

When this news broke, it made many people envious.

Ji Chengyi was aware of this too.

But hearing about it was far less impactful than seeing it in person.

After passing through the security checkpoint at the base of the mountain, the car wound its way up the winding road.

Inside the car, Ji Chengyi’s light brown eyes reflected the shifting shadows of trees and mountain ridges outside the window.

Even though it was autumn, there were no withered leaves on the mountain road.

This showed how attentive the owner was to maintaining the road.

Of course, the main reason was wealth.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to keep an entire mountain looking so pristine.

Ji Chengyi once again felt that the Lin family’s wealth was beyond his imagination.

As he was contemplating, the car began to slow down.

It then gradually stopped in front of an intricately carved gate.

The gate automatically opened after scanning the license plate.

The car continued forward for another ten minutes before stopping in front of a beautifully antiquated door.

There were already people waiting there.

As soon as the car stopped, they hurried over to open the doors for the two of them.

With the doors opened, Ji Chengyi and Lin Jindu stepped out from either side of the car.

Ji Chengyi reminded the driver, “Please open the trunk.”

“Sure,” the driver responded and opened the trunk.

Ji Chengyi walked over to get the items.

Lin Jindu followed, saying, “Let me handle it.”

As he spoke, he efficiently picked up four heavy-looking boxes.

Ji Chengyi had prepared quite a few items, and with Lin Jindu carrying four, there were still four left.

“Thank you, Mr. Lin,” Ji Chengyi said, preparing to pick up the remaining boxes.

Before he could reach them, a nearby attendant stepped forward and said, “I’ll take care of these. Mr. Ji, please follow Young Master Lin inside. Mrs. Lin is already waiting.”

Ji Chengyi pressed his lips together, “Alright, thank you.”

The attendant gave a slight smile.

Lin Jindu looked at Ji Chengyi, “Let’s go.”

“Okay,” Ji Chengyi responded, following Lin Jindu.

As they crossed the threshold and entered the main door, Ji Chengyi heard a gentle voice coming from afar, growing nearer, “Oh, hurry up! They’re already here!”

“On our way, on our way… Oh, slow down a bit, there’s no rush for these last few steps,” said another mature male voice.

Lin Jindu turned to explain, “My parents are here to greet Mr. Ji.”

Ji Chengyi nodded, ready to respond, when he noticed a woman in a new-style Chinese dress, with her hair styled in a side braid, walking towards him around the courtyard’s rock garden.

The woman was well-preserved; although she was nearly fifty, she appeared to be in her thirties.

She looked youthful and maintained her figure well.

Her cream-colored dress accentuated her elegant and refined demeanor.

The man accompanying her, however, was less impressive.

Despite his tall stature, the bulk of his belly made him look somewhat portly.

“Oh, Mr. Ji, why bring so many things?” Mrs. Lin’s smile softened significantly as she saw Ji Chengyi.

Lin Jindu, thinking his mother was coming to collect the items, started to step aside.

But Mrs. Lin bypassed him and walked directly toward Ji Chengyi, warmly shaking his hand.

Lin Jindu: “……..”

Lin Jindu had already mentioned that Ji Chengyi might encounter such unexpected situations, so he wasn’t taken aback by his mother’s warmth.

He slightly bowed and, with a gentle smile, greeted her, “Hello, Mrs. Lin. It’s my first visit, so it’s inappropriate to come empty-handed.”

Mr. Lin approached and, somewhat defensively, said, “We’re family now, so you should just call her ‘Mom’!”

Ji Chengyi blinked, confused, and looked at Lin Jindu.

Lin Jindu realized his oversight.

Seeing Ji Chengyi’s bewildered look, Lin Jindu quickly explained, “Sorry, I should have mentioned this to you earlier.”

Mrs. Lin scolded them, “What are you talking about? I didn’t pay for you to change how you address me; Mr. Ji should call me as he wishes.”

Mr. Lin: “……..”

