After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO
After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO | Chapter 8

Two days after visiting Lin Jindu’s parents, the city of Jincheng was once again enveloped in a light, persistent rain.

In the misty rain, a deep blue sedan turned into the security checkpoint at the entrance of the Shengda Building. After the security guard scanned the license plate, the car proceeded straight to the building’s entrance.

As soon as the car stopped, two staff members stationed at the building’s entrance immediately approached to open the car doors.

“Mr. Song.”

“Hmm.” The voice responded.

A woman stepped out of the car.

Her delicate features were enhanced by a light makeup, and she wore a floral dress paired with a beige blazer, giving her a vintage and elegant appearance.

After acknowledging the staff, she walked around the car and entered the building, making her way smoothly to the floor where the president’s office was located.

She went directly to the president’s office and knocked on the door.

Inside, Lin Jindu heard the knock but continued working without looking up. “Come in.”

The door opened, and the visitor entered.

Upon recognizing the footsteps, Lin Jindu looked up in surprise. “Auntie? What brings you here?”

The visitor was Lin Jindu’s aunt, Song Luoyun.

Though Song Luoyun was senior by generation, she was only ten years older than Lin Jindu. Moreover, due to her good maintenance, she appeared to be around thirty.

“I heard Mr. Lin is married, so I came to offer my congratulations,” Song Luoyun said as she pulled out a chair and sat down in front of Lin Jindu’s desk. Her expression, however, was far from pleasant.

Lin Jindu explained, “It’s just a business marriage, not a formal wedding, so I didn’t inform you.”

Song Luoyun nodded. “Well, I’m just a minor aunt, not important enough to be notified.”

Lin Jindu quickly attempted to smooth things over. “Since you’ve come all this way, it must not just be to hold me accountable, right? Tell me, what can I do to make things right?”

Song Luoyun maintained a pretended air of sadness. “I wouldn’t dare trouble Mr. Lin. I’m just a trivial aunt.”

Lin Jindu smiled and began tidying up his things. “Alright then, Auntie, please make yourself comfortable while I go to a meeting.”

Song Luoyun sighed as she leaned back in her chair, looking pitiful. “Go ahead. I’ll just sit here alone as a lonely old woman.”

Lin Jindu was left speechless.

Lin Jindu, realizing Song Luoyun’s serious intent, decided to address her request: “Auntie, you’re working on a new show, right? How about this—I could invest in your program.”

Song Luoyun was a renowned variety show producer. In recent years, every show she had been involved with had been a hit, and some of its rights had even been sold abroad and adapted in various forms. However, none of the shows produced outside matched the impact of those overseen by Song Luoyun herself.

As a producer, her capability was well-known. Shows bearing her name were always guaranteed to have sufficient investment. However, today Song Luoyun’s intention was not merely to secure investment, so her expression remained reluctant. “Just investment alone… might not heal my wounded heart.”

Seeing this, Lin Jindu realized Song Luoyun had come with a specific purpose. He decided to be straightforward. “Auntie, just tell me what you want. I’ll do what I can.”

Song Luoyun dropped the pretense and looked at Lin Jindu with bright eyes. “I want you to bring your marriage partner to participate in my new variety show!”

Lin Jindu: ?

Lin Jindu was momentarily stunned and couldn’t help but chuckle. “Auntie, are you okay? Setting aside myself, do you really think Mr. Ji is the type to participate in a variety show?”

Song Luoyun was well aware that both of them were unlikely to join a variety show, given their statuses. But precisely because of their statuses, it would make for more engaging content. Most importantly, she had confidently promised her sister that having these two on her show would guarantee a return to a loving and affectionate relationship.

“So, you need to think of a way, my dear nephew. Whether my show will be a hit depends on you.”

The pressure was on Lin Jindu, yet he responded nonchalantly, “What, is Auntie’s name no longer valuable?”

Song Luoyun didn’t mind Lin Jindu’s teasing. With a cheerful tone, she said, “Of course, my name can’t compare to the prestige of the presidents of Shengda and Keao.”

Her words underscored her determination to have the two appear on her show.

Lin Jindu could see that his aunt was serious and, not wanting to outright refuse her, said, “Other matters can be discussed, but I don’t have the time, and I think Mr. Ji doesn’t either.”