Lin Jindu: “…….”

Ji Chengyi quickly said, “No, I didn’t mean it that way.”

Mrs. Lin turned, her disapproving look softening into a gentle smile, “Yes, yes, Mr. Ji didn’t make a mistake.”

She then turned to Mr. Lin, saying, “Come, give me the items.”

Mr. Lin handed the blue velvet box to his wife.

Mrs. Lin took the box and immediately handed it to Ji Chengyi, “Since there was no time to prepare anything special, please have a look and let me know if you like it. If not, I’ll get something else for you.”

Ji Chengyi was about to decline, but Lin Jindu reminded him, “Just accept it, Mr. Ji. My mother wouldn’t prepare anything overly valuable.”

Given Lin Jindu’s words, Ji Chengyi had no choice but to accept, “Thank you, Mrs. Lin.”

Mrs. Lin smiled, “Take a look then?”

Ji Chengyi nodded, “Sure.”

He opened the box and saw it neatly arranged with various men’s accessories.

There were pearl cufflinks, gemstone brooches, casual-style necklaces and bracelets, as well as rings.

Ji Chengyi knew a bit about pearls and understood that high-quality sea pearls could be quite expensive. He also knew that gemstones and jade with a good luster were even more costly.

So, the box, which Lin Jindu described as containing not very valuable items, was definitely worth quite a bit.

However, Ji Chengyi didn’t refuse again but said sincerely, “Thank you, Mrs. Lin. I really like these.”

Mrs. Lin smiled, “You’ve received my ‘dowry’ and still call me Mrs. Lin?”

Ji Chengyi paused, struggling to adjust, “Thank you…”

But he still couldn’t bring himself to address her as “Mom.”

Ji Chengyi hadn’t used this term for a long time, and the only person he could remember using it with was someone who had been gone for quite a while. Now, suddenly addressing someone else with it was difficult for him.

Lin Jindu noticed Ji Chengyi’s discomfort and stepped in, “Alright, Mom, let’s go inside. I’m still carrying things.”

Mrs. Lin, understanding his awkwardness, smiled and said, “Mr. Ji, take your time, no rush.”

She then linked arms with Ji Chengyi, “Let’s go. We can start with dinner.”

Ji Chengyi managed a smile, “Alright.”


Mr. Lin had two brothers, and Mrs. Lin had a sister.

However, since it was Ji Chengyi’s first visit, Mrs. Lin hadn’t invited everyone over.

So, the dining table was only set for the four of them.

The meal was quiet; Mr. Lin and Lin Jindu adhered to basic dining etiquette, eating without speaking.

Only Mrs. Lin occasionally used serving chopsticks to pass dishes to Ji Chengyi and showed attentive concern, “A Jin said you prefer lighter food, so I had the kitchen reduce the oil and salt. Try it and let me know if it suits your taste. If not, just tell me, and I’ll ask the kitchen to make improvements.”

Ji Chengyi felt a bit uncomfortable with Mrs. Lin’s warmth.

Her affection and care made him feel as though Mrs. Lin genuinely considered him as part of the family.

But he and Lin Jindu were merely in a business marriage.

However, seeing the smile on Mrs. Lin’s face, Ji Chengyi couldn’t bring himself to disappoint her.

He could only respond sincerely, “Mrs. Lin, you’ve put in a lot of thought. The flavor is just right, and I really like it.”

“I’m glad you like it.” Mrs. Lin’s smile grew even brighter. “By the way, can you handle spicy food?”

Ji Chengyi shook his head, “I can’t eat very spicy food, just a little bit of spice is fine.”

Mrs. Lin nodded, “Alright, next time you visit, I’ll ask the kitchen to prepare some mildly spicy local dishes for you.”

Ji Chengyi nodded, “Okay.”


After the meal.

Mrs. Lin invited Ji Chengyi to the tea room for tea.

Mr. Lin was making tea while Mrs. Lin, like a caring mother, continued to show concern: “Mr. Ji, have you been working too hard lately?”