Song Luoyun looked surprised. “Really? You guys have so many high-level executives and vice presidents just to keep them idly around? I see that other bosses only get busy during major decisions or shareholder meetings! Aren’t you the same?”

Lin Jindu: “……..”

Lin Jindu, feeling helpless, said, “Alright, I’ll ask Mr. Ji’s opinion tonight.”

Seeing that Song Luoyun was about to say something else, Lin Jindu quickly added, “I won’t persuade him, just ask. Auntie, please don’t make this difficult for me.”

Song Luoyun: “…….”

That evening.

After spending the day at the factory, Ji Chengyi didn’t go back to the company at the end of the workday but went straight home instead.

Upon arriving home, he saw Lin Jindu had already changed into casual clothes and was lounging on the sofa watching financial news.

“Mr. Lin,” Ji Chengyi said, changing into his indoor slippers, “You’re back so early today.”

Hearing the voice, Lin Jindu turned his head to look over. “Yes, it’s not busy today.”

He continued, “Mr. Ji, are you hungry? Dinner is already prepared.”

Ji Chengyi’s steps faltered for a moment.

Although Lin Jindu was a very courteous person, they hadn’t reached the point where they needed to wait for each other to have dinner together.

If they were having dinner together, it usually meant there was something to discuss.

Ji Chengyi understood and nodded. “A bit. Mr. Lin, have you eaten? If not, let’s eat together.”

Lin Jindu smiled gently. “No rush. Mr. Ji can go freshen up first.”

“Alright, then Mr. Lin, please wait a moment.” Ji Chengyi wasn’t polite, having spent the day at the factory. He was not only a bit dirty but also smelled strongly of machinery.

After saying this, Ji Chengyi went upstairs to freshen up.

He soon came back downstairs, having changed out of his black suit into comfortable home wear. The change made him appear instantly more relaxed.

Lin Jindu was already seated at the dining table. When Ji Chengyi came down, he stood up to pull out a chair for him. “Mr. Ji, please have a seat.”

Ji Chengyi took his seat. “Thank you, Mr. Lin.”

Once seated, Ji Chengyi didn’t look at the dishes on the table but kept his eyes on Lin Jindu, as if waiting for him to speak.

The warm-colored light on the dining table cast soft highlights on Ji Chengyi’s slightly brown eyes, giving him an indescribable tenderness when he looked directly at someone.

Lin Jindu met his gaze for a couple of seconds but eventually couldn’t hold it and looked down, laughing softly. “Mr. Ji really can’t hide anything.”

Seeing Lin Jindu’s discomfort, Ji Chengyi shifted his gaze, took a sip of the warm water beside him, and then put the cup down. “Mr. Lin, if you have something to say, just say it.”

Lin Jindu noticed a slight sparkle at the corner of Ji Chengyi’s mouth, and a strange flicker of emotion passed through his eyes, but he quickly returned to his usual demeanor. “It’s like this. My aunt is currently working on a post-marriage variety show and wants to invite both me and Mr. Ji to participate. She asked me to check with you.”

“Post-marriage variety show?” Ji Chengyi didn’t quite understand. “What kind of show is that?”

Lin Jindu briefly explained, “It’s a travel-themed variety show. By setting tasks, it aims to create different chemical effects between each couple to attract viewers… That’s roughly it. I don’t know the details very well.”

“Oh,” Ji Chengyi nodded slowly and then asked, “Is Mr. Lin planning to participate?”

Lin Jindu replied, “I don’t have the time to go, but my aunt is very determined. If she insists that I go, my refusal won’t make any difference and will only make things worse. So my opinion doesn’t really matter. If Mr. Ji wants to go, then go; if not, then don’t.”

Although Lin Jindu was a shrewd businessman who always considered profit and loss, he couldn’t be so calculating when it came to family matters. Moreover, he could guess that his aunt’s motive for inviting both him and Ji Chengyi was likely what Mrs. Song hoped for.

Unlike Mr. Lin, who preferred strong partnerships, Mrs. Song would rather see him and his partner in a loving relationship. Even if he couldn’t develop any useless emotions for Ji Chengyi, if participating would ease Mrs. Song’s mind, he would go.

“Is that so?” Ji Chengyi murmured this and then fell silent.