Ji Chengyi answered, “No, it’s been alright, not too tiring.”

Mrs. Lin nodded and then asked, “Has Jin been mistreating you?”

Ji Chengyi smiled and shook his head, “No, Mr. Lin has been very helpful.”

Mrs. Lin smiled in relief, “That’s good.”

Then she abruptly changed the subject and asked, “So, Mr. Ji, do you have a preferred wedding date?”

Ji Chengyi was puzzled, “What?”

Mrs. Lin reminded him, “Silly child, for the wedding! You two are already married, so the wedding ceremony should be on the agenda, right?”

Ji Chengyi: “……..”

Ji Chengyi hadn’t considered this before and turned to look at Lin Jindu.

Lin Jindu took the teacup from Mr. Lin and placed it in front of Ji Chengyi, but his gaze remained on Mrs. Lin. “There’s no rush for the wedding.”

Mrs. Lin looked at him with a reproachful expression. “Why not rush? How can you get married without a wedding ceremony?”

Lin Jindu opened his mouth to respond, but before he could speak, Mr. Lin handed a cup of tea to his wife. “Oh, dear, don’t worry about it. Jin has his own plans… Here, have some tea.”


Around nine o’clock, Lin Jindu and Ji Chengyi stood up to leave.

Before they departed, Mrs. Lin held Ji Chengyi’s hand and said, “Mr. Ji, come back home often when you have time. I’ll make sure the kitchen prepares delicious food for you.”

Ji Chengyi naturally nodded, “Okay, Mrs. Lin. Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin should get some rest.”

As they watched the black car slowly disappear into the night among the mountains, Mr. Lin looked on with approval. “Not bad. This Mr. Ji’s demeanor and manners are much better than his father’s.”

Mrs. Lin’s expression shifted from her previous warmth to displeasure as she lightly hit Mr. Lin. “What are you saying! Mr. Ji is Mr. Ji, why compare him to his father?”

Mr. Lin quickly placated his wife. “Yes, yes, I misspoke. Let’s go inside, dear. It’s chilly out here.”

As they went inside, Mrs. Lin kept glancing back. “Lin Jindu, this child really gives me a headache. I urged him to find someone he truly wants to marry, and instead, he tries to fool me with a business marriage.”

Mr. Lin agreed, “Yes, indeed. This kid is quite something. Don’t be angry, dear. I’ll have a serious talk with him tomorrow.”

Mrs. Lin gave him a stern look. “Don’t play games. Isn’t this exactly what you wanted?”

Mr. Lin did think this way, but he still played the innocent. “You misunderstand me, dear. I would never think that way. Of course, I hope that kid can find someone he loves and live happily ever after, just like us.”

Mrs. Lin ignored his insincere words and continued, “Mr. Ji is a good person. Jin needs to treat him well.”

At the foot of the mountain, as the black car slowly made its way along the winding path, Ji Chengyi suddenly spoke up.

“Thank you for earlier, Mr. Lin.”

He was referring to the fact that Lin Jindu hadn’t made him struggle with how to address him.

Lin Jindu turned to look at him and said, “Mr. Ji, there’s no need to thank me for that. Our contract doesn’t specify any need for formal address, so feel free to use whatever you’re comfortable with.”

Ji Chengyi nodded. “Okay.”

He then asked, “Should I return the gift I received to you or to Mrs. Lin?”

Lin Jindu’s tone was gentle. “Mr. Ji, you should know that the benefits you bring to me far exceed the value of a single gift.”

In other words, he didn’t need to return it.

But Ji Chengyi persisted, “It should be returned. The reason I’ve brought so much benefit is because Mr. Lin has paid well.”

So, they were even in this regard.

Lin Jindu understood and respected his principle. “Then you should return it to my mother. She’s quite fond of you.”

After all, Lin Jindu had everything he needed and didn’t require a gift of equivalent value from Ji Chengyi.

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