Seeing that Ji Chengyi didn’t refuse outright, Lin Jindu understood that he was contemplating the benefits and drawbacks of participating.

Lin Jindu didn’t disturb him and began slicing his steak while Ji Chengyi considered the matter.

Compared to Lin Jindu’s role as an investor, Ji Chengyi, who focused on developing electrical products, was a practical businessman. As such, he was well-versed in marketing and promotions.

Ji Chengyi knew well that Song Luoyun’s program held value for him. He had previously spent a large sum to secure the naming rights for one of Song Luoyun’s shows. But this time, it was Song Luoyun who had reached out to him.

“What if I say that my participation in the show would require a half-price naming right?” Ji Chengyi’s tone was probing, but his eyes were serious.

Lin Jindu was silent for two seconds before smiling. “Mr. Ji certainly knows how to negotiate. One sentence could cost my aunt fifty million.”

Ji Chengyi also smiled. “Mr. Lin, don’t take it the wrong way. I’m a businessman, and I have to consider my own interests.”

“That’s fair enough. Alright, I’ll pass this on to my aunt later,” Lin Jindu gestured as if to invite Ji Chengyi to continue, “Mr. Ji, please enjoy your meal.”

After dinner.

Lin Jindu went to his study, and Ji Chengyi went to the bedroom to lie down and unwind.

Not long after lying down, Ji Chengyi heard his phone, which he had left on the coffee table, emit two buzzing sounds.

Without opening his eyes, Ji Chengyi reached out and retrieved the phone.

He brought it to his face, unlocked it, and then opened WeChat.

As soon as he entered the app, two messages from Yu Heyan popped up on his screen.

[Yi Ge, I’m sorry. Can you answer my call?]

[I’m feeling a bit feverish today. I’m so uncomfortable…]

Ji Chengyi didn’t reply.

After some consideration, he decided to delete Yu Heyan’s WeChat contact.

After deleting, Ji Chengyi put his phone down and continued to rest his eyes.

Just as he was about to drift off, he heard the familiar sound of two knocks at the door.

Reluctant to move, Ji Chengyi dragged himself up and walked to the door.

He opened it to find Lin Jindu standing outside, looking tall and poised.

“My aunt agreed to Mr. Ji’s request,” Lin Jindu said, holding his phone at a distance that made it easy for Ji Chengyi to see the screen without the light glaring into his eyes.

The screen displayed a chat history between Lin Jindu and Song Luoyun, including a voice message converted into text.

Ji Chengyi clearly saw Song Luoyun’s comment about his high demands.

But right after that, Song Luoyun had added: [Forget it. Consider this fifty million as a welcome gift for my nephew’s wife.]

Ji Chengyi calmly accepted the term “nephew’s wife,” shifted his gaze back to Lin Jindu, and said, “Alright. I’ll have my assistant contact Ms. Song later.”

“Has Mr. Ji made up his mind?” Lin Jindu retrieved his phone. “It’s not as simple as Mr. Ji might think to appear on the show.”

Ji Chengyi understood what he meant and replied softly, “That’s fine. I don’t care much about external opinions. I just do what I want.”

Lin Jindu studied him for a couple of seconds before saying, “The show starts recording next Friday. To fit Mr. Ji’s and my schedule, the recording will be divided into four stages, each lasting three days, followed by a week of rest. Does that work for Mr. Ji?”

It was rare for a production team to adjust their schedule based on the guests’ availability. The reason Song Luoyun adopted this recording pattern was likely not just for Ji Chengyi but also because of Lin Jindu’s influence.

After all, Lin Jindu’s earning meant Song Luoyun’s earning as well.

Ji Chengyi was merely benefiting from Lin Jindu’s spotlight.

Getting the naming rights for a hot show at a lower price and not having to miss work was satisfactory for Ji Chengyi.

“That works, Mr. Lin,” Ji Chengyi said with a faint smile.

His smile was subtle but managed to dispel the occasional aloofness in his eyes, making them look bright and attractive.

Although the smile quickly faded, Lin Jindu felt that the scene before him seemed to brighten a few degrees.

Lin Jindu observed him quietly for a moment before saying softly, “Then I won’t disturb Mr. Ji’s rest. Good night.”

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